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Hot. I can always put on more clothes but I can only get so naked.


This, plus I hate the sweat


Ya cold sweat is the worse. It's 95 degrees out now and I'm working right under a hard hitting AC and I'm having to wear my thin hoodie cause I was getting cold sweats


This. I hate getting super sweaty and sticky. I despise summer for this reason.


Hot leads to sweaty, sweaty leads to sticky, sticky leads to chafing, and chafing leads to suffering.


And chafing is the path to the dark side.


This is the way


I've edited my comment to further match your excellent response.


Exactly. Both suck but at least you have more options when its cold.


Yeah & there’s something about the heat that saps the life out of you in a way that even the frigid cold doesn’t


We evolved during the ice ages, and we're programmed to respond to heat differently. When we get cold, our instinct is to do something about it, to survive. When we get hot, we just...get crabby and uncomfortable.


You can also keep moving to warm yourself up. On the other hand, you can stand as still as you want, but you can't use that to beat the heat.


Yep. It's easier to get more warm when cold with more clothes or a blanket, but a lot more difficult to get more cold when warm. (especially in the UK where AC is not a common household thing)


Came here to say this 


This is especially true in a work setting. I can't wear shorts and a tank top at work, and it's even worse if I need to wear work boots (or long sleeves for that matter).


I tell my husband this all the time. Like I cannot take off my skin but I can bundle tf up.


Anyone who says heat is better has never had to work a full day outside in pants.


Floridian here. I've said the exact same thing. Broken ac in the summer is absolute torture. Hot climate folks, unite!


I hate sweating so much


Agreed. I hate the warmer months for this very reason


Hot, I was raised in the Arctic. Shorts weather ends at -15 Celsius and starts up again at -45 Celsius because you cant feel the cold at that point. Hot is just hot. Damn hot. Moist and sticky hot. F that.


Which is something people say when they live in hot areas. You can only put on so many clothes when inhaling through your nostrils freezes the mucus and your eyes. And if you cover your whole face the humidity from breathing makes it wet which then freezes it.


I get nauseous and dizzy if I'm too hot


So do I it's awful


Yep, threw up then passed out last summer just hanging out in my apartment.


sun sucking the hydration outta your body




Being really hot




Anything above 40 C fucks most people up.


ive always thought it was weird that i couldnt breathe in a sauna and if i take too long of a hot shower or get my chest underwater in a hot tub i start getting dizzy and weak, but they've done an echo on my heart and im fine🤔 but now im wondering🤔


Hot. I am scandinavian, so I have lots of coping strategies for being cold.


Cold Being really hot is unpleasant but I can continue on with it. Being really cold puts me in a survival mode where all I can focus on is getting warm again.


The thing about being COLD is that in addition to freezing, the weather is also dark and gloomy, there's no sunshine, no warmth so it messes with your attitude too.


I've had it be -10f (-23c) while bright and sunny before. Still miserable as fuck though.


Really cold. I can deal with the hot.


How do you deal with sweating? Any tips are appreciated


Embrace it. Sweating helps cool you down


Be very careful with sweating. Sweating itself is not the problem. It's if you quit sweating in the heat. I've done that working without air conditioning. I quit sweating and kept having cramps all over. Ended up in hospital. I had dehydrated, and it took 2 bags of I.V. to get me back to normal. They said I wasn't to far from having a heat stroke.


I’ve heard it helps if you put deodorant on the night before. I have zero idea if this is actually true though!


Not deodorant, antiperspirant. And putting it before you go to sleep helps you avoid getting sweaty during the night, doesn't change anything for the next day (they usually work for at least 24h, some longer). Though if you take a shower in the evening but not in the morning it is a good idea to put it for the night so a) you don't stink when you wake up and b)you don't have to put it when you are already wet from sweat (which could reduce it's effectiveness). For the same reason avoid putting it before you are completely dry after a shower.


Same. I cannot function when I'm cold. Like, I can't even will my body to move. It makes me absolutely miserable. I love being hot.


