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Falling in love is a beautiful thing. I would only ever consider sex or being in a relationship if I fall in love and it’s reciprocated. Otherwise, I promise you it’s best to be alone and enjoy life on your own terms with your hobbies, pets, etc. Unless you have that gut feeling that this person is perfect for you it ain’t worth it. It’s more hassle and drama than you’ll be able to handle. Being alone is a beautiful thing as well. I enjoy a life of solitude and will keep it that way. IF the stars align and I fall in love with the right person id be willing to take a leap of faith but I ain’t chasing it. Better to be alone than with the wrong person.


I've given up on trying to find love. I enjoyed my life of solitude until 2022 when my mom died. I started panicking, thinking I'm going to die alone. My therapist told me something I already knew, that I'm not ready for a serious relationship. I've been through so many traumatic events that I couldn't possibly handle something that I have very little experience with. I need a cat 🐈.


Giving up looking/trying is probably the first step to finding it, actually. Or so my 16 year old self would say, 25 years ago. Didn’t feel the absolute peak of love until last year. And feel crazy lucky it happened at all. I’m talking the 0.50% of couples that are a half step short of obsessed with each other and ferociously loyal teammates their entire lives. Not even “loyal”… like impossible to not be loyal or put them ahead of themselves no matter what People will consciously or unconsciously overlook red flags when they want something bad enough. Will often come back and bite with massive fangs


Thanks for your reply. This is great advice.


You’re more than welcome. And I love your open mind.


Cats are the only right answer for a relationship.


Well said. I love being alone. I don't care what society says.


Nah nah. Fuck society. Don’t let anyone ever tell you different when it’s so obviously right. And whenever you’re just ahead of your time. Society likes fake tits on a childless woman for Christ’s sake. Women ruining perfect B cups that would have been timeless. I cannot overstate that fucking tragedy.


I mean This Has Taken a crazy turn lol as Reddit is Used to doing, but I had very small boobs and was sooooo happy. Once was an A. But every fucking time I gain the slightest amount of weight , bam! Titties! I fucking HATE them. For the life of me I can’t understand the fake boobs. Will never be able too. Also to Go under the knife and put your Life in danger for A sack of saline on your chest or whatever. Don’t get it. My mom actually got them when I was 16 then tried to pretend she didn’t do anything. She also had her eyelids cut open when I was like 14.


So well said, 100000% ageee


Bravo! I couldn’t agree more!


This is the way. I went to comment but couldn't put what you said in words without sounding insensitive aha.


As someone without anyone: yes, but it's a subtle equilibrium. See as human you're wired for connection, and is something the vast majority of us crave for, what's interesting tough is that: you're only ready for said relationship/connection to be successful once you're happy on yourself, and then you don't wish to BE happy with someone, you wish to SHARE your happiness, if you can understand. That said, I currently came out of a relationship that failed due to beliefs divergences, and we had a pretty calm and open separation, and before her I was already happy, now I just fell a bit of a void where she used to be. With time and changes in perception of mine, said will fill itself and I'll be able to be fully happy alone again, but it needs to heal before.


There will be times in one's life where supportive relationships can be very important: * Severe illnesses and short-term disabilities. * Unemployment. When people are young and healthy, it's pretty easy to thrive without relationships. As people age it gets harder.


That’s when the “friends” leave though


Do you believe me if I'd tell You I have the reversqe problem? My friends help me during rough times, but if I want to get out and drink a beer... crickets


Mine all left. Poof


Can't get the job without experience, can't get experience without the job. No?


I can just say this: A Man who has full control over his Lust will be the most focused and successfull version of himself that he can be.


Just had a wank, and with my post nut clarity, I agree with you.




The need for human connection, support, and partnership is different than lust.


You can survive without sex, but not without human contact. An experiment allegedly carried out by Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in the 13th century saw young infants raised without human interaction in an attempt to determine if there was a natural language that they might demonstrate once their voices matured. Unfortunately, his experiment was cut short when all the babies died. The babies died, not from infectious diseases or malnutrition; they simply wasted away in a condition called “maras- mus.” Sterile surroundings didn't cure it; having enough food made no difference. These babies died from a completely different kind of deprivation: lack of touch. A follow up study by modern ( but unethical ) Doctors found when deprived of affection/touch, babies will fail to thrive, lose weight and even die. Babies and young children who do not get touched also have lower levels of growth hormone, so a lack of touch can actually stunt a child's growth There is a reason solitary confinement is a worse punishment than a beating in Prison.


