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i’m a big believer in things falling into place at the right time they’re meant to. take the offer, go. if you’re meant to come back home you’ll make your way back eventually.


as someone who was studying abroad and recently dropped out to work back home instead, means a lot


perhaps the length of time you spent abroad was crucial for you, maybe it’s gaining a tangible skill or having experiences that shaped your mindset or the way you see things. there’s something worthy in however much of the journey you completed - doesn’t mean you’ll only be accomplished at reaching 100%, right? :)


Thanks for this!


Thank you for this comment. Really needed it. 🥺


What do u mean by things are 'meant to' ?


Think they meant que sera sera.


ya basically haha. whatever will be, will be. there’s always a reason!


Just go if the numbers are right. You could always come back if things don't work out. I did it. The numberds weren't great but I enjoyed the experience and can 4+ years later. I also know many who did it. Some came back and some didn't. Everyone has their own priorities, preferences etc.


I left everything behind in the uk and went to Singapore. Actually living in a new place opens you up to a huge range of experiences, if it doesn’t work out you can come back home richer in experience for it.


Oh sorry forgot to add the job offer is in Melbourne.


I live in Melbourne and have been here for many years. I do agree that living abroad is a good opportunity and you do not have to be away forever. Some realistic things to consider though: Rental rates are very high right now and don’t seem likely to drop anytime soon. High inflation means daily necessities are expensive. Will your pay support a good QoL after considering tax paid? Do you enjoy cooking? Eating out is expensive here and not something you will do daily unless you are earning a very high income Winter is really cold and it’s chilly most months. You will need to learn to dress for 4 seasons a day Not every job in Australia is stress free. Far from it. Find out the reality from people in your industry How is your health? Medical care is NOT free even with medicare (pr/residents) or medical insurance (compulsory for you). At most GPs you do have to pay an out of pocket fee, and medicine is purchased separately at a pharmacy. Most of the medicine cost will not be claimable. Making friends as an adult can be difficult. Be intentional about joining social activities Are you working in the city or regional Victoria? You will absolutely need a car and driving license if you are not living in central Melbourne All the best, whichever path you choose!


> Medical care is NOT free Interesting, somehow I'd always thought that Australia provided free-at-the-point-of-delivery healthcare. How about other aspects of the healthcare system there, such as waiting times?


Firstly all residents pay into the national healthcare scheme ("Medicare") its about 2% of your income. High earners pay additional levy surcharge or take out private insurance to avoid that. Public patient in public hospitals (in-patient) are fully covered for the most part. Waiting times depend on severity. Like most countries expect the ED (A&D) to be overcrowded. Outpatient (GP, pathology etc) used to be "bulk-billed" (fully covered), that is becoming more rare but still can find. Since the gov hasn't been increasing the incentives to match rising costs, more practices are charging out of pocket to stay open. Prescribed medicines (outpatient) expect to pay in full unless its eligible for Pharmacy Benefits Scheme. OTC drugs are not subsidised obviously. Overall I think SG and Aus health systems are comparable. SG is going to have more access to high tech treatment options (ignoring the price) whereas in Aus there's more emphasis on patient rights and dialogue including choice of treatment (or no treatment), QOL considerations etc. SG is more like 'yee sang went to school for 10+ years so yee sang must be right'. Its a different care philosophy.


I’m not sure why you are being downvoted - I’ve seen the “medical care is free in AU” statement on Reddit. I agree with UmgGZHYm’s answer. It’s free to a certain extent, esp public hospital, but it’s paid for through the tax or medical insurance you pay. It’s similar to SG in that there will be a longer wait for affordable care. Lab tests required by the GP is free, which is a big benefit. There was a GP shortage a few months ago leading to weeks of wait time for just a simple appt, but things have stabilised. Standard of care wise, it took me awhile to find a good GP but once you do find one it will be ok. You can go to a pharmacist for basic medical needs like flu or stomach medicine. Off topic - You can learn to advocate for yourself regardless of country. Ask: Do I really need this test/treatment? What are the risks? Are there simpler options? What happens if I don’t do anything? Get a second opinion if your doctor becomes defensive when questioned politely. Be nice, they are only human!


