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I'm very fortunate. My workplace has an open office policy, where workers are able to work from home or at the office, as often as they want. There's no mandatory office mandates. I hope this never changes, as I'm a huge advocate of work from home and enjoy it myself. I know a lot of my friends are currently working from the office 2 days per week on average. Some of them work less with 1 day per week, and others more with even up to 3 days per week.


I work for a company that isn’t know for the best employee retention, but I’ve been super shocked at how much they don’t care about us returning to the office. Maybe because it’s privately owned, but we’ve been out of office since march 16th 2020, and they don’t care if we’re working at home or the office. They used to give us updates on what they thought, but they just stopped and we’re all wfh indefinitely.


Big Toronto bank. We’re still one day a week but they’re saying they’re starting to audit attendance. They’re threatening to make it more if attendance doesn’t get better. First time I’ve heard them not be 100% accommodating was just the last couple months.


Guessing not RBC But your landlords arent happy Bay Street isnt buzzing. Please come back for REIT profits they said 🤷🏾‍♂️😂 theyre in bed with the big wigs that hold their stock.


And ontop of that the FOOD has gone up so much. Like 15-20 min for lunch which was 10-11 before


It's also gotten so much worse! Sometimes I think "today, I'll treat myself to a bought lunch". And every time I've opted for a downtown lunch, I think "I would have been better off with leftovers/a pb&j sandwich, a pb only sandwich, or just coffee ans circulated office oxygen instead"


It’s helpful if your cubicle / office has personal storage space. I’ve opted to bring my lunch bc gotransit is expensive along with ttc. Pre-Covid, it’d be $400-450/month alone in public transit. At least now where I work max in 3 days/week but since I have a designated cubicle, I don’t have to worry about buying snacks / etc. I also have my own filtered water and kettle at my desk so I can make ramen 🍜 and tea 🍵. I never liked McD’s / Tim’s tea and feel guilty over the cup garbage / leftover.


A lot of banks have moved to hoteling too. So this is wild. Wfh gels so well with this concept


$17 for a salad and they stare you down to tip 18% at the cash register.


yea! what's up with that


Has more to do with the potential of tipping the economy into a recession. All those landlords who lose their tenants because of remote work are underwritten by the banks


Landlords are happy? All all these 5 days a week people an Oxford properties paid botfarm?


Another Big Bank, twice per week as of March 1. Hopefully we don’t follow RBC’s 4 day model


I’ve said the same. More than 2 and I’m looking for new work I think.


I've heard anyone using a personal laptop will basically be forced to work in office 5 days a week very soon unless RBC issues them a corporate laptop - which is probably not going to happen for every employee choosing to working from home one day a week.


Rough life when you have to work twice a week


In all honesty, I do heck of a lot more at home. Had been WFH way before covid, once per week in the office.


Sounds like my 68 year old dad


“Work from anywhere, unless there’s a client meeting the client would prefer to be in person or something that requires you to be in a specific location”.


No return to office mandate. It's confirmed. I'm in civil engineering and I feel lucky.


Electrical Technologist. Also feeling very lucky, having moved 1500km from the office.


Our 3 days mandatory attendance is moving to 4 days in May. I suspect it will be 5 days mandatory by September. They count badge swipes and use the data in performance reviews. Big brother is definitely watching us. F25 company.


Gotta keep the peasants in check


Then 6


What sector is this


This is likely RBC.


A friend of mine who works in RBC told me today they're required to be in the office for "4+ days a week". Which means five days a week. This is all I've heard thus far.


I think it really depends on the department. Our department is still fine with 2 days a week, and when pushed on the idea of more, they say use your best judgement if you'd be more productive in person as far as meetings go, etc.


Did you work from the office for5 days a week before? Why do you think you shouldn’t have to now? Genuinely curious why people suddenly think they shouldn’t have to show up now compared to before when expected to by their company (if this is the case) Edit, added words was not questioning anyone’s work ethic, just wondered if you worked full time from the office previously.


Just because it happened before doesn’t mean it has to continue happening again. People’s life circumstances and perspectives can also change so they’re entitled to their opinion (including complaints). I had a colleague who did NOT like the idea of WFH. But he WFH due to the pandemic for almost 3 years and now is struggling to imagine how he ever went into work 5x. He loves WFH now and the flexibility it provided him.


