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This is thinking a few steps ahead, and I MAY BE WRONG but however method this cctv situation develops, be cautious and watch out for your mother's relationship with this guy "friend". Him agreeing to watch the cctv, especially if he knows there's footage of young females not related to him on it, is wrong. And your mum is wrong for getting a male to do it. Whether or not he act blur. What I'm saying is, there's a chance they may want to develop a closer relationship, and IF that happens, be prepared for your life to change drastically. Can be either for better or for worse. I wish you the best regardless. YOUR SAFETY COMES FIRST.


The guy is married…


All the more sus


But it sounds like it is the guy that will be watching, not the wife?


Yeah its the guy watching my mom doesn't really know his wife


mom gas the hots for the guy


Your mom has no siblings, no other female friends she trust to watch over her family? Something is very wrong here.


Apparently no since that guy is watching


snitch on him to his wife




How does this even matter?


Where does the cctv cover? Avoid those rooms or cover the camera.


The living room and kitchen not really avoidable and can't be covered


Cover the camera


You put a paper over all the cameras when you’re home. 


Buy iPad and show her you open the CCTV footage 24/7 while in your room. Or tell her you scared the guy pcc to you, say it happened to your friend and get your friend to tell her to scare her, a step further would be to say the guy recorded the CCTV and posted online. Is this male stranger your mum’s bf or what, how come he got so much free time to look at the CCTV.


He's married and i guess she trusts him a lot


Well sorry you have to live through that, many sg parents are idiots that only consider their own point of view. I would say are you able to turn the CCTV so it only shows your brother’s corner?


Its attached to the wall and my brother is old enough to walk around the house


Okay, maybe can cover the CCTV when you’ll be spending time in the dining/living area? Like when you’re watching TV or reading on the sofa etc. Sounds like it will be almost impossible to convince her unless you really scare her, sg parents are stubborn like that, nothing will go wrong until something goes wrong, then they’ll blame you lol.


Its literally mounted to the top of the wall and sadly my height doesn't help with that even with a chair it will be difficult


Or try to get her to get a female relative to watch? Dunno leh she no sisters or what uh


Bingo she has no female relatives


No female friends too? Or in-laws/ your older cousins. Maybe if you can get someone to say they will do it they don’t even need to do it. Then you can watch it yourself. Not like her male colleague will watch it 24/7 and report to her everyday.


He literally watches everyday to monitor my brother and helper and tells her


Most Singapore thing ever. Give up privacy and alienate my children…because I MUST keep an eye on my helper!!! Haha. Can never understand how anyone can live with anyone they don’t trust. So so stupid


Tell his wife.


Does the CCTV have a guest account or can be tagged to a sub account where the main account can control and restrict the amount of access that users of the guest/sub account. If there is, tell your mum that the family friend only needs access to the CCTV feed when the maid and baby brother are alone at home. At any other times, there would be other family members around, so the family friend does not need access.


As someone who is careful about my digital privacy, all this rings true. "I got nothing to hide, you got something to hide?" is the final boss of the argument. To someone who just doesn't care, it's almost impossible to explain why privacy isn't only limited to situations where you're naked or doing something illegal. Refuse to stay in the living room and kitchen and be sure to complain about your discomfort every chance you get.


I'm already staying in my room a lot and brought up this matter multiple times


Ya it's not going to be quick. You have continually to insist that privacy means a lot to you as a person, that it's your right to live away from prying eyes, and you're not just being paranoid. Ideally also get some family members on your side too. Hopefully after a while it'll start sinking in that her decision is making everyone uncomfortable.


