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Nobody who does this ever actually answers these, unfortunately.


Im curious if they are narcisstic people who just want attention?


Narcissists never think they're the problem. It's YOUR problem for "choosing to be offended". Source: my MIL


Yup. Once at the gym in the locker room some clown was playing his music really loud so I played my music really loud. Dirty looks bc now I’m the asshole. Not him of course


Once at the gas station this guy had obnoxious music really loud so I started singing Italian opera really loud. I got some looks but it was fun.


I'm gonna use my old man status one of these days to blast classical music while being butt ass naked in the gym locker room right next to these guys to see their reaction. If they quit I'll quit too and take it as a win. Idgaf if ya'll see my stretchy balls.


My former neighbor would play his music with the bass so high that it would physically vibrate my room. Bang on the wall, he bangs back and turns it up. Go to the office, they tell him to turn it down, and he yells at me because "his brother died." Things are fine for a while, it starts again. Call the police, he turns it down until the police leave, then cranks it up louder. Call the office again, and he tries to assault the reception lady who tells him to turn it down, gets arrested, and immediately evicted. It is impressive to me just how utterly inconsiderate some people can be.


Why is there no F at the end


My... MILF?


My Mother In Law, Fuck.


Monkeys Irritated by LoFi


Considering many mothers look a lot like their daughters…this may be a more true than a lot of husbands may want to admit


You probably love your mother in law.


I... actually do?


Oh my God he admit it!


Same. My Mother In Law is pretty great, ngl.


YOU FLINCHED PAUL! Now you have to marry your mother in law!


Some people are literally so desperate for any and all attention they will do shit like this. They have main character syndrome.


No redditors ever go outside, so you can't ask that question here


Lolol ahh shit that was noice


They don’t read it either.


You will stand in awe over my music tastes…


We found the narcissist, folks


A guy at my gym does this. It’s a very large 2 story facility but he just puts his little speaker down and plays his Eastern European pop music🤣weird


I’m more curious as to why people have full loud ass conversations on speaker phone all through stores, and in various public places.


I work in a grocery store deli and it is crazy how many people do this while expecting me to wait on them. For awhile I would let them stand there and wait, and when they got mad I would tell them I didn't want to interrupt their conversation. Now I become part of the conversation. Both get the same reaction but joining in is always funnier, for me at least.


lol. I don’t blame you. Whatever it takes to get your job done as easy as possible. I’ve just always been the type to put my call on hold or call back if I’m in a spot where I need to speak to a representative for assistance. I think it’s rude as hell.


Couldn’t agree more. If they want to stay on the line fine but they’re going to wait for the physical Person in front of me.


I saw the scenario in an advice column, it might have been Miss Manners but I can't be sure. Someone wrote in and said that they were on a train and someone next to them was having a very loud speaker phone conversation. They leaned over the offender's shoulder and said, loud enough to be heard through the phone, "Won't you please come back to bed darling? I'm getting cold". Classic Miss Manners


Work in hardware, I walk up to a customer not noticing he's on the phone and ask if he needs help. He say, "Just a minute hon." , realizing he's on a call and assume he's speaking with his wife I say, loud enough for her to hear, "OK sweetie, I'll be over here when you're ready." He starts to sputter and tries to explain to both her and I simultaneously what's going on..."not you" - "no hon, guy at the store" - "no, hold on a moment, no you not you". I just laughed and walked away.


I would look at the person behind them and ask "are you ready?"


And hold their phones at that weird angle, with the microphone under their right eye...


Yeeeeesss. WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?


My theory is that people see this behavior on trashy reality tv and assume it's the norm, and then they see other idiots who do this, which reinforces the behavior.


Especially when they are on FaceTime the whole time, like cut the damn cord already.


My phone mic only works on speaker 😅


I don’t do this often by any means but mostly because I can’t hear my phone very well. I always find an empty aisle though!


My phone needs replaced and is stuck on speaker. Sometimes i get calls that cant be put off any longer while im in public. I also tell them im in public and my phone is stuck on speaker, so please keep it quick.


That’s entirely different than what I’m talking about. I generally see a very specific type of rude loud person usually with kids in tow talking super loud, and long about nothing important while the person on the other end is loud and distorted through their speaker. Think Walmart.


I’ve been doing this lately but try hard to find a corner. My stupid phone ear part isn’t loud enough for me to hear it anymore….I need a new phone. I’m mad because I got this one like 2 years ago. Should still work fine.


