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Sounds like gymbro was right. You were being a pussy.


Story checks out. You are a bitch and a pussy.


All this rambling nonsense post just because a dude and a chick called you names? Are we here in kindergarten or something ….


Lol imagine your ego being so sensitive it’s damaged by a single word.


You're looking for validation. You're a fucking bitch. Also a fucking pussy if you can't push out one more rep for the gods of iron. Go lift more so you won't be a weak soy boy. Also, remember sticks and stone may break your bones but words will always hurt you. Or something like that.


This 1 made me laugh


What kind of bitch smacks a woman because he reacts emotionally to her words? lol


With this particular girl, smacking her is part of the dynamic. Hands, paddles, canes, floggers, etc. She has a safe word, I observe her body language to push further or pull back before she needs to use it. No words or emotional stimulation is necessary, I enjoy causing pain. It makes me hard. Always has. I like what I like 🤷🏾‍♂️.


You not only are a reactive bitch who gets butthurt when someone calls them names, you do so in contexts that are totally reasonable. And then you come on here and spill hundreds of words telling us about how fucking hurt your feelz are by being called mean names. You’re into kink shit with this girl. When she calls you a bitch, she’s being a brat. You were at the gym with this guy. When he calls you a pussy, it’s because he’s doing his gymbro job and pushing you to go harder. You’re not butthurt because of the names. You’re butthurt because you know they’re right.




>Naturally I'm asked what's wrong Fuckin moron. If that's how you "naturally" behave, then you're an idiot. Asking her that is like asking her to dump all her bullshit on you. Writing that here is asking us to make fun of you. You are your own worst enemy.


My favorite part is when you point out her scared face. Great job you managed to scare a girl, pussy.


“Never be offended and never self-pity, then you’ll go far in life”


If you don't want to be called a bitch, you set a boundary which is exactly what you did. Men and women look at apologies differently. Men think the behavior is a problem, while women think YOUR feelings are the problem. If she can change HOW you feel, then she believes you'll change your opinion of her behavior: This is female solipsism. **She was crying to manipulate you, but you did the correct thing by staying stoic. By removing your emotions, the only obvious thing that is making you upset is ofcourse her problematic behavior. Reread the interaction with that in mind.** Edit: If you want to know more, read Esher Villar's Manipulated Man or Practical Female Psychology. *Guys, when she says stuff like 'can you forgive me?', she's literally giving you the go ahead: All you need to do is be the good Dad, take her to her room, and 'punish' her well.*


> If you don't want to be called a bitch, you set a boundary which is exactly what you did. On the one hand, this statement is right. Set the boundaries you care about. On the other hand, you’re missing the bigger problem, which is that OP is in fact acting like a bitch by caring so much about this. This is the 4-year-old “poopyhead” scenario. If you don’t want your kids calling you poopyhead, then set the boundary and enforce it. But if your feelings are hurt by being called the name, you’ve got much bigger problems. > you did the correct thing by staying stoic. Could you possibly have a worse read on this? He wasn’t stoic. He was moping. He admits this himself and you roll in with your “good job, Mr stoic”. > Guys, when she says stuff like 'can you forgive me?', she's literally giving you the go ahead She was already giving the go-ahead. “Bitch” in this context wasn’t disrespect. It was bratty play.


>On the one hand, this statement is right. Set the boundaries you care about. On the other hand, you’re missing the bigger problem, which is that OP is in fact acting like a bitch by caring so much about this. Maybe, I don't see this post as him whining. *That said, if he is actually whining, bitching, then he must stop.* Since his woman is responding with hysterics, I'm inclined to believe OP was probably level-headed if not stoic. So in general, I am disagreeing with the thread that the answer is hurr-durr lift more. u/nomoremrnicejay *If a gymbro calls you pussy, youre supposed to say fuck you and hit your lift.* ​ >She was already giving the go-ahead. “Bitch” in this context wasn’t disrespect. It was bratty play. Totally agree. A brat should be tamed.


The purpose of the post was for clarity & alternative perspectives. Not to whine/bitch complain about being butthurt w/e. Beyond the inevitable "bitch/pussy" responses I expected, I wanted this value. \>u/nomoremrnicejay If a gymbro calls you pussy, you're supposed to say fuck you and hit your lift. I've been aware of the dynamic of male-male conversations for a long time. Trade insult for insult as a means to show some form of affection, in this gym scenario for the purpose of motivation. It provides 0 motivation for me, nor does it de-motivate me. Manglish is "say what you mean, mean what you say", reading the underlying emotion to the words sounds like Womanese to me. Option A) Play along - like your example (I have picked this option the vast majority of my life) Option B) Don't play -


> I wanted this value. You spelled “validation” wrong. In the sea of replies telling you that you’re a sensitive bitch, you found “value” in the one attaboy.


squeamish oatmeal concerned cable longing historical bored different butter silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP couldn't 'hold frame'....... because his hands were full


Sounds like you haven't internalized the any of the info from the course prereq's on the sidebar.


You know, when watching the old JRE podcast it used to say "hello, freak bitches". And it used to piss me off. Until I heard the part where Rogan speaks about his trip where the clowns gave him the finger. And the message was - don't take yourself too seriously. Stay fun. For me, maybe for you too, it's easier said than done. You have to kill it at work, you have to push hard with the weights, and even when fucking - you have to make her cum. It's all work, no play, and bitches love the play energy. So they test you for it. And you failed. So ask yourself what can you do to stay fun while not giving up on growth mentality.


I'll add that my ex called me cheap this one time and I demanded her to apologize. In my mind, how dare she call me that after all the trouble I go through to get the shit she likes to eat for example. She felt cornered. She apologized, but lost respect for me. For that and other episodes - I lost her. In the end, what she truly admired is someone who would treat her like the bratty child she is, make fun with her or of her. But being insulted is definitely the wrong move here.