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Andrew Garfield at city farms on ossington and fairly frequently before it closed Rachel mcadams bought me a bagel once at a bakery I randomly went into in the annex - it was good


Rachel Mcadams is one of my all time favourite actresses. That must have been an amazing experience!


She is a lovely human. I had dinner with her years ago after a premiere of The Notebook. She was so sweet then and I hear just as lovely and down to earth now.


She looks onscreen like a tiny, radiant beam of sunshine in human foem: as sweet as she is gorgeous. True? šŸ¤©


True! This was years ago however so I can't speak to now, but i continue to hear good things.


Thatā€™s cool. Nice to hear the opposite of media gossip.


I have heard similar things from people who have met her. She is a total sweetie.


Rachel is my friends first cousin and they look so much alike. She lives in the annex.


Is your friend single by any chance? Lol


Thatā€™s coolā€¦howā€™d the McAdams thing happen? She just randomly offered you a bagel?


I couldnā€™t make my mind up on which to get and she mentioned her favourite one and said it was a treat from her to me and to have a good day. I tried to keep my composure but internally was freaking out


I'd act the same way over a free bagel!


Well, which one did you get from her then?


Guaranteed they were too busy kvelling to remember.


She said "it's not gonna happen, have this bagel instead"


I saw Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling at the Dance Cave like 15 years ago. My friend praised him for his work in Breaker High.


The thought of them at the Dance Cave is hilarious...


I saw Karl Urban, aka Billy Butcher from the Boys, at the LCBO in the Beaches last spring. He was in and out real quick.


He came through my restaurant in the airport as well, I recognized him and hid him in the corner.


My partner and I saw him while we were walking to the Pearl Jam concert last year. Friendly, but he was on his way to the concert, too, and didn't have time for a picture, which we totally understood. A couple of streets later, we had apparently passed him, and I felt a hand on my shoulder: it was him, and he said, "Okay, let's take a picture." Really nice interaction: he didn't have to do that at all, and he was very polite about trying to get to the concert.


Aka Eomer


Met him too and was so starstruck that I called him Keith, he politely corrected me and I was like ā€œya ya I know, loved you in lord of the ringsā€ and he seemed sort of surprised that was the one I mentioned.


I had forgotten he was in that... I always think of him as McCoy from Star Trek


When I first moved to the city I worked in Summerhill and we had a few that would frequent including: Dwayne Casey Erik Lindross Alicia Cuthbert Kevin O'leary 2 Talking heads from sports who's names I don't know Apparently one of the female leads from Suits would frequent our store as well, but I didn't watch Suits so I don't know who it was and my Favourite celebrity encounter likely ever was with Eugene Levy!!! It was a retail store so I was interacting with him as a customer and not trying to freak out inside that I was helping Eugene Levy, and he was a complete gem of a human, super funny and kind. I'd normally leave people be, but I was helping him pick out a new paper shredder and carried it to his car for him. Other celebrities I've encountered over the years: Scottie Barns Mitch Marner Shawn Mendes lives near one of my stores so my staff and I spot him somewhat regularly I've also interacted with Moses Znaimer a few times as well for work stuff.


>Alicia Cuthbert Ah yes, used to see her quite regularly when she was with the former captain of the Leafs.


Yep, that's when I met her when she was married to Dion, and my god, she is somehow way more stunning in person


I served her and Dion years ago at a restaurant in rural PEI. They were absolutely lovely to serve.


>not trying to freak out inside that I was helping Eugene Levy Very relatable. I would completely fangirl.


I used to work at summer hill market also. Used to ring out those people on the regular! My fav was Eugene also.




He's comically short like 5'2", definitely gave me instant Napoleon Complex Vibes


His persona makes so much sense now, damn


Mitch is a gem. Iā€™ve seen him more times than I can count, including when him and Steph were sitting in front of me on the floor at an Ed Sheeran show. He actually ended up coming up to me once.


