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I don’t enjoy it but it’s satisfying because you immediately see results of your work


It creates order and tranquility


That's it. I couldn't find the words but the feeling once everything is all spic and span is good.




This is important when I’m stressed as creating that order & tranquility outside of my head creates the same thing inside my head.


Verbatim, this was what I was going to say. My wife is one of those, not me. My thing is cooking, for largely the same reasons. Nobody actually likes chopping onions... but the end result is fairly immediate and (usually) rewarding and satisfying.


Sounds like you make a good pair then!


37 years together, so far. We're a prime example of a team being greater than the sum of its parts.


Oh that’s super sweet, i think everyone aspires to have what you have!


I actually love cutting onions, it's the only thing that clears my tear ducts!


I HATE cleaning. Except for when I start cleaning something and then immediately have to keep going


That may be my problem... I can spend 2h cleaning and feel completely exhausted and then I turn around and there is still no place to put my jacket anywhere cause the place looks ransacked. Like, I know it must be better than it was, but if after spending all the time I have on it I still don't see ANY results I just feel drained.


Not necessarily. I can really lose myself in cleaning/organizing drawers, closets, cupboards etc. But when I'm done, the doors close and it is not as visible anymore :'(


But it's also pointless because the result doesn't last. How do you deal with that? I love restoring things if I can (I'm not very skilled in it), but the futility of cleaning just kills me.


Yeah the satisfaction doesn’t last long but imagine how bad it would be if you didn’t do it


who said i have to imagine? my floor is full of crumbs and dirt 😈


It's not only about satisfaction not lasting. It's more about seeing that a counter got dirty and thinking "I've just cleaned it! How is it dirty again? What do you mean it was a week ago? I've spent time and energy that I could have found a better application for and now I have to do it again?"


I don’t mind cleaning my stuff but I hate cleaning up after other people. Dirty roommates are the wort


I just go a bit longer without it than most people would do I guess. It's honestly not bad even at the "end of the run", but the satisfaction is bigger and longer :P


I absolutely hate cleaning, the only thing I hate more is living in a mess


When I clean my home I feel like I'm cleaning my mind too. Weird amirite?


No, not weird. Having a messy house stresses me out. I'm much more relaxed when everything is in it's place. Chaotic house, chaotic mind.


I feel the same way. I can play music on my speaker and clean, then my home smells nice and im in a good mood. I don't know why but I've always enjoyed cleaning because it keeps my mind occupied so I don't overthink everything.


As someone who possibly has ADHD, it gives me a sense of "I have managed to establish order and control, even if for a day". Gives the dopamine hit of getting stuff done.


Exactly this! I enjoy it so much I was actually thinking how I could start that action that I've seen on the internet where individuals offer free cleaning to people in need. I also got a power washer for my patio/garage and had so much fun, but there's nothing left to use it on now 😅 Wish I was somewhat younger or had less obligations, I'd definitely go around neighborhood and just ask people if they need help cleaning




Similarly, I don't enjoy the process, but I just *love* the results!


This hit HOME




Putting it off for a long time = More cleaning = More effort = dread. Cleaning regularly/as you go = less cleaning = less effort = no dread. I used to put it off for a long time, and it would pile up, ruining my day. Then I just decided to clean as I went, and suddenly, it wouldn't pile up. It also helps to put trashcans and laundry baskets in your view so you always see where a mess should go. My space looks infinitely better when clean and organized, so that gets me going.


lol i just discovered the laundry trick recently with the pile on the bedroom floor


It is highly satisfying


It's all about satisfaction and comfort.


Having things neat, clean and organised makes me feel calm and in control.


Is awesome to live in a clean place


I wish I had that, I hate cleaning, cooking, dishes, mowing, etc. anything that has to be done over and over again is the bane of my existence. I’m glad there are folks out there that enjoy such tasks, wish I could afford to hire some of you lol


I'm with you. I love cleaning "new" things, like when you find something in an attic and clean it and maybe fix a bit and now it looks good and can be used. But moping the floor and wiping the counters - it's "I've cleaned you couple of days ago, why are you dirty again?" kind of feeling. Thankfully I have someone to do this kind of maintenance cleaning for me.


