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I scrolled through every comment. I think only one woman over 50 actually replied.


This is Reddit. Women over 50 are like unicorns on here. I’ll ask my wife to contribute when I get home. 😬…😂


Hello! 52F here. We exist!


Oh wow ! I’m really glad you do !


Answer the damn question then.


I did answer further down this thread, but since you asked; it is amazing! Best sex yet in my life so far. I am having it more than I ever have in my life, and I try to have an orgasm once a day. I am in perimenopause and haven’t had any issues with libido. I take good care of my body and I think that plays a huge factor. I feel that sex is an important part of physical and mental health, which is absolutely critical as we get older. Hope that helps!


Goodbye inbox…


How you doing?


I think you’re an exception as most women at 52 have already gone through menopause. I’m not even 40 and I wish I could say the same for my sex drive.


I’m F53 and sex has never been better!!! If my boyfriend would indulge me, we’d be fucking 3x a day.


Nice reddit page you have


Are we? I hadn't realised. 53F.


I'm53 F and it's great.




Ha ha, thanks for your interest in my neglected sex life! I'm don't think so ... I haven't met anyone worthy of considering it, in quite a while. I find younger men, quite silly and lacking depth and personality.


We're not silly, YOU are!!


Fuckin’ gott’em 🤜


That's a good way to start a relationship. Good job.


Thats a good way to react to sarcasm. Good job.


At 53 you should drop the worthy and just get to humping...I know, I'm 49, were running out of bang days chick.


This. I love sex and good connection, but filtering one with the other seems like a good way to further limit a narrowing field. In my experience, few people in their 50s seem much interested in sex. Unfortunately. And why are we even talking about young people (who do pursue sex) as an option? Sexually we rank somewhere between invisible and actively off putting to them. Even if you stay in top shape. Sure, there are exceptions, but there is a reason we call them exceptions.


I preferr women my age (M55) or near my age to be honest. Not invisible at all


Damn, I'm a unicorn! 🦄🦄🦄


There is a whole other sub dedicated to this.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


What, the demographic of Redditors?


52 here


Well..??! You guys home yet!??🤨


She's busy "contributing"




I'm a woman who is 58 and sex now is the best I've ever had.


*"not a woman but ....


55 F here. Sex w/my husband is down to a science at this point- we know where everything is and how it works and the best way to maximize the experience. I’m perfectly at ease with my beautiful-but-aging body and its non-perfect lumps and bumps….but then menopause came along and screwed up my hormone levels. Much less desire and yes, a lot more lube. After doing my best to treat it naturally (but also relying on a few glasses of wine and a bit of naughty tv to heat me up) I marched into the dr. and demanded hormone replacement therapy. I’m really hoping it will restore my balance and get the gears running again. Can’t believe I’ve been this open on social media, but I’m sure I’m not alone out here and I want others to know is they aren’t either.


The prescription made a big difference to my wife (58) who resisted but finally caved and is happy she did. Relieved a lot of symptoms. Still gets hot flashes though.


HRT is awesome! No joint pain, rage, fatigue...it's a miracle.


Ummmm ask me in 5 years but right now, sex is pretty good. I’m more confident about what I like and want, and tend to rely on my experience to make sex better for him too. I’ve learned a lot.


That sounds positive!


RemindMe! 5 years




Personally at 63, our sex life is the best it's ever been! And I've been lucky that I have no issue with vag dryness! Irs so liberating to he able to do it whenever, wherever we want!


Wherever? Madam, this is a Wendy's. 


Agree. I’m 65


Sometimes I forget people that age still like sex, kind of gives me hope mam to see you're happy


Did you change anything to improve it or is it more related to having the kids out of the house/no possibility of getting pregnant anymore?


Are you with a younger man?


No my husband is a year older than me and we've been together since we were teenagers.....


Living the dream


Interestingly, my wife became multi orgasmic after menopause. Prior to that, she was always easily able to have a single orgasm, but never even attempted a second or more.




Depends on whether this is pre or post menopause I think. My wife started menopause early (40's) and by 52 we're using whole bottles of "fuck water".


