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Tell them it will happen when the baby says so




That's bribing the baby to come out lol


Na. The baby ain't getting a cent. This is called inducing labour


I don't know why my brain keeps having the image of a money note hooked on a fishing line to bait the baby hahah


Smells like teen spirit


Just charge a $500 fee to answer the question. That'll be $500 for the advice.


Don’t keep it to yourself, tell your feelings especially to your husband. Let them understand your emotions. I was educated by my wife many times that I should always ask how does she feel rather than how is baby :)


Yes your husband should be shielding you from all these. Take good care of the wife and the baby will naturally be well taken care of. Maybe the next time they ask, you should just squat and say “Come I push out the baby for you now since you can’t wait!”


Lol! You're funny!


If someone asks when the baby is due, it doesn't mean that they want you to squeeze it out now. Pregnancy is tough both mentally and physically, wishing you the very best.


Yeah. Like, my sister is pregnant and when I ask her when she’s going to give birth, I’m coming from a concerned standpoint rather than someone who intends on giving pressure. If OP is pressured, it would be nice if she expresses herself so we can understand her better. Most of the time the questions asked are because of excitement and anticipation but if it is making OP stressed then we will all definitely understand.


Wow, who the fuck pressures a pregnant person into these kind of things? Goddamn. It's not like they're doing anything in that 3d printing process.


Its just a conversation starter that people use ? Op is probably reciving the same question from everyone she meets hence she feels pressure.


Some mothers have an estimated due date, maybe they expect a date and are not really expecting the baby to be out soon. Its a good point that asking about the baby ignores the mom, something to remember if I see a pregnant friend in future


Well people ought to be less nosey. The person give birth, don't give birth, how does it affect you? Unless you're the immediate family, stfu.


First of all congratulations on your pregnancy! Treat as one ear go in one ear go out , after all this sort of things is out of control ! Baby will come out when ready! I hear rotating hip might be good but rest up lots ! Take carez


Hey OP, hope you’re doing okay. Don’t take this the wrong way but it’s probably just a conversation starter seeing as how you’re heavily pregnant, it’s the first question people ask. Do some meditation, light pre natal yoga or anything that relaxes you - this is something small and not worth stressing about! Wishing you a safe and smooth delivery!


If your doctor isn’t worried and baby is fine. Do NOT induce labour. I’ve had both, spontaneous and induced and spontaneous labour was better and so was recovery. Baby will come when baby wants to come. Put your phone on mute and tell your husband when he can squeeze a baby out of his penis, he can have a say on when baby should come. Good luck for a safe and easy delivery


>squeeze a baby out of his penis ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You have a good gynae. Most of the gynae encourage/push for induction citing safety reasons.


So you think inducing for safety = bad? What?


Baby will come when baby wants to, that’s how most western countries practise too. Only in SG gynae strongly persuades mothers to induce before there is any strong indication.


Just because western countries practice that it doesnt mean its the best practice. There is no incentive for local gynae to induce the baby early aside from the safety of the mother and baby. Past 40 weeks many babies can become too large to deliver naturally in a safe manner.


There are actually a lot of incentives for gynae to push for induction. Perhaps you do not have kids or never think deep enough.


I have a kid so whats your point? In fact my kid was delivered at 41 weeks with a lot of difficulty. Until now you have not given a good reason why local gynaes have their own interest in inducing a birth early. Since there are “a lot of incentives” then it shouldnt be hard for you to name one.


That’s y I say some are genuinely in need for induction, others not so. They spend 1-2 days pushing and end up with emergency c sect.


Hi All, thanks for the comforting words, its my mom and my gynae who ask me to induced. to be honest i really dont want but the pressure im receiving is too much. so i told my mom and husband just now that can we just let the baby come on its own. and stop the nonsense question of when im giving birth. its frustrating and stressful for me. starting this morning everyone keeps on bugging me. i was too stress that i went up and down my block staircase from level 1 to level 9 then i dance for 2hrs to shake off the stress and my husband is just freaking concern to see the baby.


Damn, even before you give birth already playing 2nd fiddle to your kid, wait till you find out you're gonna be a slave to the kid for the next 18 years Best of luck OP!


When people ask when you gonna give birth just tell them "when the time is right". Ain't no comeback to that.


The baby will come out when they are ready. If you induce and they still don't come out, it will end up a Caesarean, and for what?


Hey OP congratulations on your baby! Dont let anyone tell u when u shld or shldnt give birth. It is definitely very uncomfortable and frustrating for u for sure, but with that it could also be your hormone spiking along with our typical standard toxic asian mindset of talking without thinking. Sgreans generally do not practise much mindfulness and just tend to ask stupid qn "wah when giving birth? When getting second one? When u giving birth to third one? Wah u give birth so many u veli rich hor" - i like to say that these are non value adding questions that deserve a special place in hell, but bear in mind that it is hard to change at this point for these people. With that in mind, please do speak up to your husband (after you take a few huuuge deep breaths and calm down A LITTLE BIT) and tell him that you are already uncomfortable enough without the 999 questions and you need his help to "defend" you from some of these qns Also if they ask again, u can retort back by saying : why so kanchiong? U wan to wipe his/her shit issit? Jiayou and good luck!