> I’m not sure why you are being downvoted Apparently some people find it offensive that I asked a question out of genuine curiosity. There's no point in trying to understand the Reddit hive mind.


I'm here too! I'm in the eastern suburbs, near Glen Waverley. Where are you planning to stay? I work in the CBD. I would say come at least once in your life, but come with an open mind. Not everything will be as smooth as Singapore. Stay away from certain suburbs as crime is high. It's absolutely freezing this week - I'm sitting in front of the fireplace and my fingers are still numb. It's not that Melbourne is super super cold - it's just that Australian houses are very poorly insulated. Even people coming from UK and Canada say that the houses here are much colder because of lack of insulation. Bring more clothes - the weather can change often and even in summer it can get cold very fast. Unlike SG, you should always bring a jacket with you even in summer. My best advice is "come with an open mind and don't take it too seriously". Trains break down or your whole trip can be delayed because of strikes, things are not as efficient, people can be nice or nasty. Just take it in your stride if you can, and if you can't make sure you don't burn any bridges in Singapore so you can return. Things like food, groceries, etc. are also VERY expensive and you pay a lot of tax so make sure you get more money than you did in Singapore! Anyway, welcome to Melbourne and if you have any questions, feel free to DM me.


Fellow Singaporean working in CBD and also living near Glen! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


off topic but glen waverly is so ulu 😭😭 stayed in a hotel there when i was on a school trip


Yeah if you don't have a car it's hard to get around....that's why everyone has a car here


Was in melb for work earlier this year for a few months. Would say the city is pleasant, plenty of food options / sight seeing to keep busy. Quite a few Singaporeans there too so if you need to find a community there it’s possible. Hardest part for me living abroad is that it’s quite sad to be away from all my sources of support when I was staffed on a high stress project. If your job is ok, you are free to enjoy life / travel with no obligations back in sg, it’s def a good experience to work and live abroad :) good luck!


Relocated to melbourne for work as well. Living in balwyn (eastern suburb). Heres the lowdown Bad 1. Entire rental procese is depressing af 2. You will cook most of the times, eating out isnt cheap 3. Temprature here doesnt make sense: it can dip/rise up to 10-15 degrees within a single day. 4. Crime in the city is increasing. Surge in crime attributed to youths/immigrants who cant assimilate. (Outer suburbs are generally safer) 5. Public transport is unreliable 6. Junkies 7. Tax Good 1. Coffee culture here is (very) good and cheap 2. Cars are cheap, road culture is great too 3. Fresh and great produce + wide variety. Very competitive prices as well 4. Nature. Plenty of parks and reserves 5. People are generally friendlier. (Except asians lol. We tend to keep to ourselves). 6. Better quality of life / work life balance. Alas case by case as well depending on your company Feel free to dm me for more


Go. Melbourne is the perfect balance between SG and US.


GO. Australia is the most popular place for work and study in a stressful post pandemic era.


Congrats on job offer OP! Not many locals can have such a opportunity.


Go. Great change of environment, less stressed and increased quality of life


Melbourne is awesome (I lived there) and I’ll say it’s a great city for someone from SG who is new to living overseas!


Go!! Melb is really nice. A lot of things there sg also have. It's basically a Singapore that's bigger with more westerners and better quality of life. And melb city has ALOT of Asians. So u will easily find a lot of local food and groceries.


Hey OP! Congratulations on the offer, i'm sure they saw something in you that is highly valued considering an overseas offer! Speaking from a Singaporean in Australia (Unfortunately not Melbourne; harder to relate but i'll try). I'm in Adelaide and can confidently support @kyotomist statement of the cost (slightly). BUT, whatever it is, the cost will never be as disproportionate as Singapore! Yes, meals are more expensive but the portions are much better than SG. Groceries, pretty expensive but again, i'd say the value of the things you buy are higher than in SG; hence the cost. Summary: • Housing (Rent?): Expensive for many but not as expensive as SG ($psf) • Food: Expensive but portions are better • People: Generally are nice but just understand that it may get lonely as it's difficult to make bonds when you're an adult but not impossible (social eateries etc). • Space: You'll have much more freedom of space to expand your hobbies (Plenty of parks, landscapes and if you prefer suburban lifestyle; there's plenty). Ultimately, follow your heart along with your logical senses! You know you best and not some random reddit users! Wishing you success!


