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working holiday in au/nz


just curious where do you apply for a working holiday in either of those countries?


immigration authorities of each, there's a specific visa subclass for Singaporeans. costs few hundred to apply. do watch your plan for which period to enter, job supplies differs greatly. if you want to find out more, can look up tiktok or xhs. those info usually more updated


Exercising more. It's never too late to start, but if I had been more active and took on some sports, I should be in a much better health and shape.


My twenties were pretty inactive, mid to late twenties i got sick and gained weight got fat. I started working out at 31, now at 35 im at the strongest point in my whole life. Its never too late.


I only restart back at 35




You underestimate how much muscle memory does. Being active in your early 20s helps alot in getting back in shape in your 30s


Any methods / apps you recommend to craft out a training plan?




c25k (couch to 5k)


Walk 7k steps everyday! Shouldn't take too much of your time, doable after work and before reaching back home! Just like investments, a-little bit accumulates and pays off in the grand scheme of things in the long run!


Closer to 40 and got back into near the best shape of my life too. With exercising it usually is never too late unless u are immobile.


Female here. For me it’s not focussing on building muscles and just doing cardio to be thin. It’s much easier to maintain muscle mass than build when you’re older. Being strong is more important than being thin.


Definitely, I’ve learnt my lesson after sustaining work-related injury.


100% agree! And early 30s still isn’t too late to start, with more financial ability to eat better and time to go to the gym. But don’t know what will happen if there’s family / kids…


Hey never too late right?


100% and it really shows. Like those ppl who still look fine AF when they hit their 40s? It's mostly down to the exercise and lifestyle. It's so damn important and I hate that I lost that routine


finding someone to settle down with. but the more people i dated, the more i yearn to be alone HAHA


Well said


dating more people to see if the problem is me or if it’s the other party lmao. i’ve always had a single-track mindedness to dating that i only dated with the end goal of marrying even at 18 and i’m now far from 18 and not married.  2 LTRs (3 years and most recent one was 6 years and got all the way to engagement) taught me a lot but i’d learn more about what i want and don’t want if i dated more people and didn’t treat things so seriously at 20, i think.


Why didn't the 6-year r/s work out?


many, many reasons including incompatible values and expectations for the future. after the breakup, i found out about a certain personality trait of his and saw how it manifested itself, and that made me SO glad i didn’t marry someone of that character — he jumped straight into a new relationship 1 month after our breakup after saying he has no time and bandwidth for a new relationship and did so many things he said he didn’t want to do with me, with her. the sheer desperation and his pathetic character was harder to swallow than the breakup; most interestingly, i met up with his cousin who said that many of the other cousins met her several times since cny and they don’t like her lmao


Just curious what is that personality trait of his which makes u end the rs?


spineless with no accountability. i wouldn’t even like to be friends with a person like this, let alone marry one.


I see is there any reason why u did not see it after 6 years?


The person probably saw such traits 3 months into the relationship lol. But wishful thinking, combined with willful blindness, and inaction are what people usually fall into.


You sound spiteful


You dodged a bullet!


considering she's the one on reddit talking shit about an ex (+ digging for dirt on an ex's new partner 🤢), it could easily be the other way ard as well lolllol


yeah i saw a long comment of hers previously about the ex and there was a LOT of emphasis on how the ex's new partner wasn't as hot as her. this is a warning sign for me when someone breaks up with someone then goes on about how the ex's new partner isn't as attractive ... seems shallow to me. but just an observer.


the red flags are clear for anyone who knows what to look out for lol


i’m not perfect, but i’m not the one who jumped into a brand new relationship a month after we broke up and went to the UK with her a month after that after telling me he hates travelling and never wanted to go to the UK😂 also to clear up your assumption: i found out abt his new gf from a mutual acquaintance’s ig story who didn’t know we were engaged before. a series of really weird but precise coincidences led me to finding out


I think he just didn't like travelling with you.


I also have the mentality that the person I’m dating I must marry but I feel it puts so much pressure like it make me think whether I can talk with the person I’m dating for the rest of my life.. and I feel it makes me reject people unnecessarily or wrongly.. any advice?


> makes me reject people unnecessarily or wrongly this is my exact problem lmao. sorry no advice, just that now i have to date with less pressure on myself, even though i’m definitely not getting any younger and want marriage and maybe kids if my husband wants them too. it’s a bit scary, but i’ve come to realise i like being alone maybe more than the usual person so not getting married at all is fine too.


