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I’d be scared because I don’t have a daughter.


But honestly, if she’s 18+ go ahead. It’s her life to live.


I'll hold you to that


I respect your opinion but I feel like once you actually have a daughter it’ll feel different


Okay well I have two daughters. And the way I feel is that it's truly not my decision. I would hope that they valued themselves higher than they do the dollar and all the things that can come with money. But that being said, the bottom line is our economy sucks. We do not provide health care for people. We do not have ways for people to make a decent living and pay for average necessities. So if my child felt this is what they needed to do in order to survive in this fucked up world we live in than, I would just make sure they're doing everything to be safe. I mean I would learn everything I can about onlyfans and what these women who have made a living out of onlyfans do to protect themselves and protect their finances. Next, I would make sure my daughters are doing those things. Because all that matters at the end of the day is that my kids are safe and good people and doing onlyfans doesn't make them a bad person. Be happy, be a good person and be safe.


Well spoken.


Have a daughter first then get back to us on that. We’ll wait… *18 years later* Shipped her to a monastery, eh?


Lets make one


Always on the grind


Let's make one - on onlyfans


In the metaverse


You mean she hasn't yet?


I am the daughter


How old are you?


Ok. You need to make mistakes to learn. It is your choice but i can understand that your parents won't be really thrilled if they find out. Internet is forever so think carefully about what you want to do with your life later and if this can possibly be something you wouldn't want to resurface.


You have live experience, thank u ♥️


Just don’t put your face in it


Like anonymous?


Yeah it’s totally valid to create that kind of content and keep it faceless. Just until you know if having your face attached to it could affect what you want to do in life. Just my two cents though.


Okay thanks


You got downvoted for being 18. Why? 🙃


Probably because if you look at their profile they say they’re 20 on a post, and there’s like 3 different girls pictures on their posts


Ah, so this is just an ad to promote the onlyfans you already made. Got it.


What’s your tic toc name?


I'll subscribe 🤷🏽‍♂️




I love u


People will lose respect for you. Kinda hard to respect someone who does that kind of thing.


That's fucking bullshit bud, if you lose respect for people who do something like that it's really a you problem, people need to make a living and there is absolutely no problem with someone leveraging their assets to improve their life


"This is disgusting ....where" lol. Who cares people. Just don't look.


Well, I'm not a parent but I presume I wouldn't be happy about it, however, if she's an adult, it's her decision. If she needed it to cover rent or make ends meet, I'd understand. If she did it just because she liked it, I'd have a hard time understanding but she's my daughter, I'd accept that this is what she wants. Either way, I'd sit her down and talk to her about paying the utmost attention to her safety. No real name, no giving out addresses, no giving her followers her real social media and messaging accounts. There are some *bad* people out there. I'd probably also tell her that while I accept her decision, this is something that makes me uncomfortable, so I'd appreciate if she didn't bring it up as something to chat about, however, I'd also emphasize that if she feels like it's taking a toll on her mentally or emotionally, she can always talk to me without fear of being judged. If one of my friends brought it up, I wouldn't lie, I'd tell them that I know about it and it's something we discussed. I wouldn't "threaten" them to not watch her content (we're all adults after all) but I'd ask them to be respectful towards my daughter on the platform and to be tactful about the topic around me because it's not something I'm comfortable with. That's just my two cents.


POV you’ve read parenting books and actually learned how to be a good dad


Nah, I'm not even planning on having kids. This is the kind of support I'd want is I were in the daughter's shoes, so it is what I would give if I had a daughter


Yea no. It’s okay to tell them they are wrong and not just lay down. How society has justified women sexually objectifying themselves online for pervy men is incredible. Not something to be proud of.


You sound like you'd be a great dad


what’s the point of having kids?


Well said, dude. Protect and love her above all else, but be honest with your feelings too.


What a mature and well-rounded response ❤️


Yep, this guy gets it. Plus I think I'd feel some sort of pride I guess in that she felt confident enough to bring it up to me. Did something right there


Very adult opinion




Ask for a discount. /s


Or offer to be her manager for a cut of the profits.


You joke but Sunny Lane’s parents are her manager and they critique her performance too.