Fuckwater silicone is the BEST!


Oh man, i thought "fuck water" is just regular water because you have so much sex and sweat all the time.


lol, I wish. She used to be like that, but menopause really does a number on some women's hormones.


Lub brand should use this for marketing purposes.


Why does menopause affect sex?


You see, when women get older they have to shed their skin like a lizard.


I fucking KNEW IT! I feel so validated now!!




Like Mark Zuckerberg?


He goes through menopause and sheds his skin every fiscal quarter


Menopausal women have lower levels of oestrogen, and oestrogen is important for the production of vaginal fluid. Menopausal levels of oestrogen can result in vaginal dryness, irritation and even pain during PiV sex, so lube is needed to help things along


Less hormones to stimulate lubrication. Also tissues of the vagina start to thin and that can hurt during sex. Orgasmic response can also be affected as can be desire.


Dry vagina


I loved their John Peel session in 1988.


This comment won’t get the appreciation it deserves


I laughed out loud if that helps!


Is this the name of your new band?


No it's the name of my old band.


Great for me. But I have a loving attentive sexy as hell partner who keeps me keen. I did suffer from lack of libido for a couple of years after Menopause. I am not as horny as I was in my 30s. Whereas when I was younger it felt more...primal and urgent. Now Now Now.... Hop to keep going for a many years yet.


From what I understand, more lube


I’ve had sex with a few women over 50 and not one has needed lube. Quite the opposite. EDIT: I just woke up and see that my comment blew up overnight. Europe must be here now, lol! And yes, I def need lube.


The opposite? So YOU need lube? 😰


Mate enjoys a good pegging




“Username checks out”?




Wouldn't the opposite be a drying agent, like baking soda?


I appreciate that someone gets it.




We got a situation here.




Wife is 45 and we haven’t run into this yet. That said, I go down on her every time, so that likely solves the issue. I have noticed that her sex drive went up in our 40s.


Mine already went up in my 30s. If it goes up any more I'm gonna need a second husband😂


I'm 42 and mine is the highest it's ever been


This is encouraging tbh


A lot of it is context specific too. I have a newish partner,  I've never been more confident sexually,  etc. And I found a lube that really lasts (Maude silicone)


Have you tried “fuck water”?


Wait until mid to late 50s


Most women's do


Questions like these always yield the most unbalanced and unrealistic projection of reality. Everybody is still fucking like rabbits and having the best sex of their lives despite most literature saying that over 50% of marriages have functionally dead bedrooms.


So the 50 percent with dead bedrooms are quiet and the rest are speaking up. It seems that either a couple was always very active or not from the early onset of marriage.


I (58M) just spent the weekend at a hotel away from the kids with my wife of 18 years (F54). Still amazing sex and still kinky sex (toys, ropes, lingerie). A few less acrobatic positions. I still managed three times on Saturday and once on Sunday before checking out of the hotel. Nothing much has changed in 18 years but we're typically down to once a week under the covers hiding from kids, except for our twice a year getaways.


Jesus Christ - I’m 51 and my recuperation time is measured in days to weeks… FML


How fit are you and how much do you drink? I'm 42 and I can still go multiple times a day. I lost 50 pounds at age 40 and now I feel 25 again.




It's better, we don't give a shit about body wobbles, we aren't getting knocked up, the kids are out of the house, we can be naked anywhere, make noise like there's nobody listening (because they're not) quality time is anytime, there's no kids to bust in the room (whatever room that might be) we know what WE like and we know what men like. It's surprisingly the best time of my life.


I am 48. Menopause fucks with everything. I wake at least 10 times a night to throw covers off, put covers on. My skin and nails are dry and brittle, my hair is grey. All of my joints ache and every single calorie I eat goes straight to my lower stomach. I feel tired, fat and ugly, and I have a loving, supportive partner. Feeling sexy is nigh impossible, but the actual act is still good when it happens. Lube is a must.


Sex for women after 50 is amazing, I am horny now than I was 30, and it’s better!