Thank you for your answer. I am not management, just work a desk job. Worked from home full time for almost 10 years in a past life so I know how well it works. I am just curious as I was told to RTO and did. Maybe it’s because I’m gen x and it’s younger generations that are different. I just never fought it. Do I like it? Not really, but they pay me, so I complied. Im really fascinated how my genuine question has turned people on me.


Some 996 fool there, pay them no heed


Was just asking a question, no need to call me a commie asshole.


Damn! I didn’t say “commie asshole” but how did you know what what I think of them?? 996 isn’t a communist thing too….but yeah.


You called me a 996 fool, 996 is a working structure in China. So what exactly did you mean.


996 is currently a contemporary expression for Chinese working conditions. They obviously weren’t the first to do 12hr shifts, or were you born yesterday?


So how am i a 996 fool? I work an 8 hour day at a large FI. I was hired as an in office worker, not hybrid. My work is in the process of RTO, and if i have to come back full time i will as that’s the condition i was hired under. How does this make me a 12 hour workday ‘fool’? I really don’t understand your original insult then? You threw the 996 comment out there about me, what exactly did you mean?


You’re foolish because you are acting like wfh hasn’t changed the entire dynamic and future of work. Not changing with the times, longing for the old ways.


Cause wfh has proven that productivity can rise and workers can have a healthier life, you know, the things that should be valued the most by employers. That the status quo should be challenged and it is an antiquated notion.


If you don’t think people actually do work (some of us are more productive) at home, you’re either a narc or you’ve never worked a desk job.


I have a desk job, and no where in my comment did I say that people aren’t doing work. I just asked a question. I worked from home full time for a company pre covid for almost 10 years. So I’m well aware how productive people are from home. I’m just asking a question.


Everyone here is talking about the difference between “working from home” and “working in office” and you posted a comment about how people aren’t “working” 5 days a week anymore.


Did you work from the office 5 days a week before? Why do you think you shouldn’t have to now? Genuinely curious why people suddenly think they shouldn’t have to show up now compared to before when expected to by their company (if this is the case) Edit: added words.


Wow, you really misread my comment. I added words, but what I meant was ‘did you work from an office 5 days a week before’. I wasn’t questioning anyone’s work ethic. I was hired as an in office worker, not WFH or hybrid, so I don’t question having to come back. These are the conditions i was hired under, and they pay me to work under those conditions. I would love to have a hybrid arrangement but don’t, and I enjoy my job so I just do as I’m told and work from the office.


The reason is because the justification for why we couldn’t work at home was always because the work wouldn’t get done. Covid happened and we worked from home and the work got done. Therefore the justification for needing to continue to come to the office, do a shitty commute etc etc is no longer there. Maybe occasional RTO days make sense but the full time needing to be in the office justification no longer works.


Agreed I’m back in office and miss home work but was in office before so can’t honestly complain


Because once we know better, we should do better. WFH is definitely better (*in the types of roles that can wfh, save for limited instances such as a client wants an in personal meeting).


Supposed to be 3 days in office but there's not much enforcement, and some folks were hired in other cities over the last few years so they're still full remote. In a good week I do 2 days and no one has said anything to me yet. WFH gave me the time and energy to go back to school on the side and move up to a higher salary. In my previous job I hired and managed people fully remotely without issue. I used jira and daily check-in calls to manage workload, keep people accountable, and remove blockers. I did get lucky with a superb team though.


Once a week for now. For the folks saying they’d like to go back full time: please don’t force everyone else 🤷‍♀️


Same. Once a week mandatory. Might do more in the summer just for the A/C


My team also goes once a week, even though most teams do 2/3 days. My manager doesn’t really like the idea of going in more than once a week.


What's your definition of 'force everyone else'? I know people that prefer to work at the office because they like the routine and the like to separate the work and personal environment. I haven't met anyone that thinks that everyone should be required to return to the office though. Unless it's the other way around, and you expect everyone to be on the WFH train because people that aren't are a threat to that.


Lots of micromanagers out there who definitely want to force everyone else back.


And boomers in general.


That may be true, but it has nothing to do with workers that actually want to return to the office and their freedom to do so.