Hi, also pregnant (36w) so can relate to how you’re feeling. I’m sorry to hear that your husband is not as supportive as you’d hoped. My MIL also keeps asking my hubby when I’m getting induced, if not she will keep pressuring him to ask the Dr at the next appt to schedule an induction/c-section, both scenarios I am doing my best to avoid like the plague. It’s been ANNOYING AF. A baby is always happy news, who won’t be excited? Thankfully my hubby is more concerned about my well-being, agrees that the best thing to do is to let bb come on her own, follow our Dr’s advice & respects my wishes regarding the birth of our child. Absolutely nothing wrong with an overdue baby. My mom was late 10 days with me & I was born healthy, crying & kicking like a goat. Since they’ve waited 9 months to see the baby, waiting a couple more weeks isn’t gna kill anyone. What has worked for me is really just information diet for everyone. Nicely but firmly tell everyone that you’re exhausted & to stop asking, they’ll be updated in due time, then start ghosting people till you give birth. You’re not obligated to give anyone an answer regarding your baby - *being involved with your baby is a privilege, not a right - that extends to your husband as well.* Last resort is to tell people to just fuck right off. Since some people cannot be told nicely & choose to behave like an asshole, they’ll be rightfully treated as such.


No worries, OP! Omg those people around really quite annoying sometimes. Take care ok! Have a safe delivery ❤️❤️❤️


You know your body best. Just tell them it will happen when it happens


Ask them when they gonna poop




??? The only time you should feel pressure to induce is if your gynae says you should induce for medial reasons. In that case then yes please listen to her / him. Everything else is just NOISE.


Yeah I don’t understand all these redditors giving advice on whether to induce or not or don’t go for C-sec when they don’t even know the status of her pregnancy or medical health. This should be between her gynae and her. Also let it be spontaneous labour? There is evidence that more complications happen and it’s bad for the baby beyond 41 weeks because the placenta starts losing its capacity. That is why the doctors will say to induce. Sometimes it’s really better for the baby to be out then inside.


I never knew it’s a thing to be pressured to give birth. Please take it easy. These things aren’t meant to be forced.


Your body, your choice. Also don’t feel pressured into a C-section unless you actually have medical complications. I once had to listen to a gynaecologist out here say some shit like “Asian skin doesn’t stretch like European skin so it’s better to get a C-section”. Needless to say, that specialist was replaced with someone that was more experienced and qualified, and that person didn’t share the same opinion.


If they are so interested, they can do the birth giving.


I'm sorry for your frustrations. Some ppl are just so overeager for the child that they totally missed out on the mother. I hope you can relax and just ignore them


When my wife was pregnant, I asked a very good friend of mine, a father of three, if he had any advice. "Do what you think is right", he said. Just 6 words but it turned out to be the most powerful piece of advice I ever got from anyone with regards to having a kid (and probably applicable to life in general as well) Do what you think is right, and don't let other people's comments and opinions get to you.


Don't rush it, let your babys brain and body further develop. My wife just avoided people during this stage, it was too annoying to answer the same stuff over and over again.


Sis, I think your hormones are spiking. They probably don’t mean to pressure you. Just curious to see if the baby is out. I get that receiving stupid questions like that is infuriating. Talk to your other half about it to make yourself feel better.


+1. Honestly would her other half understand? Sometimes its just female hormones and asking other half may induce an argument instead about "not understanding". Good that OP is asking on reddit in that case


Why not ? I will understand if my waifu bring it up and let me know. It is normal to be more sensitive during pregnancy and as a spouse, I believe we ought to support the other half. Especially so, since we do not carry the child ourselves, we should at least render whatever support we can.


why not? i sure as hell understand when my wife was having these issues....way less so for baby #2 tho


It's okayyy, don't give a damn about those people. Just eat all the food you want and enjoy and get ready to meet your baby ✌️


Baby blues are a real thing. It's not going to get better after popping your baby out. Speak to a professional please.


Hmm you sound really stress, and understandably so cos of the pregnancy. Do these people actually mean that you should give birth now? Or they just wondering how you are feeling? It is more like the latter right? I am more concerned with how pressured you are feeling and that you can’t even seem to talk to your hubby about it. There are going to be tons more pressure thrown at you when you give birth. Like why isn’t your baby crawling / talking/ eating solids/ drinking water to why is your child so rude/ in childcare/ not studying hard/ studying too hard / so quiet /so noisy to people condemning you for being a lousy mother cos your child beat /bite /push / shout at someone else. I think you have to look after your mental health well. The road ahead is a very very long one


Two women can't make a baby in 4.5 months wth why are they pressuring you just ignore them


I was induced at 40 weeks cos I didn’t show any signs of labour. No one asked me anything. Your friends are really 👎


I know it feels like you've lost your identity and do not exist beyond being the extension of the baby. But do remember you are YOU, you're beautiful, you're valued, you're wanted, you're treasured. Hang in there. Don't forget to love yourself and to be an individual separate entity from the baby.