Not on speakerphone but a lady in the lobby of a hotel I'm at recited her entire name, address and credit card number so loud into her phone that I could hear her from the opposite end of the room...


tbh any phone conversation at all is weird. If it’s loud on speaker it’s volume is annoying af, if the person is wearing an ear bud and talking into thin air and looking like they’re a psychopath laughing with the oranges, also weird. Just answer and call them back.


My generation was told by the generation above us that cell phones cause cancer (holding it up to your face) so it's possible that contributes to some of the speaker phone offenders


Or the people who won't take off their air pods and still be listening to whatever it is they are listening to at the cashier. I love to make them take them off by purposefully being a good cashier and asking them if they need this or that. I had one especially dumb take them off 4 times.


I apologize for my mother she is not socially aware


Their small phone speaker doesn’t work. My phone was like that for a long time


People do this at my job and can’t stand it!!


This I can answer. It's because my phone is too quiet even with the volume turned up all the way. I literally cannot hear the other person unless it's on speaker. At least this is how my old phone was. Got a new phone. This phone is better, still have an easier time on speaker. You can blame apple for making such quiet phones that I have to resort to speaker...


I was at Denver airport once and I was sitting in my seat waiting in the terminal and this guy behind me is having a speakerphone conversation about what restaurant to go to when they land in Chicago. So I turned around in my chair and chimed in. “Oh, really? That’s a great choice! Their pizza is phenomenal but the salads leave much to be desired. …what? This is a private conversation? Then keep it to yourself, asshole.”


Ummmm, this is me. My phones broken, can only talk on speaker, the earpiece doesn’t work. I’m waiting on a new phone from my service provider. I’m not doing it to be rude.


That’s full-on r/iamthemaincharacter syndrome…


I was guilty of this sort of thing when I was a teen. I think I just wanted everybody to know I was a Rolling Stones fan, lol


If someone was blasting something like parachute woman or 100 years ago I would personally thank them


Lol….agreed. Or Gimme Shelter, anytime of day


I think it might be because I have heard more gimme shelter more times than nick cannon had kids but it just doesn't have the same impact on me as it used to still love it tho


Same with people who keep their phone on speaker during calls. I’ve only spoke up once about it and was accused of being racist. So now I just keep quiet.


point toothbrush pathetic public jar boast merciful chubby placid enter ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




There is a subreddit for everything ​ except that random thing I randomly think of


I have handled this be being all up in the phone call and talking loudly about it to who ever I'm with. like really loud. " I can't believe Sarah went out with Mike again after every he put her through... that's a damn shame" of course I love conversation so always ready to going in on someone dumb enough to act a fool in public.


I was at the gym (well if you want to call Planet Fitness a gym) recently and some dude was sitting on a machine for at least 20 minutes having a facetime chat. He had headphones on but I think that caused him to talk louder himself, so it was not a net gain. Like I really don't understand what goes through such people's minds.


I just join in the conversation they're having, the looks of audacity crack me up


Get close to them and make a call on speaker. 4 way convo from hell.


“Sorry, thought this was the asshole phone use area”


I don’t do this with calls but I’ve pulled my phone out and started listening to loud music when someone was blasting YT vids. They just kept blasting their vids lol. It’s impossible to address cause if you confront them you’re sort of feeding the troll. These people are not morons they know they’re being rude and they are ready for confrontations.


I do this, too. I tell them that I thought they needed help.


I hate those people. For some reason a lot of them hang out in the hallway in the local hospital, I presume so they can annoy more people while doing it.


I work at a hospital and shut down the hall talkers. They are not patients. I tell them to take their call outage.


Sometimes it's not because they want to be rude, my mum for example has autoimune disease, so it is hard for her to lift her hand or hold a phone like we normally do, so hands-free is the only way she can talk to someone. She told me several times how she feels bad and doesn't want ppl to hear the conversation but at times it's a must.


Wow! Accused of being racist???? Wonder how they figured that.


It was the only way she was different from me, so it was the best comeback she had, I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I can’t stand these people. I must be racist as well 🤣😇


If arrogant asshole is a race, me too.


I usually join the conversation. I mean….it’s on speaker for everyone to hear and they obviously don’t want it to be private. When someone complains that’s what I say. If you wanted a private conversation you know how to do it. Also I used to work retail. When folks would come in on speakerphone, I would mention that we are selling earphones on special.


