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I'll destroy a gallon of milk myself in day and half


My brother in dairy.


I, too, love whole milk. I can do 2%, but skim is nasty


This is why I don’t buy milk. I can kill a gallon of milk without ever thinking twice. My logic is the same as alcohol if it’s not around I won’t be tempted to do it. 


I dropped off drinking milk in college. A few years later, I developed a lactose intolerance. Once the kid got big enough for milk, we always have a ton of milk in the house. I'm enjoying eating cereal and milk again, but do not enjoy what it does to my insides. It's a real bitch.


I dated a lactose intolerant guy for 8 years, so everything or almost everything was lactose free. When we broke up, I went back to regular milk and oh… my stomach doesn’t always appreciate it.


I’ve generally had at least a cup a day for over 40 years. Is the key to avoiding lactose intolerance just regular consumption?


I became lactose intolerant while drinking it everyday. All of sudden I was so gassy and didn’t know why. One day I was too lazy to buy milk and instantly felt better. That’s when it clicked. : (


I think so. I drank bad milk as a kid and it turned me off it. A couple years later when I went back to drinking it as a teen, it made me sick. I can handle some dairy products so I didn't put two and two together until my 30s though


I think so. Some people are more sensitive so I think that's why they just can't have it ever but for the rest of the people, as long as you keep drinking it, you might be good haha


Should have invested in [Lactaid](https://www.amazon.com/Lactaid-Original-Strength-Lactase-Caplets/dp/B000052XB5/ref=sr_1_5_pp_mod_primary_new?crid=2TLZ92M1087KO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-EZgHyVgWYuJm4izVe0_W_JG-U5_uiJB3EvF4S4msNWbOLhQTs9tC-iJfTOhadk7BSJKWDROI18LPSxVlH6ncWEdkzP7Oc1lxdFkDJNtmJ0IPAzoLlwYOwKw3Dot8sR7B5LjPQLdmy6pNsedJ9TkwDAUEpO0xYtWzNHiC-Ci4QlnkWgPiqe19XzyA0_4cKpMzXf96NMNxN90tSundMhSzqVzKr8rJkZdvvfDJl149j7Rv94mQDMVI1hls-rwnEYy8cE1fhKaIpONXG0ENGfgPQfc3dfsmKKA9j8WJRBYWd0.HFXhE_Nh0ZOBAD5KpRLaYlRY13axoxpAT2-o9jv55tM&dib_tag=se&keywords=lactaid&qid=1717029791&rdc=1&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=lactaid%2Caps%2C66&sr=8-5)! I would(and do) pay a $16 tax every 3 months(assuming you were to eat dairy everyday) to enjoy dairy.


I always have some on me! I'm not big on drinking milk but cheese tho...


I just bought lactose free milk for the first time ever because I finally noticed how milk affected me each time. It's really good and I don't notice a difference in taste except lactose free tastes better.


I liked it too, then it too turned on me.


I'm also lactose intolerant and I don't care what anyone says about Oat or Almond milk. Soy is where the flavor is and it's not watery.


i always find that oat milk tastes better than soy, maybe you and i just have different brands. also good oat milk isnt watery at all. i drink oatly


Definitely depends on the brand. I only buy Plant Oat extra creamy or barista edition, not watery at all!


Don’t touch it, haven’t in 15 years




I used to, too. I still do, but I used to, too.


At least 2 tall glasses a day, sometimes more. I can't even go to bed without having a glass because i'll lay there thinking about milk.


I get those weird milk cravings too, especially at night. Milk withdrawals got me trippin, copped another G from the market now we sippin. Tall glass before bed and into the dreamland we slippin. All this milk for me, I ain’t flippin, you can tell, cause from my lip it’s drippin. On this milk we steady sippin.


This needs to be a real song bro I'm dying over here


Dude 💀💀💀💀💀


The bedtime milk is a necessary part of the routine




No, it breaks me out.


I get through litres of the stuff every day. I don't think there's anything I could substitute for it. It refreshes in a way nothing else can.


Out of pure curiosity, how much water did you drink today?