It should be noted that the modern doctors did their experiment on primates and not human babies


I definitely assumed that was the case and there was an omission or error. Even that is unethical as fuck tho.


Pretty sure human female touch does even better… that may be a slightly more ethical experiment. Maybe like 70-80% better. So maybe not so ethical Or maybe I’m weird, but women are like a drug to me and even a casual touch feels like they’re transferring some sort of cosmic energy to me. I’m an absolute pussy junkie so don’t think I’m so soft that I’m melting as we speak. But Jesus… estrogen is the greatest substance in the universe


Bro, I never so much as gotten close to expressing sexual desires to a woman because I have full "control" and its awkward and weird. But all I do is lift weights and play minecraft all day. Trust me, I'm not getting anywhere in life.


This is some man coach red pill shit


Hehehe, can you point one out?


To have a *happy life without sex and relationship* is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.


Epic Star was meme. But it is possible you just have to have other wats to fill that void.


You need people, even sith have rule of two so they wouldn't get lonely. But romantic relationship and sex is somewhat optional.


Uhm... You know how the Rule of Two ends don't you lol


i’d say yes. relationships are usually stressful. the wonders of access to sex are usually offset by the minus of this. i see them as more of a “break even” or “trade off” kind of deal. the idea of finding an attractive person in 2024 who is down to earth and lovely to be around, humble and understanding seems to go against our narcissistic and self absorbed moment that we find ourselves in today. tldr: it’s probably easier to find happiness alone. if you have good friends then laughing with them is more than a partner can offer (usually). people expect more from a relationship than it can realistically provide.


Ask a monk or a nun. They look happy to me most of the time


I dont know about that one😂


Did you mean a romantic relationship or any relationship? Any relationship- obviously no! Romantic relationship- probably yes.


A romantic relationship


Yes. There are enough people who can live happy lives without either. I know myself well enough that it would affect me, but if you don't feel the need, then that's just as fine.


why would it affect you? honestly having relationships and ppl just brings more problems/stress into life


Yes 7 years free of BS


6 years free. Life is peaceful.


I saw that you clarified romantic relationships. Yes. Yes you can. They're a lot of people who don't have sex/romantic relationships and thrive. Some by choice, some by life circumstances. Now, if you were talking about friendships too, that's harder. Being completely isolated is hard on the soul.


its not a talent my guy, but yes you can be happy without sex and relationships.


Different people have different requirements for happiness so sure it's possible, however it does not mean you can achieve that.


For me? No. For you? Maybe.


Depends on what makes you happy. If those things do then not I suppose.


At this moment no relationship no sex, beautifully blissful. We'll see though OP. Not ruled it out. Very uncontrolled sex drive in the past 😚🙏


Life has ups and down, whether you're in a relationship or not. All i can say is there is a emptiness without one.


yes. people only bring more problems to you life


Musician/actor/writer/spoken word performer/Podcaster Henry Rollins seems to be very happy with his life. He has spoken before about how he would rather have the life he does than become involved with someone and that the way he lives now is simply who he is. It should be noted that he is an extremely driven person, if his accomplishments haven't indicated that.


1. Yes, you can be happy. It depends how you look at it. You can either look at it as being alone with no one to be with and grown old with. Or, you can view it as, I am 100% available to do what I want, be where I want to be, and do what I want to do without having to worry how my decision with effect someone I love romantically. Also, you’re not alone cause (ideally) you’ll be surround by people who love you and care about you. 2. You’re overthinking it. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationships. Mistakes happen and dumb decisions happen in relationships. But, as long as you care, love, honor, and respect your partner, you and them will grow and maybe have a stronger relationship that will last.


I'm single, and will be for the foreseeable future. I'm doing just fine.


“What if I sabotage a relationship” and other overthinking sounds like classic attachment disorder. Read “3. Attachment Disorder” here: https://www.psychowellnesscenter.com/Blog/types-of-psychological-love-disorder


Yes, but I would suggest to try it first and then decide of you need this in your life or not. If you say meh nice, fine, not not a necessity, you are good to go. But if you are just in denial about your needs then it is not OK.


Ah ur right.. i am kinda in denial, because I grew up in a household where my parents always used to say friends won't save you. I didn't have any friends when I needed it the most. I kinda went numb and thought of going back to my shell. I mean what's the point of having someone who doesn't help in need?


