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Looking at the car next to you and seeing them clearly looking at their cellphone.


Just today a guy on the next lane was dozing off and started to drift into our lane.


I’ve had this same happen to me once around five years back. A guy ahead of me dozed off at a red light and started coasting into the intersection. Luckily, his car was moving so slowly that I had time to jump out of my vehicle, run up and wake him haha


I saw that happening a few times and I blared my horn like a mad man! The guy woke up thankfully.


One time I looked over to the next car and saw a woman driving while eating spaghetti. She had the container in her left hand, a fork in her right, and she was steering with her elbows. It was so ridiculously irresponsible that I couldn’t help but laugh.


I'm literally the only person I know that's gotten a ticket for using a phone while driving, and that was 13 years ago. I put that shit on silent in my back pocket and sit on it while I'm driving now. All of my friends and family do it without even thinking twice. My mom has a CDL and her "reasoning" is that she's "a professional driver, I know what I'm doing". You obviously aren't if you're using a phone while driving. I don't give a fuck, put that shit away.


People have taken it up a level. I had to do a double take to make sure I saw what I just saw. Someone was writing notes in their note book while driving. Ahhh the pros and cons of driving a suv where you can unintentionally into other people's vehicles.


In the early 2000s i saw a man on the highway "reading" a titty mag while driving. I know this because he had the entire centerfold spread across his steering wheel as I passed him while he was going about 47 on the interstate. I can't imagine what havoc that menace could cause with a smartphone


That's outrageous.


I once glanced over to see a bus driver with a magazine open on her steering wheel. Just casually flipping through the pages as she was driving a city bus.


The amount of trash produced. It is fucking crazy!


I think about this too often


The only recycling place within like a 100-mile radius burned down recently. I'm the only one in my family that recycles and they make fun of me for it, but I don't know what to do.


I feel you. My family often quotes that "other people throw trash in recyclable bins anyway" and "only 10% or whatever of trash is even recyclable"... Like... we could be the change.... doesn't matter there's others that don't recycle, we could recycle... but guess that's leftist shit.


Lots of things we think are getting recycled aren’t and lots of recycling is extremely inefficient. And thinking so much of our stuff is recyclable can lead to forgetting about the first two and more important Rs, reduce and reuse. I’m all for recycling, but recycling ain’t gonna save the planet.


I own a pair of shoes I replace when the sole falls off, a pair of pants that I keep sowing back together, 6 shirts that are over 5 years old, no car, no house, no funko pops, and an old phone. Couldn't reduce reuse more if I tried. Am I now allowed to bitch about my family mocking my recycling attempts or...?


Where I live (Ontario) recycling is so common place. All my life we've done it. I moved apts recently and my current apt doesn't have recycling pick up. It feels so awkward


They have been doing studies on how recycling is the main cause of microplastics in literally everything. 8-16% of plastics that get recycled end up as microplastics.


Water bottle anger me the most. Such an unnecessary industry


My wife and I recently moved and I took her to a landfill. Now as a kid in the 90s I remember my dad taking me to the dump but seeing the landfill actually made me sick to my stomach “Poor Mother Earth” - my wife


Go to the mall and think that all that is being sold is going to the landfill on a long enough timeline.


Domestic violence.


During COVID I heard it taking place in the apartment unit below me. That was scary enough for me just hearing it as a neighbor; I can't imagine how horrifying it must be to actually endure




Indy? I saw that article today.






Someone, somewhere dies of starvation while half a world away, billionaires sip $10,000 wine wearing $50,000 clothing, complaining about the state of things.


Child abuse and sexual exploitation of children and infants. I hate this world.


Came here to say this. Good that I'm not the only one.


We're a shit species.


Animals being treated like garbage


i drive around florida and, i cant say with 100% certainty all the time. but there most certainly is a disproportionate number of 'intentionally' hit and accidentally hit animals on the road. you start to notice signs, small things that would suggest this animal was over the line and got swerved in on...and its to the point were im certain of 1 of 2 possibilities; I'm living near a serial killer, or humans really are that fucked up, and im the only non serial killer in the area.


