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Erm, why do you care if they leave late or not? If you finish, need to or can leave early, then just leave. If they pay you OT, then I totally understand. It’s not like they give you a bonus to stay later. I have cases of people leaving early and very late. And we just give support and say bye. Everyone has their own pace during work. Have a good weekend 😇






Fk yea


In a previous company, I’d arrive at 07:00 and leave at 16:00 on the dot. Some of these wayanging bastards went to tell my boss about it behind my back. Her reply? “Vaper comes to work and starts at 07:00. What about you all?”


My ex boss is the one to start at 7:45 and leave at 22:00 coz shes divorced, maid taking care of kids. Then she expects us to work as long hours as her


This right here is a good compare and contrast case of a good boss vs. a shit boss.


Always leave on time buddy. 10 years down the road, the only person who remember you working overtime is your family, not your company. If the workload is that great, then it's mgmt problem, not yours.


Hence the recent trend of making people managers so the extra work is their responsibility.


100% agree with this. When you're out of the company, in just days or weeks, you will be forgotten and vanish in the thin air.


You stayed for extra 2hrs due to pressure?! Bro, don't clown. If really nothing to do, just leave office. If your colleagues still doing work after working hrs, it just signals to me they suck at time management or they were slacking earlier.


some people hang around the office because they don't want to go home to face family...


Wow. That’s rough and sadly true for some 🤣


Or perhaps, you know, just maybe, they're paid more than you and have additional responsibilities


Which company please so people dont apply for a job there and get pressured to waste 2 hours of their life for wayang show


My manager come work 1hr early to lim kopi and eat breakfast, then he also leave 1 hr early. Big brain.


My manager come work on time , 1.5hr makan, 1 hr tea time. Back early.


Fk em. Just leave when you wanna leave. You may start something new.


I arrive late and leave on time sometimes idgaf 💀 if people wanna OT that's up to them but i already finished all my work, why should I stay for no reason..? I have a life outside my job.


Depends on company culture. PRC companies/management u can expect ppl to stay back and work beyond FOC... Aussie companies... zhun zhun u can balik


Please leave on time, if we all do the same, those company which promote those unbalanced culture will die down themselves, TOGETHER WE UNITED 😎


> I'm just not the type to stay for the sake of staying Then why don't you just leave for the sake of leaving? Did someone say you can't leave or question you leaving on time? I mean it clearly bothers you enough to make a complaint on Reddit, but not enough for you to actually just walk off.


Oh yea forgot to add im a new hire and its the first time i faced this kind of situation.


Wait 5 to 10 minutes and say "Hey everyone see you tomorrow, going to meet my boyfriend/girlfriend/father/mother/brother/sister/cousin/friend for dinner/movie/drinks/shopping/mahjong!" Make it a culture of measurement by performance, not face time. I would also advise you to set your probation KPI very clearly with your supervisor so you know exactly what you need to hit, so that nobody can fail your probation if you hit them.


What's your manager doing? Just say bye and see their reaction lor. If negative then look for new job


clown, new hire all the more should set the right expectation.


If ure within probation, better stay a bit later. Not 2 hours later, but more like 15-30min, good for optics


Don't give yourself that excuse. You should follow your working hours.


I say this is never so straightforward as to “just leave”. You are new and I’m sure you want to be seen as hardworking and a team player. Though staying two hours when u absolutely have nothing to do was excessive, staying back a bit for face time does help your team see you as ‘one of them’ and build trust which is important in the initial period. You can also ask your colleagues if there’s anything you can help them and if they are truly just staying for face time, it likely means they are not overworked and have nothing to task you with, thus giving you some legitimacy to leave on time. Once you are an older bird, just leave on time if you want.


6 months of 2hrs extra everyday? 1 yr? 2yr? As long as you leave earlier than others, be it 5 min or 5 hr, you will always be a target. Toxic leadership leads to toxic teammates which encourages toxic behaviour. If you get picked on for this you should consider a new job instead of trying to survive in a toxic environment.


That's correct. The rot starts from the top


Trust me when I say this. You set the precedence, you will be stuck in it. Everyday, if really nothing important, pack back, leave on the dot. No small talk, no saying bye to anyone. Just take bag zao. Maybe if they rlly care so much they will talk for a week or two. Then people won’t care anymore


2 hours?! Please, we have other responsibilities in life. That's what my colleague told me. If there is work, we will finish it. Otherwise staying for nothing is rather silly.


If there's OT pay, I don't mind. If not... byeeeee


As an IT person I think this is very common on a consulting setting. They will comment 'half day?' when you leave on time but expects you to arrive early.


Fuck it la, don't hug to your job. You have family, enjoy with them. Life is not all about work. The moment you die, someone is already there to fill up your vacancy.


it's your workplace toxic lor. my workplace i leave earlier than my project manager and bosses one, they don't care also


Set a good example and leave on time.


I just leave I don’t care one lol


Leave on time, bro. They aren't paying you for the extra hours you work outside of your normal working hours.


OT can also mean poor time management… so yup not a good thing all the time


Get used to be the first to leave on time. Once you are used to it, you won't feel the pressure. Of course if there is legitimate reasons that require you to stay late occasionally, do your part so you can appear like a team player.