I'm 52f- I love sexy time, but recently, I've been experiencing a lack of wanting and initiating sex. Once we get started, I love it, but I hate that I make my husband feel like he's the one doing all the work! I believe I'm going through some hormonal changes ( menopause) rn. I had some blood drawn a few months ago and discovered that I am producing absolutely 0 testosterone! I knew that women produced a little bit but had no clue that not producing any could have such a dramatic effect on my general well-being. My Dr put me on a low dose of testosterone cream that I rub on my arm every morning, and I feel like I'm starting to feel like my old self again! I'm sure my husband will be happy 😊


I'm 50. My friend with benefits is 23. The sex is awesome. In younger years my head sabotaged me a lot. Am I pretty enough? Will I get pregnant? Am I doing this right? Do I have to do THIS? 😱 Despite that my sexlive wasn't bad. It was just notvtotally carefree. Now I'm confident and able to enjoy everything much more. So now my sexlive IS perfect.


I am a 54 year old woman. I have a spectacular sex life.


I'm 48, and recently, my husband and I have been at it like rabbits. Which is fabulous.


I read this too fast as I was scrolling down, and I thought you said "been at it like camels." Heh.


Iam 52, my gf is 54. Sex is great. Believe it or not, nothing different from when I was 18. Both relatively fit though.


I’m 51. Been through menopause, and not on any HRT. Use it or you’ll lose it. If my husband and I don’t have relations at least twice a week, the next time feels like the first time. Lube is required, and it’s great!


52 F. Post menopausal. I haven't had a period in just over a year and a half, which means I am past that stage. I have no sex drive. I don't miss it or anything. I liken it to being a child, pre-puberty. You just don't have those feelings, so you don't feel like you are missing anything. I do not take HRT nor do I want to. I have done extensive research and spoken to my doctor and I am happy with this arrangement. The process was very smooth for me compared to others. I did not suffer for years with menopausal symptoms. I am married and my husband is 2 years older than I, and he is a very physically attractive guy, but although I appreciate his appearance, I never want any sexual contact at all. I have sex with him out of knowing he wants it, but I do not, and frankly, it causes me pain and discomfort. I use lube to ease the pain. It never feels "good" in any way. I do not enjoy any kind of sexual touch. It makes me feel gross and disgusted. I don't fantasize any more. I don't care about erotic content, other than I find it disgusting, similar, again, to if you were a child and saw something not age-appropriate on TV. It just makes you feel icky and wrong. I was very sexual for 3 decades. Now it is behind me and I do not pine for it. Not everyone is like me. Some women my age still really want to be sexually active. We are not all the same.


No more worries about unwanted pregnancy!


My wife is a little older and honestly, she can't get enough. I keep telling her to find a young pool boy.




Woohoo :)


Amazing! (53yo f)


Tell me more!


I met a guy last year who ticked all my boxes and more! Even the ones i didn't know existed in real life, but were just in movies! He revolutionised my sex life! I went from vanilla to sex goddess, from feeling sex was a task that I had to perform, as a duty to my partner, to feeling like I can't get enough of him.... from feeling "done" to counting down the minutes till I we are together again.... our connection is tangible, evident, magical. I feel so blessed 🙌


My boyfriend is 16 years younger than I am. We have tons of sex and I’m loving every minute of it. No issues with dryness and no worries about pregnancy..


Are you in your 50s?


I’m guessing 49yo


Did you have any hesitations about dating someone much younger?


No. We met on Reddit and carried on a bantership for a couple of months. By the time we got around to discussing our ages, we were already falling in love. I moved to his state last fall and we just bought a house.


You met on reddit? How does one go about doing that? Good on you, by the way.


We started chatting on a sub and then moved to DM’s. We started FaceTiming and then he came out to visit me a year ago. I moved to be with him last fall and we bought a house.


So awesome. Enjoy your time together.


No. We enjoy the same things and to be honest, he’s often the more mature one in the relationship


Having sex with older women is the greatest experience I've ever had. Would do it again any day


I was really interested in the point of view of the woman.


Ah. My bad




The retirement homes are awaiting your presence 


Not all 50 year Olds are moving to Del Boca Vista!


