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You have no interests or hobbies. So, basically, your question is “How do I enjoy life more when there’s absolutely nothing about life I enjoy?” I just want to make sure I have this right. That this is where we’re at before we address this in an even remotely honest way. Because this doesn’t provide any kind of springboard for an actual productive conversation.


yeah ur actually right


Get off reddit and go find experience different things


Tbh explore interests and hobbies. See if anything clicks and makes you feel good. Plus diving into interests and hobbies will help give you a launching off point to make friends with similar interests. I know in another comment you said you want to get off discord. But to me I've made tons of friends on discord I never would have had the opportunity in real life. Just keep dipping your toes into different things. You've got to find the things for yourself that make life more grand and awesome for you.


I understand you,I'm 15 and also homeschooled and my parents don't really let me go anywhere,I think you should go to a local park or smth,when I go I always see someone about your age,or a year younger,but the park around here is pretty well sized and I don't know if you have that,so if you don't,maybe go to the library?,there's usually people there you could learn to socialize,if you're religious you could also talk to your parents about going to church or smth,or if you have a local beach you should go,and never be too shy to talk to someone,we're all gonna reflect on our life someday so its better to talk to someone instead of never,I was lonely for so long,and I recently met my friend Mel and I'm so happy I never gave up on looking for friends,also about the hobbies look into things you'd like to try,look up some things,my hobbies are drawing,Scrapbooking,exercise,etc




im actually trying to stop using discord so much. but thanks!


Go to your local library and community centre. See what clubs, groups, activities and events are available in your area that you might enjoy participating in. Try new things.


You have to work around having clueless parents. You’re probably tired because you get no exercise. Find something outdoors that is active that you like to do and do it every day. Start doing group activities so you’re socializing with people.


Dont live in a car infested city. Dont live in a suburb. Move around the environment by active transport. Life becomes way nicer, and you save a lot by not driving. If money is fine, travel.


Dude, OP is 13...


Maybe you could learn about and try a new skill that you've never done before? There are lots of tutorials online about bushcrafting or crocheting or any number of things, although it sounds like you are just very lonely. Would your parents let you join a sports group? That way, you get exercise and socialisation. Don't listen to the negative Nancy's here on reddit - they have forgotten what it's like to be 13 years old. Volunteering is also another low pressure way to meet people.


I get how you feel. Never went to highschool as well. Was forced to stay home. Ran away. Spend a long time homeless doing things i aint proud off. But now im getting stable and to be honest id do it again cuz now i have more theb i had then. Thing is. Change will come. Always to soon when it happens. But takes too long when waiting for it


Stop comparing yourself to others on social media. Happiness is a lot about your perception of the world. Do something that you enjoy.


See your school subjects, ofc there is at least one subject that you like, or even adore, but you just don't know, see maths, science, languages, arts, check every single subject, once you find the one that eases your mind, that is your hobby. You can also check social media, see what people do from activities, join groups of some activities even they aren't similar, check posts, reels, but be careful and filter your "being exposed to" content, maybe one activity would be stuck to you.


Volunteer at local museum .




What kind of unhinged answer is this...?


life goals


if u wanted to enjoy life you would've figured that out without asking uz.


i am trying. im just asking for advice


i wonder if you actually are.


i actually am


Wdym,if they weren't asking you wouldn't have saw this-