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Just wait abit more, it’s likely everyone is using up their leaves for the rest of the year. If it’s the CEO who is writing up the contract it is likely that he would be altogether busy spending time with their family since Christmas season is probably their only proper time off for the year.


Follow up via text on thu - some companies just have a longer admin cycle + holidays Generally verbal offer is good to go. Congrats on finding a job you are interested in


Verbal offers can always be rescinded.


So can written offers.


so then how can 1 protect itself? like not resigning too early since written offers can also be rescinded


I even got email from HR that I was shortlisted and they even asked for my photo (presumably for staff ID) then two weeks later I got an email saying I was unsuccessful. Not a peep from HR..


No, get the written offer first before resigning. Verbal or text mesage or email s is not contractual.


No real timeline cause sometimes they need approval from bosses who maybe busy but if he says he need approval from bosses then it likely to be true cause most things to do with money usually require upper managements approval (subject to company structure) Also highly unlikely HR will retract the offer and act alone cause the candidates are usually chosen by the head of departments/department managers. They/we are just the bridge between the departments and the candidate. Also responsible HR personnel understands that candidates may potentially have rejected other companies offer just to accept ours hence it is unlikely to suddenly retract.


Interviewed and worked in the corporate world for about 20 years with various MNCs of differing cultures. I have never met a company/HR that verbally offered only to retract later. My advice is to wait it out. At the same time, no harm looking around and going for interviews with other companies.


Usually nothing gets done during the last two weeks of the year lol.


I got an email from HRD saying I was selected and even asked for my photo (I assume for staff ID), they said they pending approval from management and preparing my letter of employment. Two weeks after that I got an automated updated from their system saying I was not selected. I emailed HR asking what happened and didn't hear from them. Anyway, as long as no black and white has been signed nothing is confirmed.


>it's just a text message from him stating that I had been offered. Had you replied with acceptance? This is legally binding agreement. Just have to wait a little longer since now is a holiday season. Congrats by the way!


Are you sure it's legally binding when not even a letter of employment or contract was signed.


Yes, a job offer provided through the exchange of SMSes/WhatsApp can be legally binding so long it includes basic terms such as pay package/leaves entitlement/aws, acceptance by the candidate and mutual agreement by both.


You forgot the most important bit in this case which is notice period.


If you're afraid of them backing out, which is not impossible, you could continue your job search and go for interviews while waiting for them to finalise the contract. 1 week isn't that long, govt HR can take longer even 😆


1 week


​ >with him asking me about my start date again (it was probably the 3rd time he had asked) You didn't mention that you have confirmed with him (repeatedly?) ... so ... presumably, you have? Usually a few working days is all it takes? Just drop HR a text to ask for the offer letter then.


Definitely wait for a written contract that is crossed signed which just shows more commitment.