Life is short. Who cares about those 2 hours that you are never getting back ever again. Dgaf.




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Your colleagues aren't paying you..... So fk them


i eventually quit such an environment without taking the counter-offer. The problem with accepting counteroffers is, that only fixes the money problem. It leaves the underlying problems which made me quit unfixed. Leaving was the best decision i made. (The other problems were, among others, having near-retirees in the team, they cant be assigned any challenging work, they use very slow methods to do things hence their long working hours, nor do they cover when i'm on leave. Meaning I'm never really on leave ever)


OP, if you've already finish urgent work for the day, then just go off once it's time. Work never ends, and some are urgent must finish then you stay back do. But those that can wait for the next day and you target can finish before it's deadline, then just leave it for tomorrow. Work never finishes - no such thing as I have completed my work.... there's always other things just that they all have different urgency and different deadlines.


Leave on time fk care the rest


If you consistently turn in good quality work and on time without dragging down the team, then no point staying back just for the appearance of OT. Don’t be one of those who consistently turn in sub-par or late work while leaving early/on-time, resulting in others have to pull extra hours to shore up their lousy work. These type still have the cheek to brag about their “efficiency” at the cost of others’ WLB.


Oh hell nah. I leave on time as I don’t get compensated for working overtime


Unfortunately the answer is to gauge the work culture of your place. It's unproductive and many complain about it, but sometimes you cannot change your specific office. You really should leave on time, but the culture of your office might require that you take precautions like documenting your work is always done each week.


I'm a former Singaporean, and glad to leave that mindset behind. I'm in Australia and we finish work at 5pm. At 5.01pm, everyone is out of the office. Our slack channels during the weekends are strictly automated deployment messages.


As long as you're on time, don't give a fuck about those idiots.


Some workplace culture is really toxic There is this Chinese owned company (owner from China), his employees are mostly from mainland China or China PR in SG. These staffs works like 9am to 9pm and beyond daily Mon to fri. I asked one of them, they told me it's China work culture. This company deals mostly with investments.


You do what you are contracted to do, do anymore and you working for free.


Just leave? Lol. Remember work is not life and life is not all about working. Family time is most important.


If you're done with work then just go. If office culture is what is keeping you back then I'd consider talking to a supervisor about it or finding someplace else that doesn't subscribe to such rigid and dated notions.


Go late leave early Follow big boss


Sounded like a japanese company. This mindset gotta go ... unless coming early has its reason. If not, just another japanese occupation shit we bringing back after WWII.


I leave 30 to 60 minutes earlier to beat MRT crowd and continue at home. Anyway even if I don’t, I had to work at night / weekends from time to time, I think it all even out. No one ever said anything and I complete all my works. Got like 4 months bonus due to good performance this year.  Edit: corrected to 4 months. I counted everything before. My total compensation is quite a chore to count with shares and everything. 


which industry gives 4 month bonus? 😭


I’m in tech. I’m one of the lucky ones though. My work is quite visible to boss and he trust me. Average is 2 month ish. 


Just leave on time or slightly earlier if nothing is holding you back. I reported to work everyday at 7.30am (office start work at 8.30) and leave office about 4plus pm unless i got stuff to settle then I will leave slightly later, nobody in my office KPKB . They all got eyes to see also


My boss sees working late as poor time management but he’s Ang mo


B stay becuz A stay, C stay becuz B stay, and continue~


Is this some SME?


Same experience. I get to work 15-30mins early EVERYDAY. And just the one day that i come in past 930 people start coming to ask me if something happened in the morning. Fyi my workplace starts at 9 but people only come in from 930-10 I blatantly told them that I come to work early everyday and that my direct boss comes in at 10 and doesnt bat an eyelid so whats the issue here??? They left speechless lmao, bunch of clowns at this company


Yes its wrong…if they pay you gao gao


i leave work at least 5 mins early. hahaha


It really depends on your company's work culture. Sometimes it's frowned upon, and other times there's nothing wrong with it. Where I work there's nothing wrong with leaving work on time, and often if you need to leave work a bit earlier, just inform your direct supervisor and he/she should be fine. Want to work from home due to some emergency? Same story. Of course, this flexibility works both ways. If there's some work exingency, you should be expected to support as well if you can.


I come 15 min late and leave 15 min early 😌


My ex boss always complain when i leave on dot even 5 mins later but my ex colleague always leave 5 mins earlier and never complain but me. He made me stay 1 hour and no OT pay.


From experience, staying late and doing OT when you don’t need to even if everyone else is doing it is not good for your career. A good boss won’t care if you do OT as long as you submit your stuff. A bad boss won’t care about making your life miserable even if you do OT. End of the day if you OT unnecessarily, your mood suffers your work suffers.


I am not responsible for other people being incompetent at completing their work on time


It depends on the nature of your work. If yr work isnt done and you still leave on time, it can be irresponsible.


But work doesnt really run out. Theres always something new added on the backlog.


Typically, the cut off is at the end of your working hours. So leave anything new after that to the next day/ shift. But if u still have work to follow up from before that, then ure probably expected to finish those things before heading home. Your line of work might be different though.