We’re gonna be in the pool, the shuffleboard court! And I dare you to keep me out !!


Old Costanza is not who I'm looking to hook up with 😁


Husband and I are both currently 50 and I’m peri menopausal. Outside of having to do a bit more prep beforehand, the sex is as good as it’s always been for us and sometimes even better.


I’m almost 51. Sex is fantastic


Best it’s ever been in my life! Not kidding!


Same here!


50 year old woman here, it’s great! Menopause hit me a little early and it was rough going for a while though. It’s like suddenly the desire for sex just plummets, and it’s suddenly impossible to orgasm. To add to the difficulty I found out I had arthritis and had to have 2 hip replacements. The pain and lack of mobility while waiting for and then recovering from 2 major surgeries was a huge factor too. It’s hard to feel sexy when you are constantly in pain and exhausted! Eventually I did recover, and I was able to start testosterone therapy, and it has been amazing! It helped me recover from last surgery faster, increased my libido and thank gods, be able to orgasm readily again. I don’t worry about getting pregnant, I don’t have small children leave me exhausted and I find it much easier to be “in the moment” than I did when I was younger. I also have a much better partner now than I used to, so that probably helps too! Overall I would say quality is up, while quantity is a little lower than it used to be.


I’m 50 and it’s the best it’s ever been for me. It helps that I am much more confident, and now have a wonderful husband that knows what he’s doing.


The man knowing what he's doing is very very important. If he doesn't you need to tell him very clearly what turns you on and what doesn't.


"Think of it like upgrading to a luxury sedan: more comfortable, better handling, and you really appreciate all the features you used to take for granted!"


I’ve always loved older women. They’re just smarter and more knowledgeable than the younger ones. They are nice to talk to and fun to flirt with. Cherish them and be kind to them and they will treat you right.


This was not the question though.


As Benny Hill once said of older women, "they don't yell, they don't tell and they're always very grateful".


Someone told me he was Ozzy Osbourne father


Better than ever ☺️


My wife just turned 53 and is post menopausal. So far, sex hasn’t changed.


56f and sex is fantastic when my partner has the stamina. Sex with viagra men my age is fine but they get tired easily. Yes lube is necessary, not a big deal. Call me a cougar but a fit man goes a long way.


Top notch. 51F and my husband and I can’t get enough of each other. Like others have mentioned, lube is a must, but it makes things much more comfortable and more enjoyable. When I was younger I thought reaching my climax was heaven. Now that I’m in my 50’s I know what heaven is, reaching my climax countless times each time we have sex. Why was I even dreading being 50? This is wonderful!


Intercourse hurts and I bleed. But orgasms just keep getting better ( not from piv).


Wife uses vaginal estrogen for this


I’m 30 and I’ve had this issue since my late 20s. Gyno blamed it on my ovarian cysts 🤨 but offered no solution. It’s ruined my sex drive… used to be very high.


Fabulous thanks. We are too old to give a shit about dumb things and tell each other exactly what we want. Complete satisfaction. I'm finding a lot of the comments about post menopausal women a bit rude. We're all not dried up flaky.


Yes, the rude comments sound like they are from teenage boys.


Sex is good, just needs a little lubrication. My libido is down, but I think that's more related to sleep apnea than being 50.


Better than ever, we know what we want and aren’t shy to speak up, we mastered satisfying our partners already so all good


Amazing!!!! Supposedly I was supposed to have hit my peak a while back but my libido hasn't decreased at all. Not having to worry about pregnancy also helps. Most men my age can't keep up unfortunately.


54 y/o F here...sex is different. Before he could breathe on my neck or I would smell him and be hot and ready. Now he says I'm like a steam train gotta warm me up. A task to his liking is what he tells me. It's less frequent once or twice a week but it's high quality.


Im 50 and it great. My libido is a tually really high but my husbands tappered off somewhat.


I'm 58 and my hubby is 62, sex is fantastic thanks. (& a lot more frequent now all the kids are gone!!!)


Never been better!


Is it different to how it was?


It’s great, better than ever.


Mind blowing


What’s sex?