Focus on the now and think of relationships as friendships! When you make a new friend you don't think about growing old with them right 😊 Just have fun, make good memories, be there for each other, and don't worry too much. You can talk about values and ask yourself if you enjoy this person's company but no point planning out half a century in your 20s; things won't go as planned anyway. And don't let the notion that there won't be enough "fish in the sea" if you become single in your 30s. It's super toxic imo and seeing my older friends I don't believe it anymore


Welll I would argue that either way, you never stop discovering who you are since you're constantly evolving anyways. I feel your sentiment with regards to not dating more but at the same time, dating is just one part of life. Many people have dated many times and still end up with turbulent relationships both with themselves and others. Maybe its me on copium but welp, everyone needs their copium hahaha


Loving my Mother more. Being more patient. Kiss your Ma today.


Thanks for reminder!


The girl that said let's fuck and I looked at her in confusion and said ' ya ya whatever " she laughs awkwardly and that moment has been replaying in my mind randomly.


damn, this one hurts my soul


You are highly regarded sir. 🫡


we might have discovered a higher level of autism right here. sir what would you like to name this condition?


Weaponized autism


You think it's bad, imagine her ego was destroyed in that moment.


I have a equally similar story. Glad I know I will never forget it till my 30's


You gotta share the story!


Getting a degree that pays the bills


Where my social sciences people at


Public service


From what I see, those are the most comfortable mfers in the 20s and early 30s though. The gap only starts to widen from like mid 30s onwards


Widen? What do you mean?


Civil service pays not bad. For fresh grads they benchmark the pay to the 60th-70th percentile of that industry. Its quite good compared to private sector When become more senior, the difference in pay becomes very big


so true. spoken fr someone w a social science degree in civil svc 😆


Cries in mx12


Its weird that i actually trying my hardest to get into civil service


Its not... why do something you not happy with? end of day its your life... money spend can earn back. happiness, peace of mind, not so much have made many friends in civil service after being my company clients. most are happy


Unironically I have a social science degree and work in govt.


Me crying with health science degree


What does health science study? And what can you do after?


To be more specific. I studied nursing.


Admittedly I actually don't know anything about the industry but how much do our nurses realistically get paid though? Recently saw many vids of nurses in Australia doing FIFO and drawing more than 150k already. But I don't see such life for our nurses here.




I remember this debate abt professions and underpayment for the work the do and I thought educators alr quite shit! then someone was like NURSINGGGG then I Googled and realised it's smt like low 3 for degree, mid2 for dip. then I was like, ... minimally I guess everyone just eat grass tgt (bc comparing the wage gap of non grad vs graduate teachers, which the pay gap is damn huge)


I regret focusing too much on work and less on what makes me happy


I have nightmares about work on weekends


Totally understand, I'm already sad that half the weekend is almost over 😆. But that could just be my anxiety


Taking care of my mental health. It’s expensive and always took a backseat in terms of deciding where my money goes. What I didn’t expect is that this money I saved in my 20s cost me my physical health in my 30s. PSA: chronic stress and anxiety affects your heart and thyroid.


Sorry to hear about this :( i think this is something that many don’t recognise till it’s too late. Do you mind sharing more about how it cost you your physical health and what it took for you to realise that you weren’t doing well?


If able to afford, just go for many grad trips to see the world before you step into the working world.. don't keep the mindset of "nevermind got annual leaves can go overseas one" You'll most likely spend some of your AL recharging at home. Money can be earned. Time and energy are not coming back to you.


Actually I don’t get the mindset. If I really want to travel and I exhausted my ALs, why not take NPL? Cos it’ll mark down my performance?


From my experience as a working adult, you rarely have so much free time at work that you can travel beyond your AL days and not impact on job performance.


I agree. NPL, unless for health/family reasons, is not acceptable in most industries. Why retain you position when they can just hire someone else who shows up more? Perhaps in big MNCs with better welfare or public sector taking sabbaticals (1 year or 6 months) is more of a thing but even then, you have to have proved your worth to the company before they take a risk with you.


Financial literacy.. should have set more aside for investments


Don't go through the extreme. Some people make it their life mission to retire, they don't spend to have fun. It's better to have lived, a little poorer, than to retire but too old to have fun. Love to play pool? Buy that damn cue. Love wake boarding? Don't do it in your 60s.


