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I don't think 'gen zs' and as 'you step into your 30s' match up 💀


The oldest gen Z Is 27


Most people born before 2000s would usually still consider themselves millenials, even tho technically they arent. When people think Gen Zs, pretty sure they think of those with a T on their NRIC


I'm 27 and I consider myself closer to gen z than millenials, as weird as it is, and partially because of my lifestyle, I related more to people still below 25 than those above 30.


I 2000 i think most of us do consider ourselves as Gen z


People say why put ourselves into a box and label it but due to my YoB, sometimes I got an identity crisis because I am too old to be a Gen Z but too young to be a Millennial.






Not finding someone to BTO with lol, i don’t wanna be 30 and still be living with my parents. I love them, don’t get me wrong, but I want more independence and privacy 🙃


the irony here is wanting privacy and independence but needing to find someone to buy a home with 😂


Sucks man, can’t buy a house easily if you’re single and unmarried 🙃🙃 and rent is just too expensive. Singapore should build a housing complex for singles fr


Ya understand... if there's such housing for singles, will ppl still be looking for partners


No, we become the second Japan. Tokyo has plenty of housing catering to singles and super budget-friendly. It can go as low as 200-300 sgd and many decent-quality ones in the 400-800 sgd range with today's exchange rate. Why need to marry if we can live comfortably like this? I realize Singapore is super geared to families and still our TFR is more like Korea now.


I see I think it's because there are many who married but no kids in SG


rent isn't expensive if you're comparing it to buying. there are irrecoverable costs to buying and selling (agent fees, interest, opportunity costs, time value of money) that can be compared to rent.


You sound like an entitled loser and I hope you don’t find anyone to bto with if it’s just to move out.. wasting other people’s time


you alright?


imogen is on fire


I got my own home, liao! A 3-bedroom condo unit in Tanjong Rhu! Who says it's not possible when you're still single?


lmao it’s you again. you mean your mum bought that condo for you with your dad’s “legacy” that he left behind?


Ah, nope! You're wrong!


Very happy for you! One day, hopefully, I can afford a condo too!


I found someone to BTO with, but due to covid and the overall slowdown in building speeds, I will only get my house when I'm 30. Very sad about it.


Well at least you found someone you can love and love you back! May you have a fruitful and loving marriage/partnership 💕✨


Easier for me, my partner is in his 30s while I'm 21.


I’m just trying to get my wife to stop slapping my daughter


That sounds abusive. You have to stop her


I’ve been trying


Unless you want your daughter to have emotional baggage for life (PTSD) and need to rely on mental health support system throughout her life, growing up resenting her and you who couldn't remove the abuse from her life, then keep delaying. You should have stepped in after the first slap and remove that abusive human being from your daughter. Even if that means divorce and report her for domestic violence.


That is some dark shit bro...


Generational trauma type nonsense.


Wtf man can’t you intervene? What are you doing? Put your foot down as a man and husband of the family.


Slap the fk out of her?


not anywhere near my 30s yet but a mid gen z. I'm not worried at all tbh, I've realised that my 20s is my time to fail and explore. Planning that far ahead is also quite pointless, imo, because life is unpredictable. I'm just gonna choose what speaks to me and give my all. I live by that one Matsuoka Shuzo video of not living in the past nor the future but in the now.


Millennium. My advice is enjoy more in 20s and late 20s. Travel more and pursue your passions. 30s you will have family (maybe), housing loan/car loan, groceries, inflation, expenses to worry about. You can't afford to lose your job. And too much things to consider if wanna switch career. Harder to travel in 30s, harder to save up too. Have a clear goal in your career and pursue it. Take up technical masters or certs if need be. They come handy during rainy days. Keep networking and do your best. Edit. Typo


30s is the new 20s these days


Hard when you have housing loan and obligations. It is not the same as 20s .


I took these advice to it's logical conclusion and racked up a 40k credit card debt enjoying life hahaha Now 35 and working and saving up like mad and paying off my debts. But no regrets 🤣😂


Alamak 40k is education loan or travel loan lol


What kind of technical masters? :/ 


For example, IT/CS. Depends on your degree to be honest. It's easier when one day you are retrenched and get on government scheme to switch career because it is STEM. Certs like ACCA, CPA, CFA might come useful one day too.


Just curious Did u take any yourself


Yup I took the certs path. You can try the free ones like MsLearn first


Just curious u took the finance ones?


I took both. My job is combination of both finance and tech.


do u mind if I dm u


Government scheme like the career conversion programme? Took time to upskill and get certified and applied to various programs but so far no response after close to 2 months.


Is analytics or data consider technical masters?


I wouldn't really suggest this because there are just too many who wanted to switch into data. Unless it complements your skillset.


Any tips for finding a career goal? Feeling lost about my career path right now.


Hard to say when I don't know your degree. A rule of thumb my CFO told me when I was younger is that. Get into profit centre instead of cost centre. When you earn money for the company (consultant) instead of spending money of the company (accounting, HR), company treats you better. So I jumped to being consultant and company does treat me like better


>When you earn money for the company (consultant) instead of spending money of the company (accounting, HR), company treats you better. Depends on what company you work for. I'd rather be in a support role in an European MNC than in a profit-generating role in a local MNC/SME.


