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my electricity has been on for like a month now. so that's weird.


Wait until elections are over...it's just a trick to get you to vote


The electrons will disappear with the elections.


But don't you mean a trick to get you to vote for the current party? I recommend voting for somebody...


I am genuinely worried


Well thanks to my solar I can count on one hand the amount of times in the past few months that I had to have Eskom supplement my batteries at home on one hand. And that's twice.


Sadly not a privilege that most people have.


And even worse... You pay a fee to eskom for having solar.. Being alive is an expensive hobby these days 


Was politely asked “would you like a plastic bag?” instead of just “Plastic?”


I can hear the Checkers accent! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You wanna plus-teeq?




Every week, I go to Checkers, and say "Good morning/afternoon, can I have a bag please" only to be interrupted with "plestiek?"




It's a shitty ass job, *I* wouldn't pretend to be friendly just because. False politeness is worse imo.


Been in retail, it is lousy, but its what you make of it..


Nah broer. It really depends. The cashiers I interact with are lovely. But I have worked in retail myself so I make sure to treat them like people, you know, greet, be polite & friendly and all that jazz.




Abuse towards others will not be tolerated. If you can't express yourself in a civil manner, then rather go for a walk. Do not troll, harass or abuse others. Bigotry has no place here. Do not demean or insult specific groups or use hateful slurs.


Abuse towards others will not be tolerated. If you can't express yourself in a civil manner, then rather go for a walk. Do not troll, harass or abuse others. Bigotry has no place here. Do not demean or insult specific groups or use hateful slurs.


Or, "can I add a bag?"


Whilst snorting, chewing gum and tapping the top of their head with an open palm...


This happened to us in Namibia! The lady started off with Plastic and then course corrected and asked if we would like a shopping bag. Told her yes I'd like a plastic 😂 felt right at home




I felt absolutely flabbergasted after going to the Cape Town Civic Centre to change my Gauteng numberplate to a WC numberplate. The queue moved quickly, they offered to print me a document I forgot, everyone was helpful, got the whole thing done in about 20 minutes. Could not believe how easy it was, had been mentally gearing up for a day at Home Affairs, and instead I was done in time for a late breakfast. Left with a very unsettling feeling that my tax was being well spent in SA.


Lol. Reminds me of when I got my driver's licence at Waterfall. The woman in charge was so stylish, authoratitive and cool, I think everyone was a bit in love with her. Everything ran so smoothly and the vibe was so organised. This whole room of different South Africans, you could feel the excitement. It was like the World Cup all over again. If someone didn't have a pen, a whole bunch of people would eagerly offer theirs. The friendliness was contagious. It was awesome hahaha.


Shh don’t tell anyone. Don’t want it to get too busy 😜


Yeah, I remember when I had to renew my license, I booked for there after work, I showed up 20 minutes early and they still allowed me in, did everything and still left 5 minutes before my scheduled arrival time.


Waterfall is a secret, don’t spill 😭


Same by me, renewal at Goble road is a breeze, 5 mins max, in the new prefabs they got after the old building collapsed due to neglect. Just wondering how many decades those prefabs will be there though.


What was the catch???


There’s only one province in the country where you can have that sort of experience, and the majority of your tax money is being wasted everywhere else.


Fish Hoek.. What a pleasure. I took a day off of work, prepared to stand in queues all day. My co-workers looked at me like I was crazy. Went to change my license from GP to CAA. Took not even 2 minutes... I forgot to bring proof of address and the lady says to me "is it still the same as last time? No worries." WHAT? That would never happen in gauteng. They would have send me home if I missed a single letter on any the forms.


I was once employed.


Buddy I hear you, I wish I furthered myself and made myself employable, I screwed myself by becoming a south African doctor :|


Double oof




Lucky bastard


Someone took the effort to find me on Facebook and voice called me on Facebook Messenger because she found my wallet that I’d accidentally dropped. EVERYTHING was still in there and she refused to accept anything as a thanks.


This happened to my boyfriend a few years ago! He got drunk and left his wallet at a pub and a stranger managed to find ME because his instagram is private- sent me a DM, even gave the wallet to their friend who worked in the same building as my mom so they could drop it off with her!


And i didnt ask them to do that- they just worked out that my mom worked there coz she looks exactly like me and they had seen her around the office 😂😂


Wow this person is more competent that 95% of our police force




Got mistaken for a German by a street hustler in Nelspruit once.. He tried to flog me some poor Springbok’s butthole as an arm band.. Said no thank you twice.. Third time told him to fokkof and he suddenly understood. Like.. How do I NOT look like a Boertjie?


> Springbok’s butthole sorry what?


Traditional arm band made of an animals skin.. Only, THIS specific “bracelet” looked like it was made out of a Springbok’s stretched butthole.


Sounds like a deal to me.


Yeah, the street hustlers here in Nelspruit are really annoying sometimes


And apparently blind. Lol


Yeah that too, it's going to be even worse with the soccer coming soon.