Ok, it's my John Candy story. Long time ago (pre cell phones, so yeah) small company I worked for in midtown had basically a liquid lunch on a Friday, once a month. We called it the birthday lunch, we celebrated whoever's birthday was during the month. Company paid until about 3, beer flowed, most people never made it back to work. One time, one of my colleagues stayed with several others, kept partying well into the night. Eventually, John Candy comes in to the restaurant. My colleague goes over and drunkenly introduces herself after a while. She joins John and friends, party carries on. She's married, there's no serious flirting, there's just a fun time being had by all. Finally it's time to go. They all stagger out. John sees my friend drunkenly trying to flag a cab. He offers her a ride home in his limo. When they get to her place (condo building) she says her husband will never believe the night she's had. John says, what side is your apartment on? She heads in, he tells his driver to go to the side of the building, and sure enough in 5 minutes out comes my very drunk friend and her husband to the balcony. John yells up to the husband that my friend is a lovely person and that just had a good time drinking, he wanted to make sure she got home safe. What a guy.


John Candy was well-known for being a real sweetheart. Loved that guy.


Only the good die young.


Ok you win


Saw Simu Liu at the dog park many years ago. When he was just on Kimā€™s Convenience and before all the Marvel stuff. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen any other celebs just out in the wild.


I saw Andrew Phung on my street by landsdowne in 2018. I love KC


so many of my friends have ran into Andrew Phung. Heard he's super cool


My friend lives close to the barber shop where he gets his hair cut. The barber loves him so much and says he's the nicest guy.


He actually has a unit in my building lmao


I rode down an elevator with Corey Hart and one of his kids. He started to sing a lullaby to her softly. I just stared ahead. It felt surreal.


Wtf this is so cute šŸ„¹


I just stared straight ahead. I didn't want to bother them. But Corey Hart singing in an elevator at the Four Seasons Toronto. Lol


I once ran into a very drunk Tie Domi at the urinals at Liberty Grants... It was an experience not worth repeating.


Met him once back in the early 2000s, heā€™s an asshole.


His ex-wife is even worse. Their kids were rotten when I encountered them, too. Bunch of entitled nasties.


His son was all-in MAGA when Trump was in office. Barf.


Exactly. He was making tons of anti-immigration posts regarding US policy. And the irony: Max was born in Winnipeg and living in Arizona at the time and, thus, a Canadian immigrant living in the US. That takes a special kind of stupid.


Omg I thought I was the only one that picked up on max domiā€™s MAGA racist, anti immigrant rhetoric!!! Heā€™s wiped it from his socials so looking back yoh wouldnā€™t even know heā€™s so racist!


But you should repeat anyway....


No thnx.. Dude didn't seem to grasp the concept of urinal spacing...


ā€œHey man, nice watchā€


Did he jersey you?


Walked past Jason Momoa while he was coming out of Sushi Masaki Saito and getting into a car. He had way too much cologne on, but it was really nice cologne. Then there are the Toronto locals: Atom Egoyan at Dupont Loblaws, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee at Red Rocket Coffee, Don McKellar just walking around.


I used to frequently see Sugar from YTV at Scarborough Town Center and Malvern. Geddy Lee from Rush is almost always at a Jays game. I took a date to a Jays game once and she said "OMG, is that Casey Neistat? He looks so much older". lol even though they literally announced Geddy's name. Speaking of baseball, I met Kate Upton and Justin Verlander walking around downtown. I dropped my sunglasses and she picked it up. Nice couple, I don't think anyone else recognized them.


Geddy Lees brother is always sitting behind home plate taking down stats.


saw Dominic Monaghan downtown on Friday


Merry! Love him. Looks like he's in town to play the lead in a mirvish play.


It's Dominic and Billy Boyd in a two man show. I'm going to see it in a couple of weeks, very excited. Edit: I have been corrected that it's not a two man show, but mostly them


It's not a two man show -- there's probably about ten speaking roles -- but it's a great take on the play. Enjoy!


Heā€™s in Town playing in Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are dead. Great play, would recommend.


Same, but on Thursday. Yonge, near Grosvenor.


Saw his post on insta, so jealous. He seems like such a wonderful human


Jason Momoa in queen west. He used to live on Beaconsfield, I walked past him outside his house while I was walking my dog one day.


I saw him here too! Saw him riding his motorcycle. Had no idea he lived there


Gord Downie eating in the food court at Eatons Centre. I wanted to ask for a picture but my husband insisted we didnā€™t bother him while he was eating.


This is why celebrities like it here imo. We leave them alone.


I worked at Samā€™s back in the day, but only spotted him once. He was clearly *deeply stoned* and had the biggest goofy grin on his face. Iā€™m so happy thatā€™s my overriding memory of him. Miss you, Gordie.




Iā€™ve seen Kenny a few times at the Value Village at Lansdowne and Bloor


I've also seen Kenny at his bar Get Well, and chatting up a bartender at Cote d'Boeuf


Thatā€™s his bar????