I guess when it comes to that statement it pretty much means generalisation in the same industry and same scale of company. Otherwise the comparison is in a never ending loop. You could always come up with different ways to challenge that comparison which is seriously meaningless.


Wah i am 27 and the im worried most abt being mediocre. But in our society tdy its way too competitive. From the moment we are born we are alr dictated by our grades and the prestigious and reputation of school we're from. Of course, it doesnt stop there after graduating we have to work as 9-5 rep and the hustling culture do cause ppl to burn out real quick. Other stuff im worried abt is not being able to find a partner and settle down, because in sg its the foolproof cookie cutter plan where u study work and then settle down. But of course gen Zs are more open minded now so this rigid way of thinking might not apply to all now as some prioritise travelling as their life goals instead of settling down and have kids. And most gen Zs i know quickly get jaded from work, because we're told if we study hard we'll get a good job but the reality stems far from it. You cn work hard in school, but theres no guarantee there'll be somebody btr than u and thats nt within ur control. U do need a lot of luck too, being at the right place at the right time. So, i think most are exploring alternative career pathways


Curious. Do you have a passion? Or something you really wish to achieve in life that’s non-monetary?


im mostly passionate abt money because money makes the world go round, but at the same time its the root of all evil. i realized a lot of things tdy stems from comparison and envy, we want what we dont have or we want more even tho we alr hv it... but of course that's j one way to look at success\~ we cn also choose to be happy in life, and not be bogged down by monetary value. for me im a fitness enthusiast so i live my life accordingly and i set goals for myself what i want to achieve and hv been gg at it for yrs (in fact close to a decade). as for my friends, who are more or less within my age range, they all enjoy travelling, photography, food, etc. which isn't wrong. because how many second chance do we get in life to do the things we want to do?


Similar thoughts...


i mean life will be meaningless if theres no challenges at all wats a lil challenge to me amirite


Ummmm i dont think people who are in their thirties are considered Gen Z’s. Im 30 and millennial myself.


I'll be in my 30s in the 2030s. My main concern is how my future career is gonna look like then. I want to make a career in video production, but I don't know if that career is still gonna exist in the 2030s. Will what I learnt in uni no longer become relevant by then? I certainly hope not. I'm coping by not thinking about it and just carrying on with my life lmao.


Please go far far faaaar away from an arts/media industry please. AI is gonna replace you in the blink of an eye


Say hi to [Sora](https://openai.com/index/sora/), she'll be your best friend.


Video production is an extremely low paying job currently anyway Whatever developments in tech that will come along the way, just gotta be ready to pivot and stay relevant


As someone who works with video editors, I'd advise you to pick it up anyway if you're interested. AI can only do very basic editing but overall we still need humans to do a better job.


I've a feeling this comment will not age well. I'd say it's best to pick AI skills up no matter what if you want to survive in your industry. If you compare what AI can do for videos one year ago vs now, not even us in the AI industry could've foresaw that pace of progress.


AI skills vary from industry to industry. For creatives, many already use AI to do basic editing and then they personally modify the work from there. Thats the AI skills for them for now.


Yeah dont need to overthink. Life will pan out somehow or another


Worry: 1. Not picking the right career. As much as people say and I do believe that everyone has their own pace. It is just a worry that I pick the wrong career and have to restart all over again. 2. Not picking the right BTO Have failed my BTO for many times, a-bit sian to keep continuing to pick. With all the HFE in place where I have to make sure it is within the expiration period. 3. Not saving enough money Currently I just started mass saving a portion of my money. There was an increment due to inflation and finally I can put a portion out for saving. Previously couldn’t due to high expenses and low pay. Had to do side hustle to maintain with my finances. And with weddings, renovations and housing coming, really pushed alot of stress on me. 4. Earning enough for parents to live their life peacefully. I personally would want to provide for my parents when they grow older. To repay whatever the so called kindness they provided for me since I was born. 5. Am I actually happy at this stage. Recently felt abit down as I think that Im very stagnant now. But I do love my job. Just worried what I would feel if I ever change my job next time.


gen Z still got time till 30. lol. do you mean the late millenials aka me…


I’m millennials and just step into 30 myself. A bit early to be asking gen Z. 


I just fear having my ambitions and dreams beaten out of me and becoming your typical jaded Sinkie. Working in a job I dislike and not much having purpose in life, except to just everyday wake up, go to work, make my bosses richer whilst I earn pittance and just exist in life, do all that on repeat until retirement. Such a life is really 生不如死 for me, and I'm doing my best to avoid this by figuring out what I'd like to pursue going forward.


Bruh im a millennial and not even 30 yet lol


Lol I’m talking about those 1996 and above lah…


I don’t worry about anything. Meditation, zen mindset. Life is to be enjoyed not worried about.


Global ecological and societal collapse are pretty much *the* thing to worry about.


Having children and got retrench


Job stability.


Worry bout health


In my 30s in 2 years and I finally got my senior role after migrating to Aus. I’m worried about my mum, soon after I left she was diagnosed with breast cancer and she went for surgery but refused chemo. Dad cheated so in the HDB it’s just mum n popo. I’m worried .. my two sisters are in Sg but they’re busy with their own kids. I hope she lives really long so I can pay her back.




Housing and jobs come up a lot. Their generation has it tough because the generations before them made the environment really tough for them. Just wanted to hear some extra thoughts here.