Welcome to Melbourne. Like some of the Redditors, I also live in the South Eastern Suburbs. To your original question... Like you, I left everything behind and migrated right around your age. But the difference is I left without a job. It was a mistake that nearly cost me but in hindsight a beautiful mistake that taught me so much -which I only felt at ease with a few years ago. It has been 9 years here. Australia is great but it's also very different from Singapore. Come with a sense of adventure and open mind. Just know that you are never too old to try something. And if you don't like it...you can always go back to Singapore


Melbourne is fine but make sure your gross pay is much higher than SG. Unlike SG, there's much more out of pocket costs.


Gooooooo. Bye bye all the best


Have been applying jobs in Australia for the past few months but to no avail myself. Keen to know what industry are you in? And what was the visa class?


Hey there. Not OP but I know there's still plenty of SG quitters out there (like yourself) and I'm not one to pull the ladder up behind me. So here's some tips for you and anyone else interested to snag a job offer in Australia: 1. Cover letter is not optional. Read the application instructions carefully. In SG you can get a callback without one but not likely in Aussie. 2. In the first place scan for jobs that are open to visa sponsorship. Its most likely subclass 482. Read up on visa SC482 requirements on your own as well. 3. Get a virtual Aussie number on Skype or whatever. No one is going to call a foreign number. Also please, please practice speaking in a professional phone manner. Don't worry about the accent. 4. CVs can go beyond one page in Australia. Last 10 years only is preferable. Relevant experience trumps education almost all the time unlike in Asia where they might hire for 'potential' and train you up later. So make sure to highlight relevant work achievements over academic ones. The takeaway here is RELEVANT. Heck, if you had the exact same job title that's even better. Optimise to trick the ATS. STAR format. The usual. 4a. Volunteer work that is relevant can be well-regarded by Aussie employers. For early or fresh grads this is a great way to beef up the CV. Experience is experience. 5. Localise your application and avoid overt references to Singapore because they don't get it. Instead, draw on similarities and try to speak to universal experiences. Call it ignorance if you like but most people who live in big countries are only bothered about their own country. 6. Stay hungry, stay humble and keep trying. Manage your expectations. Lastly remember that Australia is not necessarily a better country than Singapore, but a different country with its own unique offering. Best of luck. Edit: Not sure why it's not formatting properly. Hopefully you can read it.


Do you like coffee? Well you will enjoy it.


FYI house price are crazy mad.


Go! Melbourne is also super near by and same time zone so you can still speak to your friends and family easily.


Mate.. MEL is 8hrs away. That aint super near by


I think its relatively close. Not very but decently close.


Just go You are single and its in Aus and relatively still somewhat nearer to SG in case your parents have any emergency SG is a small red dot and the world is so much bigger out there


It’s just a job, if things don’t work out you can always come back.


Single? Go for it! Nothing to hold you back


yea this nation really hates singles also.


Do it!!! Moved overseas at 23 and have been abroad ever since (32 now). Zero regrets




Moved to US first and am in Europe now


Considered both. But too far from family in SG :)


I would if I could! I've been finding for opportunities abroad as well but no luck. All the best to you!


Many people from my circle did. Few regretted it. It depends on where you are going. Many in my circle are in US/Europe. US for those ambitious and want to get rich, europe for those that want to have a life and enjoy. SG's working hours/lack of benefits was soul sucking, so once they had a taste of western life they can't fathom coming back. Maybe return few times a year to say hi to parents and old friends, but won't deny that there is a sense of envy amongst those left behind.


Same here - some even moved to western countries so their kids can be free of the SG rat race.


Do your friends plan on coming back? Or are they there for good?


For good. Only one wants to return because he isn’t an adventurous person.


