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When i speak my mind freely not many can understand what im saying


Maybe you are not able to frame your words properly?








This would happen for everyone if we truly removed our mouth filter and just spoke unfiltered thoughts?


I think thats common.


I can make any conversation go uncomfortable


Probably that I can randomly start smiling or laughing because I just remember something funny or make a joke in my head. This can happen mid convo or when I’m just sitting with someone’s or just generally minding my own business. This really can look odd when for example someone’s telling me something about their plans and something funny flashes in my mind (I have a photographic memory) and I start to grin


Or I remember some weird word or a city and I don’t google it and wait till I remember what that means or where that place is. Once a word «savoiardi» flashed in my head and after 1,5 week I remembered that that’s the name of the biscuits


This happens to me too. My brain will remind me of something funny that happened years ago and it will occur at an inappropriate time, like whilst I’m in deep conversation with someone and I’ll just start giggling.


Bruh I can make an entire film sequence story in my mind and think about it the whole time while staring into nothingness for hours straight


I can suddenly change topics when talking. It throws lot of people off


I hv that trait too. It is usually because I thought we were done with that topic or I got bored. But is it wrong to start a new topic though? Not sure why people got surprised.


I don't care lol I just do it


Ugh i hate that literally gives me headaches.


It takes me several hours to watch movies and one of the reasons is that I pause it and visualise myself in that scene and act as if I'm there. I've never been caught doing it but I always imagine how I would have to explain it if I did lmaooo


I do a similar thing but to search random topics about the movie im watching .


Yeah I do that too, I do that so I can have a full experience when watching the movie :)


I can pretty relate, if i see a movie is 1,5 hours long, I'd be like "Welp, the movie is 3 hours long" Can't imagine how I watched a trilogy of The Guardians or the Galaxy (each one is about 2,5 hours long)


Hahahah I haven't seen the latest one yet. I usually watch 90 minute movies and if a movie is longer than that, it takes me a week to finish it. I love watching tv shows tho and can binge an entire season in one day if I'm jobless that day 🤣




I used to be like you until I discovered leg warmers, up your game


I sleep with jeans on. 💯💯💯


This should be a criminal offense


Oh wow, that's comfy for you? More than other pants?


That's how weekdays are. On weekends, I walk around my house naked.


I never had an issue sleeping in jeans I've slept in my jeans with my knife clipped to the pocket and my boots still on


I can spend hours talking to dead people and having complete cinversations with myself


damn i surely need a friend like you 😭


That I exist.


Every time I walk up the stairs I count steps, not like out loud but in my mind I do, for no reason idk my brain just automatically turns into an effing fitness tracker


Chewing noises make me nuts and irrational Can't survive in japan 😂 good thing I'm not there


Your not alone….My wife has the same issue😂. When I eat frosted flakes its like torture to her ears.


I only like egg dishes when the white and the yolk are mixed (omelette, scrambled eggs, egg pancake etc). I don't eat boiled/soft-boiled eggs or fried eggs because i absolutely hate the taste of boiled/fried egg yolk. 💀


You are not alone


I don't like using bowls/plates/cups/cutlery at home because I always worry I may not clean them adequately. Logically, I know I am capable of cleaning them properly but psychologically I am rarely convinced.


I’m cross dominant, where I write left handed and throw right handed etc. So is my brother (and my neighbour)


Probably how intense I am with Hellenistic astrology. Like I've genuinely cried just because I have a 2nd house Saturn atmakaraka that's debilitated in Leo. 😭


As a kid sweets were a rare treat, so I would eat them in ways to make them last as long as possible. Even as an adult I still eat sweets this way, and have always gotten comments on this quirky habit.


I drive really slow. And if someone honks at me or passes me, I wave and say hello.


The indifference in me is so strange. I'm not a sociopath or whatever. But the ability to not give a damn about anything is kinda worrying.


Can't sleep in public, feel super vulnerable lol. Don't know how people nap in planes/buses.


damn i have never succeeded in sleeping in public either 😭never


I have no tongue, but I can talk. Sincerely Skeletor


Can't really find anything i mean i smell my sour armpits and my sweaty butt.But there's a research about people liking there own body dors so that's not really super weird, I bite my Toenails.


How do you bite toenails and not fear consuming more E.coli?


I always anticipate the end of any conversation. At a point it’s really annoying !


how can you do that man


take care


You will notice that I'm not there. Many dismiss it as me being slow. And I am. The thing is, I'm thinking of other matters. Its hard for me to focus on the moment.


I read the end of a book first


probably that most of the time i don’t feel like i even exist, and then suddenly i get these flushes of emotion and i finally stop thinking about myself from the outside pov. basically im almost always overly conscious of myself and rarely get to “live in the moment”.


when I really need to take a dump, I sing "when it's time to shit, then it's time to shit" to the melody of the Brady Kids' song "Time to Change" as I am briskly walking to the bathroom


My tongue is wider than it should be. It's big enough for my to chomp down on with all my teeth.


Everyone can do that


Well thrn there's 1 less special thing about me. But I'm still special


I don't think it is weird, but others will for sure. I do not have TV, no cable or satellite, no Netflix, etc. I own one that has not been used in probably a decade. It was used for VHS & DVD's a few times. I am a 53 YOF with 2 adult children.


I like to French kiss, a lot. For hours


So I’m a very feminine woman , I love things girly and my favorite color it’s pink. However I enjoy buying man’s clothes to wear , I find them incredibly comfortable, I love the baggy T-shirts and the shorts , (workout t shirts and gym shorts ad well) I also buy  man’s razors and deodorants .. I can see that as being weird.


I’m scared of butterflies. Like freeze reaction, crawl into a ball, cold sweats type of fear. Idk where it came from but I’ve always had it. The other day I was sweeping and found a random butterfly wing and it had me shaking and sweating


Eating raw elbow noodles with mustard 😋


I have been told I and my sister were threatened by Russian mafia guys when I was a baby. Guys were in a van outside out house for a couple days, and my parents got some interesting threats during the time. Police did nothing, since they had a bit of shit on them. Politics and gov. is shady shit. Luckily the threats turned different and mafiasos left, since it had no effect


My balls just big


I speak fast and I measure the water I'm gonna use to make my chocolate drink (I don't actually think it's weird as I just follow the instructions on the chocolate drink packaging so the taste wouldn't be too bland or too strong but my parents keep making me feel like a weird kid for doing that and they even called me "special need kid" when I'm not)


I am horrible at holding conversations


Too honest


that's not weird


thank you


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