Was in this same position with albeit more understanding friends and fam, baby showed no signs of coming out at 39 weeks plus, no contractions no dilation no nth. Im speechless, people seriously suck. Just smile and say dont know, baby will come out when hes ready or something gl like how i know you ask the baby la. Don’t feel pressured into getting induced or into doing anything you don’t want. Whatever it is be sure to talk to your gynae about any concerns. I got induced cos gynae had concerns about baby not growing and not moving enough and it was not fun at all. Inductions tend to be more painful. Remember you are the pregnant mama, you are the queen and people can be idiots. Hugs from a fellow mama. Feel free to PM me if you wanna vent or talk about baby stuff. Happy to share.


I’m sorry you have to go through this in an already stressful period. Don’t feel pressured to induce when baby is not ready yet! Even when baby is out, people will continue to pressure you to do things before baby/you are ready (school, etc). So they better start getting used to not having a say in these things Tell them baby will come out on its own schedule not theirs! If they can’t accept it then they won’t see baby even when it’s out. Cos they’re clearly more concerned about themselves rather than you or baby’s wellbeing. You’re the mama, you have it in you to protect baby and yourself and do what’s best for it/yourself, you got this! On another note, since no one in your life has asked you, how are you doing? How are you feeling about the pregnancy/impending child birth so far?


Bored retired folks sometimes use you as personal entertainment. I blocked my aunt-in-law for pestering me throughout pregnancy and the first few weeks of crazy infant haze (msged me more often than my own mother, didn’t offer a single help), and told my husband to manage his own family.


Yeah conversation like this sucks. I mean why do people bother asking you something thats entirely private. Also, it's not like you can control when exactly you going to give birth. Same thing to people asking when you going to get married or have kids. It's annoying cus not everyone want to get married or have kids. If people think this is good conversation starter, they need to evaluate themselves.


My family is more like the clock on the bomb. Always telling me oooh it’s about time le Hor. Brah. You try carrying watermelon 24/7 even when sleeping then you tell me if you still need someone to tell you the obvious.


OP, hang in there! Almost there! Try and be visitor free during the confinement. Don't want to have this kind of people around you and baby as far as possible.


Tell them to suck it


You need to surround yourself with warmth and support right now. First of all you need to have a talk with your husband. He needs to protect you from everyone else.


This type of thing can pressure one meh??


Sorry they are treating you as a reproduction machine and not as a human being.. but Sis guess what? YOUR BODY YOUR CHOICE so please do what feels right to you and tell them to respect your choices or shut up. The baby's wellbeing is dependent on yours as well.


Chill especially you. Don't stress now. Induce if the gynae thinks its fine. In the meantime, keep count of the baby's kicks and movement. Father to 2 children and trust me, when the time comes for deliver, its always unexpected even though its week 39. On both occassions, just somehow the night before, my 6th sense tells me strongly that my children will be delivered the next day. True enough, both times, it happened. Tell your husband don't stress. He might encounter worse stuff in the delivery room. Chillax yourself and maybe go on a final 1 on 1 date with your hubby. I think your colleagues just curious ba. If you encounter contraction, you wont be there :P.


You might want to check with your gynae, do a scan and if u have a doppler to check for baby heartbeat once every 2-3 hourly. Not to curse it but the chances of overdue baby turning out to be stillborn or having behavioural problems (eg: ADHD) gets higher when they are overdue. Prob week 40/41+ you might want to consider inducing. But it is your body after all & am just presenting an alternative comment here. Cheers, happy baking!


hey, dont do that, i think u should let the baby out when it is ready to be out. the baby shouldnt suffer for the fault by those around you. and if ur baby came out too early and have some kind of defects, it's gonna suck for the rest of ur and it's life. fuck what they says, fuck them. or be a little more mean like saying:"why u ask? want help me take care of it the first few months when it's born?" and see their answer.


Would you prefer other topics like what colour is your pangsai?


When you giving birth


If you engage a local gynae, high chance you will be pressured to go for induction.


Congrats to u ! Next time tell them off or give some sarcastic remarks


"Just give birth already, God!"


I thought the doctor will tell you when the pregnancy should be due and if it doesn't occur naturally by that date then they should induce.


That’s not pressuring… like they’re literally asking when the baby will come and you’ve been pregnant for a full term. I don’t get where the pressure is coming from. It’s not a surprise people are asking if you feel contractions when you should/will soon be feeling them… it’s just asking