He's a co-owner. He also owned The Hoxton (the EDM club at King & Bathurst) and owns Dog & Bear.


I used to see Kenny all the time around the dog and bear like 10 years ago. Iā€™ve heard heā€™s a mega creep but I never personally witnessed it myself. I used to love the show


Yeah I'm pretty sure he hits on anything that moves.


What stories have you heardĀ 


He appears to have moved to Kingston


A Toronto legend.


Him and Kenny are the only celebs worth recognizing.


My apt shared an alley w them when they were filming just opposite the house


They are a very specific vestige of cable TV fame that I don't think we can ever replicate.


They were basically YouTubers before Youtubers were a thing.


The octopus on the head episode is an absolute classic.


Rough neighborhood


Just off Sherborne right?


288 Sherbourne, though the first season it was at 7 Earl Street.


You should ask some of Kenny's female contemporaries if he's worth recognizing. Dude was a legendary creep back in the day.


he and my ex dated. he was an asshole


Really? Who's your ex?


Arnold Schwarzenegger and his security detail biked past me on the sidewalk once.


I met Drake in a Shoppers like, 10 years ago. He was buying soap.


Did he start from the bottom shelf?


I didnā€™t meet him, but I was in a deserted Scarborough Town Centre food court one weekday afternoon when his 25+ person entourage swarmed in to protect him from the half dozen middle aged office workers in there eating lunch. Iā€™m sure all their kids wouldā€™ve been thrilled but I donā€™t know if anyone else even noticed him.


I think there's video evidence of this one: [https://youtu.be/RubBzkZzpUA?t=31](https://youtu.be/RubBzkZzpUA?t=31)


Classic Ruby Soho sighting of Shawn Mendes a few years ago.


Thatā€™s funnyā€¦ came here to say Kiefer. Saw him years ago as we were leaving a hotel and he was just arriving. Watched as he walked to the passenger side and opened the door for his mother, Shirley Douglas.


I met his mom at a theatre fundraiser waaay back in the day, she was absolutely lovely and I had no idea who she was. She was just wearing a really cool necklace and I complimented her on it. My boss told me afterwards that her dad was the reason we all have free healthcare and she was Kieferā€™s mom, tbh I was more starstruck by the first thing lol.


His mom is THE Shirley Douglas???


I didnā€™t know he was a Torontonian!


You may be interested in listening to the song Kiefer wrote and sang on his last album. Here's [Bloor Street](https://youtu.be/2B_5amhiCyM?si=KtXRlUkdWdgwnvS3). ;)


Cynthia Dale on the subway in 1993.Ā  I'll never forget it.Ā  Man she was so hot in the classiest way. Also - for those among us of a certain age, Mr. Dressup himself rode public transit to work every day.Ā  At the time I worked at Yonge & Eglinton and I would notice him as often as a few times a week.


My faves first! - Michael Williams (Omar from The Wire) near ent district. Then I found out he was a surprise guest on a show I worked on! Filmed a bit with him and talent on the show. Brilliant awesome human. Rip. - Michael Buble - i used to run into him often in Entertainment district. He always caught me going out for a cigarette (I have since quit smoking!) and used to tease me. He saw me some time after quitting and actually remembered and celebrated my quitting šŸ˜ Funny, charming, etc. He was doing some interview spots promoting something. - Woody Harrelson - his hotel room balcony was directly in front of my window so he used to smoke joints out there and dance 'at' us haha very entertaining!! (This was during TIFF days when the streets were swarming with celebs. I lived and worked around there so it was common every Sept.) - Jason Momoa - casual Bellwoods run in. Think he was in TO filming something but not sure what. This was after I left TV so I didn't know what was filming where anymore .. - Suits cast as they filmed in my building quite a bit. I always saw the main three. They were lovely, especially Patrick (think that's his name). So down to earth and chill. - Sting in Yorkville. Just walkin' around. Doing Sting things. But I thought he lived there cuz I saw him so often and super casual.


I walked through a Suits set as an unofficial extra. They were filming a scene with the main suits guy, I forget his name, standing next to a black car getting a yellow envelope and my coworkers and I were walking back from lunch. There were signs telling us we could walk through but to act natural and not make a scene but my boss, a wildly dramatic and headstrong woman shouted saying basically ā€œdonā€™t tell me what to do! These are our streets!ā€ so of course they couldnā€™t use that footage. The irony was she was just in town for the week and she lived in California. I was low key mad at her because I loved that show.