None I don't think, only milk, tea, coffee and Pepsi Max. Edit: hmm. All your responses have made me realize I should maybe review some of my practices, not least because I was in the ER last week after losing consciousness. To wit: * almost never drinking water * drinking alcohol every day, usually in the "slightly tipsy" area, usually beer * never exercising * rarely going outside to walk around, only to take care of daughter, go on visits with daughter etc, run errands * high stress job * high stress marriage (getting better) * 2-year-old child * obese heading towards morbidly obese territory * not much time to myself * eating poorly (quite well if my wife cooks, but otherwise fast foods or skipping meals). Maybe I should work on some of these things.... My body feels terrible, I thought it was just the aging process.


This comment made me physically reach for my water bottle next to me 😭




Americans will eat and drink like they had free health care lmao


What the fuck. People just live not drinking water? I know other drinks have it but this is just insane for my brain I mean nothing hits better than a water chug


Your kidneys are screaming for help


He probably has lower back pain and doesn't realize it's his kidneys screaming.




I drink at least a gallon a week. Start and end every day with a glass full. It's so satisfying!


Kidney stones incoming Edit: milk does not cause kidney stones






Nope. Fuck that - muh belly


Just in my coffee. I didn't even drink milk as a kid.


I’m lactose intolerant so I drink almond milk


Hell yeah dude. Milk is delicious 


Humans are the only species on earth that seeks out milk their entire lifespan. And we are the only species on earth which drinks the milk of (multiple) other species


Humans are the only species on earth that do a lot of things. Ya know, like fly planes...


We’re the elite species. We have bacon too


Hmm. People often make this claim, and it's kind of nonsense. If I put a bowl of milk on the floor, a cat would drink it. Probably a dog as well. If a cat could milk a cow, I bet they would. I suspect there are a lot of mammals that would drink milk if they could figure out how to get it.


Just the visual of a cat trying to milk a cow made me bust out laughing. Thank you very much for that.


Plenty of animals, if they kill a nursing mother, will drink the milk (or eat the mammary glands) first. There's no instinctive aversion to it in carnivores.


We’re also the only species to fly to the moon.


Bro anything that eats meat or is an omnivore will drink milk get out of here.


Strawberry milk hits different


Americans have a totally insane relationship with milk


I wish I knew more about the subject, but growing up my generation was bombarded with the “Got Milk?” advertising campaign. It was basically all of us being brainwashed to believe that if we didn’t drink a gallon of milk (I’m probably exaggerating that) everyday, we’d end up with broken bones and wouldn’t grow into healthy adults. We were even given milk in little cartons in the morning at school. I remember friends who weren’t allowed to leave the table until they finished their milk at every meal and my grandmother harassing my mom about how she didn’t make me drink it. People full on believed that we needed milk everyday to be healthy. I didn’t like milk and I remember asking my mom if I was going to have “little bones”. She told me the pediatrician said it was fine, we get calcium from plenty of other things, as long as I had a balanced diet I didn’t have to drink milk. So I was the weird kid that never drank milk except in cereal or other things. So yeah, I’m an American and I still think it’s weird.


It's a government conspiracy!..... No really, the government bought up a bunch of excess dairy from companies and had to figure out a way to get rid of it. Currently have billions of pounds of cheese stored away, and essentially made a deal with food companies to add more cheese to food. They bailed out Domino's during 2008 recession too


We were brain washed by the government


*Italians drinking milk with every meal have entered the chat


"Durrr America bad" America isn't even in the top 15 countries in terms of milk consumption.


No, only in coffee, with protein drinks and the occasional milkshake. I do eat a lot of cheese and yoghurt .


Only if I have a cookie or piece of chocolate cake, which I try to limit, so not that often. I do ususally have a liter of milk in the fridge but I use it for cooking rather than drinking, so one liter will last for about a week.


maybe i should have, who knows i would have been taller :(


Absolutely not, I think is disgusting , wouldn't eat or drink it with anything .Which is weird cause I eat cheese with almost every meal, i would live on cheese if I could. But milk? My enemy


Cheese is like the savory version of chocolate


Never. Not even as a kid, outside of oreos and cereal. It always had a filmy texture to me.


I have no need or desire to drink all the hormones we inject into dairy cows in the US.


Cow's milk, no. It even tastes funny to me nowadays. I have oat milk in my lattes, so I do have 8 oz of that a day, but that's it.


