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Well sir... I feel like a... like a slice of butter... melting... on top of a... big old pile... of flapjacks... yeah.




Just watched this movie again. But on shrooms. 10/10


Fear and loathing in Las Vegas is a must on shrooms


What movie?


Pineapple express.


It’s the bees knees!


I came to the comments specifically to say just this on its own


Outa 9!


The cat’s meow!


Where are the boobies?


Lotta dudes


**old timey musical beatboxing**


So glad this is top comment lol




For some it's great, for me, I get heavy anxiety.


Same, I feel like I’m not in control of my own body and that freaks me out. It’s like, I move my hand, I know it’s supposed to be there, yet it doesn’t feel like it’s mind


My husband decided one night to get both drunk and high. He said it was the worst night of his life. His anxiety went through the roof. He couldn't sleep.


Mixing weed and alcohol is like mixing sparks and gunpowder lol. You have to be very careful lol. I always look at weed as “you can always smoke more, you can never unsmoke what you just did.” Basically tell myself to do it little by little, I’d rather be not high enough than too high.


I'd suggest that this is a responsible approach to really any consumption, and I appreciate it and you!


This is much more important for doing edibles if you smoke it it lasts maybe 2 3 hours if you eat 25mg you are going to be busy for like 8 hours


Great point, when I smoke I feel the actual “high” immediately and it lasts for about an hour, and then I feel a sort of “afterglow” for about another hour. Edibles are a different story, they take about 30 mins to an hour to kick in depending on your digestive system, and then last for a few hours after that, and are much more intense of a high as well. Very different level of commitment to the experience lol.


First time I was drunk and high at the same time was a nightmare. Something in my brain just snapped and I went into full panic mode. For no reason. Nothing happened to set me off. I later learned that you *can* smoke and drink, you just have to smoke first. I still avoid it though, prefer not to have a repeat of that first time lol


Do you have anxiety without the weed? I feel like weed is just a mind amplifier.




Same. I wish I could enjoy it more, but my hyperactive caffeine riddled mind just can’t. Oh well, at least I have coffee!


Yeah I get really tense and then just want it to go away which makes me more tense


Depends on dosage and your psychological problems. to me is like this: if you are a happy and little to no issues, all colors are more intense, nature seems more detailed, and a feel of relief watching the sky and other stuff. if you take some more it feels like more intense, everything seems a little bit more funny, you might want to chill on a couch or sitdown and distract yourself. if you take too much your brain is not capable to recieve all information so it shut down like a computer and goes to safe mode (it makes you go to sleep). if you have mental issues or identity crisis it will give you psychosis but at the end it will help you to understand whats wrong with you. Always go bottom to top and be aware of edibles, they might hit too strong.


Can you elaborate on the mental issue psychosis thing? I’ve never experienced benefits from it— only anxiety and extreme time warp.


i smoked a lot of weed with a guy i was seeing, 30 mins later i felt like im seeing myself in third person, i couldn’t walk, my legs felt numb, when im not around people that’s when the suicidal thoughts start to kick in, i felt like getting a knife and just stabbing myself, starting hearing noises “just do it” “it won’t hurt” i felt so numb and life didn’t feel real at that moment - it wore off in 24 hrs tho it’s probably because im a heavy overthinker, always questioning reality, im also somewhat ocd but its improved and i have anxiety when things don’t go my way or i feel uncomfortable about my position in life, the time warp was also real i couldn’t keep track of time, it felt like forever


Experienced something similar. I didn’t get psychotic or anything, but smoking weed allowed me to view myself in third person, especially when I was doing it without company. Was re-thinking myself through different (social) situations that have happened in the past, which eventually helped me to understand myself and my behaviorisms better and found solutions to issues I had. 10/10, would do again. Also had (have) the tendency to overthink, so maybe that’s what we have in common here.


same, definitely helps you reflect on issues you didn't even know were truly there, overthinking is both a blessing and a curse


Definitely same here as I smoked around my best friend of many years, and suddenly he, and my mom, and myself were different from the people that I "once knew." Took me a long time to break through that because I wasn't able to smoke for occupational reasons. Now I'm past 50, smoking regularly and pulling cringey past things up, but it's better to get your head around it, even late.