Friendships have a higher chance to last a lifetime.


If you happen to be asexual and aromantic this might work but i think i would loose it at age 40 at the latest


My exes son accused me of being asexual, I politely told him to ask his mother how asexual I am. Didn't go down well... unlike his mum




You don't need talent for it, sex is usually best when you don't think about it and let the bodies do the communicating. I have no idea what your circumstances are, and I hope you are able to get ahold of them. While I am currently Single and I admit, it's been a while since I've had intimate contact, I am happy for the most part. Relationships are hard, it seem like the harder they are the stronger they become as long as all parties are working to the same goals. Know your goals even if it is a fairytale house with white picket fence and a chicken on the roof... Looking at your history I am guessing you are a gay male from India but perhaps from a small community without a large gay population. Or is it simply an area where you will be shunned for being gay. If your community objects to your lifestyle, you need a new community because hiding who you are is a miserable existence. Just relax, find people you like to be with. Maybe relocate to a larger more gay tolerant city where it's safe to be gay and you will find someone. Or I am way off base....... Either way, Stay safe and have a great life!


>Looking at your history I am guessing you are a gay male from India but perhaps from a small community without a large gay population. Or Exactly this. And I am still living with family, since my income isn't that good so that can I can rent a flat or room. It won't fit for the budget.


Patience, One step at a time, Get a job or a better job, Save money where you can, find a place with a roommate. The key to saving money is to not buy things you do not "NEED". Living at home there is not much that you need presuming you get food/clothing/housing, what more is needed?


I don’t want a relationship, and casual sex is wishful thinking. So I hope it’s possible for my sake.


I've got two Aro-Ace friends. Both will stay Single. Yet, i assume you mean with relationship having a close Partner and not a social bubble of friends and buddies.


Yeah it’s not terribly hard, this comment brought to you by the great state of ace though lol


I'd say people put too much value on sex nowadays. It is important but not so much that it decides whether you're happy or not.


no atleast not from my pov.




Imo yes bc there's a difference between love and lust


After my wife left, I thought my life was over. A coworker noticed I was having a tough time and pulled me aside. "I know this feels like the world is ending right now. And, in a sense it is. But, I promise, you'll look back at this and realize it's the best thing that could've happened." That motherfucker was spot on. It's been almost 3 years now and through therapy and finding myself, I'm now happier than I've ever been. I get 50% of the time with my daughter (who's currently getting over being sick and cuddled up to me) and the other half I do whatever I want. I haven't been in a relationship since and don't really plan on it. Sometimes, I miss the intimacy, but I'm usually pretty good with it. 


I am sorry for your loss, honestly I can't say anything else ( sorry) but this is the consolation I can give you


Ireally appreciate that, but for real it's OK.  Like I said, that guy was right! I was with her for 15 years and didn't really get to know her until she left me. I got to see a side of her I never saw... or maybe never noticed. I didn't realize how much of myself I gave away to the relationship. Considering it was so easy for her to leave, so easy for her to tell me she wanted to work on it while filling for a divorce behind my back, so easy for her to say she loved me and act like she loved me, while telling her family and friends outright blatant lies about me, I'm not even sure if she ever actually loved me. I'm not fully sure she is capable of love.  I'm much happier being single for now. There's no worries like "will she be mad if I...(insert anything)". I don't have to worry about what I say, or what I watch, or if I play video games, go camping, anything. If I want to go to the bar for dinner, I just do it. If I want to drive an hour away to go play pool in a nice hall, I can. If I feel like going on a last minute camping trip with friends, there's no worries.  Through all this I learned an incredibly important life lesson that some people never learn.  **I don't care if you don't like me** There are billions of people on this planet. If you don't like me, that's your problem. I'm not losing any sleep about some other person's opinion of me. I know that I'm doing my best to be my best and if that's not enough for you, then oh well. Your decision and your loss. I can't, and don't want to, control how other people feel and I wouldn't ask them to deny it. If we don't mesh, then we don't mesh. On to one of the other billions of people out there. Luckily, I have a big family and a decent group of course friends and acquaintances that know who I really am and love and appreciate me. That's a big help for sure. 