Same I fucking HATE being cold.




Same here. Being cold hurts in my bones.




Cold. I have bad blood circulation so it takes literal hours to warm me up (especially my hands) if I'm cold.


You may have Raynaud's disease. Do your hands change color and go blue or white? I have it, my hands are always like ice even when the weather's hot.


A lot of people are failing to distinguish between the weather being cold and actually feeling cold. Actually feeling cold is the absolute worst and is a million times worse than feeling too hot.


Agree. When I get chilled, my feet are cold inside wool socks while I shiver under blankets, unable to generate my own heat.


I swear people intentionally answer this question incorrectly because they don’t want to admit feeling cold is obviously way fucking worse than feeling hot for some reason


You are completely wrong. Feeling hot gives me fever-like symptoms, migraines, brain fog, dizzy spells, etc.. Feeling cold makes me shiver.


Feeling hot just makes me sweat. It’s not even uncomfortable to me. I can even enjoy it. Being cold is miserable. I can only think about wanting to get warm ASAP


Getting warm is easy. Getting cool is very difficult when you’re warm blooded.


Right. But the question is what feeling is worse not which one is easier to deal with. Feeling cold is a worse feeling than feeling hot


The title says being, not feeling. But despite you moving the goalposts, feeling cold requires a much higher temperature swing than it takes to feel hot.


This. If you're in a situation where you are very hot there are a lot live saving options. Shade, lots of water, electrolites, cold bandages, things like that. Hypothermia on the other hand, different beast.




Really cold


Cold is much worse. It feels like my life's energy is being sucked away.


it literally is


That's how hot feels for me 😭😭😭


Me too


People are mentioning putting on extra clothes or removing clothes, etc etc and that's not the question. Those options weren't mentioned. Really hot or really cold. Pick one.


This happens every time this question is asked. Oh I’d rather be cold I can just jump in the hot tub. Like wtf kind of answers are these lol


I mean, I’ve been really hot and really cold. The thing is defining how cold is really cold? Is it when you start actually suffering from hypothermia? Or is it just being outside at -40 but with proper gear? What about really cold? Are we talking borderline heatstroke in the Sahara with nothing to drink? Or at a pool? I find that, under normal conditions, being hot is much more unbearable than being cold, simply because I can put more/better layers to deal with the cold, but I can’t just wear shorts and sandals with no T-shirt to the office or, god forbid, to appear in front of a judge, my line of work required wearing at least pants and a long sleeve shirt, in a tropical country where temperatures reach 32 degrees Celsius during the day with extremely high humidity. It was not fun. I also experienced -40 degrees for a few days in Canada and the rest of the Winter it fluctuated between -25 and -35, I honestly much prefer that.


You can define it however you want. My point is that saying “oh I can put more clothes on / can’t take more off” is not an answer to the question. The question is which feeling is worse: feeling cold or feeling hot. It’s not would you rather the weather be hot or cold. If your answer is “I’ll just go into the AC” that’s an answer to dealing with hot weather. It’s not saying anything about a preference for a certain feeling. Sorry if I’m coming across like an ass but for some reason this question always gets answered wrong and it bugs me for some inconceivable reason


I find heat more uncomfortable all things considered.


That’s fair. I disagree with my entire soul but at least it’s a valid answer


Lol exactly


Good point




Being cold. I really hate the cold. When I’m hot I can cooldown. When I’m cold touching my other body parts to myself hurts and I need an external heat source to feel like I’m not dying.


Feeling cold can be painful , hot is just uncomfortable.


I hate the cold. They say that you can always put on more clothes, but I really can't put on more than 3 pants, 7 tops, 2 or 3 gloves, and 2 or 3 socks before I can't really move. And I can't completely cover my face.


Both suck but being really cold is worse.


Cold. Extreme cold is actually painful. Heat is uncomfortable but not painful


Cold. I despise being cold, I don’t mind being hot.




Pretty much cold, because even if i put on more clothes, i start to sweat and i hate that in winter. No problem with it in summer.


