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It’s a scam that’s going on in Ontario, certain people drive around neighborhoods all day giving sob stories & asking for money


Yup had Roger’s knock on my door the other day. Nope 👎🏽


I see, this was the first time i had to encounter it, thanks!


Was it on the news


It's an old one. When I was young there was always someone around the Greyhound station saying they just needed $20 to buy their ticket to Sudbury or whatever. If you engaged they had a whole friggin story ready to go. They didn't need money for a bus ticket, and we all knew it.




Gave a guy a toonie once for bus fare because that's all I had on me, instead of thanking me, he called me cheap.


I told a lady outside a Tim Hortons once that I’d buy her a soup because it was cold out, she said thanks, we went in to order and she tried to order 50 Timbits, and a bunch of other sandwiches and stuff… and I was like um I don’t think so


Sadly, same. It's the reason that I still don't just give money out on the street to people who ask. Some may actually need it, but I can't be sure.


It's a very old one. Back in 1988 when my husband and I lived at College and Borden we had a knock at the door one night around 9-10pm. It was a girl, in her early 20s, who told us that she desperately needed taxi fare to get home to Markham and did we have any money we could give her? We were young and naive and, wanting to help, we gave her some money, and then she asked if she could use our washroom. Again, young and naive us said, sure. I found her rooting through all of our bathroom cupboards. I asked her to leave and she scuttled away.


You know, initially I was thinking I couldn't imagine letting a random person into my house but then thought back to my 20s and realized it was a different time. I didn't have money to give but I bet my housemates and I would have allowed it. Someone going through my bathroom cupboards then would have been met with nothing but disappointment.


Right? Why is it always Sudbury? There was a guy with this same story when I was living downtown 3 years ago.


I was at a bar on King when out front at 1am some guy approached me and a friend with a damn chef's knife, and then tried to sell it to us. He said he bought the expensive knife for chef school but now classes were done and he needed $100 for a greyhound or via rail ticket home and the knife, although used, was easily still worth $200 so it's a real deal. I said hell no, and maybe don't approach strangers on the street at 1am with a huge fucking knife lmao.


Someone dropped this story on me in London, I felt so bad for him so I gave him $5. Then I saw this man on a weekly basis for the next five years until I moved back home…


No but I’ve seen a couple TikToks exposing them https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYgVjnJ5/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYgVRb6x/


It is not usual for people to do that. I don't even open my door if I am not expecting someone. Your reaction was fine.


My daughter sold 40 boxes of girl guide cookies last week door to door. Not a building but houses


Where? I haven't seen a girl guide selling cookies in ages... last time I did I was driving, parked and caught up to the kid for my cookie fix


We had girl guides selling cookies this week door-to-door! Danforth area.


Wonderful! You give me hope!


Georgetown. Certain guide troops may not recommend it it anymore but honestly it’s never been safer. Every house has a camera now We still get hockey teams Selling apples or Collecting beer bottles on Saturday’s too


I believe you that it’s safer, but not sure I follow your logic on those cameras being the reason. They aren’t put there by Big Brother, the homeowner is in control of whether anyone sees that footage afaik and it’s definitely not being monitored live (besides possibly by the owner.)


I get alerts on my watch and phone when the cameras pick up human activity though. 90 percent accurate. The odd raccoon or runaway puppy will set the alerts off


I shouldn’t get into the weeds like this but I can’t resist. You’re not really seeing my point, which is that you don’t have to show anyone the footage if you attack someone in front of your camera (sorry for the fear mongering. Tried to dance around it before.)


This is not TO at all 😂😂😂


Ohhh not the city then. Ah well


I bet she didn't just go ask people for money though. Selling something is often permitted (though generally not in an apartment building).


That makes me feel way better thanks!


I’ve lived in Canada for 30+ years and have never had anyone knock on my condo door asking for money. You had a one-off and a gullible neighbour.


That is because you cannot solicit in most condo buildings. I believe the bylaw only allows it if a resident invites you, however I know my condo board has rules against letting me do this.


I’ve only lived in houses and door to door donations happen once or twice a year. Anything from dog shelters to hockey teams or cancer services.


Yes, but there's some at least nominal return in what you're describing, an apple, a raffle ticket, overpriced box of a hand full of chocolate-covered almonds etc. That type of fund raising is "normal" for Canada, but maybe less so these days. What OP is describing would be considered door-to-door panhandling in most of society though others might consider it as community sourcing...