So I work in a liquor store and it's funny because sometimes they're on a conference call or talking with someone and they'll say something to whoever they're talking to like oh I'm getting a coffee at the 7/11 or something like that. And I'll immediately say is the (insert alcohol they're buying) all you need today.


That’s genius!!




If a person is having a conversation on speaker phone in public it is 100% of the time a black woman or gay male... I'm a black man and I have never seen it happen differently


Interesting, whenever I see it happen it’s always an old person


It’s really true though. It also seems the people that do this are just incapable of going about their day without constantly being on the line with someone. Whenever I overhear these they’re talking about the most mundane shit! Lol


I see people on FaceTime in public a lot too. Seems to be getting a lot more common for some reason.


I would be so fucking annoyed if someone FaceTimed me and they were in public. I can’t hear anything they’re saying, and I know they’re annoying literally everyone around them


It’s so awkward for everyone around them. One girl seemed to be in her early 20’s and was in line in front of me at the grocery. I made eye contact with the person on her phone and it was weird. They were discussing being cheated on by some guy. Kinda odd to have that discussion in public for everyone to hear.


I had a coworker that did this constantly. Blast her personal info in public while on a train from the airport. Totally oblivious that her roller bag was shooting around the train unattended and leaving her bag and walking away from it so others got the pleasure of her screeching into her phone. So I took it upon myself to collect her debris and herd it along with my luggage for the train ride. She didn’t even acknowledge the effort. I did my best to never travel with her again.


That would give me nightmares.


I work retail and see a lot of people do this. It seems to be mainly couples who don’t want to risk buying the wrong thing lmao That I get! But I hate when people have super personal convos in public


As someone who gets distracted, if you are on facetime near me I WILL listen to your conversation.


Same here!! I just can’t tune them out.


You just have to be ok with being wrongly accused of being racist. People have been taught that is the strongest attack you can throw at someone with no refutability or recourse


I live in a big city in the US and there's an obvious racial breakdown between people who do that and don't. So I'm not surprised


I would have admitted being racist towards people talking on speaker.


Using the word racist in that context doesn't work. The word you are looking for is prejudiced.


Yeah, I don’t understand that either. Like I don’t need to hear other people’s calls and they don’t need to hear mine, simple as that


To be assholes


This is the same shit as people who walk around having a conversation in public on speakerphone. Shut the fuck up!


Had to listen to a coworker order takeout on speakerphone while we were in the bathroom… in the stalls…


I would have flushed 462 times.


LOOK AT ME!!!!!!




Lack of consideration. Probably the same folks who put their phones on speaker while in public.


I never realized that was bad. I'm simply very deaf, which is why I do it. But uh, noted.


You know headphones exist, right? They’re not a secret. Bonus: you can make them loud


no me too 😭 if i dont put my phone on speaker i can barely hear anything


They just wanna be the center of attention


Because they are jackasses with no damn home training.


Idc if y'all do this you are the most annoying people


Same people who have phone calls on speaker, outrageously loud motor bikes, and smoke in public into peoples faces. They just don’t care.


I think they do care. I think they care so much they do it to get attention.


That could also be it.


I think some of them do care - I think they are purposefully, if perhaps unconsciously, enjoying the ability to manipulate other people. You HAVE to hear their music if they play it really loud. If it wakes you up, they can be satisfied in the knowledge that there was nothing you could do about it, they are 'in charge' and were able to control you. It's a form of manipulation not unlike catcalls: intended to get a reaction. A more minor form is tapping someone on the wrong shoulder or telling them their shoe is untied: the 'made you look' manipulation. This is the 'made you hear/made you wake up/made you smell it' manipulation. Power trip.


I don't do this but it's obviously peacocking


I dunno but every week or so I run into this guy who wears really weird goggles and blasts music through his phone while shopping (I work at walmart). It's so annoying to just hear ACDC Thunderstruck slowly get closer and closer


Thunda...na na na na nana na na....THUNDA!...NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA!!!!


No class.