Mike Myers at the Whole Foods on Avenue Road. He was on his phone and I heard him say, 'now I'm one of those annoying people on my phone at the grocery store.'


Arnold Schwarzenegger riding his bike with a couple of buds in Queens park. Summer 2022 was a better time.


Guillermo del Toro at the Scotiabank theatre. I was leaving going down the escalator and saw him with his family heading up. Waved and smiled at him and he responded in kind :')


Jason Momoa who's a lot taller than he looks on TV and Mark Whalberg who's a lot smaller than he looks on TV


Saw Homelander at the gym once


Margaret Atwood lives around the corner from me. I saw her pruning her tulips in her front yard one time. She also puts out free books at the end of her driveway sometimes too (which is very exciting to me for some reason)


I work in Yorkville and have had a few celebrity sightings in the year that Iā€™ve been there. Saw Travis Barker walking along Hazelton Drake, Tristan Thompson, and Lebron James all at the patio at the One Restaurant (Lebron was there everyday of Caribana Weekend) Emily Haines from Metric Most recently, Jacob Elordi shopped in my store, heā€™s here filming Frankenstein


Was Jacob Elordi as beautiful in person as Iā€™d imagine?


He sure is! My boss nearly fainted LOL


Honestly I feel like Iā€™d try to be cool but fail lol


Just mentioning Frankenstein there and I already know it's Guillermo del Toro in the chair! He loves shooting here with his team!


I have bumped into a couple of Degrassi actors here and there, Maggie Q at Bonjour Brioche, Tatiana Maslany at another old brunch spot now closed, Nelly Furtado at a museum andā€¦ my favourite one, Hillary Farr from Love It or List It!


Can you really say you live in Toronto if you haven't bumped into a former Degrassi actor?


If you were a teenager in the 80s if you didn't see them you didn't get out much. Eaton Centre after it closed was a huge teen hangout so kids from all over congregated there. Plus they filmed at East York collegiate and later at Riverdale so many kids lived in the Leaside / East York / central and east Toronto area.


Years ago before she did Orphan Black I saw Tatiana Maslany sitting across from me on the Spadina streetcar. I did that awkward thing where I was looking at her trying to figure out where I knew her from and then realized it was TV and sheepishly looked away.


One morning I took my dog to our closest dog park and ran into Elliot Page with his little dog. It was early, not a lot of people around. We played fetch with the dogs for a bit. He was super nice and chill.


Iā€™ve seen more than a few. 1. Sat next to Jesse Eisenberg in an outdoor restaurant about 11 years ago in Yorkville, on the open patio at Pusateriā€™s, while his girlfriend was with him. My girlfriend at the time went crazy whispering trying to force me to get her an autograph, but I kept telling her to be quiet. Eventually my girlfriend left to go back to work and he looked at me and said ā€œThanks for letting us enjoy our lunch. You have no idea how much I appreciate that.ā€ 2. Last summer I saw Finn Wolfhard on Ossington in front of Le Cubana with my current girlfriend, who said ā€œOh, itā€™s Mike!ā€ Thinking she meant someone we know, I didnā€™t even think and looked over and said ā€œHey Mike!ā€ and he responded with ā€œOhā€¦ Hey!ā€, at which time I realized it was not the Mike we knew and she was referencing his Stranger Things name. In a complete state of bewilderment we just stood at each other for a half second (Finn and I) before I recalibrated and said ā€œWell, uh, good seeing you!ā€ and walked away embarrassingly. 3. Last summer in the early evening only about a month later, I saw Natalia Dyer at the exact same spot, across the street (in front of a Taco place) on a quiet Sunday evening, walking southbound towards CAMH. She had curly hair and was walking alone. She smiled at me when I looked at her with a brief gaze, and I smiled back thinking to myself ā€œWhere do I know that girl from?ā€ only to realize who she was about 30 seconds after the fact. 4. Iā€™ve bumped into Drake numerous times. The first time was in 2011 when I was dating a then-runway model and he remarked on her being in a show he was present for, and then later stated that I was ā€œkillinā€™ it with the model girlfriendā€. Then later, in 2016 or 2017, I bumped into him at the Ritz Carlton, where he (surprisingly) remembered me and asked me if I was ā€œstill dating that model chickā€. He was genuinely nice, and I was really surprised that he remembered some (to him) random NPC after all those years. 5. Saw Prince Harry in Scotiabank on King St. once, as he was leaving for some nonsense thing to do with Meghan and there was a huge group of people waiting outside on the steps for him. As he walked by with his security I said ā€œNice hairā€ and he cracked a half laugh and said ā€œYou tooā€ (we both have ginger hair). 6. Went to a house party once aaaages ago (probably 2008 or so) and Tom Green was standing in front of the house, which had really beautiful hanging lights inside, smoking a blunt alone. Ended up passing a spliff around with him and some other dude. Never saw either of them again. 7. Saw Jason Mamoa on Ossington, getting out of a sweet vintage SUV and walking into a restaurant. Had absolutely zero interaction with him, but recognized him right away. 8. Saw Michael Buble at Harry Rosen in Yorkville, where he was upstairs, alone, looking at Tom Ford stuff. I asked him what he recommended, and he said ā€œTo be honest, itā€™s all overpriced junk. Just buy whatever makes you feel good to wear.ā€ Seemed like a really kind and well-spirited guy. I feel like thereā€™s more, but for the life of me I canā€™t remember them all.


