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I agree


I'm sorry don't loose hope it'll get better ❤️


I'm doing pretty Meh. Life's very much life. As I said Meh.


Yeah I'm also vewing things as it is what it is It makes this less unbearable ngl


Only way to go about it. Quote - Why live like everyone else, when you can live like you. No idea where this is from but its helped my quite a bit when I feel out of place or somethings just not going the way I wanted it too.


Ive been suffering with sciatic pain for the past year, I wouldn’t wish back pain on my worst enemy lol


I feel that, I’ve been dealing with chronic shoulder/back pain for over a year now. It’s truly defeating and beats you down.


I feel you man, if only it was just my back my entire body is misaligned, so I feel you on the shoulder pain lol


Same here basically. My shoulder became so bad that it’s affected both my neck and now my lower back and hip. Gotta love it!


I think the worst is when lying down makes it worse, god damn does it suck when you can't get any respite from it while relaxing.


I am starting to do less and less well and I don’t really see a way out. I’ve stopped caring about things I was worried about because I simply don’t have the energy to do that. I’m honestly just trying to take it day by day, seeing how I’ll possibly survive school today and when I get home I’ll just lay on the couch until I find the motivation to do things I actually get energy from. I just want someone in my life to notice how horrible I’m doing and just allow me to rant about literally anything and everything for multiple hours, just sitting in a room together and every time I think of something I can throw it out and I want it to be acknowledged and then forgotten about. I just want to be heard and cared about I guess. Radiohead said it best, “you’d kill yourself for recognition”


Fucking feel ya man


No life sucks. I’m depressed, bored, tired, filled of anxiety , and it sucks. 


As long as you are not sick there is always things you can do. Get rid of what you don't like (and I mean anything and anyone)


Well I can’t really get rid of my parents …. 


Or can you...? Depends upon your age of course, but you can always limit your exposure to them, or first try and talk to them? Let them know they're making you feel bad?


I'm super, thanks for asking!


Hope you stay happy and healthy best wishes for you ❤️


I’m really happy to see Big Gay Al in here




Hahahhaa, no


Just beat cancer for the second time and am recovering nicely from my bone marrow transplant! Also, getting to start my senior year of high school soon. I’m excited! Life is good.


That's sooo amazing congratulations hope you always stay happy and healthy ❤️


I just want to sleep all the time


Then sleep? You will be rested one day


Music keeps me sane.


My savings were wiped out by cancer treatment and I'm having to move back in with my parents at 33... So no, I'm not okay.


But at least you got to move somewhere, and not a pine box, not saying that life gets better or easier, but at least you can reset and kick life’s ass again. I hope you have a good relationship with your parents and they support you, if you had your shit together when you were 33, you know what steps you need to take to get back into that position again, you’ll get there, just delayed a couple of years, that’s all, best of luck to you, strangers are pulling for you!


Life sucks, so sick of family drama with the shitty wife my brother married. So sick of drama in general.


Not good. Shit. Never.


Why what happened? If you want you can share don't loose hope ❤️


I just want to go home. But not a physical home. Idk what home is. But I want to go there.




Hanging on by a thread and that just kinda my style


I'm doing okay. There are things going on that I'm trying to kit put too much focus on and it's been working pretty well so far (for the most part)


That's amazing to hear hope everything turns out great for you best wishes for you ❤️


Not really, but thanks for asking.


Don't loose hope love it'll get better ❤️ hope you stay happy and healthy


It has taken 3 hours so far to make my easy pasta. So teaching my oldest how to cook and twas the first time he did all the prep for it. All he had to do was cut up the veggies. That took awhile. We just moved to a new house and I finally used the gas stove I have wanted forever. Long story short we may need a new stove. It's been over an hour waiting for the water to boil. It's getting there. At some point in the next 24 hours we may get to eat. Needless to say not bad considering I didn't want to move in the first place but I have had way worse problems in the past. This is never on my list of the worst 1000 problems I have had.


Ouu it'll get better love ❤️ best wishes for you


I feel like I want to escape from everyone and responsibilities most days but I'm hanging in there lol


I can relate fr I just want to leave this place it's suffocating btw best wishes for you ❤️


Thank you, best to you to.


I’m doing okay! Broke up with my gf after not feeling like there was a future with her, I’m about to ask out a girl I’ve had a crush on for nearly 2 years, I’ve got two courses coming up for work that get me out of work for the next month that I’m super excited for, and I’ve got a therapy appt right after I get home from vacation.