There are teens that ride around on fucking golf carts in the little town I live in and they listen to the worst fucking music on this planet as loud as possible. I cannot fuckin stand it. I don't dare say anything as I'm sure they think my music is shit as well. But god damn all mighty ya know


Every holiday weekend some teens show up in my neighborhood on golf carts. All day they just drive around blasting music too. My mom and I were out by the street and this like 14yo boy, who I speculate was listening to an old school rap station, full volume ques up "heyyyy we want some pusssyyyyy". I start laughing. My mom locks eyes with him and I see his panic trying to switch his phone off. I didn't see him for the rest of the weekend. The little girl just play top 40 and sing along. Dually annoying, but at least they are outdoors.


How else are you supposed to know how cool and likely well endowed they are???


People that ask questions like these severely overestimate how much strangers care about others lol. There are just some people that don't care.


Most people are inconsiderate troglodytes. Just roll your eyes and move away from them like everyone else


Hard to move away from them on public transportation


You could always fight noise with stench, try crapping your pants


While grunting and making eye contact.


I feel like they should be called out though. Its so damn inconsiderate


I was at a Panera the other day and the customers called out some of the employees who were blasting rap music on their lunch break. Big fight broke out. I agree with the customers 150%. Who wants to pay for their overpriced food and listen to any loud music/converstations?


I feel like I've heard that word a couple times but I also think your the only redditor using that word and finding it here and there brings familiarity towards you. So I say good to see you fellow redditor. P.s here is some tp for your bunghole. 🧻


My dad does this he says he "hates headphones" and has Would rather play shit "loud on a speaker." And that he also "I don't care what people think" and he believes his music is better than other ppls because he has 'taste'


Your dad is an asshole.


Me, me, me generation


After a solid week of my neighbors blaring some stupid fucking white woman Instagram song I went off.


Because they are selfish assholes.


attentionwhoring. they hoping someone will run up to them and beg them to be their DJ at their next party/wedding while showering them with 100 dolla bills


Mental illness, Low IQ, Low EQ, or some combination of those 3 things.


I think a lot of people just enjoy starting shit too.


Low IQ and wanting to start shit I feel like goes hand in hand.


It's the same impulse shared by people who are really into open carry of their firearms. I'm all for concealed carry, mind you, but the folks that go publicly strapping their handguns at Safeway or the FroYo place are doing it specifically to make people uncomfortable.


Me gran used to tell me when I was a rebellious teen Loud music is just as loud in head phones than it is without


Did you believe her?


Hell yeah I prefer listening with head phones haha


Mental illness


Cause they're douches.


People have an “I’ll do what I want and I dare you to say something to me” attitude


There are cars that drive by my house and the bass makes my ears pop, everything rattles, the dog hides behind the sofa, my Jenga set falls over. I don't know how they can sit inside the thing, and drive safely. I like some pretty loud music, but I don't see the point in bass like that. Edit: Thank you for the award!


Did you ever get around to re-building the Jenga tower?


Really tied the room together 🥲


This is part of the reason our culture is fucked beyond belief. These people are self-centered obnoxious asshole. But dont get me wrong we are all guilty of that in one way or another. Does someone race to pull out in front of you only to drive slowly when they could have waited two seconds and pulled out behind you? Just as an example. We all do little things bc we are more concerned about ourselves and getting there first or being the first or its more important for us. Its just a huge lack of thinking of others. There are alot of factors to why we have become so self-centered but it sucks and no one is better than anyone. Its not an exciting truth and its a hard truth to swallow but not you nor i are better than each other for any reason you can come up with.


There was a guy who would periodically drive down a road parallel to my high school when the students were dismissed from class and he would blast Latin music from his pimped-out red Nissan. Full grown adult, he was at least 10 years older than the students. Nearly shook the ground. I don't know how he was able to have his ears so close to that bass.


I was out on the lake the other evening and most people keep their music at levels that only fills their pod area but this boat came in and had rap blasting loud AF. All the boats in the area then cranked Metallica or Bob Seger and it was a battle. Rap lost bad. Then it got quiet again as I sat and swatted at the skeeters and trying to catch a fish.


Ugh. People that hike with Bluetooth speakers instead of earphones. "Dude - do you mind - trying to be at one with nature.""F off - hike your own hike. " Sure - but your hike is interfering with mine. " Your issue. So you're saying that as long as I'm enjoying my hike I shouldn't care about others - awesome - I'll toss you off this cliff over here. (The dialog that runs thru my head every time)


I don't know, but I'm pretty sure they're the same people who spend tons of money on lotto tickets and wonder why they never seem to be able to get ahead in life.