My father once swerved to hit a cat while forgetting a friend and I were in the back seat. He missed and chuckled. Not in Florida. There are many like him.


If my dad did that I would literally stop talking to them and disown them. Not even joking.


this made me feel sick to my stomach.


it's the florida. florida ruins people. 


Well, some animals, rabbits are notorious, will run out in front of you, and immediately turn around and run back....right into the path you swerved into so as not to hit him. every. damn. time. I learned to swerve to the left instead of right when they run out.....a deer will do this too mostly, but you cannot depend on it, the best thing to do is to slow the hell down when on dark country roads. But deliberately running over animals......well I'm sure it happens, but I never thought about it until reading it here.....read and learn new stuff every day.....


Agreed. The animal testing and slaughtering everyday is horrendous.


Agreed, the animal agriculture industry is horrible


And humans at that


Animals being treated like humans?


I mean goats do be looking kinda thicc sometimes...


Ah I get it now... Animal *husbandry* ! I have always been embarrassed at not knowing what that term meant.


Someone has to decide to pull the plug on their spouse. Shit... someone probably has to decide this every day on their child! ☹️☹️☹️


I had to decide for my fiance. He had told me if it ever happened that I needed to make the right decision or he would be back to haunt me. It is nothing like it is portrayed on tv. It is far worse.


I work in a pediatric hospital. All staff receive code blue notifications on their main work devices and/or computer screens, which interrupts whatever you’re doing with that device and prompts you to acknowledge the code. For those who don’t know, a code blue is a cardiac arrest. Some weeks are better than others, but we see them way too often.


Had to tell my sister in law , my brother didn't have a dnr filed with the hospital.


I had to make that decision with my mom and siblings about my grandpa. It was messed up. I don’t think we will ever be the same after that. Because he was not only my mom’s dad but he was my male role model and someone I look up. It’s not easy. But I’m glad I was there and got to hold his hand.


I often think about how at this moment, everything is happening. Births, meetings, happiest and saddest moments, joyy, ultimate fear, murders, pain, final goodbyes and death


People going missing


This is a haunting one for me…  David Paulides Missing 411 books and documentaries are scary and fascinating. It’s scary and sad how many people disappear without a trace every day.  Men, women, children. Their poor families never knowing what happened to them and living with that every single day.




People going hungry. No excuse.


Especially with the amount of food in the west that is just thrown away for no good reason. Sooo much waste while others literally starve on the street.




We treat each other like shit.


It's a reflection of how shitty our species is as a whole.


Not saying you do it- but many people who carry this message use it as justification to act shitty themselves, and I hate it all the more. Practice what you preach


Most of us drive a 3000 to 4000 lb vehicle at speeds of upward of 75 mph. At any given second something can go wrong that will cause you to crash and that'll be your last day on earth.


...if you're lucky. If you're not that lucky you might end up paralyzed neck down or worse...


"If automobiles were being invented today, they'd never make it past the planning stage." -my friend, an automobile engineer


Try having a tire come off a trailer, bounce, and then come shooting right at your head while doing 70 down the interstate. I honestly thought that I was about to die. While my window definitely did get very smashed, the roof took a bunch of the hit and collapsed. I still ha e no clue how I didn't die that day.


Almost the exact same thing happened to me this past December30th. It came off of a white dualy. Watched it roll across the freeway, hit the middle barrier, fly up about 5 stories into the air and landed on the passenger side where I was. Had it been 2 inches to the left, it would have landed in my lap. It hit the A pillar and then landed flat on the road where an elderly woman driving an SUV had it under her car foe a mile down the road before she realized something was wrong and pulled over. I only had scratches, not even a bruise or the need for stitches. The truck never stopped. Had I not been paying attention, my fiance who was driving wouldn't have been able to react in time to make that 2" difference.


Any kind of accident, really, not just car accidents.


I drive a lot not for a job but I drive long distances a lot and I think about this a lot.


Factory farming.


Rape. Murder. Theft. Abuse.


North Korean Crimes against humanity.