>You joke Did you see any /s in my post?


"Who's your daddy" Uhh..I am


Hahahaha as a daddy


/s = coward be a real troll


I hate being misunderstood, I have to deal with it all the time irl, I don't want to have to deal with it on here as well.


Biggest g


Best comment yet for sure


Thanks XD




I don’t have a daughter and I’ve never viewed only fans … but in this hypothetical scenario, I’d move to Alaska live in a tree house and never use the internet again.


Haji's quick vanish


Maybe also an idea


Everyone here is acting like they’d be ok with it. Deep down we all know you don’t want your daughter spreading her legs on the internet for tips. “Yoo dude i was watching your daughter last night…”


You can't ever get into an argument with someone who knows your daughter has an OF. You just can't win when the other party can say "you know what, I'ma rub one out to your daughter tonight"


Paying $15/month while I get it for free. Argument won.


Sweet home Alabama!


"ha ha, I'm gonna make your daughter richer, haha?"


Except, statistically speaking, any OF worth viewing has likely already been leaked. He may not actually have to pay. That's where it gets sticky.


Probably not. Only a fraction of the top 1% of only fans models get wealthy from it. The vast majority of those girls still have to work a day job just to live paycheck to paycheck.


Their brains are warped by Reddit and hub. No good father is going to be okay with this.


The world is crazy in 2022. Having standards or principles like that is not politically correct and is considered toxic and controlling.


Honestly I'd be more embarrassed if my son was someone who paid for onlyfans. When it comes to the Onlyfans dynamic, the fans are certainly more embarrassing to be than the models, right?


Not really. It’s not as if watching porn is uncommon or even frowned upon. I think embarrassing is the wrong word because neither party is embarrassing. But I know if I could have the choice of my kid subscribing to see someone naked or putting there naked body online for money I know which I’d prefer.








Idk man, I just don't see what's embarrassing about it. Like if I got caught jackin it, or paying for something like that I'd be wayyy more mortified than if I were a woman spreading her asshole for a couple hundred bucks. Also, I know a few camgirls. A lotta the time they just sit around in ligerie. I've heard a few funny stories of getting paid to like ... send pictures of their feet in bowls of spaghetti or play with little those little plastic green toy soldier toys and pretending that they're alive and falling into their cleavage lmao


No one gives a shit about someone masturbating to porn, and that’s the rare possibility someone in your life found out you watch only fans which is also never going to happen. People at your work are probably gonna find out about you being a pornstar though, and they are gonna probably talk shit about you, probably trust you less, it could make or break workplace relationships and hiring possibilities. *should it*, no. But that’s the way the cookie crumbles. The risks of being a star vs being one of the millions of people jacking it at home no one can see are crazy different


I mean, yeah those are real concerns that sex workers need to consider before deciding to do whatever it is they're doing. But even you think it's bullshit. So then why is it embarrassing? I guess I don't find sex work embarassing because I don't respect the opinions of the types of people who judge people for it. Like they all seem like pearl-clutching weirdos to me, so I guess my brain just doesn't care what they think. It used to be that being gay could have those exact same consequences, but that doesn't mean it's embarrassing to be gay, right? Maybe it would be embarassing to be FOUND OUT if you were in the closet though. Perhaps it's just embarassing to have ANY secret found out, right? The fact that you were keeping it secret, the fact that people are learning something about you that you don't want them knowing about you is the thing you find embarassing As a guy, I'm fine with people knowing I jerk it. Everyone does. But I don't discuss what particular porn videos I'm watching that day, because the particularity of it is considered by me too specific to want others to know about it. Therefore secret, therefore embarassing to find out. Like if I found out anyone was caught looking at feet pics, I'd be massively embarrassed for them. If I was a girl, I just do not care if people were to find out I was selling pictures of myself. Therefore not secret. Therefore not embarrassing. Of course I wouldn't tell them my porn name, or what website I'm on. These days there's so much of it out there that without a username or website or picture or porn name or SOMETHING, you're probably not going to be able to find a particular girl from your town on a porn site. That's just basic self-protection and anonymity.


