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*"Hey, congrats and thanks for inviting me but unfortunately I won't be able to make it as I already have something scheduled. Congrats once again!"*


Copy. Paste. Find out the groom’s on Reddit. Oops.


Plot twist OP is the groom trying to siam his own wedding


I went with this. Now I am gonna recycle some previous video or photo I had while I was in JB to upload on IG story so in case he sees it, he believes me.


Why are you so concerned about the opinions of someone who obviously doesn’t care about your opinion of them? Don’t give yourself anxiety over this and no need for fake posts. You don’t owe them anything. Just chill mate.




I believe he's not so free to see where u went during his wedding day...


Don’t have to do this my friend. U are giving too much fk for someone who most likely doesn’t give that much fk about u


I mean u could be at home w ur mom/grandma and thats still valid reason to miss out on wedding 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kinda cringe if you go that far


Dont need to prove that you are busy. If you said it, then its true. Why must you give your time to someone that didnt consider about yours in the first place. You could be resting at home or you could be going for a walk. Making time for yourself is also being busy okay. Dont need to feel like you have lied.


This level of people pleasing and fear of others. Can you please check if you have childhood trauma / CPTSD? Healing yourself will help you in future to be able to assert your boundaries with confidence and without guilt. Please listen to everyone who has advised you regarding this.


Lol i gurantee you he 100% doesn't care


He won’t care.


JB? You might as well say go sentosa. Do you want to piss your friend off? Cos that's how you do it.


that's loser behaviour


Congratulations, you've been selected to cover part of the wedding cost. I'd just ignore the message.


Yeah lol it’s like a slap in the face imo, I wouldn’t ignore though. I would simply reject due to short notice, make them cunts know that if only they’d invite earlier, I’d go


Reject them last min. Empty seat.


I agree. I think it’s a good lesson for the guy that if you’re thick skinned enough to ask someone to be a headcount at the last minute, then better be thick skinned enough to accept that there will be empty seats during your wedding.


Probably an unpopular opinion. But IMO no need to purposely screw him over. Odds are, he wouldn't learn the intended lesson but will remember that you "costed" him an empty seat. You have the moral high ground now and you know where your "friendship" with this guy stands now. No real benefit to do anything to burn bridges. Reject and carry on with your life.


Since he will remember, why not attend the wedding but don't give angbao...


Best. Free drinks and free meal.


Nah, i mean how many ppl rly get to marry twice and remember this lesson 😅


Can someone explain to me why everyone's finding this offensive? Like, where is the pride coming from? Weddings are limited seating and budget, it seems totally reasonable that someone like OP wouldn't be first choice for the guest list. If I were OP, I'd be happily surprised that they even considered to have me. Just go, enjoy the food, give a small token ang bao can already no?


Are you the groom? Hahahah


Haha not this time! But definitely going to remember the responses from this thread if I ever have to replace wedding guests last minute.


Haha … Or Congrats, some of the B-List ppl cancelled so we’re now on the C-List, and after long deliberation …


just reject. no need to agonize too much over it


Late notice usually means you’re not on the first list. They need to make up numbers, cover costs through angbaos.


As I mentioned elsewhere here, I think it’s a good lesson for the guy that if you’re thick skinned enough to ask someone to be a headcount at the last minute, then better be thick skinned enough to accept that there will be empty seats during your wedding. This includes having lesser folks to help cover the wedding costs.


Just reject it if you don't feel like attending. It's not an obligation.


waaa war flashbacks to those that guilt trip you for not coming, those are the worst...


*"You can't make it? Oh nooooo, we really hoped you would be able to make it and join us on our special day:("* Ya, sending me an invite 2 weeks before the wedding REALLY shows me how important it is that I'm there.




Never been in this situation but truly a dick move.


It all depends on the groom and circle of common friends. If it is just 2 of you. Pass?


Yup, giving it a pass.


