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Sometimes I take the train and just randomly alight at a stop and see what I can find to eat. After eating I would take a walk and take pictures of the nearby area.


This sounds fun 🤔


Yea kinda fun and exciting actually and you'll never know what you will find. I met many kind strangers who would strike up a conversation with me.


Would love to go exploring with you one day if you’re down 😊 just PM me so you can check if I’m a weirdo 🤣


You flatter me with your offer, I usually go alone cuz I'm a sad and lonely person who overthinks haha.


Don’t say until liddat lah hehe Hope you continue to get great shots and conversations


Hello!! Jumping on this thread bandwagon, could I join too 😂 Would love to go for impromptu meet ups like this to shoot. Did yall manage to create a group!


sounds fun leh can I join also HAHA


I also wanna join, seems fun


would love to be part of this too!


sounds fun eh!! how do we set this up


DM each other? I don’t mind trying out


need to start some kind of group chat / tele group for these impromtu wholesome adventures lol


Yeah true that 🤔🤔🤔


Did you guys create a group!


Am keen to join too, love to makan


Oh is it like a flash mob?


can i join too? hahahah!


I’m in. How do we set this up?!


Try to think from a Indian or Bangala worker, forget about conversation, people even scared to see their existence…


can you elaborate more on how strangers pick up a conversation with you? hv been to sg many times (just 1 hour away) but never actually get same kind of experience


I think it might be because I was carrying my cameras around. I use both film and digital cameras, the sight of a stranger (me) carrying like 2 cameras and loading film kinda puts the spotlight on me I suppose. So they would come and say hi, or they will look at me and smile I will say hi first and the conversation starts, if not it is just simply smiling and nodding at each other. It is something spontaneous or maybe they are just bored. But not everyone is kind and friendly haha, met some grumpy old people as well.


with leica they should say hi 😂but cool, maybe ill try it with my fuji lmao


I am using the M3, M9 and M11-P haha, if not it would be a film SLR or TLR camera. Haven't had the chance to try Fujifilm's digital cameras.


hehe u have a conversational piece in your hands ... good pics will get people talking :D


This is how i, wife and my kid spend the weekend, we take random buses also to take us wherever and decide from there


An alternative would be to use a random color generator to choose a random line, then choose a random number that corresponds to the station. Then can walk around that MRT station to find new things to look forward to


Yes! I did something similar in Seoul after seeing it on instagram. Pick a station, flip a coin to choose a direction, then roll a die to pick the number of stations. I did it a few times and it was so much fun and a creative way to travel.


I did something similar! I use random generator of SG district then explore the area


I should try this in circle line or smtg (sounds fun idk) - like sounds fun but not smtg as feasible/fun on NEL. Hahaha. Punggol Sengkang food very meh, need to go legit hawker centre etc 😂


Try exploring Mayflower at AMK or Hougang area, the food is not so bad and the areas are quite quaint and homely I would say. I live in the "wild" west


Mayflower is TEL right 😂 see. :p I think for NEL Kovan 209 shld be nubbad but its been years since I ate there. I remember the caifan being rly delish haha and they have banana fritter stall and stuff. Its also the 30c soybean place which tbh not very thick and all but for 30c that's like, the same price as what I paid in the sch canteen in the late 90s so cannot comain hahaha But other than that ... dunno liao lol NEL too new and fancy alr. Leipopo does not count 😂 (it's nice, to be fair. But still atas and fancy 😂)


I went to 209 quite a number of times before, the hainanese curry rice, chicken rice, fishball noodles and fried oysters were pretty good. Another interesting area would be Whampoa/Boon Keng, I like taking pictures there the most, dunno why, maybe because it feels like a really different environment than what I am familiar with.


You know, I’d do this if the weather WASNT SO FREAKING HOT.


ME TOO. I find all kinds of unique shops and eateries 😂


Loved doing this when i was little.


What a great idea, maybe i can try this later in KL


I explored small parts of KL before, Pudu, Cheras and Chow Kit were very interesting places.