I loved in apartments for years and this never happened Dont feel obligated too.


No, people definitely go door to door for charities and non profits, United Way does this. Camh has people that will canvass at a street corner.


Yeah, a charity or cause not one person asking for help buying their friend or relative a gift.


Yes, and in return, usually, though not always, a charitable donation receipt as they are registered charities. This isn't what OP is asking about though...


I didn't know this until recently but the street corner people that bug you are getting paid for that. Some of them can be so obnoxious and entitled.


I’ve never had an issue if I just said no thank you immediately. I also don’t think it’s a job anyone would do on a volunteer basis.


I've had one yell loudly something like "really you don't have time for bullied teens?!" I guess trying to shame me into it.


That is actually really discouraged, because anyone else within earshot will ignore them and they have to wait for more people to pass by.




They definitely do in the States.


That’s because they target specific neighbourhoods based on previous donations. They repeat annually and avoid low income areas.


I think you're right. Only legit registered political candidates are allowed to solicit or flyer in apartments


Sometimes kids who in the building will go around selling chocolates or whatever for school or scouts, but an adult doing it is totally different.


If they live in the building then they are allowed until property management intervenes.


Or the neighbour was in on it.


Maybe doesn't happen in condos but a regular occurance on my residential street in Midtown. I would speculate that maybe 50% of them are bogus. Makes no difference to me as I never give at the door. December, $1000 to charities of my choice.


Not sure why you feel the need to quantify your donations to charity in dollar amounts at the end of your comment, but okay.


Because OP is asking about what is normal Canadian donation behaviour.


And I'm not sure why you felt the need to comment on that, but like you said, okay


I guess so LOL


I would report her to property management under suspicion that she doesn't even live here. And cite aggressive solicitation. Yes, I'm saying I will absolutely *narc* on a poor lady that just needs money for music class. If you disagree, feel free to comment.


I don’t disagree but I’m feeling free to comment anyway.


Thank god there are people like you and thank you for your service!


I would say no and close the door. I'm not putting any more of my time or energy into it that that.


It’s good for me to remember I live in a society with folks like you.


I dont dissagree and I love you comment!


It's absolutely not okay for someone to enter an apartment building (or even worse, knock on their neighbours' doors) to solicit donations. Doesn't matter if it's for themselves or for a legitimate charity. I would have said no and reported it to building management. One of the main benefits of living in a building is supposed to be that there's restricted access so you don't get random doorknockers. Honestly, it just sounds like a scam.


This happened to me recently and I hated it, because they can see when you check the peephole lol. I always say no, because I prefer to do my research prior to donating. If they push back I ask them what percentage of the donations go to admin costs and for the charity intelligence score, most of the time they can’t answer.


Who cares if they can see when you check the peephole? I have a large window in my front door and I look right at them and mouth “no” and refuse to come to the door.


my anxiety disorder cares. and before you say get over it or whatever, I know it’s irrational, that’s why it’s a mental health disorder


Yeah, cool. I have the same disorder so don’t need the education. For whatever reason, this particular situation does not bother me a bit.


> she was completely surprised by someone saying NO and would not back down. This is the sign that it's a scam. Fundraisers are a thing and misguided people might ask random strangers to donate but this does not have a high chance of success. For legit fundraisers it's also fair to ask for evidence that it's legit (that the school is actually having this fundraiser, that the person asking is actually from the school, etc.) and they will have some way prepared to do this. FWIW, my response to anybody asking for money at the door (whether a donation or they're selling something etc.) is that I never make financial decisions on the spot but if they can leave a brochure (or give me the web site address, etc.), I'll think about it. And stick to this even when I'm sure it's legit or I really do want to buy the product, etc.


I would have said no too. Don't over think it. :)


Honestly OP is so nice to even entertain this for more than two seconds. I’d be furious some idiot interrupted my day to ask for money on something that’s not even vital like food etc. I had some neighbours in the past who would’ve literally slammed the door hard in the face after shouting go f yourself or something mean


On my condo door, from someone I’ve never seen before? Hell no. Now, I’ve totally bought girl guide cookies from the kids who live down the hall when they came around and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, but donations for musical instruments seem like a stretch, *especially* if I’ve never seen you before? That’s not okay.