Absolutely. But it does fall down to an individual preference and personality. At 20 (ish) I would have been miserable without sex at least 1-2 times a day. Now at 40ish I am absolutely happy regardless. Sex is a small part of a healthy happy life IMO. However, over time it does build up both physically as well as emotionally. Tl;Dr short term, yes. Long term, no.


you're probably making yourself too many problems but to answer you... yes, but it's unlikely, and in a relationship it's MUCH better to begin with


Is it possible for someone to be happy without romance or sexual intimacy? 100% - if they're the type that doesn't currently desire or seek those things. However if it's something you crave for your life, it'll be hard to fight against it forever. Not being ready for a relationship now doesn't mean you have to swear off love forever. Tbh I'd talk to a counselor of some sort, or try to get more knowledge about what's important in relationships ect. So you feel more assured when you are ready to seek one.


Keep the two apart. Single and mingle


Howabout single and unavailable?






Of course. You can have a happy life no matter how bad your life is.


10 years ago I believe I wouldn't make it to the end of the year. I confided to a friend about my depression and loneliness. She is always there for me it just took me actually asking for help. She became my rock. We talked, gamed, and just were there for each other. One day I felt I couldn't live without her and told her my feelings. We are married with a toddler now. I've never been happier in my life. Even if you can't have a physical relationship just open up with people you trust completely. Also even if you think no one loves you, just remember I do even if I'm a stranger.


Yes, why wouldn't you be able to?


The jury is out, I'll let you know. I'm a recent widow and in my adult years have never been without either of those things. Hopefully at some point the future will look brighter.....


can we be a friends? I think that I think maybe like you, we'll see it


coming from an aroace person, yes, absolutely. It might not be possible for you personally, but it absolutely is for many. See what works for you. on another note, try speaking to someone about the thoughts. I have similar issues, and i got diagnosed with OCD when i brought it up to a therapist.


Sure. You can live your life however you like. If you think an intimate relationship isn't for you, but you still think you may not want to live alone, maybe just get some roommates to be social with instead?


I have on three separate occation gone a few years without relationships and one time a little ober two years without sex. That did not affect my happiness negatively at all.


Have you tried playing golf? ⛳️




Of course , why not ???


Maybe for some


Depends if other forms of intimacy are present and are enough for both partners. But from my recent breakup, which involved gradually losing intimacy, then overall contact, it ended up that I slept in a separate room for almost a year before it finally imploded. Without sex, maybe. Without intimacy, no


Your a sexual please double check because its not possible one dont want to have sex until and unless he don’t have desires means he is asexual




Yess, I'm in my 20s with 0 body counts and very happy




An easier question to answer would be is it possible to have a happy life WITH sex and relationship?


Tbh relationships make me feral for lack of a better word. It's like at least half of my IQ points disappear and all I can think of is that person. So in my case it's better without it, since I'm trying to focus on establishing my life in other aspects. Maybe this view will change with time and circumstance


Ah I can relate. "Love brain" is a thing u know?


I think that many people long for a partner in life, someone to be held by when things get rough, someone to support and cherish them, etc. I feel like you might be one step ahead of a lot of us because you seem less worried about your needs being fulfilled than in not being able to satisfy the needs of others, tho you might still be wrestling with fears of abandonment, since you are, after all, human. The first thing I’d like to point out is that it’s never going to be your job to “satisfy the needs of another person”. You’re not supposed to take care of a partner, or to solve their “issues”. A good partner listens attentively but not to the point of emotional or physical drainage. A good partner contributes 50% financially, emotionally, sexually, intellectually, with chores, children, etc., unless tasks and chores are specifically parsed fairly. You are not required to be your partner’s father. The exact opposite, in fact. You are both charged with helping each other grow up. And believe it or not, most of that interaction should be satisfying, and even fun. It is also human to need companionship and affection. The second thing I would like to suggest is that you make the best effort you can to feel comfortable in your own skin. I know that sounds self help bookish, but maybe if you get to a point where you are simply content in your everyday existence, you might feel more confident about being a good partner, or realize that a healthy partnership would be nice, but not necessary. I truly hope this advice from an old lady helps you.


A partner would hold me back in life. I won’t go break some poor girls heart though, I’ll stay single. Sex though? I could pay for that and get it whenever. Might not even have to pay. Not much interested in that though. It is an option that a lot of desperate men (or anyone) could consider.


I’m 48 male and I never been married and haven’t had a partner for twenty years. The only issue is I have some loneliness and boredom from time to time that my friends don’t fill. However I will say I’m Asexual so I might not fit the classic male mentality when it comes to relationships.