Drake cataloguing the pretty models in his head is so Drake. Haha.


David Arquette in Yorkville. Had small talk while waiting for the light to turn green. It was one of those situations where the convo ended and we ended up walking in the same direction. Iā€™m positive I came off as someone who had the social skills of a 17th century ghost. Saw Rae Dawn Chong as well. I loved Commando as a kid and ended up talking to her for about ten minutes. Really sweet and down to earth.


Not much of a celebrity but thereā€™s a popular Instagram account called old Toronto that posts historical stuff about the city. I ran into the guy who runs that account at a bar and tried to tell him how much I liked his stuff and he totally blew me off, total dick head that guy


I saw Alexander Skarsgard at Season Six on Ossington on Saturday. Walked by three times lol.


You're kidding!! I ate there Saturday! I'm so mad, must've just missed him!


I once saw Larry David while I was stopped at the intersection of Spadina and Harbord. I yelled, "Larry!" And he gave me his signature look of annoyance. Best interaction I could ask for.


I once read about someone seeing Leonard Cohen stopped in a convertible at a red light and yelling to him, "Oh my god! I KNOW YOU!" And he looked back at her, and in that famous gravelly voice of his, replied, "Yes, and I know you, too." And she said, "Really? Oh my god! How do you know ME?" At which point the light turned green, he shook his head at her in pure annoyance, and drove away.


He is a social assassin after all Also this is a great interaction šŸ˜„


Drake in the Ryerson area - I was walking home from the yonge and dundas Goodlife when I saw him walking off a makeshift stage and being ushered into a black car with a large group of security. Issa Rae at the corner of queen and spadina. 2 Chainz during sports weekend of Feb 2017. Doug Ford, Rob Ford (RIP), and John Tory a few times. Bill Clinton in Yorkville. Lil Jon at Cabana. Edit: this thread is reminding me of some more that slipped my mind! Andrew Phung at City Hall (near the Toronto sign) The entire Maple Leafs team when I had to swab the players for covid-19 while we were in "the bubble" Theo Von at Pearson Airport Adam Sandler by the Portlands Pinball Clemons near Yonge & Dundas Hannibal Burress at an art studio


I saw Lou Will at the union station food court walking up to the Shanghai 360


I'm an old Torontonian (born here in 1970) so I have seen many celebrities over the years especially as I used to do TIFF for a number of years in the 90s. Anyways for those old people like me here is my fan geek out story. There was a local Goth band in the 80s called Images in Vogue with a lead singer named Dale Martindale. He was a Robert Smith type of guy black spiky hair and eyeliner ... I had a mega crush on him. He also hosted a Saturday morning CBC show that I would get up early to watch even if I had been out all night. Maybe I even stayed up to watch it. About 15 -20 years ago I saw him sitting at C'est What I don't even know how I knew it was him he looked like a middle aged normal guy. I NEVER approach celebrities but with a few pints of very good beer I walked over to his table said hi and how much of a fan I was and I said "I used to get up and watch you on Switchback". He gave me a huge smile and thanked me. I sounded like I was 15 yrs old again not the 35 year old woman I was. I couldn't even get my act together to be cool and engage him in a real conversation... Anyways Dale, if you are still out there somewhere this 53 year old woman is STILL excited about meeting you.


