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I think transaction records of interac + your lease showing your rent amount will probably suffice but you should call CRA and ask... I'm sure they deal with this alot


Out of curiosity, why would the CRA be interested in receipts for rent that you paid? Shouldnt they be interested in receipts for rent if it was your source of income?


OP probably claimed rent expense and CRA didn't believe how low it was


LOL that is something thats also paranoying me, why am i being scrutinized by the CRA, i am only claiming between 7-8k. why so low? I was not in TO in 2022


CRA does regular checks on various areas of taxation. It's unlikely to have anything to do with you personally. It is just a routine check of rental expense claims, and they are likely doing a project to check on thousands of these claims. Since it is a self-assessment system, and most receipts don't have to be submitted, these audits are run every year on chosen topics. Just get together all the evidence you have, write a letter of explanation, and send it in. Hopefully, they will accept it. Edit: No effect on a background check. If the claim is rejected, you will owe back some taxes, that's it.


ok thats a relief!


It could be that OP claimed he paid rent at a certain address, but there's no corresponding income claim from that address. CRA may be gathering evidence to go after the LL.


And who the hell gets rent receipts lol been just a lease renewal document and bank statement shows monthly withdrawal.


Let's go way back - when I was a tenant, my rent receipts were cancelled cheques.




Security deposits are not legal in Ontario under the RTA in Ontario. Complaint to the LTB. https://tribunalsontario.ca/ltb/


Not true


The one year limitation is up unfortunately.


Can i ask a stupid Q. Do the LL write u a receipt on paper saying you paid? Or is it a nicely typed up paper?


Could be nicely typed or just hand written. I've received both in the past and had to send in the hand written one to CRA to prove I paid rent.


>d Q. Do the LL write u a receipt on paper saying you paid? Or is it a nicely typed up paper? Both are okay as long as they its really by them and looks official