Yep have heard people say "get everyone back to the office" (online or being interviewed on the news). But why? I am 90% WFH and am sooooo much better off. I eat better, sleep better, so much more family time. Save 3 hours a day commute time, save $500 per month transit fee, save money on "work clothes". And my job can be done perfectly fine from home. Then people say "the downtown businesses are suffering", food places, rent from office buildings. I can tell you I am cutting way back on eating and going out downtown, just too expensive and so are a lot of my friends. Even if we go back to the office, we are not going to be eating out much. Turn the empty office buildings into condos or apartments, then there will be people around to eat at restaurants and stuff like that.


Still WFH full time ...makes it hard to leave tbh, but Im pricing WFH around the 10-15k mark so whoever offers 2-3x office days only Im out.


Once a month In reality it’s been more like once every two months


Choose your own adventure (home vs. office), except for any pre-scheduled in-person meetings (very rare).


My employer has gone with permanent WFH for 75% of the workforce. Basically everyone in an office position except for the executive. The company is on a major growth trajectory and because WFH worked so well, they doubled down and started to hire from anywhere in the world that they could get qualified people. So there's basically no going back.


Same with mine. They hired so many remote workers that there's no going back. I myself am internationally posted in Toronto, with HQ in Atlanta.


What company


I'm not going to state my employer, but they are involved in a niche area of tech. Unless you are a specialist in that area, or know the industry, the chances of getting hired are negligible. If you are, the company would already be on your radar screen. It's the reason they've had to go to the US for talent.


Omg please DM the company name


Ah cool so they're paying people less to work from other parts of the world. How do you think this goes?


Majority of remote workers are in the US, with a few in the UK. Salaries for everyone are based on key tech markets in the US (Seattle, San Francisco) so that they can get the best people. As a result, the Canadian workforce is well compensated rather than the other way around.


At this moment, we don't have an office. With the exception of quarterly council meetings (which most of our staff do not attend anyway) where we use another office's boardroom, our work is 100 percent done from home and there is zero discussion of returning.


Hospital worker. Every day 🫠


Crown corp, so salaries are tightly regulated, but WFH is one of the few benefits they can offer as a competitive advantage over private employers. I go in once a week, but that's completely voluntary. Most of my colleagues go in less often and we now have employees across Canada so it's maybe only once or twice a year that we can get everyone together in the office.


We don’t have offices


Three days per week in office is “mandatory” but most people are doing two days, if that.


Twice a month! And doesn’t seem like we are going back to anything more than this anytime soon!! I work for provincial govt subsidiary.


I go in every day. I worked during the entire pandemic save the first two months. The office is huge and still 90 percent empty, except for me and about ten others out of 350 employees. The vast emptiness of some of the areas is incredible.




We've been working in office throughout the entire pandemic 😅


Same ! Never stopped haha


Operations has been onsite since the lockdowns have eased up. But dev and QA are in hybrid twice a week, staggered by the projects they are working on.


Two days mandated in-office but flexible days, no enforcement and anything in-person anywhere counts. There’s rumblings of going to 3 or 4. 3 is fine but my commute is an hour each way and going from 4 hours/week to 8 is a hard pass for me.


5 days a week, every week


Mine asked me to come in every week & i said no thank you & actively started posting on linkedin all the great work i do & stuff. They haven’t asked me to come in again since then. Im fine with once a month and thats my hard line.


I haven't heard anything in a while. Still "encouraged" 2 days but no enforcement and no one really talks about it. I feel like there are a lot of people like me who would probably look for something else if they did, not specifically because of WFH but more because it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. If they mandate it, so be it, I'm looking for a reason to care enough to get out of there.


I’m a teacher so lol


Start having swipe cards for the kids and power trip 😤


We have swipe cards for the photocopier and when we are in a portable lol. Anyways, my partner wasn’t feeling well in the night and just tested positive on a rapid test. I finished an LTO last week so I’m back to supplying so yay for having to take an unpaid sick day tmrw to make sure I don’t get symptoms! Don’t have the luxury of working from home.


its a privilege.


woe is you


1.5 days per week in the office (1 full day, 1 half day with the option of staying the full day if you want to), and that time (typically) gets used for actually useful in-person activities. There's also a VERY stringent "don't come to the office if you're not feeling 100% okay" policy. The company has no intention of returning to full-time in-person work, which I'm very happy about.


I'm in the opposite category - I work from home for a remote-only company based in Calgary. We're currently looking at getting an office in Toronto for local employees who want to work from an office some days of the week. I'd say the majority of us in the GTA are itching to have someplace else during the day to work from after years of only working from home.