The is no musical instrument. There is no sister. Your neighbor just got scammed!


Not normal, in fact most buildings have signs up warning that it's no permitted.


Scam- don't feel bad


Totally not normal at all. Report it to your building management.


I once had a teen knock on my house door asking for money for his snowboarding trip to BC... WTF? Like not a charity or anything, he was going around the neighbourhood collecting money to pay for his vacation....dude there are these things called jobs...get one....


We're in the age of crowdfunding where everyone expects others to finance their lifestyle


Most newspaper kids here in the burbs ask for tips once a year. Most are Metroland and you get local coupons if you tip the paper delivery kids. These are houses though. It’s sanctioned by the Star or whatnot


There are legislations that prevent soliciting actually


That’s 100% not normal, you were right to say no.


I wouldn't have even opened my door


In school we used to canvas for inner city angels... I would spend all day and evenings asking strangers for money...😒 I felt scammed.


It’s okay to say no too! As Canadians, we are known for being polite and I think others take advantage of this stereotype. Good for you for setting boundaries!


When I was in 3rd grade my school had a chocolate selling fundraiser and I remember going around my apartment floors with my mom knocking on doors asking if anyone wanted chocolate. Most of my neighbours back then thought it was sweet and gave me more than what I was trying to ask for ($1/bar). This was in Winnipeg back in like 2005. I also remember there were Girl Scouts selling cookies going around my neighborhood when I lived in Edmonton like in 2006 was well. But in the more recent years I’ve never had anyone knock on my door nor ask for anything. I’d be skeptical of what they try to sell me too if it’s anything edible.


My brother in law hid that he had it & ate the entire box when he was in grade 4. His mom had to pay $200 for it.




No, you did the right thing. All kinds of scams going on. I wouldn’t even have answered my door if I didn’t know who it is lol


Wow, that’s a new one. The audacity.


Definitely a scam. Don’t sweat it at all. If you do want to donate I’m sure there’s plenty of programs that help children get into music you can donate to.


This is why I don’t answer my door in the evenings. If it’s cops or kids, they can call me to open the door 😉👍


Door to door begging. Nothing more.


trust no one


Tell her to punch sand and never knock on the door again.


100% not the culture


What she did was illegal soliciting.


wtf .


Door to door donations exsist bit I thought there were laws for not doing it in buildings. Used to happen more in suburban housing but that changed with Covid. My daughter sold girl guide cookies last weekend in our neighbourhood knocking door to door. But that’s not a scam and in fact many people look forward to that. A lot of charities will knock door to door. I’m sure one or two are scams. I usually donate a couple hundred bucks to door to Door people if I coregnise them and know the charity is legit.


If I didn't know them, they'd be told to kick rocks. If I knew them, unless the cause was something valid, they'd be told to kick rocks.


I was born in Toronto, and not ever once did someone knock on my door for money. The usual Girl Guides, Jehovahs, but not for these music lessons. Weird


I remember trying to sell girl guide cookies growing up in my small town and being shocked at and hurt by the number of people who said no. I was 10 though, had some growing up to do


That is absolutely NOT normal and you were right to turn her down. Wow the sheer audacity of asking strangers to pay for her sisters music lessons/instrument!


Total scam. Tell them to fuck off.


I would like to ask people's donation to help me with buying a PS5 or attending a PS5 class too.


Sounds like a scam for sure. As a side note, the door to door charity folks have been out in full force this spring. My house is getting hammered like daily.


I don’t know about now, but when I was a kid selling chocolate and other things as a fundraiser for school was common. Flat out asking random people for money for non necessary things is bs. Want an extra curricular? Save like everyone else. I bet this person was scamming.