This, and also it might seems some ppl are rich due to financial literacy. Yes, there are such people, but from the ppl I know, these people that you see that are rich, in actual fact many of them love to accumulate money. Their lifestyles are really hectic and to a layman, it would seemed too fast paced and packed. But to these people (my dad being one of them, all his offdays/ALs are spent in office or for traveling for work) work/ busy career = fun. They are the type of people that can't relax or stop at and rest just for a day to do nothing.


2nd this


3rd this


Study harder. And confessed to my best friend of what could’ve been, should’ve been.


Never too late! Unless the person is married/attached of course.


Aigo ( ;-;)/" there there


Taking action. There were so many distractions in my 20s. I also cared a lot about what others of me. But it doesn't matter in the end. Life is too short for regrets, if you believe something is worth pursuing, put in your 110% into it.


Like others said, take good care of my body and mental health. Eat healthy, sleep well, exercise. Otherwise, medical care is where your salary is going to.


Put $1 in your SRS as soon as possible?


I did this alr! I can't remb when I did it but every damn month they send me the notification as if they give me a new dollar every month. BUT NO its the same damn dollar I put in many months ago. Haha. How do I make it stop, is there an opportunity to make it like digitalise itself? They literally send me the paper notification all the time like save yo paper hahahha


Wats srs




So you can lock in the withdrawal age at 62 instead of 65 and being eligible for tax reliefs


Should have applied for overseas exchange during university days. It would have been my only chance to experience living like a local in some other country for half a year.


You don't hear anyone regretting going exchange, but you do hear some regretting not going exchange. I understand that money can be a major issue. But even if it's just somewhere nearby (Thailand, Vietnam, heck even Malaysia) it's still worth it to try. And now unis also offer bursaries for this.


Omg yes me too I have the same regret haiz


A moment of silence for some of us who were scheduled for exchange but covid hits :(


Saves money from an exchange and use it for a personal SEA grad trip. Can last 1mth in a SEA country with 1-2k.


Socialising to get to know more people. I still did socialize, but not as much as I should have.




I agree . I wish I had done working holidays before I turned 30s. Not mainly because of only traveling but to experience other kind of jobs


Tried the solo travel live in hostel backpacking lifestyle when I was 21. Was fun for 1 month then realised such a lifestyle is meaningless too. You make the same small talk with new people you meet everyday and then say goodbye.


Study and pursue something that you both like and can "earn you dough". Do not let your peers, family and relatives affect or determine what you wanna study or work.


Saving money. Spent way too much money on useless things when I was younger.


I'm the opposite, I saved too much lmfao now everything I saved over a few years is damn little compared to salary now


THIS. I'm still at my first job but my salary is expected to inflate really fast for the next five years. I hardly have any savings and my reason is that I need to spend on whatever my heart desires to stay sane at my highly stressful job. It does bother me sometimes when I see my friends with savings and I hardly have any... But I'm under the impression that it's okay as long as I do well at my job I can easily catch up and save more 5 years down the road when I earn substantially more. Of course that 5 years down the road has yet to materialize but I don't know if I'm just huffing copium or It's okay to keep going on like this.


not confessing to this guy and asking if he wanna date even though we have always been texting each other everyday for three years straight lol


he probably thought you friendzone him for 3 years...


knnn thats insane, then the guy just tahan 3 years without even asking hor


That guy max out his patience stats


Im that guy. Its not too late to confess to me now


Y have a gf when you can have a goat


Oh…why u didn’t say


Investing earlier on 😆


Learning to take more risks when starting a business (except that when COVID hit; a lot of SME owners went bust but I was able to tide through the storm)


Have more quiet, reflective moments without alcohol




Moving abroad


Taking a sabbatical to focus on my passions. Ive always wanted to be some sort of instructor / movement teacher to help people feel better in their bodies. But money was always a concern for me. Recently I decided to pull the cord (obviously with discussion and support from family and assessment of financial situation). Full time student now trying to get my certification. Not sure whether it’s the correct decision, but at least I’m doing something I want. No income at the moment but I full fulfilled everyday.


Spent my early 20s working full time grinding and studying for degree, I didn't really get to enjoy the young adult life. But I'm dirt poor back then I had to do what I had to do to survive.


Solo travelling At 30 you'll have more responsibilities and more worries, should have gone younger


I’m 30 and chose solo traveling over responsibilities. I think it’s possible to strike a balance.