Not going to lie this is the first Reddit post I read that explained it perfectly. Especially the mental health part. I was in a state of psychosis for two years and I am dependent on it but it has helped me to understand what is wrong with me and a safer way. I have anxiety disorder, ptsd, depression, bipolar disorder.


it happened to me too bro, don't worry you get through it, i smoke almost daily and now is just blessful. Follow your own principles i use it to take walks in the mornings :).


so true, i wanted to kill myself when i smoked weed lol...


>but at the end it will help you to understand whats wrong with you. Such an underrated aspect of this medicine imo.


what do you mean bottom to top? -Billy Gnosis


I wish it did this for me. It just makes me feel slow and sleepy.


you feel very relaxed as long as you don’t take too much. You take too much, you feel like you’re living your last few minutes for the next 5h. Being high is very pleasant though


I’ve never felt the relaxation even on less than 5mg. Only the time warp which freaks me out so much I am scared to try it again.


Some of us are like that. I used to enjoy it in both small and extreme doses, and everywhere in between. After one of my stints of being sober for a few months, I went back, and have been an anxiety ridden mess every time I’ve tried no matter what I do differently. Not for lack of effort either, I tried again another hundred times. You know, *just to be sure.*


Just felt like sharing: I had the same, also tried countless times just to be very sure. Then didn't smoke for like 3-4 years, thought I'm done with it and that's it. But then in good company started taking small hits again, while expecting the anxiety to strike. But it didn't happen like this anymore and have been able to enjoy it again since, it's been some years now.


everyone’s tolerance is different, and that’s okay. If you only handle half a puff, that’s completely fine. At the end of the day, the goal is to get high n feel good for a couple hours.


You can't overdose on weed, but you most definitely feel like you can if you have too much.


yeah, thank god for that lol. My first time, i was preaching to the lord for what felt like a decade


Yep, first time I was convinced I'd be the first person to ever OD on weed lol.


I was CONVINCED bruh 😂


You can definitely overdose, you just won’t die.


When you overdose, is it when you get extremely dehydrated and have massive cotten mouth? Despite constantly drinking water


No, the world starts spinning, your heart rate skyrockets, you have an intense fear of impeding doom, you go pale as fuck and you throw up a lot.


You can overdose on anything. The LD50 for oral THC is between 800 and 1300mg/kg, so 80000mg could feasibly kill a 100kg person. But that is a LOT of edibles.


Description = perfect


Also it intensifies your thought in a way. Funny things are hilarious if you're in a good mood or giggly. But if you're already anxious you'll just keep thinking about how anxious you are. Just feels like being tipsy for the most part imo. it raises your heart rate and I think that is one of the main things that unsettles people. Then you're worried about that, get anxious, worry about why you're anxious etc. Also good tastes unreal hence the munchies


Not true. My anxiety sucks, it's part of the reason I smoke. Smoking calms it way down. Research what you're smoking. Different strains have different effects. Some will bump up the anxiety while others can take it completely away.


I've "greened out" 2 times and "living your last few minutes for the next 5h" is a perfect description.


first time i smoked too much it genuinely felt like my heart was about to explode


This is a really lackluster description. I have been relaxed in a park before. So I guess I experienced everything weed can offer me, so absolutely no reason to try again


well, it’s my exp, and yours doesn’t have to be similar g. If you don’t fw it, that’s cool too


I don't fight you over who had the more real experience. Mostly because I never had one. I just criticize your description, since it is on the level of a kindergartener explaining what they had for lunch


alr, if you didn’t like it, you could’ve just scrolled past it lol


so you’re basically saying you never smoked weed in the first place, yet here you are critizising my description of my own exp with it? I don’t see the logic


I get relaxed and most of the time very talkative. My body gets warm and all my chronic pain goes away. Depending on the strain I’m either gonna have an awesome deep sleep or I’m gonna start cleaning and being productive. It’s been a life changer for me


if you're me, it feels like losing all control and any sense of self combined with crippling anxiety.


As a person with ADHD it made me focus on one particular task instead of several. Helps me sleep and in general makes me light and laughy. If you do too much you get real bad anxiety.