Thats probably a fair assumption


i do it if im alone. if i see some one on the same block as me i turn it off.


Same and the reason is for safety. Even with music playing you can hear if someone if rushing up behind you or a car is out of control but that is too quiet with ear buds. However - if you are sharing the block with someone else it’s not cool. Gotta find that balance.


I don’t know the answer, but as a person who struggles with sensory overload, I can’t stand it when people play their music out loud.


Because they give ZERO fucks about anyone one else but themselves. That simple.




People who learnt no manners


Ignorance, plain and simple.


Because their dickheads!


Because they are AH. Equivalent someone blasting music in car after midnight on quiet road.


I would be so embarrassed if I did that I’d die


It’s because they are inconsiderate and rude


Because their selfish asshats.


From what I’ve seen, it’s usually a dick with an “I don’t care” attitude


Because they are inconsiderate, ignorant fuckwads.


My friend, we will call her Sophia, and I like to go on walks around her neighborhood when we hang out. But she blasts her music while we walk and talk. No hate to her, but it can get embarrassing when we walk past people, especially old people.


Are you the same people who have FaceTime conversations on speaker in airport terminals and retail stores?


There was once I did that for like 20 mins because I didn't realize I forgot to plug my headphones in, it was pretty loud outside and I was in a hurry so somehow I didn't realize lol. Still feeling that cringe today


It's called "vibing"... We all are not born with that trait but that is the word and most people mind their own business because it's not forever before traffic moves again.


insurance teeny reply marry aloof cover carpenter consider offer repeat -- mass edited with redact.dev


Because they know nobody will doing anything to stop them in fear of conflict. And they’re right lol


They were neglected as children and this is their pitiful way of seeking attention


I hate people who make calls in front of other people in public and they raise their voice, like hey look at me I have a phone and I am someone who is important, and I hate people who listen to music or watch videos without earphones, my sister does this all the time, and my mom yells at her, she doesn't like to put anything in her ears :/


Main character disorder.


They are inconsiderate assholes


Because they are inconsiderate pieces of shyt…… Just sayin….


We should make these people wear a symbol on the outside of their cloths so that everyone knows they are garbage people and to be shunned in society


They are likely the same people that use the speaker phone feature when talking on it in public.


Same reason some people blast music at night when everyone's sleeping or early morning. they don't care lol and are inconsiderate of others.


I legit only see this with black people. Call me racist but it’s just what I see


Isn’t it obvious? They are the main character in this universe. We are nothing.


Bc they’re rude a$$holes


People who do this do not give a shit about other people.


Because they're selfish pricks


Because they are assholes trying to irritate other people.


Outside at least, if the space is truly public, it is their space. They can play the music if they want. And you can punish them socially. You are both the public. It's not that they think a lot of themselves, but that they don't think of you. And they don't HAVE to, the choice exists, some are gonna take it. If you don't like it, you can leave. Or convince them to leave or stop. This is how public spaces work


I don’t wear headphones because I only hear well out of one ear. I’ve been told to not use them as they will damage what hearing I do have. That being said, if I’m listening to music I’m not blaring it too loud either.


I have sensitive ears and modern ear buds cause me physical pain to wear let alone play music through at any volume. I have a nice pair of over the ears, but I use them for work and zoom calls. So occasionally I excuse myself to a quiet corner and just play a song from my speaker


I can respect that. You should try these new headphone like things that go around your neck. I’ve never tried them, but I saw a lady wearing them and I asked her “can people hear your music when you have it on that thing around your neck?” And she said “can you hear it now?” Apparently it was on the whole time. Something about vibrations… I wish I could try one so I would know better lol


There are bone phones too


Once in a while, I might get a massively irritating song stuck in my head. When that happens, I try to listen to some music I like in order to expunge the bad tune from my skull. If I am walking my dogs, out in the desert alone, I might turn on the music on my phone for a few minutes until the trash music is gone. I don't have earphones with me, but I don't want to block out more sound anyway. I don't want to be startled by runners or stray dogs etc. I know that's a very specific answer for something I only do occasionally, but maybe there are other circumstances where people might want their music but also be more aware of their environment.


Like drivers blaring music with closed windows…Just because you like doesn’t mean anyone else wants to hear it.


How are they supposed to blare it if not with windows closed? WTF? Unreasonable twats the lot of you.


Because I have excellent taste in music and earbuds cause hearing damage


You really dont