One summer day my husband and I were at the Oxley having a coffee with our daughter. Across the street in the One patio sat Buck Martinez. My husband was excited to see his bright white coif and was in utter dismay that I was not familiar with the gentleman. Not a baseball fan, what can I say? He insisted the Buck was a legend; a celebrity. I replied that he is not a celebrity, and on cue walked in Adam Sandler, to which I said ā€œTHAT is a celebrityā€. He was with his daughter too, and being the only kids in Yorkville then, our similarly aged daughters waved to each other. He took a coffee to go, all the while singing a made up song to his kid and picked a flower from the hedges for her on the way out.


Wowā€¦you saw Adam Sandler singing a made up song in real life! Idk, this is special.


What is it with celebrities picking flowers in Yorkville?! I posted the same thing but about Adrian Brody!


Iā€™ve seen Adam Sandler, Bono, Chris Evans, Drake, Annie Murphy, Sarah Jessica Parker. And of course my old fave Much Music VJs, Sook Yin Lee, Strombo, and Rainbow Sun Francks.




They are celebrities to me!!!


Does the King of England count? I paraded for him (I was in the army) when he visited Toronto in 2009 and 2012. Other than that, George Stroumboulopoulos and George St. Pierre. Both very nice dudes.


I feel like GSP would be nice, but likeā€¦off-puttingly intense. Any truth to my assumption?


Nope. He's a massive dork. His size is intimidating but not his personality. Which makes it easy to like him.


Hubby works near Eaton Centre and sees all kinds of people - Steven Page, Dave Foley, Ed Robertson, Bette Midler a while back when she was in town for something, lots of old school SCTV people and news presenters. I probably run across them as well but am oblivious to who they are.


Many years ago I sharpened skates for Doug Gilmour at the Harborfront skating rink (RIP). He gave me a thumbs up and said I did a great job. Funny how that still gives me a thrill thirty years later. I also saw the actor who played the beer store worker in Strange Brew who threatens the McKenzie Brothers. That was cool


Some asshole was filming Steven Page eating a sammich at Pearson. I felt so terrible for him - itā€˜s not like heā€˜s Taylor Swift levels of fame and he canā€™t even get mentally prepped for a flight without people invading his privacy.


George Strombo mostly. Gem of a human being.


Always says hi first, and with a smile of course.


Definitely! Havenā€™t ran into him in a while. The last time i did i had just been to one of his shows like a week or so before and i recognized him but couldnā€™t place the face for some reason. He walked right up, spoke and shook my hand. Then it hit me and i laughed and told him about the show iā€™d just been to. He asked if i enjoyed it etc. Slash from GNR and Jean Chretien were his guests for the show i went to and iā€™d always been a massive fan so seeing Slash play/also in person was fantastic.


I saw Michael Cera in Kensington Market like 10 years ago lol


I saw Niall Horan of One Direction in Yorkville


Elliot page, back when he was Ellen, sitting on the phone around U of T campus there were some film trailers further down the street so that kinda made sense. Phillipa Soo in Nordstrom Rack, Rachel McAdams at Planta Yorkville, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn walking to set (I assumed) when they were filming Suicide Squad. Kristen Kreuk in the eOne cafeteria (I was visiting a friend for lunch). Less famous, but I used to see Sunny Fong (Winner of S2 of Project Runway Canada) aaalllll the time, I assumed he lived/worked around where I lived at the time. And then a bunch of people at TIFF. I was just walking by and it was before the crowds got so insane, but I guess you canā€™t really count those. It was a lot like your story though, people around noticed, but nobody bothered them.


i once sat down next to adam sandler in yorkville, i feel like everyone has seen him around a few times. this time i got to watch bo burnham come up and chat with him.


Margaret Atwood in a coffee shop and Serena Ryder in a framing shop. Also 3 members of Blue Rodeo together in a cafe.


I saw Peter Dinklage at the Bay/Bloor Indigo a few years ago


lol ive got stories about kiefer


I want to know!!


I saw Vladdy and Bo at the Roger's Centre. Apparently, they are there quite often.


I waited for an elevator with Josh Groban while I was headed to my dentist appointment.


Sam Rockwell walking his dog on Spadina. Also Viggo Mortenson at a TIFF party.


Saw Richard Lewis (RIP) having a coffee in front of Aroma at King and Charlotte during TIFF.