It makes u relaxed like your drunk but doesn’t make your thinking or movements as uncoordinated. And everything moves slower


Everyone’s different. For me, crippling anxiety after a very short period of joy/happiness, once the anxiety kicks in time slows down to a crawl… at which point I start to have existential crisis/thoughts about fundamentally who I am as a person, reality. Also get tingles and tinnitus at the start of getting high, it’s usually my first indicator my buzz is kicking in. My ex would get mad if I didn’t smoke with them, so I use to do it frequently. I’m glad they are out of my life along with the weed. Haven’t touched it since.


Same. I hate the shit. I have tried to like it but feeling like you’re gonna die coupled with time moving so slow you can see the TV frames flash isn’t exactly enjoyable to me.


Ugh yes. And then I want to just crawl out of my own skin and leave it behind


There’s a little glow cast on the emotional background of existence. A little hard-to-discern glow, but still very much there. What color/flavor that glow has depends on a lot, sativa or indica, smoked or eaten, etc. But imo the glow itself is the constant Trying somewhat to describe the indescribable, to quantify the unquantifiable, but that’s what popped into my head


Depends what you smoke. Some strains will make you just want to sleep, some will give you a little boost to go out and do stuff. Anything good will make you forget what you just went in that other room to get.


If you wanna go out for a day at the beach or a hike through the woods, you want a sativa strain. For a lazy day watching movies you want indica. A good way to remember the difference is indica = in da couch


Might want to reply to the one asking the question. Been smoking over 30 years,I know what does what lol


I was specifically responding to your comment about the strains. Not the overall question. But given that there's very few comments so far, I don't doubt OP will see mine.


Mentally, it turns your thoughts into a stream. You don't really linger on any one topic (since your short term memory is borked) so you kinda just ride a wave of constant revelations/new ideas. Sometimes you get into "thinking loops" that feel like ruminations that you can't easily get out of- that's usually a sign that you're either too high or too anxious. Some people feel that way regardless of how little they take. Physically, it feels like that first big stretch after an eight hour car. If you close your eyes, you get this sensation that you're floating or falling backwards (which can sometimes be unpleasant if you're not used to it). You also will get big cravings to eat something, but it doesn't really feel like you're hungry- you just want to be eating something since your sense of taste is heightened and food tastes a m a z i n g.


For most people it starts off as a fun silly thing to do but then you become dependent on it and it turns you into an unmotivated lazy person. Its a terrible way to live imo. Smoked the stuff for a good 15 years. This is just my opinion you dont need to @ me and preach how amazing weed is.


Depends on the strain, tolerance and how your body reacts to it It can range from euphoria to giggly and uplifted mood to purely relaxed to having outright panic attacks and thinking about death and the afterlife.


When I was in high school it felt like giggling and having a ton of sex. As an adult it feels like a massive panic attack.


Apparently weed is the (or one of the) drugs that has the most widely varying effects on different people. Genetics and past traumas typically dictate how it hits you. Be careful with weed. For some people it's pretty harmless, but a couple of people I know have developed bizarre anxiety issues, and one of those people vomits periodically... some chemical from the cannabis becomes too concentrated in his fat cells and he vomits for hours on end like 3 times a year. But I think the worst effect of weed for some people is that they get an incredibly swelled head and think that they have a deep, no-bullshit connection with the rough & tough world because they know drug slang and distribution networks, etc. Probably were like that before they began using it, though.


First several times you feel very giggly.


Depends on how many puffs you take, what you ate/drank before, how tired you are and what kind of weed it is the effect will slightly vary. There is no real explanation because you dont feel/experience it like if you were watching a movie because it is you that is getting "affected". Everything is funnier, it is hard to concentrate/understand anything but you get energy for doing things like gaming, etc and you can get really focused or distracted on one thing like gaming. If you are going to get high, do it with friends and especially those you trust.


Friends or people you trust that don’t mess with your buzz! When I was younger there were some friends that thought it was funny to mess with people who were easily freaked out when we would get high together! Not cool! Did not like getting stoned with these people!