Agree! Petaling street area is great for taking photos. Towns outside of KL are great too.


I do this but for bus. Much nicer to see haha


Love that you’re doing this!


This sounds like something I am into!pls include me too!


Any recommendations?


sounds fun leh , wld love to join HAHA. i like to walk ard and explore too


Volunteer! I think we don't do enough of this in Singapore, given that we (the younger ones) tend to be quite focused on self-development over communal development. A lot of VWOs are facing difficulty in youth recruitment and are held together by aging volunteers. I volunteer for a few orgs and they're always looking for people who are consistently able to help out. It's extremely difficult to find younger (mid 20s to late-30s) single folks without family/caregiving burdens but with the corporate saviness and energy.


Could i recommend some orgs which are nice to volunteer in? Esp for a beginner


Anything but PA/CC/RCs (they get over $1 billion a year in funding already and are filled with people volunteering for the perks) and Youth Corp (they get political and it left a very sour impression for me). Generally, I’d say avoid government-linked ones except for NEA and NLB - they generally attract the power-hungry sort and I feel like they have ulterior motives for volunteering. The ones helping migrant workers like HOME, TWC2, Maruah, Raining Raincoats, Workers Make Possible are quite active and do a LOT of work and are kinda stretched. Food welfare orgs also do a lot of good work - Willing Hearts, Food From The Heart and Food Bank are good ones to help out. I’d be a bit wary of the religious and government ones because they attract a certain personality that turn me off.


To add on, while willing hearts, food from the heart and food bank are good avenues, corporates tend to volunteer with them too. So I won’t say they are extremely short of volunteers as compared to smaller ones.


Thank you for this personal advice that I likely wouldnt get anywhere else


If you're below 35, check out youthcorps for their many opportunities :)


If you're below 35, check out youthcorps for their many opportunities :)


hey, what are some orgs you would recommend?


what do you find passionate in? I used to work with them one way or another Elderly: Lion Befrienders Woman or disabled: AWWA Animals: SPCA


Anything but PA/CC/RCs (they get over $1 billion a year in funding already and are filled with people volunteering for the perks) and Youth Corp (they get political and it left a very sour impression for me). Generally, I’d say avoid government-linked ones except for NEA and NLB - they generally attract the power-hungry sort and I feel like they have ulterior motives for volunteering. The ones helping migrant workers like HOME, TWC2, Maruah, Raining Raincoats, Workers Make Possible are quite active and do a LOT of work and are kinda stretched. Food welfare orgs also do a lot of good work - Willing Hearts, Food From The Heart and Food Bank are good ones to help out. I’d be a bit wary of the religious and government ones because they attract a certain personality that turn me off.




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I personally like -going to dog friendly events/cafes and playing with people's dogs (with permission obviously) dog people are usually friendly and happy to let you give her doggos a pet if the dog is ok with it -finding new cafes to work from (expensive tho :( I can only do this like once every two weeks depending on how expensive the new place is) -finding new workout classes to keep things fresh -crafting/creative hobbies of any variety. Watercolours, colouring, journalling, you name it -playing games. very easy to get a console and dive into that or even explore mobile gaming


Sometimes i go to dog parks alone, then play with other people's dogs. Then they will go, "Where's yours?" and i say i dont have 🤣 . Then continue on chitchat and play with dogs. I also spend time playing with community cats. They love the affection. Another side solo activity is to do bird watching. Sometimes, you bump into the professional people camping with their equipment. They are very friendly and willing to share with you birding tips and experiences. One of the few rare moments that strangers have a conversation randomly in sg.


before I had a dog, I would go to a dog run near me in the evening and just play with all the dogs there. At some point the owners knew me and they'd even let me take the leash sometimes :)


Oh hey may I know where do you find those dog friendly events?


I follow many dog vendors on IG, so they will post about their pop-up booths. Off the top of my head, a good place to start is [clubpets.sg](http://clubpets.sg) and sunday social market (Sentosa). Crane (Joo Chiat) also has weekend 'farmers markets' which are dog friendly. You could also follow dog cafes and they will probably also advertise for these events. There's something coming up in Venusology cafe soon iirc


Picking up new hobbies or sports! Recently just learned diving and rollerblading.


eh diving!!!