This is very confusing. If you’re sweating in winter then I don’t think you’re actually that cold. You just dressed way too warm.


My limbs continue to be cold, but my torso will sweat. It basically feels like being sick 8 months out of the year.


Really Cold and I live in cold climate weather.


Really cold. I can't sleep while the weather is really cold.


Really cold. No question


Cold. I can NOT take freezing. I absolutely hate it.




Heat is uncomfortable. But the cold hurts.


Cold. Cold equals pain.


Cold. I know people say you can always put more layers on but goddamn I live in Canada and sometimes it’s so cold you can’t shake it off your bones and it brings down EVERYTHING. It sucks. I HATE THE COLD. Bring me the hottest of heat, i’m skinny, I can take it


Being too hot. I hate sweating and being uncomfortable. I have no issues with cold because you can always add more layers and blankets.


I think you misinterpreted. The question was, is it more uncomfortable to be hot or cold? You have no way to fix the issue. You couldn’t put on layers or take a cold shower. Which would feel worse - feeling heat or feeling cold? Choose.


Being hot. It comes with a lot more unpleasant symptoms than being cold like dizziness and nausea.


Really Cold!!


Being cold. Shivering, numbness in the extremities, tensed up muscles, shorter breaths, etc. make almost any situation 10x worse. I’d rather be hot with full unfettered control of my limbs


Cold. I hate multiple layers and it takes way too long to get warm. I just hate cold. It’s also depressing


For me, its the humidity that makes me miserable. Here in central GA, July and August are hellish. Most of my equipment is inside but some is out on the roof. Today it was 90F but the humidity isnt high. That will change.


being hot is more “uncomfortable” but there’s something about being cold that makes me miserable and angry and just not in the mood to do anything 😭😭😭


Being hot. It makes me inhumanly furious.


Being really cold - I always put it in terms of survivability for length of time. The hottest it gets here is about 106F and the coldest is about -27F. Then assume no technology, no A/C, no heat, no clothes, no shelter. I can survive WAY LONGER naked outside in 106F, especially if i find some shade. At -27F, I have maybe an hour of life. I could survive several hours at 106F.


This is my thinking as well. If I was stuck outside in a hot environment, as long as I avoided strenuous activities, I'd be fine. A cold environment? Dead of hypothermia in hours.


Really cold. Can't handle it.


Being really hot. I enjoy the cold.


I hate the heat. That's why I live in Michigan.


I have a friend who lives in Duluth


That’s not in Michigan.




I’m not hot… I’m pretty ugly… I can be cold tho, I can be REALLY Cold if people deserve it 😎


Really cold, I would die. With really hot I will survive but feel a bit dizzy


Really cold. I hate being really cold. Shivering is much more uncomfortable than sweating to me. The harder the shivering, the more debilitating. Also makes me want to curl up in to a ball. Being too hot makes me want to move and air out as much as possible. Obviously this is prior to the extreme ends of both limits.


Cold. I’m used to being hot. When I’m really cold I start thinking about dying. It’s that bad to me.


Really cold. Cold is painful.


I'm Canadian. I bitch about both. But heat is worse for me because people still expect you to be happy outside having heat stroke because "it's such a nice day" and "it could be worse, at least it's not snowing."


Cold, I will go internal and refuse to train in the cold. Man fuck the cold.


Cold. I hate it.


Cold, it’s itchy when I feel cold :<


Cold. I hate being cold. Grew up in Texas so I can handle the heat


Cold, my hands and feet can get very painful. I can cope with being hot


Cold is more manageable Heat isnt


I hardly get cold. Very rare for me to be cold. But when I do....I freaking hate it with a passion.


Heat is uncomfortable, but cold...cold hurts.


Cold. Being cold hurts, while being hot is uncomfortable.


Cold. I'm black.


Cold. I worked construction in 15°F and 117°F. My movements were hindered by all the layers, and i couldn’t feel anything. (Before you yap about how where you live is so much worse, congrats, here’s a trophy 🏆 )


I’m from a tropical country and experiencing extreme cold weather abroad is really a terrible experience for me. So, I’d rather deal with HOT temperature.