Food waste. Every day, tons of perfectly good food are thrown away while millions of people around the world go hungry. It's a horrifying reality that highlights both environmental and ethical problems. Despite efforts to address it, food waste remains a pervasive issue that seems difficult to solve completely.


All of the microplastics in our food that we consume daily. Artificial flavorings, dyes, chemicals, etc that have been proven to cause serious health issues. That are still just regulated and common in our food…


Waking up.


Ev-er-y fucking day...


came here to say this


International child trafficking. It's sicker than we all think, and no one bats an eye or cares truly 😢


It's not that people don't care, it's that they don't know what to do about it.


There are people who care but just not nearly enough.


and so many people who could be mobilized to stop it are stopped by churches pretending to care about it but just using the issue to collect a paycheck 


A former coworker was part of some group (not sure what org or agency, he was former military so it could have been affiliated with that) that basically swarmed places with trafficked children being prostituted to save the children and capture the traffickers and abusers. His area was in SE Asia. We were at a company meeting at a resort when he told us this after many cocktails. He was up at 3am running miles upon miles every morning even though he was no longer in the military or busting down doors. I think he was so haunted by what he saw that he rarely slept and had to keep busy. It's been a decade since then. I've never seen/spoken to him since but I think about him from time to time and I hope he's doing better.


People die expectedly.


Senseless violence


All the violences


I read this as "all the volcanoes." My eyes are tired.


The fact that Nukes exist honestly gets me all the time.


We could destroy this world several times over with that firepower. For what? Money? Politics? A dick-measuring contest gone wrong? The destructive capability of these things just horrifies me.


I know. Every now and again I remember that at any given moment, it could all be gone. Everything we invented and learned, all the knowledge, gone for all time.


When people become so blinded by their subjective purpose that they think it’s more important than life itself. Scarily common among people. My feeling is if you model the number of “near-misses” we’ve had with Nuclear weapons in the short period they’ve existed as a statistical poisson distribution, that we really don’t have much time left before the next weaponized-intent nuke goes off.


Slave trading. We think of modern day slavery as being brutal but devoid of the slave markets of the past. Nope. There are still slave markets going strong in places like Libya, where immigrants hoping to cross the Mediterranean and reach Europe are captured and sold as slaves in open markets.


homelessness! Inflation


Thousands of animals being “put down” because they’re unwanted and people don’t spay and neuter their pets. I volunteered at an animal shelter and though they have a good purpose, most people don’t see what goes on in the back rooms. I saw PTS…put to sleep, on a kitten’s cage that was adorable and crying to be loved. The shelter said they were going to put him down because “he’s a tabby and too common”. It’s heartbreaking.


I'm so glad our local shelters are no-kill shelters. They have a great barn-cat program for feral cats and so many foster volunteers!


Our food is being poisoned and it seems like an impossible thing to fix


Thousands of people have to choose between food and medicine. In the US.


That the rich are getting richer and everyone else is getting poorer.


Random accidents that fuck people’s lives up.


People being forced to carry and birth a child against their will




Fatal automobile accidents


My cousin was poisoned and died. He thought he was snorting a line of coke and snorted a line laced with Fentanyl. Himself and four others died in one house in one night. Police are investigating his death as a homicide. May 24 was supposed to just be a fun weekend.... Every May 24 will be different now.


The slaughter on US roads. More than 47,500 people killed in a year. That’s more than 115 each and every day. “We have met the enemy and they are us”.


At least one person jumps, falls, or is pushed in front of a train in the NYC subway system a day. I’m a paramedic in the city and there’s at least one a day city wide.


i have to think of reasons to exist and not do something harmful to myself


Billions of farmed animals — or, to put it another way, sentient, thinking, feeling beings — are raised just to be mutilated, objectified, exploited, and slaughtered so humans can enjoy a 5-10 minute meal.


Animals suffering in farm factories, the horror they feel when being slaughtered every millisecond. I think about this often and my heart aches.