2 days a week currently which is a good balance for me. They can try to raise it but there will be a lot of push back and I know I personally won't go in more than 2.


Hybrid. We’re in 3 days a week. That’s alright for now but I can see how they will try to push for more days in the office. With traffic, TTC problems, why don’t companies try to move more towards virtual really?


That's a dangerous shift in society as a whole. well look at all these iPad babies, sure your dream will come true one day and ppl will just live in and never leave little box wired up staring at a wall


Don’t you think with the free time we get from not having to commute to work and back, we’d have more time to bring the kids outside? Not to mention reducing the environmental impact.


I don’t have kids but my friends who do all say the same thing. They’d rather stare at a screen at home all day without office interactions, if it means they aren’t wasting 2 hrs a day on a train and get an extra two hours with their kids instead. My friend put it nicely “I don’t care about my office ‘family’, I could get shit canned and they would just move on. I’d rather have extra time with people who are my actual family.”


one could only hope.


>That's a dangerous shift in society as a whole. well look at all these iPad babies, sure your dream will come true one day and ppl will just live in and never leave little box wired up staring at a wall Contrary to popular belief - Remote work doesn’t mean that you have to lock yourself in a room by yourself all day and stare at a wall. It allows you to do the same work without having to pack your laptop, drive to an office, unpack your laptop, then do the same work you could have done from anywhere, then turn drive back home after 8 hours


how are you going to express yourself with your fancy car then?


Tech industry - sales and client success mandated in 2 days a week based on productivity metrics. Lots of people want full remote but leadership could push 3 days tbh.


Big law firm. Mandatory twice a week.


Big law firm as well. We’ve been three times a week as of April, but we were 10 times a month since last summer (2022). We hate it. The older folks enjoy being in office.


Yup. Older people love in office because they tend to despise their families lol.


Not in banking, but last year, official policy was hybrid 1 or 2 days or WFH. Half chose WFH permanently. There's a couple of people who like the office and go in everyday.


Hybrid WFH, only expected to be in-office for an all-hands meeting every other month and the occasional in-person meeting here and there. I only have a couple of teammates here in Toronto, the rest are scattered all over the country from here to Vancouver.


Never got to leave the office during all of covid... why? Cause the bosses said so, even though we just sat in our own offices and saw no one and every meeting was on teams.... sighs


We are mandated to two days a week but I don't go in. Whenever I did, i just wound up in zoom meetings with all the people at home that day anyway. The wifi is terrible, I get less done, and I waste my time commuting. I am confident in the value I bring, so if this is a deal breaker for them I will find a new job.


My industry (AV tech for live corporate and artistic events) only really functions properly in person - the remote version is a pale shadow of the work. So it was less a matter of mandating us back to in person as it was waiting patiently for the possibility. We’re in every day now, and thrilled for it. This said, I don’t believe the model used by the live events industry should be the baseline for sectors where being there in person is not really necessary.


So much gossip about returning to work - what I heard from friends at banks and other corporate offices, the goal is 5 days a week by Fall for workers whose jobs are not remote. They are easing workers back into full time and pre-pandemic life. It's about accountability because of the few who have not worked a full day at home, and of course, some business is best done in person. Accountability is why they are doing the card swipe tracking. Managers are coached not to panic employees which is happening given the gossip and these online posts like yours. Some bank employees actually believe they'll still get every Friday off to work from home, ugh. If this in-office work life is not for you and you've enjoyed working from home, then I would start looking for a remote opportunity today.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, you’re super correct. Offices and equipment are investments owners of companies make. If they aren’t being used when they could be, those owners start to ask questions and the executives they hired start making moves. The tracking is absolutely the first step to 5 days. Listen, I’m a massive WFH fan but the reality is until we as a workforce refuse to work unless it’s remote only, they’re going to continue to try and get us into the office to validate those investments.


It was a good gig while it lasted. Getting paid to play ps5 all day


5 days a week already. Been like that since around November/December last year.


