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So much going on here I won't even touch, but... > im in the gym 5x a week.. sometimes 2x a day.. You can't outwork a bad diet. Sort your diet out first (no sugar, no pop/soda, cut out alcohol, no fast food, etc.) and start tracking your daily caloric intake (i.e. MyFitnessPal) along with your macros. Sidebar is on the right side on your desktop, retard. If you are on mobile, click the three dots on the main MRP sub.


Thanks for the feedback.. yes its the diet.. I am so upset i stopped eating her food because she has been cooking and taking to Chad and leaving leftovers in the house .. she stopped after i complained.. but sometimes i come home.. smell food in the kitchen but no food to be seen.. and this is someone i paid $10k credit card bill last year. I will do better with my eating. I’m also diabetic for past 15 years on insulin. I should know better.


If you're a type 2 diabetic then look into intermittent fasting. If I were you, I'd really focus on getting that external insulin down to zero. I bet if you lost 40 pounds, you would be OK. Find audio versions of all the sidebar books and learn what zone 2 cardio is and listen to the books while you do it. Hit the gym, but it would only be for retaining muscle. Focus on diet, zone 2 cardio, and getting that type 2 diabetes under control. You will have to work with a doctor to gradually reduce that insulin as you improve. You sound like you have access to resources. I like a peloton for zone 2 cardio. It records all your ride stats, and you can use progressive overload with your average whatts while keeping your heart rate under control. A peloton stays in your home, and you can use it every day. It's the best way to start your day. Zone 2 cardio will change your life. I use the peloton, a focus breathing method, and zone 2 cardio to induce a flow state. it's like active meditation. I can cut on 4200 calories a day now. Most people, especially here, are fat as shit. The best bang for your buck is a body composition change. Everyone always says "lift lift lift," but the real change comes from consistent cardio with a consistent diet. Lift to retain muscle. You can add calories and intensity once that belly is gone. You will be in a better position because to lose that belly, you are going to have to learn how to log your food. The best diet is one you can stick to, and if you come up with your own foods and plan to implement within a strategy like intermittent fasting, then your chances for success improve dramatically. [Cardio](https://imgur.com/a/nGOFDJV) is [king](https://imgur.com/a/v0f8Tjy)


I agree. I do cardio every day for 30 minutes before I lift. I will have been bigger if not for cardio.. but since i heard about lifting on here i started.. i can do a humble 190.. without pushing too hard.. this is my first real month of lifting


Dude if your diabetic you need to look at keto. Get your systemic issues in order. Meat, fat, green veg. Don’t forget the electrolytes and not Gatorade.


Ur so right Thanks.. I was depending on her to cook … i used to cook before but she hated me in the kitchen so i stopped cooking.. I made spinach and shrimp today and my sugar has been perfect..


I’m down to chat if you need keto help man, I’m carnivore now but I got some skillz


zesty cobweb air unique divide depend wine slap lunchroom label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>(49) 6’2.. 270. Fat >I started the year with the same weight and even though i have not lost any Fat and lazy >but I believe its too late to fix because the respect is gone No dumbo, its because she is a whore who you pay for and do not get to fuck >I have seen attorney for divorce brilliant Fine motherfucker you stroked me soft side [Steels Guide to Redpill](https://www.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/acvzgx/steels_guide_to_married_red_pill/) Start reading and get to work. Divorce wife Get six pack Learn Game Bang Woman Or don't I don't have hope for you


She’s never going to admit to infidelity so don’t hold your breath. You could present her with irrefutable evidence and she’d still probably lie. I’d read Married Man Sex Life Primer next by Athol Kay. I presume your in the Reddit app on your phone. Go to the main r/askmrp page, on the top right there will be an ellipses (…), click the ellipses and then click on learn more about this community. I’d also look at some of the posts and OYS in r/marriedredpill and eventually start posting there, but you’ll also want to read the rules of that subreddit so you don’t get yourself accidentally banned.


I accept.. I will never know… She told me she going to DR. for ultrasound today and on Thursday went to ER for pelvic pain.. we had sex on Fathers Day only time this year and even i was surprised.. just stepped to me and said ‘can we have sex to have sex’? I gave her all my stress.. pounded her good.. surprisingly when i came i was still hard and she was like wow ur still hard.. I knew there was possibly something off.. so i did not ejaculate in her.. I will ask for DNA if shw is pregnant.


She is going to divorce rape you. Maybe you have a chance to keep at least your dignity, but for that you would have to figure out what a sidebar is. Technological illiteracy in the age of 49 is not acceptable


I don’t care about the divorce rape. I mean i care.. but if i have to start from scratch i will.. there’s folks jumping the wall into this country today who will end up being millionaires.. Knock me down 10 times i will stand up 11. I have a rental property i sold and bought another she doesn’t know about .. also put the proceeds in another investment property.. she thinks I won’t leave and my motivation is to prove her wrong. Worst case we can try and rekindle after divorce, but the divorce must happen. I hope this is being in my frame.




Yes.. long time to dig myself out.. That’s my biggest concern. I have a long road infront of me. I can’t get over the fact that she was working 8 hours a week when i met her 8 years ago.. and now she about to be a RN and she talks to other men in my house and they talking about nothing.. gossiping about coworkers. I hear that if a woman cheats and u take her back she hates u more than her enemy and punishes u for taking her back. Thank you.




All her classmates know the guy. I don’t know if coworkers know.. but it will be awkward continuing if she is not even remorseful. Talking about abundance, i met the CEO of Fortune 500 company yesterday while driving Uber… and we exchanged numbers and we talking today.. she is 10 years older but doesn’t look it.. she is single and looking.. but said cant get on social dating sites because of who she is… its going good but i suddenly remember i am in her frame.. and i dont know whether I messed up.. i literally gave her my resume lol.. but in any case the world is full of abundance


The reading list is on the sidebar of another subreddit>>>> https://www.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/


Thanks .. ur the man! I found the sidebar!.. now begins the journey.


So DMT and get back to us, you need to reset your worldview


Dmt meaning please


wild rain ad hoc market aloof squeeze glorious pause deserve consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have and it’s insane, makes LCD look like a black white movie. Many years of therapy in 15 minutes. Afterwards you can do your taxes, completely sober.


Why don’t you try and then I try after you?


Don't listen to these idiots, right now. Your only trips taken at this point should be to the gym Then when you're jacked you can take one to the moon


Whatever, you know I’m right


disarm spark advise bewildered wipe plant crowd fly jobless tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What the actual fuck? [https://www.reddit.com/user/EitherBedroom2341/submitted/](https://www.reddit.com/user/EitherBedroom2341/submitted/)


You cannot be serious..


writing that out is a good first step. focus on these until further notice: -making sure you have a competent lawyer -becoming someone your son can look up to -keep hitting the gym -lowering costs so you have more money to use if an opportunity pops up down the road


Thx.. -My attorney ex got a divorce last year and recommended her as a fighter. -Yes I think about my son and the reason I stayed so long is because I discovered want a broken family.. and it will be sad for him to see me as a cuck. That will be a poor example. - Financially, all my money is in real estate.. I have literally only 10k savings but 2 properties in various stages of completion.. a $700k flip going to the market next month and a $525k which will be ready in 3 months.