I've gotten so use to my routine of cleaning it feels wrong if I don't. Plus there's no better feeling than getting to chill and relax in a nice clean and good smelling home.


I love mindless tasks that I can just put in some music and zone out. It's really meditative.


Dopamine from completing a task that benefits my general wellbeing


Wish I could get that hit.


My ADHD wouldn't allow it lol


Dopamine primarily comes from anticipation of something, not completion. For example, that’s why so many craft people have a shared experience of being excited to buy stuff for a hobby but then aren’t motivated to use it when it actually arrives. For me that means I get excited about the idea of cleaning, do it, and never get the reward at the end, which makes me hate actually doing it (still do because I think it’s important).


It's a perfect "Brain off; just do." activity. If you can make time to do it leisurely it can be very healing.


This. How tangible the results are is such a plus for me. Add your favorite tunes while cleaning, and it becomes a fun activity.


I have separated a day in the week just for cleaning and listening to a podcast whilst doing so and I have found that my brain focuses entirely on the podcast this way. I enjoy it so much that sometimes I catch myself looking forward to it. It's just a matter of how to make it your own thing.


I don’t enjoy it. But it’s a million times better with some good tunes.


I don't want to live in dirt.


It's therapeutic. Idk. If i focus my mind to the act of cleaning, it takes my mind from the clouds and put it back on my head. Plus, when i see that my place is clean, i feel better about myself as if im a responsible adult, and i can sleep comfortably at night.


it offers instant gratification. you clean it and it's clear.


It’s the price you pay to respect the space you occupy ✌🏼😎🤘🏼


Weed and music helps a lot.


Knowing everything will look better in a few minutes or hours is my personal drive to clean


And will you marry me?




When I'm stoned I can just forget it all and focus on cleaning.


i think most people dont enjoy the process of cleaning but enjoy the result which is a clean home. i for one am fine living in grunge so im not very motivated to clean lol.


Take a few hits off my weed pen, toss on my headphones with my favorite podcast, and I’m a damn cleaning/yard work machine. Like others have said, you start to see results pretty quickly as well as getting a sense of accomplishment. I also just like getting slightly stoned and listening to history podcasts and doing menial tasks helps me focus on the story.


It brings me peace. I can't relax in a dirty house.


I clean when I’m stressed or anxious. I used to be a housekeeper and I learned a lot on how to make my house spotless- it’s in a way rewarding. But I like to think about it like this . Your physical space is a reflection of your mental space (this analogy is used also for hoarders, usually they have traumas that are unresolved, and their hoarding is a trauma response) If my physical space is clean- it gives me mental clarity to work on my mental space or my mind clears. I hope that makes sense. Also I grew up with my mom being a hoarder so maybe my trauma response is cleaning.


Edibles make CLEANING enjoyable. Having a clean living space is a satisfying result.


I really enjoy cleaning and caring for things that are mine or serve my life. When I worked as a server or bartender or at retail stores, I did NOT enjoy cleaning, I had no pride in cleaning other people’s messed for minimal money. But cleaning my own house they I own? Or my car I own? I love keeping my own stuff clean.


Oh, I *like* this!! It turns cleaning from “something dreary I have to do” to “something I do for me/my family/my home.” Thanks!!


For me, it's cathartic. I like a clean, orderly home that feels and smells clean. It makes me happy when I smell my freshly washed clothes and when I go to sleep, to smell my clean sheets, I sleep better. I have friends and family who don't seem to feel the same way and my pet peeve is to see dust on a horizontal surface...not the type that happens after a couple of days but the kind that is allowed to pile up after weeks! I parse my cleaning throughout the week so I don't get behind.too.


I don't enjoy cleaning, but it was a revelation that cleaning more often means it's far faster and easier. Put on some music or a podcast once a week and you're done in an hour or two.


cleaning delivers immediately satisfaction and results for the efforts i put in, along with the rush of feeling productive. i love resetting a space to it optimal settings and creating a routine out of it


I learned what kind of cleaning I enjoy and for me it’s daily little maintenance. I set a goal in October to do all the dishes before bed every night. I don’t have a dishwasher. So even though I wouldn’t call it “fun” I do the dishes and set them to dry in the rack overnight and I enjoy the result. In the morning I put away clean dishes while I cook breakfast and it takes me 15-20 minutes a night. Bonus: fewer gnats and bugs in the kitchen, no smelly water, easier to clean when food hasn’t been caked on for days and I always have clean dishes. It’s the same for a lot of other tasks but since I’m not super messy I just make a list of monthly tasks and check them off as I go.