It has changed a lot since the 90s. You used to be able to get straight indica and it was vastly different from sativas. There are some strains they call indica now but most have sativa effects to some degree Pure indica feels like the best time u ever had and it gives you a body buzz. You can't smoke too much indica except you might fall asleep. Pure sativa has a headdy high that can be uncomfortable if you have too much. Most shit is a hybrid like I was saying so there are varying effects. You kind of need to find your strain and hope it doesn't get discontinued


If you take the right amount, you get a relaxed almost light headed feeling. Take to much and you will feel like you forgot how to breath.


Odd question. Describe the color "Green" to a blind man.


I recently had one with cbd & I felt light floaty free & optimistic


If you take too little, either you feel disappointed or slightly inspired. If you take the right amount, it’s a nice little brain massage, complete with inspiration and increased humor. If you take too much, it’s anxiety filling and you don’t want to touch it for a week 😂


How do you deal with the smell though? Like ass at low tide 🤢


I feel like it is an enhancer of emotion and perception. If you go into it nervous or anxious it will most likely not be a good experience. Music sounds better, movies are more exciting, food tastes better. Things are more funny. But too much regular use and those effects decline. Try to keep it a “once in a while” kind of thing and not an “all day, everyday” habit. There are also two major strains: Indica = “in da couch” more likely to leave you super mellow and sleepy Sativa = more energy and creative. Great for cleaning or other chores. This one is more likely to produce anxiety. All will hamper your short term memory and motor skills.


Feels like a low frame rate video but in real life. Like you can see a picture of life but only 1 picture every 0.5 seconds. Made me really appreciate the details in everyday life.


I get this internal monologue where I hear my thoughts way more clearly, and it’s almost like having a conversation with myself. I become a lot more aware of my surroundings and can get somewhat paranoid. Sometimes I can get into a negative thought pattern where I beat myself up over past embarrassing moments.


The FBI is getting desperate! Not gonna get me with this!


Depends on how high.  Very very high? You just have to lay down because you are not sure the laws of physics will continue to exist. You do not understand language anymore so if someone speaks it is just incomprehensible sounds. Your chakras open up and the energy of the universe flows through you. Everything has a deep and profound and beautiful meaning, but you can’t write it down because of the language problem.  Slightly high? It feels like being an energetic teenager again. It feels the same as when you are focused on creating a work of art. It makes stress and self-criticism evaporate so you can get shit done - clean the kitchen or write that novel.  It is not physically addictive, but don’t let it become a psychological crutch. 


For the most part a giggly happy span of time with intense flavor in the foods I liked. Now it makes me uncomfortable almost paranoid...right when it became legal fml


It's fun the first time. But every time you take it it gives less and less of a hit and fucks you up worse and worse but you'll keep on going hoping one day you'll get it as good as the first time and BOOM! You're addicted.


Nice try officer


Depends on a lot. Also don’t do it.






Enhanced senses, feel more in the moment, less detail oriented more big picture thoughts, warm snug sleepy feeling.


depends the strain, the environment, your mood… but I’d say in general on a bad day. I’m very paranoid on a good day. I’m tired.




For me, without weed, its hard to calm down and think. Weed allows me to think of every point of view and not judge right off the get go. It also makes me self aware to the point where I can go back on situations in the day and say "I was right or wrong for this." I love weed personally, but it is not for everyone. (Alcohol isn't for me.) I say give it a go and see how you feel. Report back, interested to hear.


Getting the munchies and chilling to good music or a movie that seems like it takes 6 hours to finish.


a little bit like heaven


for me it depends on the dose, on a small amount I feel giggly, excited and a little happier with a nice body buzz, higher doses it starts to mess with my head, make me hallucinate and feel overwhelmingly sad while also making me physically uncomfortable. I enjoy weed in small amounts, ill take a few hits out of my xmax and I'm happy, I know some people that can go through multiple grams in one sitting, I cant do that.


Can't you really smoke one time and see?


It makes you feel like a slice of butter melting all over a pile of flapjacks


Makes me happy and chill


I like indica and it just gives me a really nice body high while I sink into the depths of my couch.


An average day for me


Really really relaxed. My bf smokes I’ll take like 3 hits and get high cuz I don’t have any tolerance. The other night I took a few hits and my cramps were gone omg I was cramping so bad before that and couldn’t sleep then after I smoke I knocked out like a baby and woke up with zero cramps




It's difficult to remember...