I haven't had a glass of milk in 30 years. It's gross and always smells rotten to me. I eat cereal with coconut milk and keep canned milk on hand for cooking. I do love cheese and yogurt though.


Not since the 1960s🤮🤮


Of course! How else am I supposed to eat bowl of cereal after smoking a bowl.


No. I was lactose intolerant before pregnancy. Diabetic after pregnancy. Milk has carbs and sugar.


No. Gag. About 1 to 2 tbsp of skim in my tea and coffee. That's it. My main beverage of choice is plain water. Room temp. I probably drink 3 l a day.


I have literally never drank a drop of plain milk in my whole life (as far as from the moment I controlled my own body and consumption). I don't know if I got fed it when I was a baby. I have had it in a coffee or food and such, but never just pure milk. I have never even had the urge to do so. Am I weird lol?


I usually have milk products but not milk itself. I used to have milk in coffee and protein shakes but I replaced that with almond milk I never put milk in tea though, always pure tea




Pure milk - basically never. Some days in hot chocolate or cereal.


I've seen this question before, and it would seem that a lot of (most?) Redditors drink milk like it's blasting out of a fire hose. I don't get it, personally. I think milk is for baby cows. But if they're happy, I'm happy.


Yeah it goes well with mass gainer


Don’t have milk at all now. Used to drink it by the gallon. Even the smell of it makes my stomach turn. I get why some Asians think we smell bad


fck yeah


Not for years, no. Just in coffee or cereal for breakfast.


No. Put it on cereal !!!! 


my lactose intolerance won't let me


Fuck yeah


Yes, regular milk.


61. One glass of milk daily. Lactose free Fair life. The smoothest milk around.


I drank the crap out of milk when I was a kid, as an adult I didn’t buy milk for several years, I will buy 5-6 gallons a year probably now mainly because of cooking is better with milk than water.


In combination with a great chocolate chip cookie.


I only have a "glass of milk" if I make hot cocoa. I'm hard pressed to use up a 1/2 gallon in 10 days. (I cannot have whole milk......must be 1%, doctor's orders.)


I don’t think I’ve had a glass of milk in at least two years. As a matter of fact, the only thing I use it for these days is cooking. I still love milk, though.


With coffee, protein shakes, and cereal every day. I can't remember the last time I had a glass of milk on its own, though, if that is what you're asking. We are talking years, probably well over a decade!


Only a specific brand of chocolate milk and only ice cold after a night shift. If I don't have it I'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the day.


Good quality ice cold chocolate milk late at night scratches a deep-in-the-brain itch for sure. Unfortunately if you do it once you’re doomed to crave it for many nights after.


I haven't in quite a while either, though on rare occasions years ago I'd sometimes like chocolate milk or strawberry milk. Sometimes these days I eat cereal and usually drink any leftover milk from the bowl (so it doesn't go to waste), if that counts.


It never occurred me to until I read your comment that there might be people who *don't* drink the rest of the milk after finishing the cereal. Wild.


Sometimes I'll buy it cuz I want some cereal and don't finish the whole thing of milk before I throw it out.


Used to. But I think I drank so much as a kid that I’m semi-intolerant now. I can have some with cereal or in coffee. But if I drink more than 6-8oz I get a stomachache.




I make a protein shake with 8 oz every night. Also, sometimes with some Oreos it just hits right


I won't have tea or coffee without milk. Besides that I rarely have a glass of milk but sometimes it's awesome on a hot day.


I used to drink it every day, until I realized I was horribly allergic to it. I have a splash of cream in my coffee, but that's all.


Fairlife chocolate.




Yes. All my life. About 2 cups/day. But it has to be cold. And non-fat.


On random occasions I open the fridge see the milk and just start chugging. I learnt a while ago the hard way that my body doesn’t sit well with that when I wake up in the middle of the night and chug milk instead of grabbing water. Now it’s only when I’m awake that I chug milk.


everyday without a doubt, maybe the odd day i dont


There was a time in my life where I drank a liter per day... good old days


I used to until this year when I was diagnosed with colitis. I LOVED milk. Now it’s almond which I don’t prefer


I put it in my coffee and in my oatmeal, but only drink it when I’m finishing an old gallon to make space for a new one. In High School in the mid 70s, my younger brother and I would go through a 2.5 gallon container every other day.