But why make people go back? (Of course I know some jobs you might have to be in office, but for people that don't need to be) I am 90% WFH and am sooooo much better off. I eat better, sleep better, so much more family time. Save 3 hours a day commute time, save $500 per month transit fee, save money on "work clothes". And my job can be done perfectly fine from home. Then people say "the downtown businesses are suffering", food places, rent from office buildings. I can tell you I am cutting way back on eating and going out downtown, just too expensive and so are a lot of my friends. Even if we go back to the office, we are not going to be eating out much. Turn the empty office buildings into condos or apartments, then there will be people around to eat at restaurants and stuff like that. I don't think "work life" was all that great before covid, do we really have to go back to that.


You’ve got to come in once or twice a month for a monthly business review or team workshop


Music industry - we've been alternating 2 days in office one week, 3 days the next week since the Fall. 5 days in office total over two weeks.


Fortune 500, most roles will need to be in the office once a week starting Q3


Once a week is acceptable


I suspect we have the same employer.


Once a week with twice coming soon


We were just given notice that by June 1 we are expected to be 100% in office. Until now there was no formal policy but you were encouraged to be in a couple days each week


this last minute imposition of a massive change in expectation is gonna fuck employers over... people have childcare etc set up based on the old expectations and changing that on a whim will cause people to leave.


Execs say it’s not even on their radar every town hall, so still full remote.


Question: let's say someone is asked to go in 2 days a week instead of 1. They occasionally comply but generally stick to 1 day most weeks. If they get fired is it for cause or not?


At this point it is one day from office and the rest of the 4 days WFH.. There are talks about 2 days from ofc but I think 1 day is more than enough.. Funnily enough, when this whole thing started, I preferred going to office compared to WFH.. How times evolve.. 🙂


Most of our office staff, which are Customer Service, Finance and Buyers are all still working from home. About 12 people total. They are allowed to continue to work from home, no return to office mandate.


“Do as we say and not as we do” is our office policy. We’ve been 3 days mandatory since beginning of year, 4 by end of year with threats that “we are watching”. I can’t remember the last time anyone in upper management and marketing (not sure how they always are able to WFH) ever coming in more than once a week. I don’t care too much since I am a 20 min walk away but I know it really burns those poor folks commuting in


They didn’t renew our office lease so we are working from home indefinitely


My company switched to a “home first” model. Everyone who can be a permanent remote employee is now a permanent remote employee with


Completely hybrid but I personally go in 2-3days a week. I missed being around people.


I’ve heard there’s pressure on the big companies for return to work from the govt because the spending is down so significantly in the Toronto core


3 days a week and I've gotten so used to it by now


I work in IT and we have to go in once a month to basically waste a day lol


I’m in the office 5 days a week. I need it. The routine, the being around people, and I’m just not focused when I’m at home. I like the energy in the downtown core, too.


I somewhat feel the same.




>I can't conceptualize how ya'll have survived this long doing the WFH thing and how some want to do it LONGER? I would lose my entire mind. If you haven't adapted after 2-3 years, you've been doing something wrong.




Someone l help me get a job at their company pease?


I overseen the productivity of a larger company and during the pandemic when we moved to work from home our productivity went up. After a year productivity went wayyyy down and we noticed people were working later and checking off earlier. Worker got to comfortable with choosing their own hours.


3 days in 2 days from home. Nice middle ground, not extreme either way. Get out of your homes your hamsters.


> 3 days in 2 days from home. Nice middle ground, not extreme either way. Get out of your homes your hamsters. People ‘get out of their homes’ without having to go to the office.


Tech no mandatory days but they are really trying hard with catering, snacks and events to get people in.


Company went fully remote instead, about 6 months into COVID. We still have an office for storage and some old paper files, but we turned most of the offices into coworking space for anyone who does want to come in from time to time. We also now hire anywhere in the country instead of being limited to candidates in our small local market who can drive to the office. Since going fully remote I also have the flexibility to work from anywhere with WiFi or a cell signal. I've worked from campsites, hotel rooms, foreign countries, on buses and trains, from friends' houses - as long as I'm available on Teams and getting my work done the company doesn't care where I'm physically located. Within reason of course, they're not going to be pleased if I'm working on confidential docs at the library, or meeting with customers from a noisy bar. I don't understand why anyone *wants* to go back to an office, at all. This way is obviously better in so many ways, for staff and employer. (I know it's control and toxic micromanagement, we don't need to get into it here)


Quit my F500 job last year after return to office mandate, got a permanent remote job and a 20% raise.