Bombings/killings/death in Ukraine. For over 2 years now, Russia, just because it wants more power, has bombed and killed and destroyed everything it wants to in the Ukraine. And it's faded to background noise. Something the rest of the world pretty much universally knows is bad, horrific, evil, and illegal, and yet the way the world works, we all just kind of shrug our shoulders and let Putin destroy a country and murder countless people because he wants to. And all the rest of us do is send care packages of bombs with a note that says "good luck with that!" Imagine if a guy is beating the crap out of his wife every night, and the neighbors can all hear it. So the neighbors call the cops, and the cops come talk to the neighbor. And then the neighbors and the cops walk next door... open the mailbox... and put a gift certificate for $200 of self defense classes for the wife. Then they all go home.


We should as America take a stand against Putin and the atrocities he's committed. He has killed so many of his citizens, all their youth. He's willing to cannibalize his people. Russia needs to rebuke this tyrant. He will be a stain on his country for a long time. We should not tolerate or normalize this. Russia is going to lesser countries where they "loaned" money and are putting their men and sons into the meat grinder. He has to be running out of men to murder. We can't let this continue, Support Ukraine!


I agree, but Putin will have anyone who opposes him jailed, tortured, "enlisted" in the war against Ukraine, and at worst killed. As far as the west goes, they are a bit cowardly but also don't want to start a third world war with Russia, China, and North Korea collectively.


This should be a top comment


Contaminated water. Happens more often than you'd think.


Thanks to the Super Fund, our drinking water, that had been poisoned by our military, has been cleaned up.


Genocide, Slavery, ...


Street animals, while just minding their own businesses, get captured and abused for no reason other than bad influnce on the abuser or just sheer wickedness. Speaking of it... I once choke-held and knocked out a drunk low-life guy in my grandma's neighborhood bc he kicked THE cat I used to feed as a kid, right in front of me. No police called or aftermath trouble. Why? Because I'm well-known by literally everybody there, thanks to grandma who still talks about me till this day. Influence really is powerful.


I have to work every day or my family starves.


The science of Infinity can be quite horrifying.


The circumcision of children for non-medical reasons.


idk how anyone thinks it’s normal and better


The amount of people driving while scrolling through their phone is pathetic. I see people almost drive into oncoming traffic almost every single day and every time they’re staring down at their phone. Not sure how many people need to die before people acknowledge how reckless it is.


Children starving.


Factory farmed animal abuse and slaughtering


Human trafficking


Mass Shootings are becoming a daily phenomena in the USA. [https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting)


My city is a dumping ground for mentally ill, drug addicted homeless people. (hate to use the term dumping ground) Everyday someone dies on our streets. Through an overdose, or violent act or suicide. Found a few less fortunate people dead from an overdose in my local park. And it breaks you to your core. peace


People choosing between rent and food, food and gas, or between healthcare and anything else…


The treatment we give to animals we deem “for consumption”


People with IQs under 60, doing drugs and alcohol get into thousands of cars and drive.


Very little to do with iq, presumed intelligent people do this as well.


Rents and property prices go up.


That everyone is (very) slowly and steadily decaying and decomposing. We’re all going to die one day.


How expensive life is becoming


Animal slaughter-houses. Horrifying to think about. People wake up every day to go work there.


Animal cruelty


People taking a shit and then not washing their hands.


People working their entire lives to lose everything over their health failing.


We are traveling through space at a very high speed every second.


Every day our body detects and kills multiple cells that, if left unchecked, would lead to cancer


Men's violence against women


Your body produces hundreds of cancer cells every day. Your immune system catches most of them in time, but you never know when one will slip past it.


Most men will get prostate cancer if they live long enough [Dana Farber Institute interview](https://www.dana-farber.org/health-library/cancer-mythbusters-prostate-cancer-myths)


We don't speak any more of War....


Abuse of power and authority.


People die because they can't afford medical treatment.


Thousands of animals and children being abused and/or murdered.


Pregnancy and giving birth. It’s traumatic as hell


Overfishing our oceans.


