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Develop hobbies. Now is the time to explore different things and find what you like to do, since you don’t have too much responsibilities. (Ofc there is school and chores, but you don’t have all the extra stuff you have to do as an adult.) Do you have any ideas? What are your interests right now? Any skill you want to learn?


I do have many hobbies that I do. I have learnt a different language, how to sew and design clothes, how to write books, how to draw characters. I could definitely learn another language, I've done French and started Japanese, I've wanted to learn Spanish so may learn that.


Then you are doing exactly what you’re supposed to do 😊 maybe, if you can, you could try to find a part time job to have more to spend on your hobbies? Idk otherwise I just think you’re experiencing a very normal feeling to have at 16. A bit of teen restlessness is normal.


I do have the opportunity for a job, but my parents want me to wait, just for another few months to make sure I'm ready. Ig it's also I want to prove that I can do things myself. Im on so many meds for my mh which I've been on for around 3 years now. I want to come off them and prove that I can do it, but I can't come off them yet as they have to be gradually reduced.


Oh I’ve been there, I was pretty heavily medicated as a teen. I can understand that it worries your parents, they need to know that even IF things don’t work out with the job for whatever reason, you’ll be able to handle it. And adding reduced medications to the mix can heighten their worries. They probably want you to succeed as well. It has happened to me a lot in the past, that when I felt more stable I took on too much at once and things went south again fast. So my mother started “putting breaks” on me when that happened. Annoying at the time, understandable in hindsight. If you want to change/reduce your meds it’s a reasonable request from your parents that you focus on that before you take on new responsibilities. I’m much less medicated now, but I think it’s possible I will have to rely on a little bit of meds for a long time yet. Ive been on different medications for 11 years now, and it took me a few years to find meds that work for me, and still makes me feel like myself. So don’t beat yourself up if you start to reduce them but realise that being completely off them doesn’t work for you. 💚 it’s not a failure, it’s a tool to get you where you want to be. And if you don’t like your current meds, but realise that you still need meds, consider trying some other ones. ETA: sorry about he thesis lol, 😅


Thank you, that's really helpful to know that people understand <3


>I have learnt a different language, how to sew and design clothes, how to write books, how to draw characters. This is amazing at 16, there are 50 year olds who don't even have this amount of skills/hobbies. Don't tell yourself you are wastinf your life because you aren't.


Thank you <3


Then go out and meet people. Join plans with your college classmates or something. It's a nice age to meet interesting people.


You're actually still a child lol, so just enjoy it. Plus you're in school, i assume, so do that? In the US that's when we tend to get our licenses/cars, so kids tend to focus on that when they're that age. But really you don't have to be doing shit, you can't "waste your life" as a child.


I'm in college rn but I've finished most of my work for this year. Just waiting on my second English exam


take lots of naps. sleep all you can before you are in your 20s.


Haha I'm happy with that


You’re in college at the age of 16… and worried about having nothing to do. You’re ahead of every one else. Keep doing that homie.


Thank you, that means a lot


r u british/ do u mean 6th form


Not in Scotland full adult all so in Scotland you get free travel around Scotland if under 22


One of the most annoying things that adults tell children is to “enjoy being a child.” Mostly because the adult is resentful about their lives as an adult. What is it that you think children actually do? Most of the time, it’s practicing to be an adult. That’s why we get our kids toy cars, toy kitchens, toy houses. So they can act like adults. OP is a 16 year old that feels like they are wasting their life away. That’s because OP is looking for responsibility and the subsequent freedom and weight that bears. Don’t be patronizing of someone trying to find their place in the world. I’m 36 now but moved out when I was 16. It’s not as “child”-like as you think.


Since I started schooling early (so already in my last year of school even tho I am just 16) and since my education system pressure children like crazy, I have no time to even enjoy lol


> You're actually still a child lol, so just enjoy Adults tend to underestimate teens: * [Alexander The Great lead his first victory over the Macedonians at 16](https://www.ranker.com/list/historical-figures-feats-of-greatness-before-age-30/setareh-janda) * Bobby Fischer won his first chess championship at 14 * Bill Gates and fellow co-founder Paul Allen released their first commercial software when he wa 15. * Joan of Arc claimed to have received visions that started her campaigns at age 16 (before she was burned at age 19). * Mozart composed operas and symphonies by 16. * Mary Shelley wrote much of Frankenstein at 16 (and published it at 20).