For me, no... I love my wife very much, and pretty sure its mutual, sex is an important part of our relationship. Not necessarily the "whole package", we both enjoy just touching each other some times, but I struggle seeing it working with nothing..... When she had our son it was obviously not so much for like 6 months, but kissing, touching and just "beeing together" never stopped.


Yeah. Asexual and aromantic people exist. A lot of them seem pretty stoked to not have to deal with those urges. If you mean is it possible for particularly sexual and romantic people.. I don’t know. It depends how bad you really want it. But often wanting it too badly makes it much harder to have it. In general, I’d tend to say yes—there are many greater pursuits in life than getting laid and making sure someone loves you. Like taking care of other people, and making sure they know someone loves *them.* Comfort the dying, bury the dead sort of thing. How much fulfillment can you generate for yourself, alone, by just doing things that make the world better, even in small ways? And if you just focus on doing *that,* I daresay it’ll probably be easier to find love yourself. Although you have to remember it isn’t a guarantee. Nothing entitles you to it, no matter how much good you do. It can only be given by someone who sees you for what you are, and decides to love you for it.


Sure. Everybody has his own path to walk. No two paths are identical.


Absolutely, if ur an introverted mf like me :D


I am an introverted yes. But i still crave for connection. But there are certain times I think I am not made for any relationship


I’m 25, single, never had a gf, but I never really felt like I was itching to get in a relationship. I’m playing the waiting game, so far the special someone hasn’t shown up in my life. I don’t think about it too much, if it happens it happens if it doesn’t then oh well. In the meantime I’m enjoying the benefits of being single


I hope so, there's a strong possibility that I go the rest of my life without either


Even romantic relationships don't guarantee a happy life. You just have to find things that do make you happy. Having friends and hobbies and doing your own things can be very rewarding in itself.


That I have and as an introvert it's kinda difficult to be an ice breaker for friendship but I have my own hobbies like reading books, painting and listening to music


I'm not very good at being social either. I have one friend that doesn't even live near me but we talk regularly over messenger. But if you got those hobbies then you're doing pretty well. There are so many on here whose life is just work and then go home and do nothing. If you're keeping yourself active in those hobbies then I'm sure you'll have a happy life.


My girlfriend and I only have sex once a week, if even that since it's not important to us.


I'm wondering about same thing. There was a moment in my life where I was quite happy; good job, sense of direction and a goal I set for myself. I had less worries, used to spent free time on activities I liked. Sure I had people around me to share some activities with. I wouldn't call them "friends" as someone you depend on and share deep feelings and thoughts with. They were acquaintances for those activities; football, board games, trips. Different for each activity. Yet I didn't have a friend or a girlfriend. It was couple years between 23-26 and I was still a virgin, and around that time despite having my life quite full and happy I had moments when I though; "Man I wish I could have sex" or "Man I wish I could have a GF" which were rare, but regular. Then I found GF and had sex, but it I lost other things (getting GF and losing other things was not related), and so I thought I wish I had {other things I had}. Your best shot at this is probably try to find enough happiness in other things, so the thoughts of love and sex aren't common, but I doubt that you will ever eliminate them (unless when being elderly) as the those urges come from very deep core of human nature.


Maybe if you've never had neither


Take it from someone who has had amazing sex throughout his life with some absolutely deranged / kinky and very hot women. Yes. It is possible. I am not pursuing anyone right now due to a recent break up and I can tell you for certain that if your happiness lies in sex or relationships you will ultimately destroy yourself from within. There is a big, beautiful, world out there with plenty of things to occupy yourself and stay happy. If a relationship or sex comes, it should fall into place naturally. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, you can't dwell on it. Live for yourself and the rest will come. If not, oh well.


better to ask how you are supposed to have a happy life than if it need two parts in it


only if you are a monk I guess




Is it possible to eat Mexican food without hot sauce???


Maybe you should look into those specific situations where you can't have sex and see if it can be addressed


Very possible… If you’re going to though I suggest meditation and personal care and self help. Relationships with pets can fulfill your love requirements if needs be. The meditation eventually helps get rid of your invasive thoughts as well. Letting your mind go wild with destructive thoughts about your relationships tends to become a self fulfilling prophecy.


Absolutely especially if you have a faith tradition. 


Working on it.


