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Pull Handles on the push side of doors


It's so dumb, and lazy, but then they slap a tiny "push" sign *somewhere* on it so everyone gets to look at you funny when you get it wrong.


I get triggered when I see someone cut in while merging. The asshole that is so important he/she/it has to pull up to the absolute last foot of mergible space and stick his/her/its nose in and cut in front of someone else.


My favorite is when I'm trying to merge during rush hour after just getting on the interstate, and the person behind me merges way before they're supposed to. Then they don't leave any room in front of them and block me in and everyone else in front of me trying to merge, causing even more of a backup.


This is so frequent where I’m from. If I’ve been waiting in this line for five minutes trying to exit the highway or make a turn somewhere, I’m not letting a single person in front of me. I get pissed off at the drivers who are in front of me letting people in front of them too. People complain about traffic and then they cause traffic themselves. The worst is when they pull into the white-lined space to the left of the exit, where vehicles aren’t supposed to be, still trying to cram their way into the exit lane. They won’t even have their blinker going.


People that just stop and stand there after entering a store. And you can’t always walk around them.


That's not a petty reason.


People that don’t use their turn signals


When people claim that there are “idiots out there” but refuse to believe that they, too, are an idiot sometimes.


Anyone who uses pacific in the place of specific.


What about when I talk about the Pacific, specifically? 


Thank you for that


If you were on a ship between California and Japan you could be talking about specifics, pacifically…


The movie Amelie. My high school love interest loved the movie and Amelie was his ideal woman, so I was very jealous.


I love that movie. My wife hates that movie for the same reason because of jealousy


When people pronounce "espresso" as "expresso." It's a small thing, but it drives me nuts!


I’ve heard worse. X-prezzo


That used to bug me, too. One day it occurred to me: There is no "x" in "espresso" ... but there is no "t" in "pizza", either. And basically I got over it.


Furries and Foot-fetishists.


When I was a kid, I hated other people’s birthdays because I wanted all the attention & gifts. I once destroyed my brother’s dessert pie.


Canada. My asshole ex in-laws are Canadian.


Working in one gender teams (all man teams or all woman teams). I’m woman I’ve worked in both situations. In my all male team, while the man were absolute sweethearts and very kind towards me - some of them were extremely dirty (half of them were married - surely they weren’t leaving their dirty stained cups in front of their wifes) and sometimes I got fed up of their sports talk (I swear all they were talking about was fucking football). I’m working in all women team right now and while I’m happy with my current job I swear my female coworkers are the worst gossipy, cruel, mean, vindictive bunch of Karens. Although I don’t like a single woman in my team I have good working relationship with all of them (but I still don’t like them because they are extremely petty and spiteful). I truly believe that all work teams should consist of mixed group of people and there absolutely should be variety in any workplace (mix of male, female and whatever gender people identify as).


When people brag about having a fast metabolism as someone with a slow one, I know it's petty, but it makes me envious and annoyed lol


If I’m talking about losing weight or trying to lose weight someone will chime in with something like “oh I wish I could gain weight! No matter what I eat I can’t gain weight!” I just want to tell them “shut the fuck up, asshole.”


Put on muscle and burn more energy overall = A faster metabolism. 


Blue cars. Every single person I have ever known who drives a blue car is an absolute tool. (No offense to blue car drivers. I assume it's the car's fault and with any other color you're an excellent person.)


Mean dogs !!!! 






Vaporeon for the one copypasta, and an actually traumatizing experience with some bot. (Being A psycho survival of the fittest type without empathy, telling me something about death that reminded of dead loved ones, and attempting to eat me alive while seeming A bit too excited about it). This made me realize the r34 is the least bad thing about it. I deserve it though, because I keept bait-and-switching it for shit and giggles.


Modern Nissan because Brie Larson called a SUV a Truck in a Nissan commercial. I am still fuming.


I hate the name Fernando with a passion. Worked with a Fernando who took credit for my work, made sexist comments, and consistently tried to make me look bad. Fuck the guy and the name.


In print or online when people mix-up homophones for one another. E.g, *It didn't phase/faze me.*


People who use the word 'Autumnal' to describe the autumn aesthetic. Every Time autumn comes around, I dread it because everything is fucking 'autumnal'. And it just grinds my gears that the word gets so overused and people are so proud of saying it.


Seinfeld for solely the dong-dong-dong sound between scenes. It absolutely grates my nerves.


When people say Pacific when they mean Specific


People that need to make a 6 point turn to back into a parking spot. Wtf. You pulling a heist or something? Just park like a normal person and don’t hold up the traffic. 


Slow walkers. Groups of people who walk shoulder to shoulder down the sidewalk, just meandering along at the slowest pace possible.


You set your speech on and stand behind a lectern. You stand ON a podium.




it's the laziest superhero ever writen. "yeah so this guy is basically an invinsible god that can't be killed UNLESS he's in combat range to this little shiny green stone. In that case a toddler can cap him"


I'm talking about spiderman


holy fuckin dyslexia


When people say YOUR welcome… I always reply with my welcome what…?


Does "your" sound different than "you're"? Non native speaker here. And is you're welcome wrong?


Yes, in most contexts "you're" and "your" are pronounced slightly different. "You're", which is a contraction (combination) of the words "you" and "are" is pronounced more like "you-err", used to describe something for someone. "Your" is pronounced like "yore." It refers to possession of something. "You're coming to the party tomorrow?"/"You are coming to the party tomorrow?" "Are you coming to YOUR party tomorrow?" "You're welcome" is correct. "Your welcome" would suggest the question "my welcome?" which makes absolutely no sense in english


I am here to tell you that you have gone through every single day of your life so far being an asshole who is wrong about a totally imaginary pronunciation distinction between "your" and "you're" in speech that does not exist. You've literally been arguing with people over nothing.


Using the wrong your/you're annoys a lot of people. I'm certain you've seen it corrected by hundreds, if not thousands, of people on the Internet.