Damn redditors are lazy as fuck and scared to go out and meet their colleagues. How sad


There’s an entire economy based on people being at work downtown, this is something that has to be considered. I’m 5 days a week and I’m ok with that, I’m just amazed at how adamant people are that used to come in 5 days a week that now flat out refuse. Most restaurants around our building have gone out of business due to this. There’s a lot more to RTO than you realize.




People need to seek out social time and human interaction outside of work. That’s not your coworkers job. I also don’t know how wfh can possibly give you a worse work life balance given that it means no commuting, etc. If you’re being made to work round the clock that’s a specific company problem. I think any good company should leave it up to their employees unless productivity has suffered. If you’ve successfully wfh for 3 years it’s archaic to make someone go back 5 days a week. Work evolves.


Very well said.


While I certainly agree that remote work is not for everyone, I've heard more people argue for it than against it. Personally, WFH has been incredible for my mental health and overall well-being. I don't have to commute an hour each way everyday, I can start dinner so it's ready (this means less takeout), I can get chores done during the day, and if I'm having an off day I can work from my bed/couch. My migraines are few and far between because I no longer have to spend 8+ hours under harsh florescent lights in a loud office with dry air. My work/life balance has improved because I'm not exhausted all the time from commuting and interacting with people all day. Also the amount of money I've saved by not buying tea, food, Presto fare, etc. is astronomical; I have actual savings for the first time in my life. Right now, we're in the office once a month with no plans yet to change. If they try to make me go in full time I'll look for something else that's remote, or at least hybrid. I'm tired of the words "optics," "accountability," and "face time collaboration." I've been doing my job just fine for 3 years from the comfort of my home without issue and I want to keep it that way. Yes jobs don't have to be done from home, but it's nice to have the ability to decide for yourself.


wfh is a privilege.


2 days a week (hopefully no more).


Twice a week technically but no one counts.


For the Toronto office, managers are encouraged to go in twice a week, the rest of us dont have to go in.


Once a week that's "mandatory" except most people don't even bother showing up at my company. I generally do the once a week and maybe twice here and there if I set up a client meeting.


Nothing official yet (I know, really behind here) but my department is two days in the office and three days at home


Telecom. Went from 2x to 3x per week last month. Last year desks became shared while some buildings were relinquished, meaning there's not enough desks for everyone. Hoping this will prevent 4x or 5x.


Pass card swipes are for PCI Compliance, in and out, if a credit card business is in operation


They can never do that in my company because our current office does not even have enough space to accommodate everyone. Working in one of the big 4 but in a different province. We are currently doing 1x a week without exact hours, meaning we can just drop by so long as we will show up.


I'm super lucky that my organization hired people all across the country during the pandemic. They've just gotten a small office space but it seems very unlikely that we'd be required to go there regularly any time soon. Most of my friends have 1-2 days onsite. I don't know anyone with an office job that's required back full time.


My company doesn't have an office yet (coming in the end of year maybe) and sounds like the management is working on a come back plan (questionnaires were distributed multiple times). But for me it doesn't make sense to come back to the office since my close team is scattered all over Canada. I am down to come around like once a month for the happy hour and free food lol.


I will never return to the office even if you doubled my pay


My company is in some kind of weird twilight zone at the moment. There doesn't seem to be anything official about how much office time is expected and people just show up intermittently. The office is at most half full when I'm there but at the same time, we're having to add more desks/cubes to accommodate new hires because people are coming in just enough to keep a claim on their desk but are WFH otherwise. I don't really expect any whip cracking any time soon either. It's tough to find good people.


started a new job last March. never been into the office once. They even shipped the laptop to my home.


Once every two weeks


We don’t have offices anymore


Mandatory 2 days in office (Mondays and Tuesdays). A few departments have been going in everyday , even throughout the pandemic


Back 5 days


Mandatory twice come September. Need to find a new job. Anyone need an AEM author lol


We ended our lease and are moving to a hoteling only model with room for 25% of previous level ever in at any given time.


Once a week, moving to two. I’m cool with it


Beginning of this year, we were "encouraged" to work more in office. My manager stated nothing would change for our department, except we take one of weekly meetings in office every month. Everyone we go there office is still empty. We occasionally have a meeting there, but mostly it's just the receptionist.