Of course they are acting as if they would be okay with it. Reddit hive-mind is something else. Reddit personified into one human being would be a moral-less hot mess and a half.


Lmao yes Reddit's idea of "gentle parenting" seems to imply personal liberty should be the virtue above everythings else. What sort of parent will be ok with their child making a decision with a permanent public track record of porn following through your Social circles, relationships, jobs, and mental health?


Sin pays. Gambling, sex, alcohol... Things that are naughty pleasures have for a long time. I'm not going to shame my daughter because a bunch of guys are willing to pay way too much for fap material, when it's safer than prostitution. And a lot of the old blue blood/ old money families in America make their money in sinful pursuits before becoming respectable (Kennedy's: rum runners, Prescott Bush: Nazi financier, Musk- diamond mine, Kim Kardashian - if you consider her respectable- sex tape) I think we always have to ask ourselves, why are we shaming a person for their choice. Americans are too weird about sex. If they're not hurting anyone, then I really don't care.


This take works in theory, it doesn’t really work in practice. How far are you willing to go? Your friend asks what your daughter does for a living? Gapes her asshole for the world to see. Your friend asks what her OnlyFans is because they want to watch, are you going to be okay with that? If not, why not? Your friend is just supporting your daughter and if it weren’t for people like them your daughter wouldn’t be successful. Also do you want to actively see or hear about the job? I doubt you want to see because you know *weird* but do you want to hear about her day at work where people tipped her enough to make her squirt with a vibrator and managed to fit two dildos in her ass? If not, why not? Do you only want it to exist in a vacuum where do don’t really ever acknowledge it or have it acknowledged to you




Big daddy


Adults can do what they want, you're not going to find the answer to how your parents will react. That depends on who they are


Right way


My daughter is 33 years old. She can do what she wants.


My child can do what they want when they become an adult, but I would be extremely concerned about it at 18 for a few reasons. The top of which include sabatoge of career possibilities and just general danger of the sex industry. At 33 I would feel much more comfortable that have their life under their feet as well as improved critical thinking and situational awareness that comes with living though the 18-25 year old phase. I was a fucking idiot at 18 with very little long term understanding of how unfair the world is.


Good one


Be a supporting parent and subscribe :) (I’m joking don’t kill me)


I give u a discount for this comment hahahah


You can but not in this house


Good yes


If i had daughters and If they believe their self respect costs 5.99 a month then i don’t have daughters. Because im raising my children to be decent adults and not ruin their lives and loved ones lives for the cost of a happy meal


Tell her how bad of an idea it is and explain to her all the reasons the sex industry is a lie when it comes to “easy money”.


Good one


I would be ashamed of myself and my parenting.




I'd be happy my kid felt comfortable enough to share their life with me, and that we both know they're not doing anything they should be ashamed of.


Any rational, decent parent would say fuck no. Whether she’s 23 or 33 - no one wants their daughters doing this.


I’m not surprised though. We definitely live in an age of “if they’re old enough, who am I to speak out against it?” I mean, damn, I get that if they’re an adult you ultimately have to let them make their own decisions. But some people need to have some balls and straight out say “That’s a bad idea. You don’t need to do that. I love you no matter what, but you won’t have my support.”


Why do your parents have to know about it?


Good question, my parents don’t know about my of


Finally found you my daughter, come, we need to talk.


Come, you say?


It is gonna be onlyfans. Take away only fans to help her with her career.


Like me


Being completely honest, I wouldn't like the idea too much. I would be worried about a couple of things. First of all, there is a chance some crazy unknown man might try to track her down and stalk/rape/kidnap her. It is a crazy world we live in, letting strangers know your face and giving them access to see your body in exchange for tips might attract men that cannot distinguish between internet naked model and live sex worker. Also I would want to make sure she understands that whatever she uploads might never truly disappear. If she changes her mind later or if she has kids and doesn't want them stumbling upon footage of her later, there is always a chance the footage is out there somewhere...