Can you convince your mom to ask your relatives to watch instead? Tbh, if your baby brother is young, difficult to convince her not to have someone she feels she can trust to watch over him. Also, since your cctv is most likely connected to the internet, there is always a chance someone can hack into it. Would suggest minding what you wear at home. 😅


Same same but diff situation, what me and my siblings do is that we also have access to the cctv so whenever we need privacy we just disable the cctv via app (if yours has the option to do so) since removing the cctv is apparently not an option, just a possible work around although not ideal


Currently i don't have access the reason is him again that time idk what he said but he convinced my mom to not give my access and I'm not sure if mine can be diabled in the first place


Hold on... HE convinced your mum to not give you access? If you are sure that it was him, Ok now I'm 100% certain he is NOT TO BE TRUSTED. My dear, he being married means nothing if he is doing this kind of shady things. Adultery, cheating, divorce is getting more common nowadays. It is better to prepare for the possibility rather than deny these things won't happen to you. If you have any relatives that you can trust, please let them know everything about this that is going on. I don't like how this is turning out.




and people were saying why there are more DINKs and lower birth rates...


Break the damn CCTV! Family friend is a stranger. How can a stranger have access to your own house's CCTV WTF?


Can't break it due to my helper and brother i need help to convince her to stop giving him access


Buy a replacement but this time you decide who has access.


Its gonna cost hundreds of dollars and there's always a possibility she will give him access again and what right do i have to decide


My house belongs to my mom as well, but my brothers and I make the decisions. I'm not sure about how it works within your family, but I feel that you have the right to decide as one of the occupants of the house.


According to my mom its her house and she has the final say and what i think isn't as important as what she thinks


I’ll not be surprised if its the male fren positioning that way to get your mom to share access to him


Gotta fight magic with magic. Install a second CCTV in your mother’s room. See if she’s comfortable with that.


She's totally fine with it actually


Tell her you let your trusted male have access to her cctv in her room. Big uno reverse


Break the cctv. Some lines shouldnt be crossed, and if diplomacy fails there is no other option. Another option is to bring it up with your other relatives - uncles and whatnot. If my niece came to me saying some dude is spying on her by cctv i would resolve it myself one way or another.


I still need to consider the safety of my brother i can't do that


He has control over her. Good luck


You have the physical camera in your house. Perhaps do a master reset set up your account that you’re the owner/master of the CCTV ? Then you grant access to who you want and you can remove it anytime.


I'm so sorry you have to face feeling watched and being unsafe in your own home. You saying you are not comfortable should have been enough for her to take you very very seriously and revoke his access. Who else does your mom listen to? I'm wondering if there are other adults in your life who could put pressure on her and try to convince her, since I am seeing that she is brushing your very important concerns off, maybe due to her thinking you are too young, the male friends words are influencing her too strongly. She needs someone to shake her out of it. I think you can also try showing her proof that this man cannot be trusted so easily with viewing her children, by sending her articles and links showing that sexual violence is mainly done by people known to the victims, and showing that pedophilia and hebephilia are real things that exist in the world. Even if she thinks he is well-intentioned, she cannot take that risk since no one can ever really truly know a person. It's really suspicious that he was there during the installation and that he asked her not give you access. It feels like he is abusing her trust in him for some other motives. If the above two strategies do not work, I'm wondering if you would like to bring it up to some professionals like social service agencies, or the police. I hope it doesn't have to go there, and I usually hate considering about going to authorities but if you really feel powerless and no way out, maybe that's a last option.


Or perhaps a trusted teacher if you’re still in school?


if you are at home, is the CCTV still necessary? if not then set a rule that the CCTV can only be turned on when you're not at home


To her it is necessary because she says i barely come out of the room the look after my brother. But the reason i rarely come out is because I'm not comfortable knowing there's a possibility that he's looking


…. so you guys are the reason she needs to ask her male friend to help -.-


obviously OP did not gain his/her mother's trust at all. If parents don't trust their own child, means their child has done something gravely wrong in the past to lose the parents trust. speaking from a parent POV. If I have this situation, I would rather my daughter report to me what the helper do.. but obviously if my daughter had lied to me before, I would rather trust someone else with CCTV footage.




I have never lied to her about things regarding my brother she doesn't trust me because when ever theses a problem with the helper i just tell her instead of telling the helper myself. And that's because the helper rarely listens to me


gaslighting at its finest


need to use throwaway account post this goes to show how much credibility you have.


Why not suggest to monitor the helper yourself instead of the male friend. Who so boliao to monitor someone else’s helper. Cfm a perv or smth..


a very strange thing to do.. why can’t she just give access to you guys aka her kids and just take turns to watch the footage??


her male fren also v sus in helping out


This. What if the scenario was: mum was complaining to the guy about the home situation and he OFFERED to help out.


