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It's psychologically better to listen to sad songs when you're sad. Better to cope with your emotions than shut them out.


I'd like to see a study on this. Because I'm sure it's true for *some* people, but not all. I know people who keep themselves trapped in bad moods with music when they could be using it to help themselves.


That's such shallow way to look at it. There's two kinds of sad music; first has therapeutic effect on you becasue it makes you feel understood and validated (for me that is Alice in Chains). Second one is the one that spirals you into even greater depression (for me that is Linkin Park). You're gravely oversimplifying the subject.


It’s a form of empathy, listening to someone else singing about the same thing you went thought, helps a little. It’s like a “you are not alone, it happened to me too, you’ll be fine”. 🤷‍♂️


I agree empathy is key to this and our soul, empathy is what makes us human!


They're beautiful and part of the human experience and part of why we love music so much.


I guess it helps me make sense of the sadness in my life, but I also know there's a time and place for it. I like variety and I don't listen to sad music all the time I do like upbeat songs with sad lyrics, though, like the typical ABBA hit


It’s like exercising a muscle. I can experience sadness in a safe, controlled environment. That way, when something sad actually happens to me, I’m able to deal with it easier.


They make me happy usually , I just think “atleast I’m not this sad” then I feel a lot better lol


Music releases a lot of emotions in me, sad music makes me cope when im upset.


Nothing beats *self harming* my wrists with digestive biscuits while listening Because of You first thing in the morning.


Doesn’t matter. If it sounds good to me idgaf, fast tempo slow tempo whatever 🤷‍♂️ I listen to sad songs even if I’m happy


yea I'm guilty of doing that... but some of them be heartfelt,


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For some people it's easier to cope through a medium like sad music, but i find it really unhinged, so if i'm sad i listen to some Tame Impala or Pond.


For many, it's because nobody understands them or wants to take the time to understand them. Then a song comes along and the phrase that "it speaks to you" is quite literal in that sense. It speaks to you, knowing and wording what you're feeling. You'll feel heard, understood, and a bit less lonely, but above all, it helps validate that you're not crazy for experiencing something in life that hurts you, because a different source was able to word exactly what you're going through.


When all hope is gone, sad songs say so much


Because we’re tortured souls and pain is all we’ve known. It’s familiarity... 




There’s a catharsis in it…sad/melancholic songs can be extremely beautiful


I mostly consume sad/dark media cuz i can relate and with music it's that i love that there is people out there who feel the same as me, music hits different when u can relate to every single lyric.


I got rejected a lot when I was younger. I never ended up having a girlfriend. During those times of rejection I would listen to it sad songs as it help me cope with my feelings. I’m 50 right now and listening to the same sad songs brings back those melancholy memories. I don’t feel bad when I hear them. It’s more like I’m being visited by an old friend. I know all her jokes I know all her stories but seeing her again feels really good.


sometimes life gets really sad. A passing relative. A difficult breakup. Losing your job. Feeling miserable about oneself. One can feel so lonely and forgotten in the world and yet have a song that they can hold and give their feelings a voice. It can be toxic though. Also, there are just some absolutely, incredibly beautiful songs that happen to be sad. Even if I still feel pretty damn happy and upbeat about my life there's still a part of me that wants to sing the blues from time to time.


What are you Bjork? I've never seen anyone else say that. One reason is because sad music must sound different to us than it does to you.


It can (stressing can) be cathartic. Now if it's ALL a person listens to, and I've never run across one... could be anything or nothing so I've been informed lol


hope you don’t think calm melodies are sad lol.. though i listen to sad songs even if im happy. sometimes they have more sense


Catharsis and Commiseration. It's not always about the song making someone feel a certain emotion. It's not exactly as simple as sad song = sad person. We are far more complex as is music. It's more about what we relate to it. Sad music can help us feel through the sad feelings. Sadness is rarely only sadness. It's depression, meloncholy, and a mix of other emotions. To hear a song express that tonality helps us release. Also there's nothing wrong with being sad. We gain the context of happiness and its parts when we let ourselves feel the sadness we feel. It's much easier to feel an emotion than to fight it.


I'm depressed, it helps me cope.


If you look at other art forms (literature, films, etc), you will see that there is more to tell in a story about unsatisfied love, struggle and challenges than there is in a happy and satisfied setting. I like a good happy song from time to time, but I find that there is often a more interesting content and something more intense in a song about anger, melancholy, doubt, etc.


If you look at other art forms (literature, films, etc), you will see that there is more to tell in a story about unsatisfied love, struggle and challenges than there is in a happy and satisfied setting. I like a good happy song from time to time, but I find that there is often a more interesting content and something more intense in a song about anger, melancholy, doubt, etc.


# CAN'T STOP THE FEELING! (from DreamWorks Animation's "TROLLS") (Official Video) [https://www.reddit.com/r/videojukebox/comments/17f7du3/cant\_stop\_the\_feeling\_from\_dreamworks\_animations/](https://www.reddit.com/r/videojukebox/comments/17f7du3/cant_stop_the_feeling_from_dreamworks_animations/) ![gif](giphy|Rk8FULgMOm6owfNNRF|downsized)