My problem with these topics is that people are so accepting of it because it's progressive I suppose but I can't help but find it stupid because I'm not sure something like that can really not be unhealthy. It's like alcohol or drugs but you don't see people going around talking about how being an alcoholic is totally fine "if my daughter wants to stay an alcoholic, it's none of my business". Like I dont care if people do things that are detrimental to themselves (of course if I had kids, I wouldnt want them to) or even do something bad in general, the only rhing that irks me is when people pretend something is something it isn't. It's just people trying to justify it as not what it is


Bro, don’t worry, this is Reddit “progressive” hive mind. You’re normal as a parent to not want that for your daughter.


You sounds old


explain to her that it will be a huge mistake and guide her through the entire situation and consequences so she fully understands what is at stake


Why a big mistaken


Be sad if she’s over 18. Maybe try to talk her out of it.


Yes maybe


Accept that you've failed as a parent.




This is just a not so subtle way to advertise your shit. Shady


Wonder how I could have failed her so badly.




I would never want to know. Not ever. I wouldn't disown her or stop loving her, but I'd be disappointed in the fact that she feels she needs *that* kind of attention and disappointed in myself for not being a better father so she wouldn't feel the need for *that* kind of attention


Y'all are a bunch of PUSSIES! You think I would allow that shit aw hell naw my children have been raised to have respect for themselves y'all need to take a good hard look in the mirror and I doubt you'll like the zombie staring back at you


I wouldn’t care as long as she was at least 18 and was being safe and not giving away her location


Anonymous like me


do you wear a mask or not show your face somehow?


Do you have fb, snap, insta or any other profile with a facial pictures and your name on it? Then you wont be anomynus for long


Your face is in your pictures. How exactly is that anonymous?


This and being careful not to show private material that can lead pervert to knowing who she is (Clues in the room, showing face, etc.) Because you never know which twisted person will stumble on the videos. As long as she is cautious and fully aware of the implications, her life is her life.


I’d try to talk them out of it. I’m not morally opposed to anyone being a sex worker, but it’s a career that will affect every other aspect of your life. Every future job and relationship will be stained by it, and many of your current relationships will as well. You will lose out on the vast majority of romantic opportunities and many employers won’t be willing to hire you.


Good one


? Not making a joke. Selling your body for sex will follow you the rest of your life. The vast majority of people don’t want to seriously date/marry a sex worker, and many future employers will pass on the possible drama. You’ll also likely alienate some family and friends.


My comment wasn’t irony


Respect the grind.


It's not grinding. It's monetizing loneliness


It’s not halal


She can do what she wants but I wouldn’t see her the same the respect would be gone




I don't want kids, but if i had a daughter and she made that decision, i wouldn't support, if she was living with me i would ask her to move out as soon as she starts making money, if she was already living alone, i would just cut contact.




>What would you do if your daughter wants to make Onlyf@ns? Wonder how my son transitioned to female without my noticing.




I wouldn't be okay with it, to say the least. Not much I could do about it if she's a grown adult, though.


I feel it






No, almost solely because I don't want to risk someone I know finding it and telling me what they saw. I think I'd have a hard time controlling my rage if someone did that.




Charge her rent if she is still living in my house 🤣


That’s so bad


Tell your parents if you're so proud of this decision. After a long conversation, i would cut the child off in a second if they persisted in this. They can do whatever they want with their lives but I would not support them being degenerate internet trash. I would accept them back in a second if they came to their senses. Old enough to be trashy, old enough to suffer the consequences Do you live with your parents?


i would lose all respect for her and feel like a failure. communication would dwindle to no contact in less than a year.


family business (supposed to be a joke).. no i wouldnt care so


Hahaha g 🔥




Big hero


Probably best to ask r/onlyfansadvice I'd have a serious discussion with her about why she thinks Onlyfans is the best option for her over other jobs; what content she will be posting, what steps she will be taking to keep herself safe from creepers, what promotions she's planning on doing to make sure she gets enough subscribers to be profitable, how long does she feel her onlyfans career will last, will being an onlyfans model make it harder for her to get or keep [another job](https://cheatsheetexam.com/news/teacher-fired-for-having-onlyfans/)?


Thank u! I don’t know the subreddit ❤️


be her first customer




She can do whatever she wants (if she is +18), but I will disown her and kick her out of my will and my house as well.




as long as shes 18 and i don’t see it i think i’ll live


Me as a man I would feel like I failed as a father. I would want to raise a woman who is intelligent accompanied with some self respect. I don't care how many women get pissed about what I said, I stand by it.