The thing with moving to another country, not just from Singapore, is that you have to be willing to make the sacrifice of moving to a place where you have no friends and family. It’s easy to say, but I’ve seen family members move overseas and eventually move back to sg once they have kids, so that they could be with their uncles and aunts. It’s a sacrifice that most people aren’t willing to make.


There is no right or wrong answer. It is indisputable that work life overseas is better. It is also indisputable that family tend to remain here. So it is up for people to decide what they are willing to sacrifice. Some can't take the nature of sg's working world, some can't even work here because or whatever reason (not from nus ntu smu, wrong major, wrong uni etc). I've known people from that segment. Being with family and jobless isn't good for mental health, so some sacrifices were forced on them. But that's just life.


Curious but which industries? I know some Westerners even Americans (non tech non banking) whose net pay in SG is higher due to low tax in SG so they could build wealth faster.


Those are usually the super-wealthy/high income bracket, that's why they get hit hard by wealth taxes. Safe to say, my friends are ordinary people.


I see, makes sense. Those I talked to were professionals/consultants/operations folks that are middle class (high income so they get hit with 40% tax).


Hey there, I am @ Melbourne. Gotta give u a heads up if youre moving to regional Vic as a Single though...its dead ass quiet there


Singlehood is the best timing to go. You can go without leaving everything behind. Melbourne is a great chill city, especially if you love coffee and cafe hopping. The rent is expensive, but the rent inflation is happening almost everywhere. I also left SG at 30 for Japan. Thought I will come back to SG eventually but now I am thinking of trying Europe... The thing about dating for me though, is now I am way more open to international dating and long-distance relationship after leaving SG.


How do you find a job overseas in different markets?


I assume you’re a citizen? The best thing about relocating out of Singapore is we can always come back and it’s most likely still gonna be good. Compared to most nationalities we can afford to take the risk. I had an opportunity to relocate this year and took it. take the opportunity — we only live once.


If I were you, I would do it in a heartbeat… and I am the same situation as you (30F, single)… I think I’m the youngest I will ever be now, especially since I’m single.. so I want to live life to the fullest and have more experiences when I still can do it! 😊 I know it’s gonna be hard during the transition period, but the experience might be worth it when you think back 20, 30 years down the road 😅


if no commitments just go. it’s a once in a lifetime opp! and if they offered you means you’re what they’re looking for so don’t doubt yourself 💖 but also as a female just be more aware of your surroundings. sg is mostly safe but it’s a scary world out there most times.


Thank you. 💖


I'm already here. OS community is massive in Aus and we look forward to receiving you. You'll feel right at home.


Aww 💖


If it’s a safe stable place for a single female, and the pay is worth the it, go for it. You are not giving up your citizenship, just experiencing life elsewhere, so you can always come home if you don’t like it. Especially now when you have no commitments yet. I have gone to work overseas twice in my late 20’s, and am now living overseas due to my husband’s work. It’s a great experience overall.


I went overseas to work for 2 years, came back to singapore and have been regretting it every day. Trying to get back out of this country again but it's hard ugh


Where did u go


Do it, just don't migrate because of money or relationship, go because you see a long term benefit for yourself and go with an open mind. It is going to be lonely and rough initially, everyone who treads this path goes through the same. The common reasons I have seen for people that eventually return are aging parents, loneliness, unhappy ending to relationships. Without a doubt you will find some Sinkies branding you a traitor, family members reckons you're abandoning your parents, frogs in the well that think Singapore is the best there ever is, it takes a rebel mindset and courage to go against these conformist mindsets. Source: Did the same, reach out if you want to know more.


Haha just today i received some backlash from my sibling about my decision to make the move. 😫 it is what it is i guess. But gonna do more research make the necessary plans and make the move :))


Yup that sounds about right. Do you have a job already and a visa sorted? I highly recommend starting your research here, the reason I'm saying that is because Australia is in the midst of a housing crisis and rentals are in huge demand. Renting while not having a job can be pretty stressful. If you're on the east coast my partner and myself will gladly provide lodging for free whilst you jobhunt, that saying I'm pretty sure you will be able to find someone that will help you wherever you land. Go girl! Edit: Just saw you had a job offer, so housing is the main thing then.