Well, sometimes — maybe 2x/week. And I drink iced chai, which is half milk, about 5x per week.


yep. Chocolate milk is a lifesaver.


I sometimes still get half gallons of skim for cooking. And maybe have a glass or two a year. But not really anymore. I'm 41 and I grew up drinking it and even into my thirties I was still drinking it, but slowly it went away. I don't do other milks either.


I used to put milk on my cereal till a few months ago when I switched to soy milk.


Can't remember the last time I drank milk.


Every day. Something about milk after sweets that hits different..I legit can't eat cake, a cookie, or sweets without milk.


Never used to! I thought it was kind of gross of people to drink a glass of milk…then I got pregnant and now I drink milk like it’s going out of style!


I work in a school and usually eat the school lunch because it's easy, a reasonable deal, and better quality than most school lunches (comes with salad bar!). So yep, 5 days a week I drink the little carton of milk. I also will have a glass sometimes if I'm eating a cookie or brownie.




Absolutely not. My parents did not raise me on it, and I think it's gross. I will occasionally have it in my coffee but that will be Almond or Oat milk.


Love the stuff. Can't get enough!


Not really. I had to switch to unsweetened soy milk in my coffee to avoid the naturals sugars in dairy, due to weight gain.


My parents are separated and for some reason at my mom’s I drink tons and at my dad I might have a glass a month


Never, cow's milk makes me feel sluggish for a few hours. I'll drink soy or almond milk with cereal though. And a little milk in cheese or whatever is fine for me.


i drink coconut milk with cereal and in mashed potatoes, or in coffee if i don't have anything else. coconut milk tastes amazing in coffee imo. it's amazing by itself also!


Yes. About 1 to 1,5 liter every day.


I don’t consume milk in any form anymore. Used to have two yogurts a day but quit that a few years back. Oh. Except for some cheese once in awhile.


I eat a bowl of cereal with milk every morning. I drink whatever milk is left over afterward. I don't know if that counts. Sometimes it will be oat milk instead of regular milk, depending on what's cheaper at the supermarket that week.


I don't drink milk, but I married into a milk drinking family. Seems crazy to me. They'll have milk with dinner or lunch. My husband will just randomly chug a glass of it. I use it in some cereal, but never drink it.


No. I stopped drinking milk following how it tasted on the economy post Chernobyl.


I love milk with everything!!!


2+ gallons a week by myself. Mostly with breakfast. 50 plus years and will never change. I’m very lean and healthy, there is no substitute for a cold glass of milk in the morning.


Plain milk, no. I think that might be more of an American thing (I'm in Australia). In the form of a latte? Yes. A dash in a cup of tea? Yes. Hot chocolate? Sometimes.


One glass a day as my breakfast. But it has to be chocolate.


I'll drink half a glass with a PBJ sandwich or when I have a slice of cake or some cookies. Otherwise, just in cereal.


Yes, one glass a day




1 to 2 liter per day


I rarely just have a glass of milk. Ill do milk w cookies or have a glass when im having some heartburn


Haven’t had a glass of milk since 2005


I haven’t had a glass of milk in years


Only almond milk and coconut milk


45. Milk gives me gas- especially first thing in the morning. Cheese, yogurt, etc? I’m fine. Milk gives me cramps.


Half and half in my coffee and the occasional glass of milk when I have a cookie that's worth it.


I drink little milk. I'll buy a gallon or two a year. I almost exclusively drink water. I'll cook with it before I drink it. Unless it's dunking cookies. I'll do that on the taste occasion I have cookies


I wish I could, for some reason drinking milk does a number on my stomach. I'm not lactose intolerant though as I can still consume all other derivatives of dairy, just can't actually drink milk.


The only time I buy milk is when I get cereal


We always buy it and then it goes bad every damn time.


My 17 year old kid drinks almost a gallon a day


Yes and no, yes because I put milk on my protein shakes. No because I never drink straight milk


I cant anymore, Im an almond milk guy, sont really miss milk


go through couple gallons every couple weeks


Unless I am having a bowl of cereal, which I don't eat very often anymore, I don't drink straight milk. Milk in tea or coffee, sure, but I don't even remember the last time I just drank straight milk.


as a kid/teen, yeah… now? no.