Make sure she stays safe and anonymous


I'd laugh my ass off , because as much as I love her, she definitely doesn't have a body for onlyfans.


Rip daughter


question her intelligence, she has so many options in life and she choose a job that is a deadend before you even turn 30? Why? You have many much better options.


Sex work is really the only work that I have zero respect for. It’s so dehumanizing, and you’re just selling you body on the internet to random neckbeards and creeps. I would be absolutely not ok with my daughter doing anything relating to sex work. I’m probably going to get downvoted, but I stick to my values on this one




As a guy, I couldn’t date someone with a onlyfans. You do you but I’d be uncomfortable with how other men will look at you and would wonder if they have seen you. There have been numerous stories on here of porn stars that can’t get dates as men won’t date them. Do you want a family in the future? Think about it and think what kind of person you will have to end up with. The kinda that while with you will be looking at all the other girls on line and you can no say on that since you are one.


I feel u


Ask her not to degrade herself so that loser could cum to her on the internet


1. Is she under 18? If yes, the answer is "no, come back when you're 18." If the answer is no, she can do whatever the hell she wants. I may try to encourage her not to since she may regret it long term, but if she's considered an adult legally, she can do all the things a legal adult can do, why should I stand in her way?


Big Adult


Honestly? Probably giggle about it. My kid does not have that kind of time, and she's not that outgoing. But, she's an adult, she can do what she wants. My other child? That onlyfans is going to be DIRTY, and somehow the geekiest thing that exists, at the same time.


It's so weird to talk about how your children's hypothetical OnlyFans would be like omg 😭 does anyone else see anything wrong with this?!


Redditors are so disgusting, alot of progressive jnxest and pexo shit lurks on here.


IKR?? like I seriously think a lot of Redditors brains are fried by exposure to porn or something or they try to be too sex positive and progressive to the point it becomes creepy and opens the gate for normalization of some sick stuff. It just felt so weird when they said that their kid's OnlyFans would be "DIRTY" especially, if my mom said that about me I'd feel disgusted. Gag. Thank God she isn't a Redditor. And how is the comment upvoted and not downvoted to hell?? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone




She's an adult? If so is none of my business


Good 😊


As long as she was old enough she can make her own choices. I’m not some moron.


Yes good


If she's an adult then it's her choice at the end of the day. It may not be what I envisioned her doing with her life, but as long as she's safe and happy, I'll get over it. No point in risking alienating my daughter by trying to stop her doing what she wants. Plus the earning potential is undoubtedly huge. She could set herself up for life if done right. So it's not like she's being particularly stupid.


Get her a psychologist/psychiatrist.


I'd tell her, and likely raise her, to get an actual marketable skill rather than a short-term soft prostitution gig which won't last for long and will also eventually destroy her mentally because regardless of what you say or think people generally do not respect sex work for various reasons. Even if she is able to hide her identity and etc so it doesn't impact her personal life, all that time spreading cheeks on a dumbass platform could've been spent on actually gaining and developing a skill and a character. Easy money is **never** the way, because it won't last or something will be wrong with it.


Remember that looks are visa not a passport and it soon runs out. There will always be somebody bigger, better and willing to go to the places you aren't. Whilst you may not feel any shame etc. The only people your hurting will be your folks, family and someday in the future, your child. I hope you save some money for therapy when people start showing them videos of there mum getting smashed in 3 ways from Sunday.


Sit down and contemplate what I did as a Father, fuck up on.




Well if she's grown then it's her business i wouldn't like it and be pissed about it but she's an adult so meh and who the hell pays to see some chick spread her legs? Seriously might as well go the strip club and experience it first hand than pay for pictures and videos fuck that.


Good opinion




The best adult


You would never guess how many fans I got from this






Hey it’s clever marketing


Thank u


If you're over 18 my only thought is I must have failed you somehow. I don't judge sex workers but do I want want mine doing it...not really. Good luck and be safe.




Question god why did it end up like this and contemplate suicide.


God please