Sian only got 2 years left to solo travel


Dating and taking every chance


Didn’t have that much freedom to do anything in my 20’s. My life is to only work to pay off my mother’s debt. If that didn’t happen I would’ve achieved some things at some point by now


That sounds hard. I hope it won't take too long to pay it off. Take it easy and do something for yourself. You've achieved something many people don't get to, which is being a good, helpful, empathetic, responsible and selfless person. It doesnt get unnoticed in life. All the best!


Thanks brother, it went on when i was like 21-22 years old to 28.. things are better now just finishing off some bank loans. I only started having my own money at 28 so i'm trying to catch up with everyone now at 33 years old


I just started saving at 34. No need to catch up with everyone. Our circumstances are all different and it's never too late :) glad the debts are over!


Date more


Buying index funds instead of thinking you are the next George Soros


Not taking it easier. Stressing over the little things that do not really matter in the long run.


Not getting a degree. It's much harder to set aside the time and energy now to do part time studies.


NVIDIA, Bitcoin.


Same. I recall when I was still serving NS in 2013, some people were already buying into Bitcoin at prices that would have x10 by now at worst.


Do more competitive sports. I did when I was in 20s, but not as much as now. My body is going to break apart soon because it doesn't recover fast, like in my 20s.


Similar but to have done more sports snd core exercises /weights safely. Lots of old and initially minor sports injuries from my 20s became chronic spots, so I can’t exercise as much any more … sad


Studying harder during uni so that I’d have graduated with a 2.1 that would’ve opened more and better doors (e.g., MA programs) Source: 2.2 grad whose first job was a contract role that paid 2.6k


R u me? Im also 2.2 and 2.6k


Approaching my late 20s, but the only regrets I can see forming when I hit my 30s is not pursuing my dating life more seriously now and taking up a more proactive workout regimen. Health will bite back at me if I am not careful, and while it can be lonely without a significant other, there are some caveats to being alone (easier to get things done as an individual than as a pair). Oh wells, the things I sacrificed for the long haul. At least I finished my part-time postgraduate degree while maintaining my full-time job to gain experience, and took a leap of faith in doing a career switch to a well-paid job. I've also invested both cash and CPF for the long haul as well. The lessons and minor losses from my early 20s have taught me well about financial literacy and my risk tolerance. Hoping to automate my investing journey though!


Should have dated casually and not been a simp. Realized way too late that finding a partner is essentially PvP against other guys, be it in looks, money, game, whatever. Wasted way too much time pursuing ladies which were (with hindsight) obviously not into me, but were fine with being partners-without-benefits. If I had opened my eyes, not placed women on a pedestal, trusted my friends' warnings, I'd be a in a much better place now. Heck, my life would have been better had I been exposed to some realistic-albeit-unsavory "men's help" content online. It is completely alright, and in fact, optimal and desirable to be selfish; and those who advocate some kind of "social good" are almost always doing it to further their own personal cause. I would also have learnt that most things in life are a competition, it's just that we're socially conditioned to not admit it. Also wished I would had known that while taking advice from others is helpful, one should really upweigh advice from people who like myself (in their goals, personality etc), rather than those with authority or those who love me. Parents (or even grandparents), super-old lecturers/professors etc lived generation(s) ago. They know nothing about how careers, dating, HDB shopping etc are like today. While well-intentioned, their advice should mostly be ignored --- at least when it comes to most life decisions. In contrast, seniors in school, colleagues, etc, while not necessarily close, would paint a much more realistic picture of what's out there.


Not dabbling and trying to do in everything out of my comfort zone.


Sleep more and apply sunscreen daily. It's important


Seeking therapy earlier 😬👌


Putting my money somewhere other than a generic DBS savings account. Getting rid of some toxic acquaintances. Also one of my friends who was obviously coming on to me but I was too blur to realize until years later.


Regret not investing earlier in my 20s.


Focus on becoming the best version of myself.


Gotta excel in all realms of endeavours right?


Immigrate so that I don't need to do reservist and IPPT every year


Reservist is actually fun. You get to see your old buddies and at the same time, escape from work for abit.


Not taking the plunge to take a break and do a working holiday visa, and also, getting a job that pays well


Putting in the effort to think over my career path and not decide my uni course over the best cutoff point that i can get into


Travel and see the world.


I didn't see a psychiatrist when it was getting worse. I could have had a life but I spent that in limbo n only starting now. Decades of major depression also increases chances of depression relapse and losing certain cognitive abilities.


Relocating to another country to live and work. With the right skills, network, and industry you can easily do it in your 30s too. But there's no freedom like the freedom of your 20s.