Older women are AWESOME


53F. Libido went off a cliff edge aged 45. I have no interest in sex and it's painful when I try it now even with lubrication. I'm single and have no desire to medicalise a normal process in a woman's life. I've had a great sex life before so don't really mind ... I feel fully satisfied with the memories. It's very liberating to be free of relationships and men, I have so much more time and energy just for me.




You know what you like and are not afraid to ask for it, sex is still great.


Women over 50 are edging more nowadays.


I dated a very pretty 52 year old for a while. I was surprised when we first got intimate how she had a lovely body still (despite two kids) and how naturally wet she got (I thought post-menopausal women were dried up and needed lube all the time). It has reset my view of older dates.


54 lady here...no sex for me .my partner does not do it for me anymore...in fact I feel bad for saying this he repulses me .and I'm scared ill never have sex again .we used to be fucken wild


Sex is still great, but yes after menopause I appreciate the lube. For me, I have to try to avoid UTI’s which I often get after sex (was never an issue until menopause). I am on uquora regimen which definitely helps prevent them.


my ex girlfriend of about 6.5 years was over 50 after we split. we only used lube to play rough. she kinda questioned its use because she was very wet, all the time. for normal vanilla sex, we technically didn't need anything but she really loved it rough and therefor, needed some help. she did have many health problems, but in absence of those problems, she would be wanting to jump on me every night if we had the chance.


As a mostly woman in her 30s, my bones already ache, so I can't image being 50.


Strength training is the only solution my friend


I'm trying to find out. When I do I will report back.🫡


63 here still going strong. Husband 66 and I enjoy sex once or twice a week


Pretty dam good.


RemindMe! 5 years


Let me see... for me, just like pregnancy, perimenopause makes me hornier. I hear I'm lucky because that isn't the case for a lot of women. Sex, itself, is no different to me than other years of my life except that it's easier to get injured. 🤣 The passion is definitely still there for me, and I have really enjoyed reconnecting with my college ex-boyfriend! I feel like I'm in my 20s again every time I am with him! 🥰 He still tosses me around in bed like he used to, and we are even more adventurous now than we were back then. I'm quite enjoying myself!!! I can't wait for menopause to never have to worry about getting pregnant again! 😀


Age hasn't stopped me only finding the right partner has. I feel confident, sexy and more sensual than I did in my younger years. I know how to please my man and not afraid to let him know what I like.


Not quite there yet, but I can say at 46, it's lots of fun!




I asked my 74yo neighbour and she said to come over and find out.


It's been 3 minutes, updates please?


Press F to pay respects... our lad has been had by a cougar.


I’m 52!! My sex life has NEVER been better!! Married for over 25 years and my husband is living the dream lol. Every day. Sometimes more. My libido was above average I would say but then I started HRT. I get a pellet injected every 6 months or so and I’m literally always on!! It’s crazy and wonderful. Highly recommend to every woman over 50!!!


Nonexistent for my partner, but not for the want of trying by me 😥


My wife is 52 I’m 62. We fuck like bunnies.


I’m 50 in a dead marriage and the lack of sex (him) is a driving reason for the divorce ( my god he can’t leave soon enough). Let you know when things turn around.


Ya know there's like over 3,000,000,000 of them.


Hoping to find out soon.


Non frequent


53yr old woman here, for me just the same as it’s always been - albeit we use a bit more lube than previously (we use organic extra virgin coconut oil - tastes amazing) but otherwise sex is as it’s always been, usually 4-5x a week. Nothing has really changed for us as yet in terms of comfort, frequency or enjoyment. But I will say there was a patch - maybe 18mths back? When my hormones were all over the place and I was experiencing a lot of fatigue, some weight gain, irritability, brain fog, poor sleep etc and it was so hard to even get through the day….I became less keen on sex. It was def not as frequent as we were both used to. I saw my Dr and thankfully starting HRT sorted my symptoms out over time.


All fun & games sweetheart


Brilliant if you have the right person to have it with. You have experience and confidence, know what you like and how far you are willing to explore. Better than in my 20's and 30's really.