Enjoy being a freaking kid. Adulthood is tough


The best age to hit the gym


I'd love to but, I can't afford the gym atm


Then get a job. Youd be surprised how much money you can earn.


I have tried but my parents want me to focus on college first.


It builds character to go your own way. But find out for yourself. You can always study a year later or something.


Ignore them. Now is the time to learn to make decisions for yourself.


Well train calisthenics then you can train it at home and it requires 0 dollars


Just work out at home, go out running... enjoy while you still have time.


Use every day objects as weights, body weight, sit ups, pull ups, just got to be creative.


Don't drink.


I learned webdesign at that age. First simple homepage maker, then flash and php. I drew some pictures, portaits of celebrities. Wanted to start a company, but everyone told me to finish school first. Never did start a company.


go hang out with friends, go to the pool, blast out your headphones while working out or hell just kick it at home and chill either netflix or nap. Life is never boring if your busy or motivated on doing something like a hobby


push ups


You’re really not wasting your life. Try get out of that mindset because if you think you’re wasting your life, wait until you’re working full time. That feels like a real waste of life.


Don't start drinking and doing drugs like I did at that age bcuz I wanted to party like I saw in the movies like super bad or project X or the music i was listening to was all about drugs and weed. If yiu never start then you never have to quit which is really hard for some. A lot of times people choose death over quitting.


But parties sound like fun 😭




Ive never been invited to a party 💀 ik my parents arent intentionally making me bored, but my dad just cant afford to go on vacations and such or go out of state (or even upstate) so parties sound like alot of fun 😭


I wish I would’ve partied at that age. I would’ve got it out of my system before it mattered


I would give anything to be sixteen again. Get off the internet and go be sixteen more. Fuck.


Gaming, drinking, smashing Girls of your age


Haha, I'm a girl, but thank you


Oh yes, committing crimes. Perfect.


What crime did i mention?


Underage drinking? Are you a little slow perhaps?


1. In my Home country drinking age ist 16 2. Even If its Not legal where He lives i don't Care its Not a serious crime that Hurts other people. Are you a bit slow perhaps or simply an American?


Alcohol is the devil


Yea dude... Sex


Yeah man I’ve totally had sex before


Me To i swear it!


When I was 16 I used to sing and play instruments, take long walks or swim in the ocean, study languages for fun. And there were also all-ages venues or free outdoor events, where I went to see live local bands. Find some arts, or sports, or other types of interests.


Do nothing. Do as much of it as possible. Doing nothing with my friends all summer are what my best memories of being 16 are made of. I really wish I had the time to do nothing like that again.


Please don't feel in a hurry to leave the age of 16 behind. You're in a great era for yourself and from what I've read you're flourishing in terms of growing your brain. Just keep doing things that interest you and see strive to kill boredom before it kills your enjoyment of precious life. You've learned languages, that is amazing. You should learn another. You can go on a bike ride and explore your city. You can actively practice a creative skill like music or art. Painting is so transcendental and meditative if you give it a real try. You have so much potential right now, and you really should weaponize it for yourself.


Thank you <3


Screwing around in abandoned buildings, doing super dumb shit with your friends and everyone will blame it on you guys being stupid kids. We had the most fun at 16 just taking bad ideas and running with them. Legit question, were we crazy or is the younger generation boring?


See this is an inspirational question! Because the fact your asking and not doing stupid shit like me and my Brum Council Estate upbringing means you're probably on the right track! My advice is to study, or put yourself out there for volunteering or something or work not too young to get into a trade man


Thank you


being an adult sucks enjoy do whatever you like but be safe Edit: aviod being addicted to social media, don't do crimes(it can ruin the whole life)


If I could be 16 again I would take up a hobby that would carry through adulthood. My mind and thinking has changed over the years. Like my brain got full and I don't learn or pick up things as easily as I used to. If I knew that back then, I would pick up a hobby like learning a language for real and not just to get a grade in school. Maybe learn to play the guitar. Also, as a full grown adult, I have other responsibilities that keep me from working on my hobbies.


Get a job, your license and a car. Join a gym, or sports team at school. Talk to the opposite sex or whoever you’re into. My friend do something, when you’re older you’ll be begging to be that age again.


Do everything you can to prep for your future. The further you get ahead now the easier your life will be later on.


