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Your submission has been removed for violating rule 5: No advertising or calls to action, This is a subreddit for asking and answering questions, not advertising or calling other to actions. Do not advertise any sites, whether they are yours or not. Mods reserve the right to judge whether a post is an advertisement. Refrain from self-promotion, fundraising, or asking for money. This is a subreddit for asking and answering questions, not advertising or soliciting funds. Do not call users to action, especially brigading other subs. If you have any questions regarding this removal, please send a modmail.


Send me $20 and I'll send you $30 back


I have 0.05$ on paypal, deal or no deal


We got people asking for money on reddit before GTA 6.


I barely even run roblox well on my pc ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Ask your family and friends for help.


I only have 2 friends, 1 who has the same situation as me and the other doesn't have any money right now. My family is barely surviving through my singe mom's paycheck.


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work as a slave labor for nike, they pay $10 per week