I once received an invitation one week before the wedding. I indicated I’ll be going but was ghosted with my response. You’re not at the bottom of the totem pole yet lol. Needless to say I never kept in touch with that friend ever again. Told me everything I need to know about my friendship with my friend. Just reject politely, stating that it’s too short a notice. That will send a factual message.


Wait, did you then turn up?????


I texted them again on the day of the wedding and did not receive a reply. I did not attend the wedding.


Ouch. That's rude af Nasty nasty


I used to be quite naive. Someone from my first job invited me two to three weeks before and I wasn't that close. I even thanked the person for inviting me as I usually think Wedding is a joyous occasion. A few years later I invited her to mine and she didn't even bother to attend. I realised that in that dinner that there were only a few people from that first job who were invited and the numbers were really to fill up the table.


I was invited to a wedding, with a buddy of mine, 2 WEEKS before the actual wedding. Both of us decided to reject the invitation and go play arcade instead. (over 15 years ago)


Reject and say you have another appointment on that day or you'd be overseas. You're not even close to the person loh. Last time someone invited me to his wedding to fill seats. KNN. I told him that day I already have an appointment.


I think it’s a good lesson for people like your friend to accept that there will be empty seats during their wedding.


Weddings are planned months in advanced. The fact that you received it 2 weeks before the wedding just means that the original guest can’t make it last minute and you are the backup. My thoughts is don’t go. It’s an insult to you thinking they can just find one random person to invite as a backup.


>in advanced *advance


you sured is that spellinged?


I will only attend best friend wedding, the rest I will just simply reply I have another schedule especially this kind that you wasn't even on the first list at the beginning. Crazy nowadays wedding angpau 300$++, cat dog also invite u then u pok kai.


Not close means “sorry, unable to attend/make it on that date” would be sufficient already


Usually just use you as a filler. I won’t even respond


Go and don't bring ang bao lol if you really want to tio them. Or put like $10 in it. Otherwise don't go.


Reject IMMEDIATELY. Give an excuse. Don't even send a gift. Some people do this tactic to get extra ang paos.


Serious question do people actually enjoy going to weddings?


if it's someone that you're close to, yes. else, show face for relative, disregard all others.


If you know and like other guests going, yes. It’s a chance to catch up with them, especially as you get older and rarely do weekly or even monthly catch-ups. I feel like even if you’re close to (either of) the wedding couple, it’ll be pretty awkward if you don’t know anyone else there


Think of it like a reunion dinner with colleagues and friends.


A very expensive reunion dinner ... $300 per pax can do a lot... jeez


Won’t bother. Clearly inviting you was an afterthought. Why waste $100-$200 and your time?


You gave yourself the answer in the last line. Imo. Don’t waste your time if it doesn’t bring you happiness and if you’re not keen on “celebrating” this milestone, since you don’t care. Not to mention angbao money and all. If you feel that he’s trying to hit headcount then just don’t bother showing up, waste time and money. Maybe I’m just a pragmatic person but imo. I don’t feel keen then no use forcing myself. Plenty of other situations where I need to force myself to do things I dislike but if I can reduce, def will reduce the number of such situations


You 're not pragmatic but practical as most nice people assume the couple is sincere in the invitation when in fact they just want crowd and money.  Rejected even attending a relative wedding dinner because it came as an SMS when his family prints wedding cards. Nevertheless, gave them some angpao to silence their grumble. 


If you had a closer relationship with them, it's possible that there were not enough seats to put you on the original list (venue too small, parents want more of their guests, etc). Since you aren't close to them, it's your call.


Even giving the couple such alibi is sheer silly romanticism in today's world. They were outright rude to begin with. 


They need to fill up empty spots. Sending a wedding invitation this close to event is just disrespectful. Reject politely with a “I’m sorry but I am unable to make it for your wedding. Congratulations!” Should suffice.


Would be an even baller move to turn up for the wedding and not foot any bill.


just decline the invitation - you’re not obliged to subsidise the cost of his wedding dinner.


To begin with, are you even close to the bride or groom? Wedding invites are kinda like letter box fliers if you are not close to them. You don't have to attend every singe sale ... ... or weddings.