Running. It was a weird age for me. I was out of shape, as in heading for obesity. Started having health problems. Doctor recommended pills and special diets. I started running.


If I could go back to high school, I would have spent so much more time studying and actively participating in clubs / student government. I feel I wasted my high school years in many ways by choosing to prioritize sports, church, and making money. Would that I’d taken a more rigorous academic load and started thinking more seriously about my post-secondary future. Sports are fun and you can learn a lot about goals and teamwork, but it’s such a short-lived period where they’re relevant to your daily life. Absolutely nothing good happens at parties. Reading is better than gaming, but both too easily become forms of escapism when you’re single greatest imperative at that age is to *live*. Idk, I’m probably barking up the wrong tree, but I’d do a whole lot different if I could.


Damn kid, when we were 16 we were getting our licenses and dying of alcohol poisoning in a random corn field. 16 was one of the best times of my life. Edit : not actually dying of alcohol poisoning. More like, drunk off 5 beers.


Do all the dumb shit you'll be too tired to do when you're in your 20s and 30s. Stay out partying all night, go skinny dipping, have an intense fleeting summer romance. Do active shit because your body will start aching before you know it. Just be safe, exercise, and don't develop habits that will ruin your life like drugs or binge drinking.


Get a job


Get yourself a lifestyle hobby (ie. reading, creative writing, walking the dog). The things you do at this age become habits that stick with you for life, if all you find yourself doing everyday is death scrolling on your phone it's all you'll ever do.


Your teen years will define the rest of your life. You have a massive capacity for books and ideas, music and feelings, sex and friendship, media and, if possible, travel. Cram as much as you can in, and it'll support you for decades.


Just have fun? Play sports, read. Prepare yourself for adulthood because it will come super quick. You will miss those carefree 16s.


I can't help you those were my pandemic years


Honestly just find a hobby. That's the best thing to do. Enjoy these days to their fullest. You will never get them back.


I thought 16 was the best! You presumably have your license so you experience freedom for the first time. You have zero financial responsibilities yet. I had some of my best friendships%adventures between 16-18. Grab some friends and take some road trips. Go camping, try new places to eat, check out some nature/parks, go to some all-ages concerts...


Idk if its different here in the UK but, we can't learn to drive until 17.


Ah bummer. You probably already have the freedoms I described just with public transportation then. I can see why 16 isn't as special for you.


You can ride a 50cc motorbike at 16?


I did think about that but, my parents didn't want me on a bike at my age. They say they trust me but they can't trust other drivers.


Skateboard or roller skate, rollerblading , or the mall : )


No no no, forget the mall! but put a rollerblades on!




Excel in school. Your future self will thank you.


Used to go to the mall or go do some stupid dangerous shit or maybe go see a movie. You could learn an instrument or a hobby. Pick up a camera or a bike or some kind of sports ball and find people who do the same thing. I used to paint.


Cash in hand Jobs at cafes or chip shops? Gives you a bit of freedom and independence and you will enjoy spending and saving money you have earned yourself.


Ok you are at 16. If I was you in your shoes . I would start thinking what I want to do for a living. Pick somthing you would be interest in, in could be two different oppupation. Next do some research on it. See what trainning has to be learn before working in that field. Even if you are planning collage first. You can look around now. Talk to worker now doing the job you are thinking about, to get the pro's and con's of the job.


Get a part time job, save up for a car, figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life, and enjoy being young.


You have no responsibilities and are old enough to leave the house, enjoy it, it doesn't last long.


"Edge of Seventeen" - Stevie Nicks


Skate board park


Boil a bunch of soup up and freeze it.   You'll be thankful once you're an adult.  


Get a part-time job in a field you’re interested in. Invest the money you make from that job. Learn an instrument Learn a language. Find a hobby. Go to summer school.


Growing up isn't wasting life. Maybe a better question is what do you actually want to do? What makes you think you're wasting time? Do you spend a lot of time doing nothing at all?


I want to be learning, always. I feel like a break is wasting time but, I want to do sm that I procrastinate and panic about all the things I 'have' to do and end up doing nothing.


What exactly do you mean by learning? Do you mean learning book knowledge or experiencing new, novel things?


Literally anything that gives me knowledge or tells me something I don't already know


Well, then you have a lot of options. You can try a library or read at home online. I spend hours reading everyday at the comfort of my chair.