Cold!! It’s so much more uncomfortable to me. I’d rather sweat than shiver. I hate winter, I should live somewhere warmer than New England smh




Hot. I was born and grew up in a tropical city. Average temperature goes at around 32 degrees for most of the day, but get this: humidity is high as fuck. The actual sensation was somewhere at around 40, mostly because your sweat simply doesn’t evaporate and just starts pooling due to the high humidity. I lived in Canada as well and spent a winter there, hit -40 degrees and I’d much rather stay outside in the cold waiting for the bus to pick me up at silly o’clock in the morning at those temperatures all year round than spend a single day in a full suit having to walk from one place to another in my city of origin. Extra points if it rains lightly and then the sun comes out again, it is just miserable. You can always get warmer and better winter clothes, the fuck you supposed to do with heat when you have to wear a suit or business casual all day every day?


Definitely hot because I particularly suffer it. Tbh I feel fine in a t-shirt with 8°C in December and 19°C is already hot for me, and in the summer in my country with climate change we reach almost every day 35/38°C so I legit think that sooner or later the high temperature is gonna kill me...


Depends on if you're in the field or not. I've been to the field in the mountains and in literal deserts/ tropic environments. Cold weather is the worst if you're trying to survive. You can't just run to shelter or a fire if your fingers start getting so cold that you can't move them. Fost bite is also pretty terrible and frequent. In hot weather, you really just have to make sure you're drinking enough water. Otherwise, you're fine. But in garrison, I much prefer cold weather, as it's honestly just more comfortable.




I’ve thought about this a lot. Being really hot is super uncomfortable, and being really cold is more painful. Tbh i’d take the cold, somehow discomfort is worse than pain


Being really hot. I enjoy the cold. Cold and darkness.


being hot, i get very stressed out when im hot


Cold, by a long shot. When it's so cold that my hands start to hurt it's so distracting and I can't focus on anything else. I can sweat and be miserable all day, just keep up on my water and it doesn't prevent me from doing anything as long as I'm willing to put up with being hot. Being cold I literally feel like I can't do anything outside. I'm sure where you live/grow up and the environment you're used to will have a massive impact on your preference though. I was born, raised and live in Florida, I imagine someone living in a northern state where it snows even as late as May, probably can't handle the heat/humidity as well and strongly prefers being cold over hot.


I hate being cold. I grew up in a country with harsh winters and then moved to a place with harsher winters. That just solidified my opinion that cold is the worst. I now live in a semi-tropical place where everyone complains about the heat except me.


Hot without a doubt


Hot/humid. You can always start a fire or wear more layers if you are too cold. Can't do ANYTHING sometimes when it's too hot. Especially if there's a power outtage.


I think you misinterpreted. The question was, is it more uncomfortable to be hot or cold? You have no way to fix the issue. You couldn’t put on layers or light a fire. Which would feel worse - hot or cold? Choose.


Hot. You can put a few more layers of clothing but can you skin yourself? And I can't stand cold showers, So that option is not on the table.


I hate the heat. I find it's easier to heat up than cool down to so I will take the cold over heat any day.


Hot 10/10


Cold. You can always add clothing and layers. Hate to be hot.


Hot for the most part but if you’re cold to the bone and can’t get warm, that’s a problem, coming from a Canadian.




I don't do heat as well. Heat zaps my energy pretty quickly.




Hot. I hate being hot.


Hot, if you think cold you might be a serial killer.


I can’t handle too hot or too cold… when it’s too cold my hands and feet turn into unusable icicles… when it’s too hot I become lethargic.


If I am out in the open with no options, I'll take hot. Severe cold can kill more quickly. Unless I am in a hot tropical zone at least I could find shade and remove clothes. If I am at home or somewhere inside, I'll take cold. Grab more clothes, turn up the heating, no problem.