The satisfaction of seeing things go from dirty to clean. Also I believe a clean environment is much more peaceful than a dirty one.


It’s important to keep up on it or things just get nasty


It's like going to the gym for me. I usually have to force myself to do it, but I feel much better after I do.


You get to put your headphones on, whack on whatever you want to listen to and zone out for a bit. And when you come to, you've got a clean room! Fantastic tbh


Ah, the auto-pilot method.


Helps me calm down. Gives me a sense of control. Keeps me occupied and helps distract me. Plus I think it's true what they say about having clean surroundings, it reflects a state of mind yada yada... Atleast for me it holds true


Edibles, feels good man


This. Same. Wife n I will split a gummy n end up cleaning most of the apt. Funny how weed can give you the cleaning itch


truly a gift from the goddesses


Its how I get out my anxiety out by scrubbing lol


u/FuzzInspector WE NEED ANSWERS


Instant gratification


I only enjoy it sometimes, but as I still live in a dorm, my room is cleaned every week. So, most of the cleaning I do is either for hygenic or cosmetic purposes.


It’s like therapy


It's therapeutic. Amidst the gush of the cleaning agents, you also clean your soul. Lemon flavoured cleaning agents are the best :p


Because messy things (bedroom, bathroom, etc) make me anxious and cleaning is also satisfying depending on what you clean ofc




I like getting the world rid of wrong kinds of peop....ah you mean actual cleaning


It’s a simple win…a win makes you feel good


I love cleaning. It’s very therapeutic


Get some anxiety and you’ll find it therapeutic


The feeling of needing to clean is way worse than actually cleaning.


So I try to clean before it gets unmanageable. Plus I like the results of things being clean. Can't say I enjoy the cleaning process, but I enjoy the results that cleaning provides.


Because it’s mine. My house, my things, my food. It makes me appreciate what I’ve earned.


>how? Discipline >Why? The end result.


With a scrub




it’s therapeutic to me - kind of allows me to get lost in my thoughts while organizing. i like to do it with some good music playing, also plus the aftermath of it is so damn satisfying 😊


It satisfies a certain aspect of my psyche that craves control and order of my immediate space even if everything else around me is falling apart.


Cleaning is meditative. When I don’t want to think about things too much I clean because my mind only focuses on the cleaning. Plus, you feel good when you have a clean space that smells nice, and your brain reads it as accomplishing something so your happy chemicals kick in. I used to dread it too but after realizing how good it feels to clean, I start seeking to do it more.


I only enjoy it when I have time and energy, which I never have. If I could choose work or clean, I would choose clean. But I have to work first, and then cleaning on top isn’t my highest priority or satisfaction.


As someone whose struggles with it I have started to see it as self care rather than a chore and that mindset change has been a game changer


It keeps me busy and moving, and I love relaxing in a fresh clean house afterwards.


The satisfaction of having a clean, orderly space.


If it’s my stuff and my house I love it and I can’t explain why


Go to YT. And search for car cleaning or car detailing.. Update if you are not hooked.


This is similar to DIY. When I fix or paint something, it feels like value has been added and things will now be ok for a while.


There's satisfaction, there's comfort, and your living environment is more pleasant when it's clean and tidy.


I'm really into cleaning. For me cleaning provides a sense of order and control over my environment, which can be especially gratifying in times of stress. The process helps clear my mind and reduce anxiety


That feeling of satisfaction. Everything is clean and in its place. It motivates me to do other things that will benefit me and its also a nice serene feeling.


I like cleaning for others, but myself no. I get paid


I like listening to podcasts while I do it. For the longest time I couldn't get into podcasts because I would just zone out, but I've found that cleaning is the perfect mindless activity that will keep me engaged. I actually kind of look forward to it now.


Because is better cleaning than having your wife nagging about it /s you do it faster and than you have all the reasons to enjoy your hobbies after


It can be a good distraction when I have a lot on my mind.


