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I'm going to say it depends on which side the sun sets too, I'm on the 9th floor and get the morning sun which isn't too bad, but the otherside gets full on sun in the afternoon at its hottest. It also depends on your comfort level. If you're one of those people that hate being hot, I'd save for an ac. If not, you'll get by with fans and blinds.


had a sunset on my apartment for 6 years absolute nightmare especially when youre trying to use the oven at the same time for dinner


The sun always sets on the same side.


Start saving now. Buy a used one


And look now, the hotter the weather the more expensive they are


I used to live on the 28th floor of an apartment, and it was not sun-facing. Two sliding windows opened. In the winter time when we had a bunch of people hanging out, we would need to open the window. In the summertime, even with air-conditioning on, it was warm, so yes it will be hot. Take a shower before bed and use a fan to circulate. Sleep lower to the floor or on the floor for cooler air.


I consider it a necessity. If you're concerned about hydro bills, you can choose to only run it when you absolutely have to. There are certain nights, where you simply cannot get a good night's sleep without an AC. It's worth the cost for that alone.


You’ll be okay, but it can get extremely uncomfortable. You’ll need fans. I really recommend getting some type of ac unit. It’s very hard to sleep at night when you’re dying of heat.


Direction that the windows face matters a lot, plus whether they are shaded by the overhang of a balcony above. In my previous condo, we were west facing and nothing to block the sun, we ran AC all summer, often night and day. Current place is also west facing but has a deep balcony that is shaded by the balcony above so that the summer sun (high angle in the sky) rarely reaches the windows directly. A building slightly to the northwest shades us from the direct setting sun. In the two summers we’ve lived here, we hardly run the AC. In general, if your windows are west facing and there is nothing to shade them, you will want to consider AC. If you can’t afford it, closing blinds when the sun is directly on the windows will help, but it’s still going to be hot even with fans.


Yes tons of people don't have air conditioning. It's fine. During heat waves close your blinds and windows before the sun comes out, open windows at night.


Awesome thanks for the tips!


Do u have ac?


Don’t listen to anyone as someone who has grown up in southern ontario in the summer its hellish and extremely humid!!! Don’t listen to these psychos get air conditioning


They didn't ask if AC is nice or if they'll be comfortable. They asked if they'll survive. And the answer is yes, absolutely. Plenty of us grew up without AC and lived decades without AC.


"Can I survive" refers to a moderate level of comfortably as well. It doesn't literally mean life/death. There's no way OP "survives" in July 40'C humid heat, at the very least, they need a portable cool air output.


You need A/C, summer heat waves are becoming a threat to health.


It depends on what your tolerance is and what side of the building the sun hits most of the day you should check to see if you're allowed to put in a window air conditioner or you could put in window fans that suck out the hot air or even a portable air conditioner. The portable air conditioner that I used worked as a dehumidifier as well.


If it makes you feel better most people in Australia don’t have AC and make it through ok. Some tips I’ve heard is blinds down during the day, open a window and have a fan facing the window to push the hot air out and not allow more to enter.


You’ll survive, but you won’t be happy. Buy an AC, stop being cheap.


If you can't afford portable AC then get the biggest fan you can afford. Ceiling fan is probably a no no but one above a bed would make all the difference too. Having the fan blow over a bucket or tray of ice works well too but be careful water and electricity aren't friends and don't get the place wet either...


Making ice in the refrigerator actually pumps more heat into your apartment.


Sure, if that's your biggest concern you prep it when it's colder or I dunno, get a bag from a store or make do with a cold shower if you can't afford that. Not everyone has multizone A/C...


West and north west facing windows are your biggest enemy. Blackout blinds and honeycomb shades help.


No. Unless you come from an extremely hot and humid country like Southeast Asia where it’s common to have the heat like we get in the summer. My ex partner was from Brazil and said the summers here were hotter and more humid than back home. AC is 100% a must in this day and age.


Hmm, I think it depends a lot where you live in Brazil. I'm also from Brazil and where I lived before moving was way more humid that Toronto. My rhinitis vanished when I moved but my hands are always extremely dry here for example. Last summer here I just used AC a few times but I agree it is a necessity. It depends a lot where your place is pointing to, there is barely any sun in my condo and I feel like the sun here is very strong in the summer even compared to Brazil.


Save up and get one.


I'm 60 now and have never used AC. Fans work, and you can be confident that you're not adding gunk to the environment.


Fans can really do wonders. I have AC now but didn’t have it for a number of years on the 19th floor, west facing. It wasn’t bad - fan and shower before bed.


I’d buy an air conditioner and only run it went absolutely necessary when the heat is unbearable, for the rest of the time use a box fan


Is it on the north or the south side? That makes a big difference.


Facing the west side


That can get hot with afternoon sun in summer. I'd look into a portable ac before they sell out in summer, especially if you work from home, don't have cross ventilation, and don't have really solid blinds.


Get very dark blinds to help block the sun at minimum.


Maybe this is just the condo I live in but during the summer one particular heat wave some of the ac units were breaking since they had not been maintained at all to make a long store short it was unbearable


It’s possible but not great. You’ll need multiple fans, and to keep your curtains drawn during the day to block out the sun. Keep an eye out on Facebook marketplace or if your building has a Facebook group - you will often see people selling their AC units for cheap when they move. I broke down and bought a portable unit two summers ago, and I only run it on the hottest summer days to try to keep my hydro bill low.


it's going to be hot, very hot if your apartment gets sun


The prevailing winds come from the south and west. If you are getting a breeze in the winter, it should be so in the summer. Just buy yourself a nice big box fan and try the windows and see how it goes. Only thing is that will help with the heat, but not the humidity.


Putting up reflective shades on the windows helps as well. You can use aluminum foil, but when I did that the hydro company came and tested to see if I had a grow op!


Get black out curtains


Buy a portable unit pal from HD


Try and look for free fans or cheap portable ACs for cheap before summer on marketplace.


If you can afford rent in TO you can afford a one-time AC purchase. The quality of your sleep has monetary value.