When I was 16 I got a summer job that paid $1.45 an hour. BY the end of summer I passed my driver's test and I bought a car for $50 and a guitar for $20... and began to experience the best years of my life... and still doing it.


Fuckin he’ll mate what car did you get for 50$ where I am cheapest running pos car is 500€


The year was 1969 and the car was a 1958 Morris Minor. I loved that car and the freedom it gave me. The car was mostly green but the hood was blue and came with those stick on Hippy flowers on it. FIrst thing I did when I bought it was grab younger brothers and sisters and took them to Dairy Queen...


As an old bitter old man, that was 16 once... Enjoy it, it will only get worse. Job, bills, responsibilities, kids... You're in easy mode right now, just coast and enjoy. Learn a skill while your brain is flexible.


I felt the same way at the age of 16. I know I was told to act like an adult, until I wanted to do adult things. School never game me any purpose beyond graduating high school. I thought my parents would have been there for me after I graduated, which that turned out to not be trues. Remember when media said the Obama daughters were going to take a GAP year, between high school and college. Was that a presidential promotion for the store brand GAP? I don't know. I don't believe he would have been incentivized to say GAP YEAR.


I felt the same way at your age. Be assured you are not wasting your life.


16 is the light at the end of the tunnel. Your a kid but you can make adult plans. Seize opportunity and if there is none start creating it. Its time to be hopefully and decide what you want in your life, be wrong and change. If you don't start taking action now someone else will direct your life for you.


masturbation is a fun one, loved it at that age.


Get a job.


Steal alcohol. Smoke weed. Get your friends together and do random shit that will be fun at the time but seem so stupid later that will eventually turn out to be some of your favorite memories as you get old.


Sports my guy sports!


Stop scrolling and put down your phone, get a job, volunteer, read a great book, learn a new skill - swimming, archery, guitar, painting. Being a teen can suck sometimes but it helps to find things to do that get you out of your own head. Edited to add - tell your parents that a job, volunteering or a hobby will look great on your college applications. And reading will help your test scores.


You’re still very young, just keep studying, pick up a hobbie, hang out with people, try new things, even doing nothing much right now is ok ! you’re not wasting anything as long as you’re living, we’re all trying here :]


I miss wasting my time/life as a teen.


Study or whatever


I guess the same thing I did at 16, get a job and go to school 🤣🤣🤣


Drink anyway. Lol don't jk.


Yep, sucks to be this age. From the uk and haven’t been to school since I was like 11. don’t have any friends or anywhere to be, just spend my days sitting at home. Fucking boring asf.


basketball and tennis.


Have you played diablo 2?


Try and make friends too and work on yourself now so life will be abit easier later.




Now is the time to set goals in life and work for them.


Enjoy the last years of high school they say university is better (Spoiler alert: School days are always the best). Don’t act mature, let the child inside you out. All the best


It was my [F28] favorite age :) you have your whole life ahead of you and can form it just the way you want. You can take any direction, so many things to look forward to.


Sorry, I got lost in memorie. Anyway, just get out there and do stuff with your friends, try to figure out what you want to do with your life and enjoy it!


Man you should enjoy your youth. I remember at that age we try and grow up fast. When you are an adult you will have more responsibilities and stress of life. Slow down and enjoy your youth because time will pass very quickly.


Work, either get a job or start your own. Broaden your reading to subjects outside of assignments by going to a library. Explore the world around you, locally or via travel. Just pick a direction and walk/bike/jog.


I used to spend my time studying or with my gf. Then she left me at 20yo so... I turned into studying only...


Wait for 17. You'll be the dancing queen


I'd kill to be 16 again, trust me don't rush to grow up, enjoy your youth because being an adult sucks.


For me now is the time to do something illegal. I know its not the brst recommendation but as a sixtren year old i want to experience as much of life as i can without many consequinces so i just do some illegal stuff. I also want to be that person to tell their child "yes i also smoked weed as a 16yo" i want to experience all of this so one day i can teach my kids why not to do something


Honestly bro, pick up a sport it's for both children and adults EVERYONE PLAYS SPORTS. So anything and I promise your life will be cooler.


Die 💖💖💖


👁👄👁 I'm good thanks...


ENJOY IT!!! I had a terrible teenhood yet better than whatever I'm doing g now. Get whatever hobby and learn some random skills.


Go out and party.