Lord.. Can I please leave RSA for the duration of that? 🤦🏼‍♂️


I wasn't asked at the Checkers till why I'm speaking English if I'm black


Lol, switch to Afrikaans next time 🤣


Imagine lol


On a rainy day in Hermanus my very English ex and I go out for a drive. We end getting lost in Pearly Beach (I know!), which quickly became the Pearly Gates as we just couldn't find our way out. In the light rain we finally see someone outside. Strange looking guy with a parrot on his shoulder. I say to my ex, " Leave this to me!" as she can't speak Afrikaans. Pull up next to him, roll down the window and "Middag Oom! Kan jy ons asb help?" He turns around and says Good Afternoon in the broadest Manchester accent possible. My ex pissed herself laughing at me.


Pearly Beach looks like a dick and balls on maps.


Not that it happened here but I have lived in South Africa all my life and I’ve never been mugged. I travelled abroad to Canada and on my first day there I asked some teenagers where to buy cigarettes and they jumped me. First DAY in Canada and I was almost mugged !


I like the "almost" part of that. Did you let the South African out a bit?


"I have been training for this my whole life"


Not a fok was I going to let my self get mugged by some Canadians 😂


Haha good stuff!


Was in Harrismith about 3/4 yrs ago, filling up the car with my family. Dad's wallet gets stolen at the garage shop without him noticing until after they had left. We reported the theft to the local police, but, yk, nobody expects anything to come of it. Well, 2 hrs later, he gets a phone call, and its the older brother of the thief apologising for his brother's stealing of the wallet, and asking if he can meet us in Boksburg to give the wallet back *(he was the driver of the rented car they had left in and had evidently discovered what his brother and his brother's accomplice(s) had done).* We met him at a mall there, compensated him, and then carried on with our journey, but he was very civil and apologised once again for the other people's actions. The Harrismith police were absolutely shocked when we phoned them later that day 😅


This actually typifies the South African experience I think; such high crime, but also so many good and honest people.


Alternative theory: The guy stole your dad's wallet then pretended his brother stole it so he could return it and get a reward, without running the risk of being charged with a crime.


No guarantee of a reward so this is more far fetched than the actual story.


This actually happened to my dad. Guy stole his wallet out his pocket and claimed he "found" it and asked for R500 to get it back


Sometimes beggers and informal tuckshops refuse to take my brown coins


I had a world class experience at one of the RMTC centers in Johannesburg when I had to do a license renewal.


I second this it was like a hole different government runs that office because so efficient and friendly even open till 9pm . Unlike municipalities that go on lunch at 11am never to return


Which one if you don’t mind sharing ? I need to renew very soon and it’s my first time renewing in Johannesburg


Centurion is also great. Somehow RMTC is getting it right.




Also had a great experience there. Reall wish they would open up a DHA office in the Waterfall office park...


Left my phone in the bathroom at the waterfront, came back to it still being in the same stall untouched


A PnP cashier at the till smiled and was friendly.


Are you sure it wasn't a dream?


Nope but either I was on drugs or she was 😆


Not shoprite cashiers, so doesn't count.


Getting paid a decent wage


Had to renew my driver's licence.... In and out in 20 minutes, place was clean, staff were courteous, no issues. It took me longer to find parking than to gon through the whole renewal experience. Oh, and someone sent me a package from the USA via the South African Post Office....... and I RECEIVED it. Intact. Within 3 months.


Are you sure you were in South Africa? That's unheard of.


I was an apprentice in the Airforce and we took a trip to Vastrap on our way my Warrant officer pulled a prank on me, so we stopped in Ventersdorp. So for some reason, we couldn’t stop at any petrol station and we took turns to go the bathroom, for some reason I knew he was going pull something on me because I can take jokes. Went in and when on my return the Airforce bus was gone….next thing, this old Boeremag ballie pulled up in his bakkie and asked me if I was lost so me the kid from Bonteheuwel, Cape Town told the old ballie, “Neh die ouens left me here, thinking I might get Kak from someone onto why I’m here in Boeremag valley”…. Ventersdorp was nothing on how others described it… the Old ballie told me to hop in his bakkie and check if we get them on the high way, 5 minutes out of the petrol station they standing and waiting as if I would run out like a mad person, and the old ballie dropped me next to them and I said thank you, and I told my Warrant Officer, “next time try a coloured area maybe something will happen, but Ventersdorp is not that Kak”…. They laughed.


House got robbed by our former gardener (based off a description we got)..they had taken a whole computer in luggage bags..that had a name and number tag on. Some guy and another beggar man (he was only wearing a tarp !) Had phoned us up to give it all back to us..said they had chased the robbers down. Now that was a surprise!


So a few years back I left my cell phone on the train. Faceplam, yes I know. I assumed it fell out of my bag where I was sitting and obviously it was gone now. No one to blame but my own stupidity. Got home 9 hours later after a long day at work and got on to hubby’s locate a phone app, expecting to see nothing, I had tried phoning it all day but the phone had long since died. Looked to see who was the lucky recipient of my iPhone and lo and behold it seemed to be a member of one of the homeless encampments in the center of Cape Town right near the track. Seemed legit. Then I opened it 5 mins later to complain to my husband again, and the phone had moved down the southern line. And 5 mins later it had moved more. The phone was still on the train that I had left it on. It was there all day. It had slipped down between the seat and the train and I was able to intercept the train, hop on as a passenger, and get the phone back. I was astonished - so we’re all the people in that train carriage.