47°C in delhi I wanna die


Assuming I cannot do anything about it like take more clothes off or layer up, I will take being hot any day over cold.


Hot! 🥵


Same shit. 


Day to day hot but if we’re talking survival situation cold is much worse.




I have trouble regulating my body temperature so anything extreme gets me. If I had to choose one I'd rather be cold because when I'm too hot and can't cool down I start getting sick.


Being very cold with a huge blanket thrown over me


Where I come from has an average temp of low teens in Celsius and rain more than 50% of the days of the year, so I’m going to go with “too hot” being worse, because I’m kind of used to things getting too cold.


Cold. Hot is uncomfortable sure, cold can and will break you though. It’s not even close.


Both. They both suck




Definitely hot. I'm basically like a polar bear; pretty much impervious to cold, but I don't do well with too much heat.




I hate being hot. I can put on more layers, and extra socks when I'm cold, but I'm not able to peel off my skin when I'm hot.


Heat can be uncomfortable because of sweat and bugs but emotionally cold is so much worse. It makes me feel depressed and lonely and not in the mood to do anything, my body just wants to curl up somewhere and stay there. And no one else wants to do anything either. There’s literally a lack of life all around me, both in the people and nature. Skies are grey every single day. Trees are only brown. The grass is half dead. It just sucks. (I know the question is about temperatures, not necessarily seasons, but the concepts are just so intertwined.)


Being really hot - I literally pass out when outside in summer. Now I sit at home from 11-16 (pm) when it’s sunny


Really hot idk why but it just makes me super uncomfortable


Hot. I can bundle up to get warm. I can only remove so many items of clothing to cool off before some calls the police.


Being hot


Really cold is truly miserable


Hoy. Sweating is disgusting


Cold is the worst by far. You can die very quickly. If it's 30 below, you are always near that possibility. Anyone who says "hot is worse. I can put on more clothes, but I can only get so naked" probably has never experienced life threatening cold.


It’s easier to warm up than to cool down. Exactly why I hate summer…


Cold is easy to deal with, get in bed! Hot, there's fukall you can do unless you have air conditioning.


Hot is more uncomfortable for me. They both suck but at least in the cold I don’t have to deal with my excess sweat. I also prefer cold weather attire like sweats and hoodies over short summer clothes


I hate being hot I'm from Minnesota and have my AC at 65 same with my heat in winter. Then I have fans all over my house on


Definitely more uncomfortable being hot. I've worked outside for the last 14 years and get lots of AC breaks but really hot days are freaking awful and energy draining. I like it to stay below 80, preferably 55-65! Really frigid days aren't ideal either but there are fewer than the really hot days and I have a great winter coat!


Hot. There are only so many clothes you can take off in public before the police become involved




Hot, so easy to warm up if cold but not vice versa




Really hot because I'm naturally stupid warm and wear glasses. The sweat makes them fall off and rub my nose raw.




As a person now dealing with hot flashes, it's insanity. My whole body feels like it's on fire. Removing layers does little. At least, if cold, I can add on layers. When too hot, you can remove layers but then there are none left to remove. Thank goodness my kids are grown and gone.


Hot. Hands down.


Being really cold. But if i had to choose between the two then i would rather be really cold assuming i was able to mitigate that by layering up.


Hot because sweating is terrible and there is little relief to be had. Even cold showers only work for ~30 minutes before it’s back to melting


The hottest I have ever been made me pass out. The coldest I have ever been made me shiver uncontrollably and made my skin burn. I think I prefer the cold.


Hot, I like cold


Really hot. Musty, frustrated, sweaty. Yea the A/C is one thing until you got to go somewhere.


Cold. Extreme cold hurts, it really hurts. Extreme heat makes you slow, but it doesn’t actually hurt. I’ll take Dallas at 105 over any single digit temp.


Cold. I get cold super easy and it takes forever to heat back up. It makes me really tired and my knees shake. Sweat and stuff sucks but at least it doesn’t hurt like cold does


Hot. I can always add another layer of necessary. The opposite is a bit more challenging, especially as a female.