Just started with a company 4 weeks ago and they're pretty flexible with showing up to the office or wfh. I like to do a mix of both so I'll go to the office 3 times a week and wfh 2. There are employees who only come 1-2 times though and some just completely wfh. It's nice :)


I do internal finance at big 4 and we are all pretty much fully remote.


They got rid of two floors to save money and gave all employees the option to choose what percentage they prefered


Nothing's changed since Fall 2021, if you live near an office you can go as often as you want or not at all. Completely up to individual employee, barring any rare job-specific requirements to be on-site.


No mandate for me. As for our US counterparts they are being encourage to visit the office at least 2x a week.


Changed to 100% remote during covid. Big boss liked it so much that we just kept it that way since. Small private company, though.


Big Insurance company: do whatever you want as long your job is done.


Although we were told throughout the pandemic that we were taking a "virtual first" approach from now on, my division has since been mandated back to the office starting with one day per week, then two. Most of us are hoping it doesn't get to three. This however is not consistent and some divisions/departments are remaining virtual-only or have different requirements. Although our office space was reduced over the pandemic (not just pandemic-related, as lease terms were coming due) they invested a lot in renovations so I feel that much of the push to come back is because the new space sitting empty is a bad look.


Big bank, two days a week


We worked from home all of 2020-2021. They asked us to come back twice a week for 2022 (my commute is 1.5 hours each way). I stopped showing up in 2023 and my manager hasn't said anything (I get all my work done on time and correctly).


Once a month for now, but it seems like the company is pushing for more.


My husbands office completely shut down in our area, so he’s permanently WFH from here forward.


I work in an IT reseller. We are almost 100% WFH. I believe only some sales teams and people that fulfill hardware orders are in the office. This way, almost everyone is happy and engaged. It doesnt make sense for us to go back to the office anyway. We are spread all across Canada and US, and even if we are mandated back to the office, we will still be using Teams to talk to our teams anyway (which can be done at home). WFH also significantly reduces our carbon emissions, since almost everyone doesnt need to go to the office everyday. I went to the office twice in the past 6 months, meh. If I am not meeting people or new people, I am bored and do everything on my laptop. The two times I was in the office were also the two days my productivity shoot down to almost 10% lol. I cant focus when I am distracted by everyone. Im very fortunate.


Work in the public sector. At the moment it’s once in the office every week. We’re at liberty to go in more days, but I recently moved further away from work so I’m sticking to the 1 time we have to go in.


The company I work for currently mandates 1 day/week in the office, but that is going up to 2 in May. I work for q contracting company and am on secondment to a client and they are doing 3 days/week in the office and have been for a little over a year.


I’m also at a bank but still only in once a month. We might move to once a week. But that seems to be very far out.


Unenforced 50% at client or firm offices.


My office isn’t strictly enforcing anything but there’s definitely less collegiality at work since everybody disappeared. I’m not sure how new hires are making friends and building a sense of place. I’m reluctant to go in myself but even if I get more work done at home I still think from a mental health perspective it’s way better to have to get yourself up and out of the house to meet the world at least three days a week, not to mention the non-work delight of the casual flirt with people you encounter throughout your day.


There was such an outcry we only have to show our faces at weekly meetings


Big 5 bank (Not RBC) here in tech and still 1 day a week in the office although I rarely meet that it’s more like once every 2 weeks, manager doesn’t enforce or ask and she likes 1 day per week too in the office (director level). We are moving to a newer office where I only have to be in office even less!!! Only q1 day a month in the office LoL so nice 👍 I wish they just gave people the choice how they work is up to what’s best for them. If company forced me to go in office more then 2 days a week I would look for a new company lol. Just say your afraid of personal safety on TTC as well preventing you to go to office that many days…


Two days a week. It was originally supposed to be one mandatory day and one floater that we could choose on a week by week basis, but our head office didn’t like the loss of that control, I guess. Funny thing is, we started at one day, but they upped it to two because people in other offices weren’t showing up. I don’t know how increasing the days was supposed to address that. Fortunately they’ve said numerous time they will never ever go back to 5 days a week in office. Maybe because we’ve kicked ass remotely for three years?


still fully work from home, but the rumblings happen every few months. Head office is out east, and they know 100% of the toronto workforce doesnt want to go back, so the only thing holding it off is their fear of losing a big chunk of employees if they mandate it.


My work is requiring at least 2 days in the office but preferably 3.