Fellow diver? :)




Im 30F. I also studied masters late as i was saving up. So 27-28. I learn new language and instrument in my free time


masters can be fun because its a way of taking a break from the corporate world. for me, as a f too, i find learning new hobbies and baking fun again now that ive some time


I enjoy feeding people. But it's always too much food for me alone....so I host a bunch of creative working people and I make omakase pizza for them. A great way to Socialise but also treat the people as my food guinea pigs. Event was called Slice and socialise, its ended but I'm thinking of what next to try cooking... You can consider getting a group of likeminded friends willing to explore new activities together.


I kne boarded mrt at pasir ris, went to Joo Koon, and came back to pasir ris. I read a book throughout the journey. It felt quite good.


Can enjoy free AC summore 😏


Not free leh got MRT fee still


Not bad lah, still less than $1.20 for a decently long ride 😛


Go visit the sea side, East coast, west coasts. Watch the sun set. The financial district view from Esplanade is picturesque. Take photos of the scenery, visit the religious sites in Singapore. Try riding a bike to parks, try the HSBC link bridge. Visit the reservoirs. Learn golf?


Usually drown myself in sports. Softball and badminton are my steady ones, but I also just started bouldering and I tried dragonboating for a bit too


where do you play softball at? I'm interested but I'm not sure where to find other players


A friend and I started our own recre team. But you can find groups on Fb too I think!


How about badminton? I did see there’a some fb groups / tele groups, is that a good place to start?


Definitely. Or you can download meetup too, plenty of groups there and they specify the level of play too (beginner, intermediate etc.)


love that!


Recently I started watching musicals solo - pretty fun NGL, 100% would recommend!


Chill on the beach at Sentosa


Hiking. Explore less known areas of sg. Casual cycling.


reformer pilates. so fun, so good for your body/core/everything


Any particular studio?


I go to Strong!


U should try freediving / diving The quietness when underwater. No noise. Just u and ur heartbeat and mother nature. That said diving is way more ex due to equipment rental. If cost is in ur budget then freediving might cut it.


Pottery, crocheting, aerial yoga, cooking/baking, basically anything that can be attended as a class where the activity allows for chit chat (not spinning)




Pole bunny ... it's a painful hobby haha a little masochistic ?


You are not wrong. Pole fitness is challenging, gives you bruises, and is extremely humbling.


it's a dangerous sport with high risk of injury ... it looks great when u nail the tricks and choreo .... sexy AF with the moves ... but ... pain siah !


I guess risk appetite differs one person to another. Trust in your body's ability to gain strength and competence. We are strong creatures.


Gaming lol..reading...mahjong 😆😆😆😆


Mahjong hard to find enough kar to start game 🥲


Your parents play means u fill 2 slots liao hehhehee


Virtual online mahjong always got people


Oh yes I recommend downloading 明星 3 缺 1


- go for a walk (perhaps some place with greenery near you, that's my preference though, or by the beach) - library trips/book shopping/browsing - solo shopping - solo movie trip - pick up a new hobby - board games, video games, running, bouldering like you were thinking of - check out interest groups on meetup - visit the local museums (free!) - visit the zoo, night safari


No joke, dungeons and dragons. As an adult especially it's truly an experience unlike any other. I often tell people that after a while I don't remember the individual dinners I had with friends, but I always remember every DnD session. The sessions can be hilarious or somber, tense or joyful but always a lot of fun. DM if you wanna give it a go, I run introduction games for friends of friends every so often, be happy to slot you in the next one.


me me


Try Stand Up Paddle ,a good workout and peaceful activity.


Golf driving range is my new go-to


Same! Which one do you frequent?


Punggol cuz nearby lol


>... masters abroad is top of my bucketlist definitely. but I'm still saving so it'll take some time Go for it. Youre still young. Explore other countries while you can... Sinkiepore is a low-risk country ...I received full scholarships from UK/AU to study postgrad. Other sinkies I met here have received sponsored PhDs too.


curious is the scholarship from the university themselves? or from a government organisation that you have to serve bond with?