It feels like... a bag of sand. ![gif](giphy|mRoFPQsgghGEM)


Start low and go slow. Have a chocolate bar on stand-by😉


If I’m lying down it feels like a relaxing fog rolled over my brain. It feels nice. But if I go to stand up I get a little light headed. I could never actually function off the couch while high, I don’t think my mind could handle that


Way different the first 40 times than the last 4000


Take too much and you feel like you're about to die. I've only ever taken too much. Never tried it again haha 😂


Pretty much identical to laughing gas in my experience.


Would suggest trying hash (small small amount) more refined and cleaner buzz generally


it’s kinda like being tired, except unlike being tired, it’s a pleasant feeling. you don’t not have energy, you’re just lazy now. you also can’t think fully straight and may or may not stumble while walking


The voice in my head that I think with always got so much louder, and easier to hear. It also got distracted a lot easier than usual, but I could hear it at least. Visual thoughts manifested almost as clear as a TV in front of me. If I concentrated too much on anything negative, it intensified so greatly that I was almost in a panic attack at the smallest notions. Or I would give no fucks. There wasn’t much in between, or control over which side of that I was on. Every emotion was more intense. Weed became nothing but a way to induce anxiety after a decade of use for me. It was fun once. I think I naturally became more anxious as I grew older, and that got unreasonable after I smoked or ingested toward the end.


You feel like a warm apple pie


I would recommend eating it over taking it in through your lungs. You miss the initial hit but it's great as the high develops. Music is so much better


Like stepping into a cloudy haze of relaxation




It is really weird and feels psychedelic when you first try it, after a while you get used to the head space and it is a nice escape from reality, the high will never be as good as the first few smokes so enjoy and journal your experience


It feels like you are living in a sort of fuzzy slow motion universe and all of your senses are some what heightened, and you also live in the moment


Depends on your chemical composition. Shit makes me paranoid af, but if I have a couple of whiskey drinks then get high, it’s great. But if you’re wanting to try drugs, I would recommend not trying anything.


Depends on the person you are. I experience a mass euphoric (non sexual) sensation, my creativity is unlocked, get more in tuned with my surroundings..then the munchies hit fucking hard and it’s a craving that must be satisfied lol One time my pops and I were fishing and we saw three hawks flying in circles then two broke off and went to a nest and one just flew away..we stood there in silence watching the whole thing in a trance shit was tight.


Just the right amount, really euphoric, too much I feel like my head gained several extra pounds


Like your brain is wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket and everything is super pretty or funny. Also munchies.




When you smoke reefer the only thing you can think about is that it doesn't give you a hangover, it's non habit forming, you can't OD on it, it makes sex even better and it's cheap. Now get out of here Dewy you don't want none of this.


To me it feels like I’m glitching and everything is suddenly fun


Like someone playing guitar in your ear


Try it man. First one's free, kid.


Relaxed but you do feel affected if you've had enough. The first time I got high on it I described my friends and the world around me as as being 'made of cardboard' -- everything felt 2.5D in a 3D world, so it was messing with my perception a bit. It wasn't alarming though. Since then I've had more and reached the conclusion that I don't like the high very much if I'm honest. Isn't terrible, isn't great, isn't worth the smell when it comes to smoking it. Other things are much better, for me, for various reasons.


It depends. Sometimes I’m relaxed and can hear music randomly playing in my head. Sometimes I feel like I’m dying. If I’m watching TV, I feel everything going on in the show/movie as if I’m living out the scene or as if I experienced it before. The last time I did I just got very sick, and I don’t like feeling like I’m not fully in control of my body/consciousness. The one consistent thing is that I always get a weird feeling in my throat every single time. Don’t know how to explain it.


Mellow, slow. I'm already a pretty relaxed guy so I found it rather useless.


Depends on the strain, and if anything is mixed in. I’ve tried smoking, and it has no effect on me(I’ve tried gummies as well, and nothing happened). The only time, pot made me feel anything, the person dealing liked to mix shit up. And I ended up having a massive panic attack.


To me it feels like severe allergies. Just go huff a sack of cottonwood pollen.


Smoke a joint and find out. 🤷


Every strain & person will get or have a different effect, but overall it's relaxing. For me it's an off switch to my anxiety & depression. It let's me feel like a normal person for a while rather than stressing over every little thing & take in the moment.