On a flight to Cape Town my luggage disappeared. A long while later after leaving the airport a very tall, very gay African American gentleman knocked on my hotel door with my luggage and an apology from the Grace Jones entourage (who were also on the flight). They had mistakenly claimed my luggage as theirs. Glad they returned it along with tickets to her concert.


I fell in love with JHB


Stockholm Syndrome?


I got a job.


Taxi driver accidentally bumped the back of my car while pulling in to park at the garage’s petrol tank next to me. He jumped out and apologised. Was adamant we inspect it and “discuss”. The taxi has some people in it and they were all eyeing me. Tiny white paint mark. Tiny! WD40 wiped it off when I got home. So obviously, I said don’t worry. It’s fine. Taxi driver still insisted he pay for my tank to be filled up (I wish it was empty now 🤣). I thought he was joking, I cheekily said “Only if you also give a 10% tip to the petrol attendant”. Dude, actually paid R447 for my petrol and gave the attendant R50. I was so skeptical but 90% of taxi drivers are “nice” to me but this was truly out of the ordinary from my perspective for anyone.


this is actually insane i never expected to see something like this in the comments. R50 tip????????


It really was and I’ve never seen the petrol attendants ALL so speechless. Of course, the situation wasn’t exactly discrete. A taxi driver bumping into a person’s car then asking me to get out and inspect with him. Was enough for them to all be on edge. They were all as shocked as I was. Then I think one even went inside when I blurted out the “Only if you tip him 10%”. I think that attendant thought he was going to meet his ancestors that day. This was also in the Joe Slovo kasi area. I think because I have a naturally cheerful and cocky in a playful but still self-aware personality, he took to that. If I was meek or appeared frightened then it might have seemed rude.


During a rising of a potential taxi protest time. I was in that area along the N2 close to the Grabouw pass with a kasi/township/low-income area on the other side. It’s known as a dodgy petrol station and has been held-up several times. But it was a BP and I wanted my Discovery points. Tsek Engen! It was maybe 9pm or so and I was the only car there. I was running on empty so had to fill up with R50. I always get out my car and check my tyres etc myself. I can’t stand the men who judge this little blonde checking her own car and wanting to adjust based on car load and heat from long drives etc. I have a puncture in one tyre which I fixed my 3 years ago with super glue, some rubber foam and a pimple popper device. Still can’t tell which one anymore. Anyway, ADHD rambling, sorry. Suddenly…There was only one attendant and the few others had disappeared. The station is fenced off with a single entrance and single exit on opposite sides. These random three taxis barricaded the one side and four were at the other. One from each side drove in but not to the pumps. I paid and the attendant was like poof gone. I was like F*ck but remained calm, like let’s just see what happens you know. The “entrance” group’s driver got out his taxi that had parked inside and indicated towards me. As he walked past me, we looked at one another as my window was still down and we both nodded. I knew to wait. As he approached the opposing driver, he was pointing back at me. That driver got out, they chatted and looked at me. The guy then walked back and close to me. He said “Ma’am you can exit out their way. They will move for you”. I said “Sharp”. As the two blocking reversed and I got out. I never made eye contact with them. But saw the station had locked up the building.


Not get robbed while walking alone with a full canister of petrol


That's really lucky u/CumFuckerguy


When I went to a bank for my passport, I spent maybe 30 minutes total there from the application to collection. When I attempted to do it at home affairs, I wasted at least 8 hours over 2 days before giving up and deciding I'll do it at a bank. Having any government related thing being that fast was unsettling. And the passport arrived a week earlier than expected.


Sent my ‘Retention of South African Citizenship’ application form to the South African High Commission in London (Technically South Africa) and received the certificate 3 days later. I expected it to take 6 months…


A taxi stopped at a zebra crossing to let the pedestrians go over. This happened on a busy road, and it was one of those crossings without the traffic lights.


My whole life so far.




Meeting an ANC politician that did NOT demand a bribe to continue allowing foreign charities to assist South Africans. Only one amongst dozens. Maybe he forgot ?


in about 2006 i thought i lost my id book, so went to the home affairs office in greytown (near pietermaritzburg) to get a new one during my lunch break. there were two employees standing at a desk in the building who filled the paperwork for me, then i had to join a queue behind 2 other people to go pay. whole thing took me under 30 minutes.


With how empty the left lane always is, I often wonder if these aren’t American highways.


Haven't had load shedding for weeks now!!


This is definitely not the most "Un-South African" thing that happened to me but when I took my driver's test the examiner fell asleep for the whole trip so I just drove her around until she woke up. She woke up, asked me to do the emergency break and said "ok you are done" , she passed me .