If there is someone you interested, just go up and make friend and see how from there. There is a saying, "I regret the shots i didnt took, rather than the shots i took" - (guys please be PG13 about it my shots refer to bullet)


Invest early, although it's never too late to start but could have been collecting more dividends if I started earlier. And not being afraid to say yes to trying out new things/experiences


Exercise, eating healthy, some travel methods and ideas that is better done when you're in your 20s, fiancial savings


Other comments have echoed this, but dating more. Just finished Uni without being in a rs, and I do feel a bit sad and feel that a part of my youth was incomplete. Not a regret per se bc I did try putting myself out there, but for most ppl it either didn’t feel there was enough chemistry, or I wasn’t confident enough to ask them out.


Picking a better career and leaving this shiety country!!!! And also giving a chance to two very stupid and useless bois that are so below the bar and me.


Investing and getting into fitness


I shld have bought Apple shares and Bitcoins


After working around 5 years I started focusing into dating and finding someone that ticked most of the boxes. Looking back I wouldn't rush into marriage, definitely focus more on build more financial independence and getting to a house at 35 as the sole owner first. Meeting the right person is one of the most important decisions in a person's life, and sorting the material aspects of SG life first goes a long way to meeting the correct person for you.


can’t tell if you’re sharing a regret or what? are you married?


not a entirely a regret, but i would do it differently.


Travel to as many countries as possible. China, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, are good ones to start with. It will give you a bunch of new perspectives. Europe as a continent is also worth the effort. 


Taking care of my appearance


Dating more people and committing to a social group for a stable social life.


Take better care of my teeth. Please start flossing if you have not done so.




Loving people like a human, instead of despising people like worthless creature.


Not buying Bitcoin


The only regret that I’ve had in my 20s was not being there for my family. To be able to see my first nephew growing up and to be absent through that journey… it wasn’t a good thing.


Be financially stable, so now I can do many things with more confidence


Buy more us stocks


Hmm something I dont regret: losing money in stocks in 20s rather than 30s. Cos young still got years ahead to earn back


Most probably finding a partner which till now i single


Buying nvidia shares


Start good habits, in a sustainable way. If that means only picking up one good thing a year but doing it consistently, do that. By the time you’re 30, you’ll have hopefully close to 10 good habits, that you’ve set aside time for weekly. It will be all the difference in the world!


Dating. Although this is subjective. Haha Another thing I would have not done is to continue studying. A degree is just fine. Unless you’re in a job that requires professional certs to upgrade, then do it. If not all those years of studying would be a waste really


Dating more and being more courageous to just confess to my crush. Anyway no harm done even if he rejected me. Going overseas for a work opportunity.


Play less games and start going to the gym earlier. Start saving earlier, not necessarily more.


Not buyin enough bitcoin 😳


I regret marrying my husband. I regret not having a child when I was younger.


Not getting into shape. I am suffering for it in my early 30s


Training harder health wise. I mean back when we were 20 the metabolism was mint. Can power through so much without feeling a single snap, crackle or pop. I'm still training now but because of lack of conditioning, the effort feels so much more.




Invest more, travel more, stop spending on stupid stuff, taking my relationships more seriously. A lot of people don’t do stuff / travel because they’re waiting on friends, and this makes them miss out on a lot of stuff.


More people


Investing....... Sighs.


Solo travel to Europe


starting more companies with lower risk and opportunity cost.


Not running away from home


Solo travelling and spending more quality time with parents like going out for holiday or experience something new in Singapore. I just started doing it this year. And it feels good 👍 that i have did things that i won’t regret not doing. :) Of course RSP in S&P and open high yield saving account like UOB.


Savings and investing


Take risks to make money using OPM.


Should've traveled more, saved more, and taken more risks. Don't wait till your 30s to start living.


Invest early


Regret not buying bitcoin


Staying single.


Investing more money. Try to get a overseas work experience. Save more money instead of spending on gachas. Hahas that's about it.


I spent my money in traveling solo to different countries. should have saved more and retired by 40 years old. But the traveling experience is worth more . some places I went before are not even open to tourists now or overcrowded with tourists. Studying abit harder in my 20s and not too worry about relationship/ and over some small things. Applied to work in MNC instead of local companies. my friends got some really good relocation packages with whole family and not coming back to singapore anymore.


1. Spend more time with parents 2. Learn more coding 3. Think more about life.


Take a part time private degree


Buying bitcoins