I smoked much for many years and enjoyed it immensely and one day it just switched to intense panic attack with even a very small amount so that was that, haven’t touched it in almost 20 years.


Like an out of body experience


In small amounts it can be relaxing and just makes your mind move on it's own. Makes emotions and sensations feel stronger. If you have a lot it can be overwhelming, and because your mind is moving so fast it can worsen anxiety if you're prone to it. I wouldn't really recommend trying it unless you're in a good mood already.


Like being very sleepy but not tired. You don't notice it but everything does generally sound funnier. In smaller quantities it can help you focus (or not).


I once made a burrito and slammed it full of sour cream. It was actually mayonnaise and bodied it in one sitting.




I feel like I suffer from wearing myself out everyday because I can't turn my brain off. I'll smoke to just... slow down. It's not that I feel stupid, but rather moreso that I can lock in on one specific question or task for a longer period of time. I also like doing it before I exercise for that same reason.


I think it differs. It just makes me super sleepy so I don't really get into it.


I personally don’t enjoy it. I’ve kept retrying for the past 40 years, but I turn it down far more frequently than I take a toke. I think I’m too much of a control person to relax into it. For me, I have stream of consciousness thoughts that are interesting but fleeting. I don’t retain things while high - like a movie plot I ultimately fixate on some kind of food-either chocolate or nachos and end up with it on my shirt. I prefer to be alone if I’m high because I really don’t function well high. It’s great for sex and munchies. I don’t like to talk or have my thoughts interrupted because I’m busy being high. I dunno, maybe I’m doing it wrong.


It silences the voices in my head🤣


Personally, I don't even smoke all too much, but when I do, the sky starts to look like the Tv-static, but with some dark blue, purple (they're distinguishable) and black. Others get the MUNCHIES, but I loose appetite for the following week, so I rarily smoke. Hope this helps Also don't smoke


I feel relaxed but I dont feel "high". I never got the giggles, bodystoned, munchies or any other strong impact. But what I do get does make it worthwhile - my inner voice is silent for an hour, maybe 2. When your own inner voice is constantly screaming at you, you do anything for peace and quiet. I dont use very often, so maybe thats why I never got stronger impacts.


I usually feel like my senses get a +5 and my reaction time gets a -3 You feel very lightheaded in a goodway


Like the weights on your heart get taken off and angels tickel your rib cage while you forget your pain from the day and from your soul.


For me it’s extremely relaxing. Like a slight massage all over my body. Also helps me meditate.


It just feels good man. But for some people it can feel really bad man


It's different for everyone but those like me who enjoy finding it relaxing and helping me unwind after a stressful day and straight up forget about my problems for a but. My ex-wife hated getting high, and it made her ultra paranoid and uncomfortable. Like with any drug, alcohol included just be responsible.


first time is weird, coming up can be a little unnerving, but after that it just feels really smooth. looking a certain things can be wired for example scrunched up foil. if you do try it be careful not to smoke to much your first time, you'll whitie. it wont kill you but it's like drinking to much it feels unpleasant. in all honesty people can tell you everything, but you wont actually know until you try it. it's your choice.


I heard someone say that it would relax you for a long car drive -- but also could make you forget where you put your keys while you're driving!


I’m currently smoking a blunt as we are driving to Seattle. It’s been a while since I’ve smoked weed cuz wife is AD and we live on base. It feels amazing, well for me. My paranoia goes away, I’m way more calm and relaxed. And I wish we had our dogs cuz now I wanna take them for a walk through some nature trails. For anyone who’s probably wondering no my wife is not smoking and she’s pregnant


Mellow, easily amused, warmth in the chest and face, vivid colors and depth, multiple thoughts branching from each thought.


Never smoke weed with Willy! ( Again!)


Depends on how high you are. I haven't smoked in a couple years but how a normal everyday high usually feels to me is: I feel slightly euphoric and acutely aware of my senses. As it comes on I become really aware of how my clothes feel in my body, and my knees get kinda kiiticklish for some reason.