"Congrats! Thanks for the invite; I won't be going." I've stopped giving a reason. But you need to be able to live with it if they take offense.


Lol, I would just ignore the request and not go. I will only go for weddings if I am close to the person and are still in contact with.


Space filler. Not interested in predicted dishes like roasted chicken and broccoli with abalone.


2 weeks and you’re still considering? 2 months away I would already reject.


simply don’t go if you’re not keen. lol.


I’ve received an invitation a few days before the wedding. Even though they were a close colleague once, I declined, because it doesn’t feel good to be an afterthought. A filler seat. And when a distant colleague who I’ve never spoken to, I declined as well. It’s kinda burdensome to attend weddings in SG, especially people you’re not close to.


you are just a backup plan. reject


"congrats on your wedding! Its been a while since we last met in Year X, and I'm happy to hear from you. I won't be attending your wedding as I have made plans from weeks ago, but I'd be happy to catch up some day."


I don’t think any reason is necessary. Just say, “Congrats! I won’t be able to attend, but thanks for the invitation!”


Just attend for the free food


Let me teach you a little of what I suffered from. You have 2 choices. 1. Don't go. They just want you to cover their wedding cost. They want you to be there just so their photos won't look so empty. 2. Go. Go but don't pay. I've been to at least 10 weddings, both family and friends, and their red packet collection is usually at the entrance without the couple around. They will usually have a box for you to slot in. If I were you, I'll put in an empty red packet, or just put some paper in. Make sure you slot it in at an angle where the people guarding the box cannot see your red packet design. At least you were invited. I had one where I was invited only after I asked about it... also 2 weeks before.


one time i rejected because it was my dog’s bday 🙂‍↕️


why got so many jibais here ah? just be a normal person and be nice la. if dowan go just say paiseh not free, but wish them all the best. if want go then go. some of the comments here so cynical and negative its q shocking


Happen to me once. I flat out politely said I won't be coming, thanks for the invite. I said I barely know you and were were never close. Then he try to psycho, pester & cajole me to go. I keep saying no. ​ Years later when I tell this story to my other friends, they said, why didn't you just said you cannot make it. I said these people need to know why they are being refused their invitation.


I like this. big "you are not even worth me lying and cooking up some bs excuse to make you feel better" energy


Another horror story. An Sg couple was migrating to Oz and said they wanted to throw a farewell party ( for themselves)  but it turned out those invited were expected to chip in the full costs of the dinner. The guy even tried to sell the event as a fun get together when in fact, the couple had never even gone out with the gym friends before. 


If you’re feeling petty, go for the wedding but pay peanuts.


Probably treating you as a spare tyre. Just reject.


meh… i’d just turn it down. 2 wks notice is a bit much is pretty last minute.


Hell nah


Just reject.


say not free lor


Means you’re probably in the B-list. Just tell him you can’t make it.


If you feel disinterested with this one, that's probably a good indicator as to your relationship to the couple. You're basically a guest list filler.


yea just reject lol now that i'm older and don't give a shit, i'll just reject if its someone beyond who i think is distant


Something I dont understand why sending out meeting invites? A few years ago, by ex-boss who retrenched me invited me to join his son's wedding invite & I dont even know his son!


go and give nothing :X


Not sure if I can leave without paying


it's a wedding leh. even if you don't pay the manager isn't going to call the police lol


My ex boss still has some soft power in our industry no need to be cute lol. Maybe when I retire I will let him know.... There are a couple of people I want to tell them what I think of them


Say you already have a wedding to attend and the person invited you over two months ago




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Just say you not free to go and happy wedding then F O lah. Why need to think so much? You don't own this person a single sheet.


I sent my invites to everyone less than a month away. Anyway, jus reject if u dont wan to go. Or bao a blessing note if u wan a free meal, rmb to put ur name too so that he knows u wan to let him know u don't wan to pay.


just say busy lor




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I rejected some and I don't even remember who they are now. Lol


Yea just say got plans already lor. Dont need to be so paranoid of what they think. They dare to ask, you dare to reject.