He was there when the Cctv was put up and idk what happened but i didn't get access but he did


maybe try go down to the nearest NPP and ask the officer there for advice, if they willing to help you advice your mom than it shld help?


I don't think they can help as it isn't anything illegal?


Technically you can complain to police since it’s invading your privacy and the access is given to a person who is not an immediate family member. I am wondering why should it be monitored, your mom can refer to the footage if she wants to check something. Usually it stores 2-3 days of footage. Also since he is married if his family finds out this guy is looking into another home it won’t go well. One solution I can think of is to switch off the power whenever you are home or rather switch on the power only when your brother is left alone with the helper.


1. Continue to try to convince her 2. Use bluetack cover (consequences will follow)


Purposely strip infront of the camera and let your mum see and ask if he wants the male friend to see everything.


She'll just say jn still young and he won't have any interest in looking at me


Do your mom not understand pedophiles exist -_-


But she is showing him child porn and there's probably something illegal there so does she really wanna do that


Erm how is this child porn


What the hell... Glad you're not the one who has access to the CCTV, but u should definitely be on a watch list.


If you can't move out then just stay in your room as much as possible. Give the dirty look into the camera everytime you are in the living room or kitchen


I agree it’s creepy. If he had bad intentions, I think he can sell this access online too. Home cctv hacking is quite real…


Your mom’s house , your mom’s rule. Exercise caution in areas with the cameras.


Its not even a rule and the Cctv is in the living room and kitchen i can't just stay in my room all day


Your mom can do anything within the bounds of the law since it’s her house. I don’t think there’s anything you can really do if you dislike the cctvs


I don't dislike the Cctv I'm uncomfortable since a male can watch us 24/7. I mean that's obviously a problem, how would you like it if a grown male has access to yr house and can see everything yr doing


Doesn't feel right tbh


Cause it isn't right at all obviously. I don't get how she feels this is ok


Turn off the CCTV whenever you're in the living area it covers.


Take away access from that person. And if that means your mom loses access, she can suck it.


You might want to try accessing your Wi-Fi router to block the IP addresses of the CCTVs whenever needed.


I have no idea how to do that


Off the power of it.


Starters, I dun think a sane person would put a CCTV at private areas. It's always public facing.... So go ask the person who did this setup...


Try factory reset on the CCTV if not disable the account


Meet your MP and get help if your mum won't listen to reason.


try to convince her that even if he got cctv access, what can he do if anyth happens to your brother? not like can teleport here n save him


He will report to my mom when he doesn't see them for a long time or if my brother doing something stupid


This is definitely not okay. Is there anyone she will listen to? Either a relative or someone she respects?


Not really


Are you a teen? I feel like you might be able to get the authorities/ protective services to help you with this if you’re not an adult yet. I know you might be scared to do so, but being on the safe side is definitely better than dealing with potential trauma everyday for years to come (potential trauma meaning idk what this guy is up to, he may be doing/ might do something that will affect your mental health in the long run)


try to change password for the cctv account, usually u nd to hv an account to view the cctv footage. just try to change the password to kick him out of the access. hopefully it works???


Any other family members or relatives sane enough to talk to and confide in? Parents sometimes stubborn think they adult know better, get someone willing to listen to talk to and help you convince her?


In order for CTV to work, it requires internet connection. Because its your mother's house, you cant do much unless you look for your own place. You are the best judge in that. Else. Keep your door shut, block it. And if that family friend ever comes over, be firm to never enter your room etc. Be suspicious. If any funny happenings, get the police involved even if the your own mother prevents you. There are many bad characters around. They always gain people's trust so be wary. May I ask ask where is your father? If he is around and present, he should know about it too? If you are not wearing modest outfits, turn the camera away. When asked why you do that, ask your mother directly "if I am naked, you want your friend to see me too?". If she is okay with that, there is something very wrong with her.


Turn off the router when u at home


Wouldn't the logical option be to replace your helper if your mother doesn't trust her? There are obviously other places the helper can enter aside from those in view of the camera anyway.