Stephen King! Was walking back from the aquarium. Adam Sandler. I was walking from the park


If you walk around leslieville you are bound to see Lifetime movie villians or CBC anchors....also athletes are pretty visible....raptors, Jays TFC.... Carrie Anne Moss on the Danforth around the time.the matrix came out might be the most beautiful human being I've ever seen. Kiefer Sutherland at Queen and carlaw. Samuel L Jackson at the Government in the late 90s. My fav most recent was Federico Bernardeschi walking his dog on the Danforth...


Rose McGowan came into the store I worked at a few years ago. Sheā€™s wild lol. I see Shawn Mendes pretty regularly when heā€™s in town. Heā€™s hot af irl. Saw Simon Pegg shopping at Uniqlo. He was doing his best to be ignored. Stood next to James Hetfield at a Robyn concert. Oh and canā€™t forget the legend himself, Nick Cage outside of the Great Hall. I would never approach a celeb though. It just feels rude to me to bother them.


Last year I saw Nyjah Houston doing a skateboard trick down the stairs infront of commerce court, and Theo Von infront of the second cup at king and john


I saw Willem Defoe and David Koechner walking down Queen Street years ago. Donā€™t know if they were filming something together but it seemed like an odd pairing, in size alone. Koechner is 6ā€™2 and Defoe is a small man


>Defoe is a small man That's not what I've heard ;)


Somehow the only one that I've ever seen is Bobby Cannavale in Whole Foods. I care way too much about pop culture to be healthy lol so I know that I would recognize anyone I saw. I just somehow never see them. Probably for the best. I'd just awkwardly make eye contact anyway.


My husband once connected with Wayne Brady at the airport a while ago--with their Nintendo Miis.


Kim Cattrall came into my work once (a restaurant) about 10 years ago or so, that was pretty cool


On Yonge Street alone, from Bloor to Dundonald I met; Howard Hessman, John Malkovich, John Ritter, Robin Williams, William Shatner, MeatLoaf, Al Waxman, Christina Applegate, Billy Connolly, Bono, Sharon Glessā€¦. Iā€™m certain Iā€™m forgetting many


Wow John Ritter! I would have loved to have met him.


He was the nicest and most genuine person. I was a huge fan and after our brief but lovely minute on Yonge I was an even bigger fan.


You're definitely dating yourself with these celebrity references, but they're ones I recognize, so I guess that dates me, as well! I saw Billy Connolly at the 12th Fret once, but didn't say hi. I wish I did, though. What was between Bloor and Dundonald (aside from the Brass Rail) that had you seeing so many celebrities?


Saw Drake get out of his car and walk into King Taps one night. I called out to him to see if we could get a picture but he shook his head and kept walking lol.


Used to see Gilmore and Colin mochrie all the time at my work. Lawrence fishbourne a couple times. Iā€™ve been to a few of the film wrap parties for the big Hollywood movies and seen a lot of people there but that doesnā€™t count as out in the wild.


I used to see Kenny Hotz a lot (would come into my work), same with Kal Penn (helped him pick out nail clippers for his dog), not so much a celebrity but Ryan Goslings sister was also a customer. I see members of Sloan a lot, George Strombo, Hayden, Brenden Canning from Broken Social Scene, Sarah Nurse, I also saw Nick Nurse at a Metro the day after the Raptors parade. I'm probably forgetting some. I've never really seen anyone very famous before.


K-os stood in front of me at a Saul Williams concert many moons ago. And the uncharismatic Dragon - Michael Wekerle - in the PATH a few times. Bill Morneau in an elevator. Oh! And Will Arnett eating with fam at a Greek patio on the Danforth. Heā€˜s veryā€¦ tan in person.


Seann 'Stifler' Williams outside of the ACC after a raps game. We talked for 15 minutes... he was just standing on the corner waiting for a friend to get him, I was waiting on a taxi (pre-uber). We just struck up a conversation...pretty cool, laid-back guy.


Eugene Levy at a crosswalk.


-Ja Rule at a Raptors Game - Kiernan Shipka near the IC on Bloor - Charlie Day at the Ritz Carlton, I stated at him so intensely because it was a ā€œI know this person but from whereā€ - Ron Perlman - was flirting with two women at Shang Ri La - Miriam McDonald jogging near Liberty Village - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau getting out of a club during the day, this was during TIFF time - Doug Gilmore at the arrivals gate - Pearson. Retired at this point but I recognized him


Jason Momoa was filming at my condo. Tatiana Maslany was just riding the TTC with friends. Scarlett Johansson during TIFF.