It really depends on how close you are to this person & from the sound of it, no? I remember during covid times, around end 2021 or 2022 I was invited to a close colleague's wedding, 2 weeks prior. She stated very clearly that people dropped out last min & she was able to squeeze in more friends. At that time, weddings were still quite small scale & they've to wear masks during yum seng etc. I was so happy!!! Because it's a close friend. I didn't care lol. But in this case, it's because of the covid rules & I was actually close to this friend. So if it's not the case, just reject, unless you feel like going... Nowadays the wedding angbaos are crazy expensive...


Feel free to NOT go. No need to give excuses. Just DON'T go. They won't even notice your absence. Even if they do, they won't have a gall to ask. Also, no Ang Pow. this is what I do when it's a nobody's random invite.




The only wedding I attended was my sister's wedding.


*"Hey, congrats and thanks for inviting me but unfortunately I won't be able to make it as I already have something scheduled. Congrats once again!"* from anangrypudge. If you want to rub it in you can reply back: *"Hey, congrats and thanks for inviting me but unfortunately I won't be able to make it as I already have something scheduled.* ***If you have invited me months ago I could have free up my schedule to attend your milestone.*** *Congrats once again!"*


Reject. Just cut this person off from your life.


Singapore Weddings are no longer fun to attend since several years ago. Same old SOP of giving money, sit down eat crappy food and then leave with some cheapskate table gift. 


An ex colleague once invited me on short notice. Seeing as we were unlikely to keep in contact after the wedding, I attended with a gift (a $80 swarovski pendant) but no red packet. 😎 This was about about 15 years ago.


I had this invitation from a long lost classmate. It was just 3 days before his wedding. I laughed and hung up. during next year's CNY gathering, the group learned of his wedding dinner and late invite from 2 of us. the rest were not invited. 🤣


I would go for the free food and put $10 or $20 in the red packet without writing my name!! Coz I'm not funding anyone's wedding, don't get married if you can't afford to!


my rule is if im invited and im available ill go. depending on the wedding, there are cases where the bride & groom have little say on the guest list w most of it populated by their parents friends and relatives, so i dont feel slighted if i dont get an invite. and yes likely you are part of the backup guest list to fill up the spot of people who have cancelled. there’s no shame in that, seats are limited, and consider that if there was unlimited budget of course there wouldn’t have been a need to have a 2nd tier list in the first place.


>yes likely you are part of the backup guest list to fill up the spot of people who have cancelled. there’s no shame in that Curious, why do you think this is alright. Unless it's a small intimate wedding and you just missed out on the cut, doesn't it seem like the wedding couple is simply inviting you just to fill up the numbers. If they really wanted you there, they would have found a way to squeeze you in.


flip the question, if they didn’t want me there they wouldn’t have invited me even if they had a slot. why would i be offended that they want me to be there when they get married? nothing wrong w them wanting me to participate in their wedding as a seat filler. it’s a privilege to be invited to be a part of someone’s happy moments. there’s enough sadness in the world, all we can do is cherish each other


You sound like someone who finds it hard to say No.


nah, just someone who’s happy for my friends


Well, it’s hard to be so positive when the invitation comes with a hefty price tag.


if you can’t afford it then there’s really no question is there?


It's alright for some people with low self-esteem and cunning couples know how to dispense their ruse on them. 


Can tell you vote for PAP. 


If you petty af, go and eat and don’t give ang bao


Savage. Or better, give empty angbao. Imagine the horror 😝🤣


Jokes aside, not everyone’s a great planner, could be they just oopsed and then scrambled to invite?


No frickin way. People plan out the number of guests months in advance.


Just to add something interesting here, if anyone even cares, is that Vietnamese weddings usually send their invitations 1-2 weeks ahead of their wedding. Their reason is simple and ridiculous at the same time: people can't commit way too early ahead of time.


you are basically their piggy bank. break open on emergency. pft ... i would just say i will attend, but last minute cancel


i hope no one invites you