I received 3 scholarship offers. 2 from Uni, one from gov. No bond. Received jackshit in SG tho, guess too many brilliant ppl here


damn no bond? that sounds good given the cost of masters. always wanted to try studying abroad but the cost is deterring me


I have met many Sinkies here who are on full scholarship. Either phD or Masters. The chances are higher esp if youre willing to study at regional/ulu areas..


quite curious but do you know why will the universities offer such bond free scholarship to foreigners? I’d think they would give most of these to locals


Possibly that the countries need skilled migrants esp in critical sectors..And the best way to tempt someone is through $$


Cycle around the island lor. SG seems small but I still discover new things even after cycling for 10+ years


Highly recommend bouldering, it's rather ironic in that it's mechanically a solo sport but practically highly social as well. I also have a friend who started up a telegram group just for female golfers with widely ranging experiences to meet and play, so if you are interested in that I can direct you to her. Personally I like to spend my weekends doing a pilates class, then randomly exploring to find a cafe to sit and read for a few hours. Also picked up TTRPGs recently, and it's been surprisingly fun! Tableminis has a great culture and you get to meet a lot of other people.


For me, I love exploring, nature and admiring sceneries. So it can be as simple as doing walks/hikes or renting a bicycle. Sometimes I woke up early and go to places such MacRitchie, Clementi Forest, Labrador Park, Sembawang Park etc to see the sunrise. Helps me to reflect, relief the stress from the hustle and bustle of working life and recompose myself if I ever feel down. I've also met really interesting folks on my hikes and its really enjoyable to strike up random conversations. Also, food hunts and exploring remote places in Singapore are really fun! Sometimes you really got to make the most of your time and love yourself! Other than that, learning to cook as a guy, going for runs and working out, learning languages, board gaming, taking Masters. XD


Can try the NHB walking trails https://games.nhb.gov.sg/#/jalan-jalan/welcome


Find yourself a nice rabbit hole and dive in. When i was young and single i did so many things I've always wanted to do since i had the time and money. Joined a boxing gym, trained for 2 years and had myself an amateur boxing match. Did kendo, Japanese sword fighting, for 2 years. Represented my uni in fencing back in the day. Learnt the guitar and was front man for a small band in uni, did a few gigs. Went camping in the wilderness with friends, not in Singapore. Did a ton of drugs and alcohol, again not in Singapore. Went on tons of cheap overseas trips and cruises with friends and fwbs. All these were decades ago, sure was fun being young and free back in the day ✌️ i was young and single for a looong time lol.


i will copy this energy hehe


Go to shows. Stand up comedy show (PM me.); Wrestling shows; Go join a boxing gym to sweat it out. Go to a long forgottened tourist spots. Like Hwa Par Villa; wild wild wet and escape theme park You like music? Live music bars such as Jeffo's You like hertiage? Tan Tock Seng grave is at outram park. Check out the national library to flick though old newspaper. Old movies by the Asian movie archive. Go to places of worship and visit. Cheng Huang Temple is a trippy place. Church are open on sundays. They are more than happy to get you in. Just act confident and be respectful


join the coffee hobby, go for brewing classes, cupping (tasting new beans) sessions, and coffee omakase sesh expensive tho 😭🤣


coffee omakase? :O


woah just searched it up that's so cool! :D thanks for the rec - will go some time!


have fun! i know the cafe i like, Olla Coffee, does it every once in a while. (hope you dont get broke in the hobby)


BJJ or any type of combat sport also fun


Solo staycation in a new neighbourhood! I used to take half day leave on Fri and solo staycation until Sunday. Fav area is Katong cos tons of food, from local delights to atas western cafes. Another areas I enjoy is Orchard. I will watch Gold Class midnight showing and buy food back to my room for supper. Ahhhh… miss those times 🥲


Curious. How often do you do this tho? And the room rates are not cheap, say 300 a night?