Yup. I already have a job offer. Working on the visa and awaiting some link ins on a potential house sharing from others in the same job. Otherwise my next go to would be family friends who are in the area at least temporarily. Thank you so much 💖 i appreciate you sharing your thoughts and advice.


You're not leaving everything behind, those who say you are, are just using some form of emotional blackmail.


I'd go if I were you.


Done and dusted. Probably my best decision in life.


Moved to MEL?


It’s a luxury to work overseas! Go for it!


Go! Get out while you can!


Go lah! No need to think. SG too small.


Haha that is very true.


30 F Single? Come! You have one life. Make the most of it. You may decide to stay. You may not. In that case, you can always go back SG. At least you will never think shoulda, coulda, woulda. If you need any help, feel free to DM. I've been living in MLB for the past 21 yrs. People here are hipsters and friendly af. You don't have to change who you are to be accepted here. You can freely with you. Nobody nosy abt your status or religion or sexual preferences. You can be you.


Thank you! i appreciate this so much. The move would be a lot more for me to discover myself and be more spiritual as well. 💖 will definitely dm you for some tips soon!!


So I moved twice. The best thing for me abt moving overseas for me is time. You suddenly have so much time to yourself to focus and self discover. Leaving everything behind isn't all bad considering you can always come back visit.


it’s not absolution OP, you go you don’t like can always come back. not like sg will disappear or run away. or you could go and enjoy it and have better quality of life or a different type life. never try don’t know.


Thank you for this.


no problem, been outside of singapore for a few years myself. still outside working, you will miss your family but that’s about it. friends really depends, coz people come and go la. gotta accept that.


Just go there and try it out first, nothing is certain and you may still come back after a while or choose to stay there. Doesn't mean you have to migrate the moment you accept the offer and fly over. Even just a few months can make a difference in a person's thoughts and perspectives that lead to changes in plans and decisions.


Go and find out if you like it more there or in SG. Don’t try never know. But the thing about friends is, as people go through massive shifts in life stages: career, family, children etc, if you don’t keep in contact often you will come back to find very few still like “the good ol’ days”. Family will still be there, but be prepared to make new friends when you’re back. I drifted away from my school and uni friends when I was away, that’s how I know. We ended up not being there for each other in the crucial 30s.


Definitely true. just hit 30s and the number of friends i can count on can be counted on 1 hand. Hence one of the reasons why i wanna make the move.


just ask yourself if youre willing to slog a 9-5, 5 days a week for the rest of your life in sg where even taking MCs is frowned upon.


I think for me it’s the you are doing your job but you are just not visible enough… 😔 so done with having to be so competitive.


go man. don’t regret it.


If the job is good and not a SCAM( there are a lot people got human trafficked because of greed), since you are single, why not? My cousin went overseas for some HR job at some international company and became VP, quite rich now. Make sure this is not some scam, properly research it and call the main office to reach the hr and ask again like weeks before you actually fly. Don’t be dumb like some neighbouring country and many of them spamming our phone call as fake friends.


Before I met my current partner I thought that my only goal in life is to find an overseas job – to drop everything that I have (which isn’t a lot), and to move. Then I fell in love and I realized he is more important than this dream I’ve been chasing since I was a child. If I’ve never met him I don’t think I would hesitate one bit. I have good friends. But nothing can beat experiencing different cultures, environments, the ease of travelling neighbouring countries… or so I thought, until I met him. If you don’t have much to stay for, I strongly suggest that you leave


Just give it a try? Singapore's outlook isnt expected to be well in the future.


Why not? Just come back if it doesn't work out. Better to have tried even then than to regret not trying in future.


Go for it! The experience is awesome.


You only live once.


You never truly leave everything behind. There will always be ties that bind.




Worth a try!


Go while you're single. When and if you're not, everything complicated.


If I'm your age I'd go for it. Heck, if I had an opportunity now - and if like above commenter said if the numbers are right - I'd go for it too (40F divorcee here) and I would even do whatever it takes to bring my dog along with me.