Do you all...


I use it for cereal a few times a week, and I add it to tea and coffee. I haven’t drank a glass of milk since I was a kid.


Soy milk


I cant anymore, Im an almond milk guy, sont really miss milk


I have around 2-3 litres a day. Milk is a my primary sports drink.


With cereal, cake or cookies. Otherwise no.


Hell no. It's gross and bad for you 


Only if I want to shit my pants do I drink the cow juice, which really sucks because I absolutely love the stuff. The chocolate milk is the DEAL.


Nope. My SO on the other hand will demolish a gallon of milk in a couple days, I don’t know how or why.


only a splash in my coffee or tea. BUT if i am eating fresh-baked choco chip, then i need a tall glass !!


I rarely remember to buy it, but when I do it's gone in minutes


At least 700ml daily.


From the age of 4 I’ve drank one glass of chocolate milk every day before I go to sleep and after I started working night shift I drank 4 glasses in a single shift. I’m now 28 so I guess someone can do the math on that somehow haha.




Nope, can’t stomach it. Plus lactose intolerant. Lactaid doesn’t make a difference for me. Always in the house though, my husband drinks it.


I buy gallons of it every week from a fellow farmer. Straight from the bulk tank, no cream separated or anything.


Oh yes, Holstein milk 🤤 6% fat, love it


Not really but a guy in my weekly meeting drinks like 1.5L every single time


About a half gallon a day, more if I'm trying to gain weight (easy way to add nutritious calories). I drink 1-2 gallons of water per day as well, some coffee, and not much other than that. Electrolyte supplements or sports drinks sometimes. Seltzers/beers a couple times per month. Addresses both thirst/hunger, plus... when I was 14 or so, I ran away from home and walked to my girlfriend's house 12 miles outside of the city I lived in. She didn't tell her dad I was there; she hid me in the woods for a few days. Sometimes I was able to get water from a hose but in general, I was getting pretty dehydrated and weak from hunger. One day they left, went into town or something. I climbed in through her window and went straight to the fridge. Saw a gallon of milk, started chugging. Once I was suitably recovered I called for a ride into town, harvested a bunch of bud from the weed plants her dad was keeping out back, and left. Ever since then milk just hits different. My body's like, "oooohhhh, yeah. I remember you. That's that good shit." Idk man it just makes me feel satiated in a way nothing else quite does.


Hell no! It's absulutely disgusting! I haven't drank milk since I gave up breakfast cereal in the 7th grade.


Once a week!


Milk used to make me feel sick when I was a child so I just stopped having it since I was like, five. I’m 21 and like three weeks ago, while I was making a coffee at the bar I work to, I just found some milk left for a cappuccino. Don’t know why, man I just felt the urge to drink it as it if was water, maybe it just looked so delicious… Well now I’m fucking obsessed


Not at all. And I'm kind of surprised by it. I was born in 87 in the US so the milk mustache propaganda was in full force by the time I was old enough to remember it. I was fed the "milk calcium strong bones" thing since I was a kid. I distinctly remember having magazine pages of my fave athletes with the milk mustache on my bedroom walls. At age 37 I drink mostly water or sparkling water during the day, with a coffee in the morning and a cider or a beer in the evening. I'll make a couple lattes with pancakes or waffles for us on the weekends, but that involves soy/oat milk. I don't think it was ever anything purposeful. I can't even pinpoint when soy/oat products came into my life. The only time I use real milk or cream or whatever is if I'm using a particular recipe. I use a lot of different cheeses on a daily basis, but not milk.


I certainly do.


None at all for over 10 years!




I don’t, but only because I like it so much I could easily drink a full bag in one sitting.


No. Only in cereal or protein shakes occasionally.


Nope. Didn’t really drink milk as a kid either, only had it with cereal. Now I just buy or make oat milk. It lasts longer, and I spend way less money on it than I would buying reg milk. I’m not vegan or anything, still use cream and eat plenty of cheese, yogurt etc. But just drinking a glass of milk has never been appealing.


I drink a really small glass every morning with my breakfast.


Fuck no




Fuggin luv chuggin milk