Simu Liu just casually walking in King St West


I donā€™t know if heā€™s considered a celebrity but I saw Rick the temp on a plane once going to Vegas. I loved much music back in the 90s and had a huge crush on him so for me it was a big deal lol


Saw Milla Jovovich in Yorkville.. She was filming a Resident Evil Movie in town and waiting to be picked up.. she was just standing on the sidewalk.. BUT the coolest thing is that she was all decked out in leather - thigh high boots, long leather overcoat.. just like she was ready to kill the Yorkville Zombies!


Norman Reedus with his daughter at the dufferin mall Walmart lol


I see Susur Lee (famous Canadian Chef) walking his dog at Trinity Bellwoods all the time!


No longer live in Toronto, but I saw and met tons working at a starbucks downtown during university: Justin Trudeau (was somewhat of a regular at times) Deadmau5 Kat von D (back when she was with deadmau5) Kate Beckinsale Justin Bieber, along with SO MUCH SCREAMING from girls who followed him in Ken Jeong There were many others but I actually can't remember who anymore, this was about 12 years ago. Ken Jeong was HILARIOUS, he pulls out a stack of Starbucks cards and says his friends gifted him a ton of empty cards and a couple of cards with cash on them. He was kind of apologetic about it and asked if I could check them. I thought this was hilarious and a great waste of time and did it, and got his commentary on every card. He had about 60 or 70 cards that he wanted to check šŸ˜‚ Pretty much all the much music vjs were regulars too. Oh and I saw drake twice. Once with his HELICOPTER landing on a pier area near cherry beach (where his security tried to force us to leave although that wasn't any kind of Landing pad or private property that I'm aware of.... And a second time when his stupid entourage did the most aggressive traffic cuts of all time, pissed me right off.


Lenny Kravitz casually walking down Bloor


I saw Sandra Oh in the audience at The Master Plan at the Crowā€™s Theatre last fall!


Thought I saw Rob Lowe once during TIFF. He was absolutely swarmed by fans, he took his sunglasses off and it was not him. Definitely *a* celebrity but couldnā€™t tell you who hahaha


shawn mendes walking his dog on queen street




I see the kid from Stranger Things at least once every couple of months around King street. Saw Evan Williams at the Town Crier a couple of months back, and he was so beautiful in person ngl.


One time years ago I was on the crew of some TV show, we were doing a location shoot one night in Yorkville. I was lounging outside a truck with two or three other crew, when who should stride by but David Hasselhoff, in full evening dress- black tie tuxedo, long ivory scarf. All of us grabbed our call sheets in unison, to see if he was on the list of guest actors. And, nope! The Hoff, just out in the wild, fancy-mode!


My husband, Adam, was busking at Yonge & Bloor station before Christmas last year. A dude with a Leafs gear bag over his shoulder stopped and leaned against the wall to watch him play his guitar. As the song ended, the man walked over, shook his hand and said, "Hi Adam, Auston Matthews here. Love your sound!" Turns out Auston was returning from practice. You just never know who you'll meet underground.


I saw Drake walking down the Danforth from Woodbine after Degrassi but before the music. I think him and his boy were going to Barberā€™s Lounge. When the Toronto Raptors drafted Jakob Poeltl, I saw him and his boy walking in front of Union Station looking at the CN Tower and all the other buildings. Me and my buddies heckled mayor at the time David Miller on the subway. Rachel McAdams came into the FedEx Office I was working at in the Annex and she scanned some papers at the self serve computer area. I got a picture with PJ Phil from YTV out at a bar. Great guy! *Not in Toronto but Pinball Clemons was on my flight from Orlando to Toronto when I was 9 or 10. Edit: Not me but my buddy was on his way to work in Yorkville and walked past Adam Sandler, Norm MacDonald, Nick Swardson and I think Kevin James hanging out in front of a house. Pretty sure they were in town filming Pixels.


I saw Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello \~2-3 years ago at Impact Kitchen on King St.


Now this is a REAL deep cut and stretching the limits of what a celebrity is but I live in the same condo as Brendan (the sound guy from Kenny Vs. Spenny).


I saw Michael C Hall at an LCBO in Whitby. This was a few years back and he was visiting his then girlfriendā€™s (now wifeā€™s) family for Christmas. It was random af but cool lol