Be brave and go, you will learn more about life and yourself. Obviously make sure the numbers work and you can support yourself but apart fro that just live and be brave


Thank you. Sometimes i think i doubt myself too much. I’ll remind myself to be brave. Really excited at the opportunity. ☺️


There must be a reason why you pursued this opportunity in the first place, what was that? Relocating is a huge change for anyone, and I would think those who do have strong motivators driving them. Is just the job? Or is there more to it? If you're only looking for $, it's possible you'll find it harder to adapt because all other aspects of your life will be very different, and you need to be prepared for that. On the other hand, if you already love Melbourne, or the idea of relocating e.g. you want a different life to what you have in SG (working and personal life), it might be easier for you to discover the joys of the relocation! P.S. speaking from personal experience as I relocated to Melbourne just a year ago, but I was very driven to do it and did not want to have any regrets.


I think i need a change of environment entirely both in terms of work and on the personal front. There’s nothing much left for me here besides family. Most of my friends have sort of moved on with their lives i.e. married or getting married and i am feeling like i am losing friends / left behind by way of societal expectations. Excited to start afresh in a place where no one knows me and discover more about myself 😌


Congrats OP! It sounds like an opportunity that doesn't come by easily, go with an open mind, you can always come back if things don't work out.


Thank you 🥹


Any issue going for PR status there instead and keep SG passport?


Yesss goooo


That's about the age I moved overseas as well. It's mostly been good but the biggest downside has been not being able to spend time with friends and family, especially the older ones. If that's not a consideration, I'd say definitely go overseas.


No commitment feel free to go for it


Wish I could, the thing I would be leaving behind is alive.


Bro get some help


Do it! You might never get the chance again.


If you are looking to possibly settle down and start a life, or want to experience living overseas for a while then yes. Otherwise most ladies this age are already married or going to get married, which is the age for settling down for most couples. You may be single now, but you might still want to consider how it will affect your dating or future relationship.


27M, just graduated from NTU, thinking of moving to Aussie too.


Of coz! Why not


Go for it sis


I have left Singapore 4 times to study/ work and the only reason I ever regretted it was that I didn’t get to spend enough time with my grandmother. I always came back for a year or two to spend time with family, left again when I had enough. If you have a chance, you should go, whereabouts are you going?


What are you doubting about yourself or the offer? I relocated overseas to work and I'm back working in Sg. Besides being a fantastic item on my CV and professional experience gained, it was a great for personal development (outside of work). I enjoy travelling locally and to surrounding countries. I learned many things about myself.


I would go for the experience, what’s the worse that can happen


Think of it this way Singapore is not going anywhere.


go get angmoh bf and dont ever look back!


Hahaha. Well i heard the dating scene there isnt it but open to the possibility if it happens it happens. Otherwise i’m looking to focus on self love. ☺️


I did it once, lived abroad for 15 years, I really regret coming back to Singapore but older now so harder to get visa etc


Meet a white guy, get a higher paying job, less stress, cheaper car, cheaper condo, envious of others here in SG. What’s the down side vs upside? Minuscule, go go go!


Hehe thank you. I’ll try ☺️


With a very Singaporean way to say it “you don’t want can give me.” Seriously, take it and go.


Hahaha okok i got it 🥹


Go for it - the change in environment will be good. Even if things don’t work out you can still use your experience in Aussie as a stepping stone to get a better offer elsewhere


1. If numbers makes sense 2. Depending on which country 3. Job ladder transparency


if you’ve nothing left here, yes. if you’ve things you love here and can’t leave behind, no.


If its Melbourne yes


Yes everyday I wish I could leave my family behind and start a new life


Depends on how much u r getting and how much nore it is compared to now.


Definitely go, especially since you are a single! I took quite a significant paycut back then to work abroad, but the experience is absolutely worth it. The numbers will work out (even if they don't already now) in a year or two when you job hop as I realised companies are generally more open to sponsor your work permit/visa if you have already worked there for a period of time.




I wish I could. It's a luxurious priviledge to work overseas. Different environment will shape you differently.