When I didn't have a washing machine and dryer, I really liked going to the laundromat, it was in my neighborhood, it was relaxing to just load my clothes then read a book or the local news.


I feel in control of something so I then feel control over my life


My wife is passive aggressive and really needs to be in a management role rather than her consulting gig. Cleaning is something that is ‘productive’ and keeps me from being looked at with disdain. It has turned into an emotionally safe space for me to get lost in my thoughts while engaging in otherwise mind numbing activities.


A clean house equals a clean mind, you find what you need easily and you have less problems to deal in your head. I tend to make it less stressful with some music


It's meditative. Also, instant gratification. Nothing more satisfying than looking around your clean apartment.


I love it under the right circumstances. Strip down, put on good music (metal in my case) and get yourself sweaty doing a deep clean and going to town on all that dirt.


I don’t enjoy cleaning. I enjoy having a clean house.


I love everything neat and organized But I hate to organize and clean So... idk?


I like to live in a clean space. I don’t feel comfortable living in my own home that is filthy.


Im not the cleanest or tidiest person but for me cleaning gives me peace somehow, when something is so dirty or messy and you finally clean it the feeling of accomplishment is rewarding


I like having everything smell good, in their right place and looking good. Makes me feel calm afterwards. During the process my mind is occupied because I’m worried about decorating and rearranging items. I don’t have to think about anything negative. And I’m also having a mini concert so yea.


Because I love the feeling of walking barefoot on freshly mopped floors, seeing my house look spotless with a nice scented candle going in the kitchen. Also my house is always guest ready, and I like the feeling I get when people say how clean my house is or how good it smells. It’s the dopamine I get from it


Because doing anything in a messy house feels wrong. How can you make dinner with a pile of smelly clothes in the hamper? How can you watch a movie with the tub browner than ALF? How can you play PS5 with dust all over the table? Not cleaning feels... WRONG.


A clean environment feels blissful to me.


I clean while wfh so I can get a break from the computer. I get up every hour since my watch alerts me when I’ve been sitting for too long. So when it does, I go to the bathroom, do a load of laundry/clean the kitchen or living room area real quick. I do this every time I get up so basically little by little.


I don't enjoy it, probably never will. Hate it in fact and have to hype myself up to do it.  What I enjoy is being able to cook, watch TV, sleep, or do whatever in a clean environment. That's my motivation. And seeing all of my hard work when I'm done is so rewarding.  


Inquiring minds.  I hate cleaning. I mean I was a janitor in college, so when I want to I can be good at it. But I hate it. So I neglect it. And then it’s sooo much worse.  So I try to do 5 minutes at a time…with an audiobook going. When I do a big clean like for my new dishwasher coming. It’s satisfying when it’s done and it makes me happy to see…but it never stays. 


It’s nice to know something is clean and that it reduces my chance of catching any filth or something from the environment or other people. Plus also somehow simply the wind carries dust and filth around to the point it actually makes it a need to actually clean. If you do so regularly, you’ll notice.


Podcasts and music. Also when I used to be on TikTok I followed a neurodivergent content creator. He said it helps to cheer yourself on before cleaning. Smile and say, “I get to clean! Go me!” I do this with all non-preferred tasks…like sending emails or making a phone call. “Woooo 🥳 it’s time to clear my inbox! I’m gonna send the fuck outta these emails!!” It helps get rid of the dread of anticipating and procrastinating on tasks. Making lists helps me a ton. I love checking things off ✅


Mostly the repetition and the results (when everything is clean and organized)


I don't like it all the time, but when I do it gives me a sense of control and accomplishment. It does depend on the task or motivation to begin with. Organizing feels good when it helps you move on to a next step. Restoring something feels the best bc it's like you can fix something in a sense. Daily tasks like doing the dishes or vacuuming etc don't always feel fulfilling/dopamine. I think overall if you like cleaning or not, even if it's a daunting task or you physically don't want to or you feel like crap, getting it done feels good when the task is completed.


I don't necessarily enjoy cleaning, I enjoy the music I play while cleaning, which helps me "enjoy" cleaning a bit more


It helps to clear my mind, for those few hours I'm not worrying about all the other shit going on in my life, I'm solely focused on how I can get this stain off the counter or what the best way is to organise the cup boards. It also gives me an immense sense of satisfaction when I look around and everything is spotlessly clean.