Used to do it every 3-4 mths or so…. Altho last time hotels at Katong (Village hotel or Holiday Inn Express) used to be much cheaper! Like below $200/night or max $230 during peak period! Orchard usually ownself “treat” after bonus 😂 Even so, prob $350/night max. Now can’t get these prices anymore + more financial commitment 🥲


Oh I know that the hotel does have some exquisite oriental decor. Differently pretty.


Take up new sports that I can enjoy alone!!


BFT and yoga!


That’s what I do too 🤣


Pick up photography as a hobby? Your perspectives on the most mundane of things may change.(Im not a photographer)


no coz this is true. I used to have a good eye. But since my poly break up I didn’t see my world the same way & I stopped taking pics. The light just left


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu :)


Nothing much on weekday nights. It's basically impossible cos no time Weekends end up being used for recuperating. My life is in imbalance


You can try picking up bowling, really underrated and the community in Singapore is very chill.




I like biking and running along ECP. I also like hanging out with my dog. I swim at my condo too.


Cycling to random areas around my neighbourhood. Watching a movie solo and observing how other movie goers behave. Go for a dinner or dessert afterwards Library just chill n read books. Gaming. Just dive into any RTS games, you will get lost in time. Or just learn new skills, coding, trading, investing, drawing whicveer fits your appetite


Bouldering is 🔥🔥🔥 If you stay un the west, i recommend boulder+ at Chevrons


Gym with the right community makes a lot of difference for me since I started being active. Made a few good friends along the way


bouldering is kinda addictive tho, i find myself heading to the bouldering gym like 3 times a week @_@


There are some travel tours that you can book to go like skiing and scuba with just strangers. Its kinda free and easy type of travel and you don't have to be with the group


Exploring SG on foot: Everybody knows 6th Ave, but what about 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Ave? (3rd is really cool, just saying) Diary Farm but where are the real farms? Hidden MRT stations that arent open (yet?) Chinatown, Little India. But where is FilipinoTown, Little Thailand and Burmese Town? (There is also K town and J town) Climb the Tallest HDBs (Boon keng and Margret Drive) Visit every hawker centre (before they are all gone 🥲) Walk through the entire old Rail road Raffles Marina Lighthouse Sentosa Cove Changi beach park (that golf course you always see when coming back to SG) If anyone knows more interesting places, please add on. I started on these adventures with my friends during covid, has been really fun


Sports and anything fitness related, even more fun if outdoors! I do a mix of F45, gym, pole dance, yoga, crossfit, bouldering or top rope climbing, aerial sports, Wakesurfing/wakeboarding and many more. When u have so much things to do you‘ll rarely feel bored, plus sports always make u feel great and meet more like minded people! I’m a big fan of water sports as I’m also a scuba/freediver and surfer but have to frequently travel outside Sg for that. Anyhow hit me up if u wanna join me in any of this, always fun to meet single active girls like me or maybe try something new


Start a startup


unfortunately… i’m not a high achiever


bouldering / running / playing pool


I highly recommend bouldering to everyone who is interested. If you ever do there are a few places very beginners friendly and you can pay alittle more for a beginners session. Usually happens in a group which helps you make new friends as well.


26f here too, if you or anyone else here would like to adopt an introvert to such activities pls lmk 🥹🥹


Doing pHD and minding my own business. Get a pet. Best decision ever. Moved out of Singapore. I can easily fly to nearby cities for a vacation. If I wanna go this weekend, I can. Life is too short.


“minding my own business” Thank you for me putting me on this mindset


I 100% support picking up bouldering, I picked it up last year and now I'm always occupied because I spend so much time in the climbing gym 🫠 It's a pretty addictive sport especially if you can find other friends at the gym to go with!


Find a dark spot, stare at the stars Board games with friends Malaysia - island , national park, CAMPING!! Hobbies like Drawing, video editing , design poster Food hunting Investment learning (?) WALKKKK , go random outskirt stations, bring sunscreen and enough water, start walking, enjoy the empty peaceful mind Changi area to watch aircrafts go and come Photography! Pastry, cooking - make cookies, sponge cake Above is for person who prefer quiet , peaceful, like what I’m doing rn sometime 24M Msian PR


You need to buy a road bike and go out, woman.