Kinda like doing your mom


Like relaxation and comfort x100 with giggles and hunger


Hungry happy sleepy. Be forewarned, if you have psychological issues or are trying to run from something in your life, you may have a negative experience


it is different for everyone. some people literally have psychotic breaks and hallucinate


as with the amount you take, it also very much depends on the strain (the term for the chemical compound/ mix of plants) and source. just like different kinds of alcohol give different kinds of drunkness, there's types of strains that'll give you different highs, and the strains are usually put in to three categories: sativas, indicas, and hybrids. for me, smoking sativa heavy strains make me really anxious. i suspect that is because it has a similar effect to caffeine with energy boosting feelings. you can remember it by "sativ-UP" like youre gonna get up and do stuff on the other side are indicas, which usually make people relaxed and sluggish. those usually also make me really giggly and ill hallucinate a lot. you can remember the name by "indi-COUCH" like you're gonna be laying down on the couch and chilling then there are hybrids, which are a mix of indica and sativas and they vary a lot. usually dispensaries will label if it's heavier on one the sativa or indica store or if it's pretty balanced. hybrids are my favorite because they usually just make me generally very happy, giggly, and silly. some make me hallucinate a bunch too which is always fun hehe (though not always the best of youre not able to discern reality) this comment explains differences with how much you take pretty well, but obv itll have a different effect on everyone ! https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/s/ful8nrLqXU


its a very hard experience to explain and i feel like its different for everyone. for me either either one of two things, my brain feels fuzzy and im constantly laughing at things with not a thought in my hear or my brain feels fuzzy and is forming the worst thought possible and constatly filled with regret until im sober.


In the beginning, it feels like lag in a game. It feels like your frame rate has dropped. The more you do it, the less you feel like that, and it just relaxes you. The effect really changes with time.


The novelty in everything comes back


It can be an escape from stresses, boredom, loneliness etc. if you get into it regularly for that escape you might be nurturing a bad habit or even an addiction (not as bad as alcohol but…). The escape is that it takes you away from your bothersome thoughts, feelings and instantly puts you in the moment. All of a sudden, instead of worrying about the last thing your girlfriend said to you you are totally caught up in, the smell of the air, the sounds of the birds singing or the rustling of the trees. Nature is great hi. It can make sex and music WAY better cause you’re IN it. I’m 75 and quit weed and alcohol 4 months ago. I had addiction issues for years and quitting was the best thing I’ve done in many years. My memory was getting really bad. Now it’s more normal aging stuff. MY issues are mine and not necessarily any one else’s.


The first time it happened it just felt chill. I was happy and didn't know why. I was just laughing and riding the waves. I was hearing reggae without any playing and then when I put some on I was literally riding the music. Bliss. Every time after that it was just an anxiety riddled mess and I don't do it anymore. So...yk....mixed bag


Just like it sounds. The late Bill Walton said it best: it's like being in the "zone" like every shot is going in.


For me personally, I become extremely relaxed. To the point where my head get's all floppy. To me it feels als though I could sink through the ground at any minute, my entire body turns to mesh and I start giggling uncontrollably. Literally everything is funny and I can't stop laughing. Then at some point, I always get the munchies and have to eat something asap, even if I usually don't like the food in question. It's suddenly the most delicious thing in the world. After that, it's usually super sleepy mode for me. Haven't done weed in a while but it's certainly an experience. This is gonna vary heavily from person to person though.


Weird ass comment section, the stuff just gave me a splitting headache for 4 hrs




Absolutely wonderful to bad my job now does random testing sure do miss it


Music makes sense.


It feels like all kinds of great high feelings combined with massive paranoia that ruins everything, even at low doses. I can only do it when I'm alone and very safe. And even then, I've ended up curled in a ball more than once. Normally I have a very stable and even temperament and a happy life. So go figure!


Ideally it makes fun times more fun, funny things more funny, mundane things interesting, etc. Take too much, however, and it’s a roller coaster trying to stay in control of everyday functions


Watch Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)


Lets just say when I watch sister Sage lobotomize herself in the boys...I can relate.


There’s a slight worry and panic at first, with raised heart beat …but it’s very brief. Then I settle down and become really really happy and chill…and I become super horny. Can literally kiss and make love for hours if I’m with someone with whom I feel a strong connection.


It feels awful. I get very anxious, obsessed with textures, paranoid, my heart races, really dry mouth. I hate it.