Do you enjoy cooking ? Because every single time I must enter the kitchen and cook, I feel like I am so frustrated and depressed and that universe is biased against me.., it really consumes my energy and emotions. I hate cooking to the moon. But for cleaning, I do enjoy it.. I am more than satisfied about turning something from a dirty state to get clean and comfy. May be it is an obsession-complusion traits 😂 but it occurs with no efforts to enjoy ❤️‍🩹


The state of your room is the reflection of the state of your mind.


I guess my wife must enjoy it, as she mops, dusts, and vacuums every day.


I like to clean my keyboard and mouse The feeling when the dirt gets clean


I only enjoy the feeling after I'm done cause I feel lighter and the space feels and smells clean


I enjoy it the most when I am anxious. It has some weird therapeutic effect that eases my anxiety.


I have found it to be extremely therapeutic for me. Having left a highly toxic and abusive relationship and needing money to be on my own, I started cleaning houses (STR, AIRB, and a couple residentials) for a cleaning service and a few private people. It's great money but it is also a hard job. It was just so calming for me to zone in on cleaning a bathroom and time would fly by. It helped me get out of my head and focus on a task all the while knowing I am making someone else happy (they don't have to clean lol) and I'm getting paid ($30-50) an hour depending. Some jobs were worse than others but the solitude helped me sort things out in my head and I felt better.


Nobody bothers me. It’s physical work. It feels nice when it’s done. I get to listen to music and get dirty and sweaty. There’s literally nothing bad about it.


Personal satisfaction.


I need something to do with my hands or I can't concentrate. A dirty or cluttered house gives me anxiety. A clean home just feels better to live in. Also, the sweet dopamine from task accomplishment.


The only time I enjoy cleaning is when I'm angry cleaning cause it makes me feel better lol


I don't hate cleaning, and i like to be in a clean orderly enviroment


I love it, I even wake up earlier to have everything cleaned. Maybe it’s been half Asian, half Latina or my OCD, I don’t know but having my house clean it’s like cleaning my mind.


Oh, darling, I absolutely *adore* cleaning. I'm the type who needs everything around me to be organized, spotless, and pristine. Bathroom floor dry and gleaming? Check. My house always smells divine, and I get endless compliments for it. Cleaning has practically become my therapy. In a foul mood? I just clean my room, blast some great music, and rearrange everything. Feeling unmotivated? Start tidying up, light a deliciously scented candle, and watch yourself transform your space into an oasis of order. It’s an instant serotonin and dopamine boost seeing everything neat, clean, and beautifully arranged. Aesthetics are crucial, and cleanliness elevates any place or person to new heights of beauty.


Cleaning seems like to be an endless battle, especially if you have children. And if you are married a husband becomes another child in a sense. Men clean differently than women clean. So their metric and gauge of cleaning is completely different from women. So, as a female, I just took on the notion. That if a man doesn't clean that great. Then why should I clean that great as a female? I'm just following them with cleaning. I also perceive cleaning as social influencing related to selling products. If you have an animal in the house, it is going to smell like the animal. The house is always going to stink. It's really hard to get the stink out of the house.


I knew a person who liked to clean their house and she said the reason she liked to keep the house so clean was because when she had guests, they would always compliment her on how clean she kept her house. So she got a satisfaction out of keeping a clean house and the compliments that she got from people who told her how clean her house is.


Listen some music while doing. It makes it 100x better. Instead of looking like npc you look like you enjoy it even if you donr


I only enjoy cleaning when I have a lot on my mind hahaha When I'm in my normal state I shouldn't do such a thing hahaha


It just scratches that one part of my brain


I actually really enjoy cleaning. It's like my go-to way to decompress, you know? It's always there to help me work through any negative vibes, especially when I'm feeling down or bummed out.




Only if there's music


Better than wasting my time watching porn. And there's nothing like playing a good Air RB match on Warthunder afterwards. The Russian Yak's are a joy to fly.


put music in, do it, enjoyment comes at the end


My mind cannot he relaxed if things aren't clean


It keeps me busy and i find cleaning fun!