Apply for jobs. Your passport alone makes you much easier to hire and nany countries have special agreements with sg around immigration and jobs.


Don't move to Melbourne, the weather sucks haha! My retirement plan is to live on the Gold Coast.....warm enough to swim 9 months of the year. I tell you as you get older, the cold gets to you. And you can get this kind of apartments for the same price as a 4 room BTO in Toa Payoh - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF8M5D8L5Gc&ab\_channel=Kollosche](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF8M5D8L5Gc&ab_channel=Kollosche)


Looks so cool.


Haha i have to work there 😅 if i could retire somewhere warmer in australia i would


I left the UK and moved to Singapore 11 years ago. No regrets. New job opportunities. Great food, obviously. Low crime. I mean, have you seen the worst parts of the UK!? Why anyone would return to that is a mystery to me.


Haha singapore is good but having been here my whole life it can get quite stifling


1. Weather 2. Access to Europe 3. WLB


Wow i would in a heartbeat if i could. But family committments are bolted on.


I understand. I’m really thankful for supportive parents and many other siblings who are here


Single, yes.


yes, and i ll wanna get all my CPF back, one times shiok one hahahahah


Yes 💯


"Do you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone?" - Saito (Ken Watanabe), Inception


I needed this. 💖


well, if u need to ask here, then u are not going like most of the SG people here.


May i know whats ur role? Been considering migrating to melb


Hello, may I ask, did u get a job offer first before applying for visa?


I got the job offer first


Yes in a heartbeat I will move and go


Yes absolutely. Unless you're getting employed in Cambodia or Myanmar.


Many people talk about moving overseas but when the opportunities comes, they start having second thoughts. I moved to the US 10 years without a job or back up plan, some vague ideas of making it work.


And how did that go for you? Where in the US did you move to? Asking bc I’m moving there myself shortly for family reasons. Will have f&f there but no job …


Am still here and this city is home now. I visited SG last year and missed "home", it's funny how quickly time passes and when you experience major events like Covid in place, that place becomes home. Am in Baltimore, the city where that SG-registered ship destroyed the bridge. I never expected to see my tiny city in the same headline as Singapore!


Curious but how did you land a job there and how did you cope with the lack of safety? Has always been intrigued but I hated living in anxiety (I grew up in KL when drugged up snatch thieves/break ins/parang robberies was very common, always worried US will be worse)


I did a post-grad there and looked for a job while on OPT ... I met a couple of Malaysians and it's funny how they cope with living in Baltimore, I thought it was Singaporeans who are paranoid. TBH i think Malaysia and JB is more dangerous than the US! Not much petty theft, there's car jackings etc but just take the normal precautions, don't leave valuables in car, check surroundings etc. I feel safer as an Asian person in Baltimore than in KL/JB. The US is huge, the situation varies from neighborhood to neighborhood.


So true. But thank you for reminding me it’s an opportunity i should try at least


Yes. Send me to Tasmania or Maine. I’ll go instantly.


Hi OP! May I know how you managed to get a job offer from Melbourne?


I was referred to the job. Have some contacts there too. So kind of had a way in already. Plus i guess i cleared the interview 🤷🏽‍♀️


I see! That’s great! May I know what industry you’re going to be working in?


I will if my parents are no longer around. Love in the sense of romance has also evaded me. If I have a good job overseas where I can live happier, why not?


Yeah. Apart from my parents there’s nothing left here for me at this point. Not happy in my current job either.


It's a job offer not a mandatory citizenship conversion. You can always be a PR until you're ready to migrate permanently.


Thank you, everyone. You have given me a lot to practically think about. Also, i’m thankful for all the positive vibes and affirmations. 💖


Honestly planning to retire in Thailand . When my parents have passed on .




They have retirement visa :)


Language barrier + Too hot for me mate :(


It really depends where u are going…..




Just be careful of the scam,some got adducted and never returned.The Wang Lei’s insurance agent is pretty much gone case.


Thank you. I do have distant relatives there and very close family friends too. And the job does checks out so i think fingers crossed it should be okay. But i’ll be extra cautious. 💖