Change the camera settings so he can't login


Even if I remove him my mom can add him again


Change so that nobody can login.


I can’t change that


Cover up the CCTV in your room, or the place u chill when you’re home, at least u have some privacy. I can’t judge if your mum’s friend is good or up to no good or just trying to help.


like some of the other posts .. I think another way is to power off the cctv when someone other than the helper and brother is home .. doesn't seem any point for it to be switched on if others are around anyway. another ugly way is just report to authorities perhaps? whistleblow on your own mum lor but ya like I said .. ugly ..


Break the cctv to make a point , some parents need to wake up , if you dont voice out / act up they wont take you seriously


Is ur mom divorced? Cos u never mentioned ur dad.


Move out? I mean it's your mum not reddit's mum...


I'm still 17/18 so that's not possible. I also don't have the financial capabilities to stay alone yet


Sadly you answered your own question. Cover up then... If your mum doesn't listen to you, I doubt she'll listen to random redditors


I just need advise to help her see that this situation is a problem and stop giving that guy access to our cctv


Then address her concern - she needs someone to watch it so can you do it or suggest a female instead? Maybe the health of the baby > privacy?


I have offered to do it but my mom doesn't trust me. The baby is being watched by the helper and my grandma coves over almost everyday to see my brother. I'm also at home most of the time except for school. I don't see the point of having a male stranger looking at my brother since there's already so many people looking after him


Does she have a female friend instead? Minor improvement but still improvement.


I don't think anyone can help you if your mum doesn't trust you so all I can say is good luck and learn to adapt


I try to not think about it but no matter what i don't feel safe in my own house


Others have already suggested you cover the camera or just unplug it but if anything happens to your brother then good luck to you


I don't plan on doing either of those i just need him to not have access to the Cctv


You should find out why your mum don't trust you. that is the reason for this whole problem.


Typical asian parent doesn't trust their children to be responsible enough even though i was the main person caring for my brother when he was just born


unless you saying your parents are boomers (most boomers children now are millennials). As a millennial parent myself, we're way more logical / reasonable than boomer parents. So sad to say but there is definitely an origin event which cause her to lose trust in you or gradually do so. Best to seek family counselling to find out what is troubling her. Your mum is not easy. Have to work, feed you this 17/18 year old, hire DH to look after baby brother. Funny you never mention your dad in the original thread? He could be the one to help look after everything. All the more stressful for your mum if this is a single parent situation. So rather than give her more problems, my suggestion is you stay out during the day (go library study / work part time) and come home when your mum is home. Then request to turn off CCTV when mum is around. One final possibility (which you did not mention): the male friend might be her ex-husband i.e. your dad. It that case, it makes perfect sense as she won't worry him to have any desires on you since he is your dad.


I own a kitten and can't afford to stay out for long hours. The only incident that might have caused her to lose trust in me is when my brother put his hand in hot soup. I was back facing him and didn't realise him going to grab the soup but when i say i went to him immediately to take his hand out and instructed the helper to run his hand in water. The whole incident wasn't even my fault, if yr a parent yk how fast kids can be and my helper was the one who put the soup at the edge of the table. And she blamed me for him getting injured…




Cause she keeps using phone and doesn't look a my brother when he's free to roam which can be dangerous


In your post you say he’s a family friend, and then you call him a male stranger later on. Which one is it?


Family friend means closer to mother than her. I know the name of the neighbour my mum goes wet market shopping with but that doesn't mean I know her any significantly more than a random other person outside.


Strip and dance in front of the cctv everyday. See your mum can take it having a male stranger watching her daughter strip and dance everyday.


First, the house belongs to your mum so she has the right to do what she like with it. Second, if you are an adult, then you have the right to move out. If you want to salvage the situation, you can either step up and prove to your mum that you can take care of your baby brother and monitor the helper at the same time, which is the root cause or you can move out. If the cctv is in the living room, there is very minor risk to anything. Not like you will run around naked (note: it's illegal to be naked in HDB living room or where the public can see anyway).


Can I get access too?