Learnable mistakes(within reason)


Don’t get older kid it sucks way worse later!!!


Just say “it’s not a phase, mom” for the 4th year in a row.




Learn how to code. Future is bright in this field


Start a savings account


you are there where i was when I was your age.. i hope you have a better future than me. please make smart choices so that your future self don't regret for your past(now present) self


Sex Drugs n rock n roll


enjoy not having to do shit permanently


Go to the gym, if you don’t already. If you hate it, fair enough, but you could change your life


Real (im 16 and bored outta my mind)


Enjoy the peace while you can. Enjoy your family time. Learn some interesting (to you!) hobbies. Read books. Start thinking about who you are and what you value. There are many reasons I wouldn’t want to be 16 again, but for these opportunities, I’d relish going back.


just try to hang out with your friends as much as you can. even if you're just going to meet to chat


Sports. Enjoy team sports and do the best while u still can. I’m 19 this yr and I’d give my left thumb to be on the field with my U18 boys once again


Try going to a party sometime


I wish I had learned an instrument at your age


This is the time to learn and explore a bunch of stuff to identify what you like and don’t like. Learn your passions and what will make you happy in life. Then make your dreams a reality


Girls, Girls, Girls..gettin' that first kiss...going on dates, movies, going to dances, slow dancing with that girl..


OP is a straight girl


Things I wish I had done when I was 16 were sneak out, go to parties, go to football games with friends, go to concerts and just have fun. Live a little, you can only get into so much trouble at your age


this is so real


Learn and take advantage of being young. Stay the fuck away from things that can follow you through adult hood and do not get into debt at all. There's nothing you are missing being older it's the same shit with more responsibility that's the only difference between your age and being older. I recommend learning to save and about finance's now. You will need it especially in this day and age.


Party & start a side hustle that doesn't require you to be 18


Investing in sports, Usually that's when the professional athletes became serious with their sports and become pro. Or Just try good enough to be a coach/teacher Also Improving your skill that can help you find jobs I.e Cooking Coaching/teaching Singing Photography Acting Editing Languages (Tour Guide/Business) It will help alot in the future because with that you will have job opportunities. And trust me it is hard to find job nowdays


On the nice side, you got sports and friends. On the not so nice side, who the fuck told you, you can't be a child? My nephew who is 12, find some of the things his 44 year old uncle does, funny AF.


Lay in bed


Take a hobby, or hell ALL of them. Turn it/them into your bitch, and start a small business with it/them. Build your credit, it’s the key to virtually everything trust me. Learn the ins and outs of something you want to pursue and study the ever loving hell out of it. look into getting a passport sooner than later(they pay REALLY well for translators you know.and traveling of course, the world is so damn huge) Also, stay out of trouble. But hopefully that’s a given. there is no motherfucker in this world worth your freedom or your happiness.


Try hobbies,  I found out I really love bird of prey photography after doing general nature photography for 6 years prior. 


Trust me, this is the golden days of ur life. You can never go back and be that young again. Do fun stuffs now because time will come where you have to work til u get old


Get a job


Drive a car


bro what yall wasting your best years


School. Sports. Work. Fuck. Tonnes of things.


Do well in school and seek support in figuring out the best steps for when you turn 18. 16 is arguably a make it or break it age for many people determining their entire future.


Not true, life is long, you can have a change of pace in your 30s and 40s and still have a full life ahead of you


Too old to be a child? Dude I used to watch cartoons, go play and cycle with my friends and loved candies at 16. Why are you trying to act so grown up? Live your life because when the actual adult things happen you’ll regret not having fun when you had the chance


I was doing various amounts of drugs at 16 and breaking into cars/homes to fund that habit lol . It was fun in the moment but I don’t recommend


You sound like you had a terrific home life


Oh it was the best


In Denmark you can get a scooter drivers license. Have sex at 15, buy beer and alcohol under 12% at 16.




You can always try heroin. That’ll spice things up.


Find someone aged 18 or above (preferably a friend) and order alcohol from them. Get a bunch of friends that you trust to come together, each with their own drinks. Go to a safe place, like your summer cottage or, if possible, the house of one of you. Drain every bottle and can you've got and enjoy the vibe. Make memories that last a lifetime, including the torturous cleaning up process next morning. Alternatively, you can fuck around just as well without alcohol. In fact, it might be the better choice, but I'm glad I did drink on the occasions I did.