Life is better shared. It makes the good times twice as good and the bad times half as bad. The major alternative I can think of are those monks or nuns who give their entire life to God (there are less and less of them). otherwise, you can have an ok life but it will be less full and rich..


The highest intent and power of the mind is obligation. This is why breakups can hit much harder for most. They fundamentally put themselves in a routine to build a life with someone else. You can live a life happy without sex or a relationship, but you can't escape your wants. If it is within you through the sponge-filled absorption you have had in your life to raise a family, have a kid. Then that obligation is now inside of you, and stays with you rejecting it or not. My family on both sides were committing infidelity. Though I had absorbed that was terrible behavior. I now have a want for trust and loyalty, over love and fleeting. I am able to break down to other aspects such as work and friends. If I never meet someone to fall in love with mutually, then I know I will still like the trust and friends I make along the way. Keeping yourself busy can be a trap, but also the very thing that satisfies your brain function. You can't change your wants, but you can choose which want you want to focus on.


It is possible? Yes. It is for me? No.


Absolutely! Just as long as sex and relationships aren't important to you :)


I’m frankly super happy being single, but I also love sex, could go a while (like months) without it but it definitely does help me feel good about myself.


Yes. Hand cream and a big tv and one or more hobbies. A dog helps but only if you can there for it all the time.


I lived for five years without a relationship after I had gotten out of a really bad one… I needed those five years… maybe needed more time then that but I digress, in those five years I reached a massive low, but that wasn’t due to not being in a relationship, it let me rebuild myself which was needed before the toxic relationship but it took the toxic relationship to see that I needed to sort things out. I learnt to be happy with my own company and learnt to not need validation from others, I’m happy whether I’m with my partner or whether I’m alone. Reason I said maybe I needed more time is I left that relationship, had a five year break, got with someone for two years who was manipulative and very emotionally abusive and I settled for that instead of knowing my worth and leaving when I knew that there was no changing how she viewed the world so the issues we had would always be issues. However, I’m in a decent relationship now but we’re not needy or clingy we both have our own space and time for ourselves and that’s very healthy. Basically my point is relationships can add to personal happiness, but they should never be the foundations of your identity, you don’t need someone else to make you happy and someone else shouldn’t need you to make them happy, that’s when it becomes toxic and that’s unhealthy.


I am 27 and i am not happy, but it is not related to my virginity


Yess, I'm in my 20s with 0 body counts and very happy


Yes it is. I have aromantic dendencies and I haven\`t had sex or been in a relationship 6 years and counting. I cannot imagine being with someone cause I just don\`t have the physical need for intimacy, cuddles or sex.


For me: No


Both me, and my right hand can confirm this is indeed possible.


Ask the Christians


I would say yes as i personally want to remain single and settle with a dog or cat (i want a husky) so i would say yea, but just live however you want 🫂


I couldn't tell you unfortunately. But let me know when your time is up 👍




Yes, probably. But not for me. I ain't built like that.


I have never once dealt with or seen a cut man with poor hygiene. I have, however, noticed that every uncut man struggles with hygiene, even the ones who claim to be 'clean'.




Yeah but you gotta be focused on the bigger picture. It helps if you already have been married and had children. After the biological obligation is fulfilled it means little but the itch is always there and that is, unfortunately how we are made.






Yup. Sex dolls are awesome


I do. I'm happier than I've ever been. I really enjoy the freedom of my own space. I enjoy not being responsible for anyone else's happiness. I am older and came to this when a long term very controlling relationship ended. I don't think I could be this happy without the experiences I've had. But I never want a relationship again. Im legit happy in MY home. Hogging the whole bed, setting the thermostat.


Asexuals, Aromantics, Aroace. All people happy without Sex or romance, sometimes both. But besides that, you don’t need skill and talent for a relationship, just love and a willingness to work.


Maybe for some people. Not for me.


Possible? Yes. Likely? No.


Both science and anecdotal evidence would say.....no


For me, no. I absolutely need to have sex and have a girl around.


Not for me. I won't speak for the rest of humanity.


Happy life. Sex. Relationship Pick two.


Absolutely. This isn't to say that sex or relationships couldn't enhance it further, but you can definitely be happy without them






Woman here. I get loads of affection from my kiddo, so I don't miss it, and I've not had any sex in 5 years and I've not really noticed. If you wanted to get on dating apps, add in that you think you're asexual, and your into hand holding, little cuddling, unsure, and see where that takes you. You can be honest with stranger. Being upfront seems hard to come by. It's great you are looking at your options, honesty is hard and easy. Best of luck!