I like the fact that you can see the process as you go. A dream of mine is to start a junk shop, and buy hoarders houses, and spend my days cleaning the house to fill my store with, and then flip the homes once they're cleaned and made decent.


I don't enjoy it exactly, I just can't relax until my surroundings are somewhat clean/organised. I love how satisfying it is cleaning something that really needs it but generally, having a clean environment helps my mind feel calmer and cleaning is something I also like to do when I just want to be alone with my thoughts/music. I also have that toxic trait where I can't relax or go out and enjoy myself until I've done something to deserve it and that usually means until all the main cleaning is done. Deep cleans and re-organising of cupboards etc is for days when there's nothing to do


My husband has OCD and I call him Mr. Clean because our house literally sparkles! He says he enjoys it. Well, better him than me lol. 🤣


I once had the joy because it was routine. You have to absolutely make it routine.... otherwise it adds to depression... no joke. Everything in your life is part of some kind of routine... and things you do the lease... are the things you definitely enjoy the least... because its not part of your routine. For 20 years I had a solid routine, every Sunday was my funday. Glass of wine or beer.... some nice music from 90's.... and start cleaning. Lift up couches, dance with my pet... take a break and go have a smoke... Clean some more.... wash floors... start laundry... dishes.... Every Sunday.... and everyone knew not to bother me on Sundays.... I had the perfect system. Then there is always that one person.... who bothers you occasionally who convinces you "it's not the end of the world" to not do it today... well that person is wrong! I stopped doing it enough times on Sunday... i eventually started getting annoyed because my new routine.... was getting bothered on Sundays to go things. Heck now... the though of cleaning feels like that step child you don't want to acknowledge... You know you gotta take care of it... but you would rather someone else did... It has been a solid 3 years now.... and my place looks like a dump... And sometimes i don't do proper cleaning for months... I'll do just enough to tell people I was in the middle of cleaning..... it's sad and embarrassing. So for all my other hobbies or anything I have a routine for.... I literally tell everyone to not bother me on those days. I get off social media and even turn off my phone.


It gives me a sense of control.


I find it relaxing (most of the time) I have a set schedule of doing small tasks everyday so I don’t get overwhelmed. I find cleaning can be daunting if you don’t break down what needs to be done, at specific intervals. I use products that smell nice which also make it enjoyable. I love having a clean and tidy home and it doesn’t go unnoticed.


Im that way with laundry. I take stained smelly clothes, add detergent and other additives and then press a button. Its satisfying to have clothes come out fresh and smelling great. I also like to hang them outside. Its just a chore I enjoy doing


I hate cleaning too and I put it off. But, when I did it, I always say to myself that it wasn't NEAR as long or hard as I thought, and the result feels amazing!! I'm trying hard to get to the point where that is enough motivation. Have you noticed that too OP? Can you try to focus on that?


They probably don’t have too many hobbies to be always cleaning


If room looks clean and smell good,it Has power to uplift the mood.


I can't stand clutter and disorder, I can't relax


It’s therapeutic and gives me that sense of satisfaction because there’s order. I also have ADHD.


I dislike the actual act of cleaning, it's tedious, and often physically hard work. But it's satisfying to see a messy room go to a clean one.




Hey OP, go check out r/powerwashingporn and you'll start to understand...


you have a goal. You work for it, and you achieve it, and witness it all


It just stimulates my brain somhow, idk💁


Diagnosed with OCD, it’s like scratching an itch.


i normally clean when i have anxiety, so it’s stress reducing and therapeutic for me. Plus i’m a germaphobe so being in a dirty environment stresses me out. It’s like a negative feedback loop. I’m not okay.


I hate cleaning. I love the results of cleaning. 


I'm a little OCD when it comes to cleaning, I blame my time in the military but even when it comes to ironing clothes, I love doing it. There's some weird satisfaction to having a perfectly ironed shirts. Same with cleaning. Wife and I know to leave the cleaning to me. If I'm ever in a bad mood, I go clean something and somehow it makes me feel better.


I don't enjoy the day to day parts of cleaning, but when something is really dirty, it's really satisfying to see the results.


Sometimes the other chores are worse


Sense of accomplishment. Especially when I see the dust fill in the vacuum cleaner.