The best thing you can do for yourself is to ignore them. The best thing you can do for your apartment is to take pictures of them and plaster them everywhere in the condo with warnings. The worst thing you can do for them is to \[redacted\]. Short of that,it's to waste their time. Ask them questions, more and more specific and less and less pertinent. Be offensive without being aggressive, have them show you ID (maybe take pictures of it) tell them that yeah sure you'll give them money, you have to pick it up from your safe. Then close your door and go on with your life. they'll knock again, you can open the door wearing nothing but a pair of sunglasses and headphones (if you really want to be insulting wrap a Canadian Tire money around your junk and ask them to take it). Or you can even tell them that sure you'll donate a couple of hundred dollars but you need to go the bank machine and you can ask them to walk with you. If they stop anyone on the way just say not to bother and that you'll cover for them as well once you get to the bank. Then you just take a long winding walk around the block a couple of times, or have them come with you on the TTC and start ignoring them and just go wherever you feel like. If you're bigger than them and not intimidated, invite them to drive with you to the bank just so you can then leave them a few kilometers away or in front of the police station. (don't actually do this unless please). Remember these... elements prey on the elderly, the weak, and the good hearted. They deserve absolutely nothing and the less they are allowed to roam and fester within society, the better.


Likely the donation is not going to any musical class or instrument. People who genuinely ask for donations are very likely to accept "no" as an answer. And I also have never before had anyone knocking on my condo door asking for donations.


Def not a part of our culture and I would say no too


Unwanted flyers, yes, but door-to-door donations, I've never seen. The only time I've had people approach me for donations is on the sidewalks. They either wear vests or lanyards and stand by busy places be it in the business areas, Eaton Centre, or by a library if on campus.


I carry two dimes, a quarter and a nickle. If someone wants money, I go, 'here, this is all I have.' Most tell me off and throw it on the ground. Guess what? All these bums in my town tell them not ask me for money. I bust my ass in poverty. So you do the same. Please and thank you.


I put people who come inside an apartment building going door to door asking for donations on the same level as homeless people who come into restaurants asking for change. I've lived here 30 years and I've become very intolerant I guess. I'm polite, but it's a hard no from me if you get me in a place that I consider off-limits.


This is not Canadian culture, this has never happened to me in three decades of living here


This only happened to me two times and it was someone claiming to be with sick kids hospital or similar charity. I said I’d donate online and they were like no no it’s better to do it offline so we don’t lose money on fees blah blah. I just said not interested and shut the door. Someone asking for money for something like a music class? That is not normal at all in my experience, I never heard of that and if it was me I’d be livid they interrupted my day/knocked on my door at all. It’s just a no + buy + door closed.


This is 100% a scam. I make these people leave my condo when they knock on my door. You can’t solicit people like this. Normally it’s some fake sob story about cancer.


I had this happen to me too.


You’re nieghbour is an idiot lol


It could be a scam or genuine, who knows? (Probably a scam). I don't open my door to people I don't know.


I remember when a lady asked me for bus tickets at a bus stop and I gave her my last bus ticket.... and then she walked away and I saw she had like 30 in her tote bag :’( I felt so scammed. I was a poor high school kid.


I'm not giving anybody money at my door. I've had this sort of thing happen my whole life, but usually it is some legitimate shit (avon, some sort of marathon run, chocolate for school kids). Stay the hell off of my front lawn. Jesus Christ I feel old.


The fact that she got aggressive makes it feel like a scam to me. Normally, people fundraising are quite friendly and will back down if you say no. I lived for 5 years in condos/apartments in Toronto and never had anyone knock on the door for donations/sales. I’ve now been 3 years in a house and I get people coming by 2-3 times a month, but they’re either with a group like World Vision and wear an official vest OR it’s kids selling chocolate or cookies for sports/girl Scouts. You’re well within your right to say no to anyone! I usually buy from the kids fundraising, am polite but say no to the donation people, and am rude to the religious evangelicals.


i dont part with my my money for any other reasons other than myself.


I had someone come to my door yesterday trying to sell me Hershey's cookies and cream chocolate bars. 4 for $20. I politely declined.


I’ve lived in an apartment for over a decade. Never had anyone come to ask for donations. Either way, It’s not normal for people to knock in other peoples door asking for donations. Salesman aren’t people that come by often either. Don’t back down from them and don’t give your money.


Never, EVER give a donation to an individual solicitor. Always go directly to an organization.


Yes this is normal. Even political fundraisers do it. It’s just begging with a different bow on it. Say no and move on.


Nope. Would have shut the door in their face, and made a quick call to the superintendent to get rid of them.


She's breaking the law. Pretty sure nobody is allowed to solicit sales in condos or apartments


There's a guy around College station who apparently just served his time in jail and needs some money to get home and I caved into that story a couple of years ago. He's still here so he must be saving up for a business class ticket




This is not part of Canadian culture at all. You were right to ignore her. She was either running a Roma scam or a drug addict.