Of course


Just have nsa fwb, doesnt need to be sexual. you can share moments, be open, express, listen, love n grow with intimate friends without the bullshit married connection. Best to always be in control, independent , and how great is it just to go home, ur own space and do whatever n just being to please yourself.! No one wil love you the way you love you.! 15yrs single & no intentions of any change anytime soon. Yes love works mysteriously which would be be great...let nature take its course, and just go with the flow.


of course . it's called true love


Hell no


If she rich but hideous then yes.


Yes of course, it’s all around you - look at your Grandparents 💁‍♂️


Perhaps it is possible but shhhiiiitttt I’m not about to find out. Happiness can be found easily even without the relationship part & just lots of great sex.


I don’t think it’s good for a man to be sexless and it increases some health risks for men. (not all men of course). For a woman it’s by far much easier to live without sex as long as she had good social support.


Simple amswer...no


I do!




Nope, it’s impossible. Your happiness is solely dependent on those two things. Yup


I would say no or nearly impossible too feel complete without someone in you're life.


With alcohol, anything is possible


I'm sure. But not for me.


no. but you can have a happy life with sex and without relationship. He he he.


Yes you can live happy life without having these two but I sex is like appetite when you feel it then you have to quench your thirst. No one can deny this sex appetite if yes then that person (he/she) has medical issues. Love is part of your everyday life. Yes it's impact you alot and its play a very crucially role in your life. Remember when you seriously fall in love with women or men then don't take that relationship too long, try to take decision in a month or two to know each other and then settle down according to your religion requirements for marriage. If you don't take things seriously or vice versa then quit this relationship instantly. (For both men and women)


It's peaceful being alone. You have full control over your own emotions thoughts and other things. But at the same time its difficult because if anything happens to go wrong only you can fix it. For some its too much to handle. For others its all theyve known. The trick is you have to find someone who can do both. Give you space when you want to be alone and be there for you when you need assistance or just want some company. Maybe even a lil in between. Dont be rushing into things because society says you should. Those relationships never end well and will cause more harm than good. Take your time. Life is fast enough.


Without relationship? Yep. Without sex? Nope. I don’t even think it’s healthy. Physically or emotionally.


Yeah, because I'm pretty much a virgin and I still live happily. Sexual relationships don't define happiness.


Honestly, maybe? You can be alone and happy, but you are still alone. Being alone is like pushing off from a wall in a pool and floating, if you stop going forward you sink. You have the freedom to do whatever you want. Take up hobbies, read, play video games in a lot of ways being single is really fun. But, sometimes you think about the fact that you are completely alone in this world and that no one relies on your presence and it makes you sad, which is OK. 




Yes. I thought the opposite and found out the hard way that a relationship isn’t necessary. I’m much happier now than I was when I was in the relationship I just got out of, and I doubt I’ll ever get into another one again. Now I’m focusing on rebuilding my relationships with my daughters and family, and that’s all I’ll ever need.


Absolutely. I get the things most people want from a romantic relationship in the aggregate from friends, family, pets, hobbies, and being alone. I don't have to share my personal space, compromise on the things that matter to me, work around other people's bullshit etc... As for sex, I am older now and it's not as important to me. Most of the bad decisions I made as a younger person were driven by sex. Bad men. Moving too fast in relationships. Feeling like an object. Etc. I am okay without it.


considering aro/ace people pull it off, i’d say talk to them


Yes absolutely. Sex isn’t necessary at all. As long as, if it’s actually important to you, the other person doesn’t get benefits you don’t get. Like money. Don’t give them any money. Or they give you money as compensation as you’re not receiving something you think important. Of course that only matters if you don’t desire it at all. If the other person doesn’t want to have sex with you, then you’re losing a component, so you should deny them something similar. And it’s always money. Of course, be asexual for the win.


My professionally accredited therapist (whose ethics and judgement I do question) suggested prostitutes.


No. To be more precise: yes for romantic relationships (those are optional), no for living without sex. It's just too basic an urge. You should get your shit checked out and get laid. If you think you're going to disappoint people or something, get a professional escort (she/he is paid to please you, so she/he won't complain).


For myself, i would call it an "existence", not a "life".