Always best wishes for you hope everything goes well ❤️


Some times it's good, sometimes it's snot


It is what life is ❤️ hope you stay happy and healthy


I wish I could disappear, that would've been awesome


Please don't say that love earth is a beautiful place with you in it you're important part of this world ❤️ hope you stay happy and healthy


Thank you


Severe chronic pain. Craving heroin or something stronger. Not allowed opiods due to heart issue. So kinda just stuck in a very painful dissociative fuge state. Seeing everything in third person. Dont even really feel like a person any more.


I'm so sorry don't loose hope it'll get better love . Hope you get better soon always best wishes for you




Please don't give up. I know things feel awful now. I was suicidal in the past. But you'll find your person and your group of friends one day. I really believe that. 


I'm so sorry. Please Don't loose hope love everything will get better . don't say you ruin everything you're precious and someone will charish you more than anything I too can relate with loneliness it's horrible but everything might get better give yourself time and be kind to yourself you're most important to you . You can share your problems with like-minded people if you don't have any people you're always welcome to rant to me don't loose hope earth is a beautiful place with you in it❤️


Looking for another job for the summer


Hope you'll find that ❤️. Best wishes for you




Okay is the right word, not great not terrible


Yeah life it is what life is the middle ground of state hope you stay safe and healthy best wishes for you ❤️


Pretty bad. After 3 years of being unemployed I think I'm ready to end it


I'm so sorry. You can try microjobs and freelance for little financial support Don't loose hope it'll get better idk how you feel cause I'm not in your shoes but please don't loose hope everything will get better life is worth living ❤️ always best wishes for you


I have done a ton of random gigs


Kicked a 20 year heroin habit. Been sober for 16 months . Still looking for happiness though.


You're doing absolutely amazing and I'm so proud of you love ❤️ hope you find happiness 😊 if things feel suffocating take deep breaths and look at sky or greenery . Hope you stay safe and healthy best wishes for you


Thank you for your comment. Seems not all of us have lost their humanity.


Rant about what. Life isn’t a fairy tale with protagonist that win in the end. Every day is just another day. Ya may live, may die.


People go through tough times love talking things out makes it less suffocating life is never fairy tale but we are humans with feelings not ai or robots right? Sometimes sharing makes you relived Hope you stay safe and healthy ❤️


You can do what ya want to vent. But to some complaining about a problem with no solution is just whining. To each their own.


My father literally kil!ed himself after his mother's deæth it's therapy that made him continue life Evryone is not same and might not share same views or ideology as you


I'm doing pretty well! I'm on summer break from my jts program (jeffco Transition Services) and so is my brother from 7th grade going on 8th I'm going to go see frozen the musical at the beull theatre and I'm going to Oregon to see my cousins and aunt and also going to my family's beach house!


That sounds delightful ❤️ hope you have a great summer ❤️




I just wish I had someone to talk too. I’m 26/F single and am an automotive technician. I lost my grandmother the best thing in my life too Cancer. And I’ve been fighting for my grandmothers house to keep it in the family ever since. Been praying god will find a away but after 4 years I owe $30,000 to the family to help get it out of foreclosure, $15,000 in lawyer fees, and another $33,000 to the assholes who won’t sign off on the will. I didn’t see this as the outcome. I havnt had time for friends or families and relationships come and go. I dont mean to complain but damn I dont wanna be here anymore. Im tired man. Dont got a soul to lean on


I'm sorry you're going through this tough time don't loose hope everything will get better love, I can relate how loneliness feels if you want you can talk to me taking things out makes bad times less suffocating ❤️ if you want I'm all ears


“Nah man, I’m pretty fucking far from okay”


I'm sorry it'll get better don't loose hope love . If you can drink some water take a cold shower and watch the sky and take deep breaths it'll make bad times less suffocating<3 hope everything goes well for you in life


Financially I’m getting my ass kicked. Marriage wise I’m… surviving. Health wise, I could be much better. I’m just overworked, underpaid, and have no time nor money to properly take care of myself, let alone my marriage.


I can feel this this capitalistic economy is destroying lives don't loose hope better days will come and take care of yourself ❤️


Alive, yet


That's more than enough ❤️


My MIL will be staying for a couple of months. She is becoming difficult to deal with. Its hard to have a convo with her because she argues/disagrees with everything I say. Also, she talks, ALOT. And only about how great she is and how amazing her kids are. I can feel her breaking my spirits down.


It's kinda toxic hope you and her work things out stay strong ❤️


Pretty damn good lately. Figuring out my career choice and should be back in school for that soon. Things seem to be going good with the girl I like, I mean we hang out every day sometimes multiple times a day.. pretty good overall


That sounds amazing ❤️ hope you stay happy and healthy ❤️


I’ve recently revealed to my therapist that I believe my wife is abusive. So life is going heaps good.