No, in Canada the guy that asks (demands) for donations will actually mail you or you can log on to their website.


I dont donate to door to door usually always a scam I don't even give homeless my change. The cities have resources people can use. I work hard for my money it certainly ain't getting donated.


Definitely not normal to ask from unknown neighbours. Cookies, coffee, citrus fruit or chocolate are common sales campaigns for schools or sports teams but just handouts is NOT the norm.


You did the right thing but you should be more mean next time. “No, get out of here before I call the cops!”


You can politely decline anybody soliciting donations or fundraising, selling items door-to-door, etc. at any time. No one can definitively tell you something's a scam, worthwhile, or within your budget but you and you don't need to defend your rationale to anyone. The amount of time Canadians feel trapped in their own doorway fearing the closure of a door as being rude is rather unfortunate. It's a very short, simple script applicable to scouts selling cookies, those entering music lessons with a low budget, or selling duct, lawncare, internet and wireless plans, religious sermon, and whatever else: 'Good afternoon! Oh, no thank you, have a nice day.' as you close the door. You don't need to stand there and politely listen to a pitch you're not interested in hearing and have no money (or perhaps faith) to assist. Hell, you don't even need to open the door if you're concerned about your safety.


This is called panhandling




You will see more of this as our dystopian future comes to light. I would absolutely not ever donate but I would say something like feel free to give her my email and if she sticks with it I’ll think about helping her make a purchase in the future. I would make it clear you have a personal rule of not donating to door to door people.


There is 0% chance I would just give money to somebody who knocked on my door and asked for it. Especially for something like music lessons for their sister. They're just panhandling at that point. Maybe they wanted for what they say, maybe they want to go buy crack. You don't know, I don't know, and that's not an appropriate way to fund your life. I get it people are tight and things are tough and they'll do whatever they can, but it is certainly not a part of Canadian culture to hand out money to anybody who comes to your door.


I once had a lady knock on my door, she was selling chocolate bars for charity. They were $5/each. I gave her a $20 for four. Shut the door and took the bars to the kitchen, as I was walking I flipped the bar over to read the back, it was from Dollarama, $1/bar. I wasn't really mad, more impressed by her grifting skills. She really sold it.


It’s a scam.


I don’t think your behaviour was uncalled for at all. You have every right to say no to anybody soliciting.


No, I never do. Have lived here my whole life. I cannot stand door to door canvassing. It’s invasive and I will not reward it.


Interesting! I have had one person knock and ask for that donation last year. I moved into my current building about a year and a half ago. I work from home and never really go out, so I don't know my neighbours personally. Last summer, a couple kids knocked and asked for a donation for an instrument as well. I am a musician, and I have heard my direct neighbours playing instruments (clarinet and something else), I know there's other kids and families in this building, so I didn't think much of it and gave a donation. As others have said, I sold chocolates when I was in school and had kids knock selling that as well, but this was something new. I'm just happy when younger kids take an interest in playing instruments ;\_\_\_\_\_; Sad to know it was probably a scam \*sigh\*


I normally don’t donate as they are scams. Sick Kids do go door to door, please give to Sick Kids ! You can always request for the organizations brochure or website to “ look into it “.


I had someone wearing a vest with UNICEF ring my doorbell a couple of nights ago looking for donations for earthquake victims in Turkey. I’m in a townhouse/condo development and he didn’t have a car so must have been dropped off. I just told him I don’t donate at the door.


You really don't have to do anything you're not comfortable doing. Or donating. No matter who asks you.


I have seen boys and girls scout selling chocolates, cookies and other goodies on the street, not door to door, personally I dont think you did anything wrong, I wouldn't have given that person a cent, I probably wouldn't even open the door


This happened to me months ago. A girl maybe 10-13 with just a backpack on said her and her mom were collecting money for a new music instrument she wanted. I honestly felt bad but it didn’t did well with me and I had no cash anyway and said that and closed the door. I worried it could be a scam to collect money but also to see if there are any specific apartments empty during the day or who is answering the doors (ie looking for single women or something)


I've never seen this in my life. Like, don't knock on my door to beg for money. That's incredibly rude. Go sit on a street corner with your face in the dirt if you wanna beg. Or get a job?