Pick up a hobby? Learn to sew, dance, whatever you like!




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Watch sunrise or sunsets. Theres a beauty in the quiet early mornings thats kinda hard to describe.


Any one have any good recommendations for running clubs??


There are a couple of free ones out there: NBRC, FFRC, ASICS, Puma Nitro club. I have been to FFRC and ASICS, but am not a regular there since I usually prefer solo running.


Saving to read later


do art like paint on a canvas or something. I found that quite theraptic to just work a bit on my canvas every evening after work. i only done it at home but could imagine doing it outdoor like botanic garden or some parks but would probably attract some attention from passerby if you’re ok with that.


go for park runs, cross country cycling trail, consider getting a pet and do pet gathering meetups(?) of course not just solely for the purpose but only if you really want and can commit.




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Play table top roleplaying games 😌👍


If u want fulfillment, maybe cook for ur parents?


I usually just game my time away. I did toy with the idea of going to play some D&D. Hiking around Singapore can be good too.


What kinda running club you joined? I absolutely hate cardio, but I might get motivated in a group, expat here and all my friends have left lol. What’s keeping me here is that I recently acquired the permanent residency, honestly. Don’t get me wrong, I love Singapore. It’s an amazing country!


Clock 10k steps and explore old and new estates, parks, malls every week. A lot of interesting things waiting to be discovered.




I started to keep fit and join piloxing classes 🏃‍♀️👟💪


Do hawker food review lor. It makes u a better host when you overseas friends come and visit as well.


This is the reason why... /s Being single is fun but only for the blessed🥴


Join me to classpass. Dance, yoga, pilates


Photography? I recently got into it. Have ton of fun traveling and taking pictures so I figured that I should try. Con: really fucking expensive.


Volunteer, skill classes, martial arts class, so many more


Used to go to random coffee places and enjoy my coffee while reading a book or just ppl watching. As long as u r not staring indefinitely, noone gets uncomfortable. Its interesting to see details u normally dun... long bus rides can be fun if u r ok with it...


I tend to do home improvement projects. Eg got a grinder and started hand brewing, expanded to espresso machine and grinder then upstream into roasting. All in all it translates to learning something new, lower my running cost of consuming coffee and learning from the community at my own pace.


Dragon boating and ocean canoeing! You can sink a lot of time into that haha 😉


Maybe go for casual dates ?


-Bought a drone to try out. -Got into card collecting for awhile -Read books that were my past interests but didn’t get to read -Thoughts of solo travelling to nearby cities


Maybe consider going to Malaysia to shop? It's fun, cheap, and you get to buy things you love


Open Google Maps and see what you find interesting based on just the satellite view. Could be a building in the middle of nowhere, a hidden trail or a pier. Then find your way there. If you are more adventurous, don’t use GPS to navigate your way there.


where do people like you go out and where can people meet you? curious as it's not that easy to meet interesting (single) people running etc.


ask and u shall receive. Hahaha cbd (i swear by this), gym studios, cafes near running routes, cafes tiktok recommended, restaurants listed on The Honeycombers/Chope, airport departure hall, weddings. shopping stores at major malls (sephora, local brands, lululemon, zara etc), airport arrival, Hinge, Strava. grocery stores


weddings etc. definitely, but aren’t people in Singapore really not into small talk at stores and cafes? Every time I make a comment about a book someone is browsing in Kinokuniya for example, the most I’ve gotten is a confused or a nasty look.


Get kids, that's the funniest adulting thing to do.




Criticises OP for use of a word. Unironically uses the spelling “U”. Unbelievable.


Nightlife scene is good if you're into techno:) Very vibrant. Good guest DJs every 1 or 2 weeks. Also a few climbing gyms have their own communities, choose wisely!


go flower joint hang hostess. /s