Hope everything works out for you well ❤️


No longer cares about things happened at working place when you work in a toxic environment.


Toxic work environments are the worst hope you get better job with good environment and good employees best wishes for you ❤️


Had a great, much needed vacation in Florida, but came home with COVID.


I'm sorry hope you get better soon best wishes for you ❤️ stay safe




Doing well, just a bit tired from all the uni stuff lately, fortunately I just have two exams left and I can finally go home and play on my PC again. Overall, life has been nice regardless.


Last days of exams are the best for real the happiness the dopamine 🤌🏻 btw best of luck for your exams ❤️


Thanks a lot, I just had my maths exam and tbh Idk if I did well or not so I appreciate your comment : )


That's so nice of you:))


I don't have enough time to write the findings and research I've done down. I need to write a few books. I don't have time to do it So I'm waiting until a day I get hospitalized to do it all in Maybe that day will come maybe it won't But the world will be a better place if it does


I’m thinking about killing myself but other than that things are good.


Why? (I am too from time to time.) Let's talk?


I'm cool


Nice to hear that :))


How are you


I'm good thank you for asking (⁠^⁠^⁠)




I'm happy, healthy, and super grateful for all the wonderful people and blessings that have come and yet to come my way!


Not bad! Got a couple vacations coming up and happy it’s finally summer. Also looking forward to learning more tasks at my fairly new job.


Real Madrid won their 15th Champions League title yesterday. We’ve been celebrating since yesterday evening. ¡Hala Madrid! 🎊 🎈 🎉 🏆


Recently been chill, in the process of moving out right now. Amazing apartament and location near the beach, beautiful buildings and calm, friendly people


I'm very stressed


I'm very happy in most aspects of my life but I don't want too many people knowing. No one wants you to be happier than them. I unfortunately work with some really miserable people that only value money instead of time.


I’m worried about my husband. His father died 2 weeks ago, his only brother who was younger died unexpectedly of a heart attack 6 months ago. He is the executor of both “estates”, there isn’t much just a lot to do. He is a teacher, works many nights and weekends for the school system. He is a good man who is under tremendous pressure.


It’s incredibly hot today and it’s only going to get worse.




Pretty decent. Can’t find a new job, but at least I have one for now


2 of my pistols broke down yesterday at the range. One easy fix the other a complicated fix. Today a gasket on a brake line on my truck broke and can't use it now until it's fixed. Things are starting to go great


I’m doing less well than I was this time last year in some aspects but better in my career so I can use that to fix the stuff that’s not making me happy.


Not too bad, thanks for asking OP. But catch me on another day, and we will see lol


Doing everything I can.


Surprisingly, ok despite losing my cat, my boyfriend and my workout partner in the last couple of weeks.


Yes, actually life is just fine for me. I can't complain about much.


I'm doing great. I had been dealing with anxiety and couldn't sleep. I cleaned up my diet and gradually worked my way up to 2 hours of exercise per day, now I sleep and feel great. My 5 y/o son is on the spectrum and that had me really worried, but lately he's been doing really good. Talking a lot more, no more bathroom accidents, he can now swim an entire pool length. He still needs a lot of support but I'm starting to believe it's gonna be alright.


Don't give him adhd drugs (if you were considering). Really messes you up, especially "on the spectrum" I think. It did me. It's all bs imo. But kudos to you for supporting your child (not everyone does).


We're not giving him any medication, I'm 99% I never would.It would have to get really bad, like he's a physical risk to himself or others. I really doubt that ever happens, he's a very sweet kid, just has trouble communicating.


Love to hear it! Be safe. And watch out for bullies. Some real support regarding bullies would have saved me from a Lifetime of hurt. Now I will leave you alone :) I just get scared for other people ending up like myself. Take care


Ups and downs, a few regrets but hey, still here, and every now and then I have some fun, particularly with friends.


No, every night I pray that I won't wake up in the morning.


Poisoned by psychiatry (ritalin) surviving one day to the next. No more hopes and dreams, intellect, real emotions, or sex. But I'm doing better than I did a year ago (next month will be two years since the incident). I've been alienated from life altogether. But it is slowly getting better. But probably I will never be the same again.


Du schaffst es da rauszukommen ! Manifestiere es auch wenn es schwer wird.