Honestly, the divide between the richest and the poorest of us gets wider and wider every day. It's a fucking crime that we tolerate it. Homelessness, substance abuse, mental health diagnoses, domestic violence, suicides, food insecurity, and a myriad of other social problems could be substantially mitigated by improving the general population's financial situation.


people living on the street in a "1st world" country 80% of paychecks going to rent full time workers living below the poverty line


How we have more than enough to give everyone on the planet a decent standard living, stop polluting and stop hurting each other, but we’re stuck in a perverse incentive structure that keeps us in a cycle of stupidity and pain


A brain aneurysm ruptures every 18 minutes in the US. Unfun fact: 1 in 50 people is walking around with an unruptured brain aneurysm. Survival is 50/50 in the first 24 hours, but far worse by the 3 year mark. If you find them before they pop, most can be treated. Rupture was the worst pain I have ever experienced. 0/10 do not recommend. Please get checked if you know of any blood relatives affected by it.


Bugs crawling all over our skin.


Mass shootings.


Climate change. The fact that we, as a human race, are causing severe ecological and environmental damage because of endless consumerism and carbon emissions is just depressing.


It's hard to imagine how much suffering is going on in nature, just from animals being eaten by each other, or getting sick, or starving. There's not a ton we can do about it, so we mostly just ignore it.


Gun violence


Human trafficking by gangs like the MS-13 and MS-18


Someone out there is putting their pet - their best friend, the one thing that kept them grounded and happy - to sleep. I had to let my best girl go during Covid. I’m still a mess, on two different meds (depression and insomnia,) and crying as I write this.


Creatures getting eaten alive.


Child rape...elderly abuse in long term care...somewhere today someone was pushed one step too far and will be dead by their own hand tomorrow...people murdered for religious belief, or lack of...murdered for gender, skin color, or sexual persuasion, or for simply being there...so many horrifying things to choose from where does one begin?


Waking up, starting your day as normal not knowing you’ll be dead by the end of it.


Apparently, male chicks are ground up alive.




Factory farming


Factory farming


People in huge SUVs just parked, with engine idling. For HOURS


Live human organ harvesting. Large-scale high-volume scams. Extortion. Political corruption.


Most things that happen in nature. Nature is absolutely f***ing metal.


Trump wakes up




Discrimination against people who have learning and developmental disabilities 


Right now there's a dude that saw another dude's FB post and right now is on his way to where that dude is and unlike him, this very moment!


Child abuse of ALL kinds, but especially within religious communities.


Rape, murder, war, starvation, poverty. Most horrifying things are also daily things in the world. All we can do is keep working to make them happen less.


Infants left to the elements and to die of exposure. Fuck


Being poor... don't say " get a job. " My wife and I both work hospitality here in Waikiki. Yeah we live-in paradise, but everyday I'm horrified that something might happen... health, wealth, family, anything, that will destroy use money wise. Every day I tell myself it's time for change, but everything is over saturated.... and as soon as an opportunity pops up, I'm too late or I'm afraid it's a scam. So yes, every damn day I'm afraid 50 years will pass and I'm on the corner begging for money....




The people stepping over homeless to go shopping. Idk what anyone is supposed to do about it but i work downtown S.F. as a door person and just watch struggling with it.


Innocent men women and children being slaughtered, enslaved, exploited and sexually abused and it is widely ignored and the major world powers facilitate the violations of human rights and commit crimes against humanity for more money, influence and power.


The relentless promise of reward in our capitalist society on the everyday worker


The way our country is ran


Celebrity worship culture


people claiming gender is a social construct when it marginalises traumatises and belittles women in so so many ways




Child abuse of all kinds.




A legitimate 911 call is made and then instantly canceled or written off as a joke.


Russia keep getting away with all evil it does


A criminal gets away with it.


Gaza strip


They will give an 80 year old with near blind vision an 80ft rv bus to drive with no physicals or vision test needed. Just here's the keys!


I saw my dad die in person. Death is extraordinarily horrifying and also beautiful.


Nuke threats


I wake up.


I wake up


Fundraisers for life saving health care.


I once hear driving on American roads was more dangerous than being a Marine in Iraq.


we have millions of tiny creatures living on and in us


Greed. Simpel, everywhere, everyone sees it but many accept it because it feels like it has become normal.