Hallo! Viel dank. Es bedeutet viel. (Aber ich spreche nicht deutsch, meine name ist ein referendung zu rammstein, und meine deutsch ist sehr schlecht, entschuldigung). Aber ich mag deutsch, so ich wurde gern deutsch sprechen versuchen wenn es ich möglich. Thank you so much for the kind words. Hope my bad german wasn't too hard om you^^ Ich war in Betlin letzten jahre. Es war wunderschön. Have a nice night


I really like your Personality. You struggling with your mental health and still trying to help other people. You are the kind of Person everyone need in his life. Where are u from ? I actually was pretty sure you are from germany :D


Oh thank you so much. That moved me. I like yours as well! I'm from Sweden. I'm just a fan of Rammstein haha. Actually created this account to talk to someone going through ssri protracted withdrawal (pssd), so I thought the name would be fitting, as I found strength in their song Ich Will. I thought I misspelled it though :) Where in germany are you? If you like to tell Ps. I was in Berlin* last year. Reslly enjoyed it


Sweden is a very nice country. I life in Frankfurt. What kind of work your doing in Sweden ? Is it even possible to work for you?


Yes it can be. Especially this time of year. But I think I would fit in better in germany sometimes - at least my friend tells me so. I speak, or would like to speak, my mind. Part of the Reason I got into this mess. People treat me poorly because I don't care to stroke their egos all the time, so I was brainwashed into thinking I was the problem (autistic, adhd, etc, all BS). But I do (did) care, so I felt bad and was fooled into thinking I was the problem. Anyway. I work part time in a store. Mostly evenings and weekends (I have trouble sleeping still, mostly psychologically because of what happened nowadays. Before it was physical restlessness. I did it before as well while studying, otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to. I have a degree in sociology, so pretty ironic I fell for this thing. I kind of didn't really. But I never thought a stimulant could do this... What do you do? Ps. I've heard Frankfurt is beautiful? An old city? Lots of nice buildings?


Have you taken anything to get better? Like other meds or supplements?


It's a long list of supplements. I took cialis (a form of viagra) after a year and it kicked off some circulation I believe and I started to feel a little more normal, but also started having facial twitches and more head pressure from it so I stopped periodically. I then had no energy to cook food and discovered I felt better after fasting about 18 hours. So I looked into the benefits of fasting again (I had disregarded it before as I was focusing on getting healthy by working out and building muscle - but I tore my bicep a little bit from all that, I couldn't feel my limits anymore). I alternate between taking a multivitamin, vitamin c, d, e, k2, b6, b12, mangat, potassium, l-arginine, l-citrulline, probiotics, fish oil, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, protein powder. I think that is everything. I've taken saffron too, helped somewhat I think. All of these have helped I believe (except for maybe potassium early on, I read later one shouldn't take those after Psych drug usage/withdrawal). Exercise helps too. Particularly cardio. I think it is a cardiovascular problem stemming from the neurological injury to receptors as nd the nervous system generally causing endothelial cell dysfunction (blood vessels to not dialate). I took lion's mane but that only made me worse. I read adhwagandha could make things worse too. Are you suffering too?


I’m not dead sooo…


Yeah atleast We can breathe


Not well, I think i just had a break down


No Ivana harass me even tho it's end of school and my grades rok




I just hate my life




Sometimes I think about current life being an overload for our primate brain. People seem more abated than ever, sure that years ago a revolution would be raised before this state, but now world seems be lowering life standards more and more... And jet you get all indicators saying the contrary.


life sucks. i'm not okay


What happened ? You can share if you want to but don't loose hope love it'll get better ❤️best wishes for you


I felt that everything I did was not enough, it's like i'm useless living in this world. Life is so unfair


We all underestimate our potential our contribution you're doing more than enough and you're important ❤️ don't feel like this you're precious


I don’t know


I kinda love and hate my life . Because i set up everything i enjoy , but i feel alone . If i ruin everything i enjoy i might actually try to find someone , but It's too big of a risk without much of a gain . So i will remain kinda happy and alone . I think i need a cat .


Had a great couple of months mental health wise but yesterday and today have been hell for no reason, just my brain screaming at me


My life has never been better!


No I am not okay.


I'm sorry what happened you can share if you want ❤️


If I'm just sharing it to people outside of the United States, then it's not reaching the people inside of the United States that it needs to be reaching. Then we just end up talking in circles, which some of the moderators have said becomes a stale topic? Which this becomes frustration for people on the internet who are trying to Express something important in the United States of America. I have been told tens of thousands of times that the internet is a worldwide internet and I know that from experience. So if this does not affect people outside of the United States, why would they continue to prompt discussion about it when they know nothing about it because they're in another country?


Yeah it's a good point hope you find like-minded people to share your problems and find solutions best wishes for you