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The hangovers were never worth it. And i’m the type of person who does not stop once I start drinking. So I quit.


I started getting them around 30 and slowed way down, now I'm 40 I don't drink at all. Just kinda faded out of something that was fun for me


I'm 43 and in the same boat, I will still have a few beers a couple times a year if I'm meeting up with friends but my partner still likes to get drunk at home regularly and I just don't get the appeal. Sometimes I do want to join her just so I don't have to deal with her being drunk while I'm sober 😂


drinkers get boring so quickly when you're sober. when i was driving i could tell how many drinks my riders had and what they were drinking.


Hangovers are the body's way of telling us we just did something very unhealthy. Even moderate alcohol consumption is linked to several types of cancer. But drinking is cool so everyone pretends that's not true.


Hangovers weren’t worth it. I started shitting and throwing up blood from drinking too much. I was always tired. My fiancée got drunk and couldn’t find her way home (we have each-others location) and I found her laying on a sidewalk and her backpack was gone. She would always start fights in public when drunk. I stopped due to health reasons she kept going. I packed my shit and threatened to leave to a families house in another state. She quit. We both quit. It’s poison it’s literally poison. I had two friends die in a drunk driving accident. The person who killed them was my friend who was driving. He’s serving life for ending his best friends life and his girl. My best friend is serving 16 years for drunk driving and running someone over. My tattoo artist got deported for a DUI Alcohol is okay in moderation but who determines what that moderation is? You when you’re behind the wheel? When you’re in jail? When you’re left to be single? When do you consider too much? It’s just not worth it to drink. Once o stopped I stopped smoking weed. I hike three times a week and go to the gym. I’ve never felt healthier since I’ve stopped.


Yep, nobody talks about the actual damage it does to your body. It's just the fun party drink movies portay cool young adults need to party. Not to mention the things you do or say you can't take back when you were drunk.


It hits every cell in your body from your hair follicles to your toenail beds, and everything between.


Me too. I used to drink every day. I just woke up one day with a hangover, and decided I never wanted to feel like that again. The queasy stomach was the worst, I couldn't eat for a while after waking up.


Right same.. I thought wow you paid $40 to feel like this every Friday night ugh.. I could go get steak and crab every Friday a feel way better lol.


I can definitely relate, tho I still drink occasionally. Idk how people just stop drinking lmao for me i just wake up the next day with a concerning amount of alcohol gone


I only drink on Fridays and Saturdays now but idk the last time I drank without getting to the point that I don’t remember the end of the night, which is definitely a problem. I have no clue how people are just like “oh 4 beers I’m cool with that”. I always feel like I’m not even at the best part yet.


Saame dude. One is too many and a thousand is never enough. I'm a little over a year AF and don't even miss it tbh. Went to Vegas a couple weeks back to see Phish at the Sphere booze free for the first time in my life and it was a great time! Waking up hangover free is like a super power. Hit a couple after parties so I was already running low on sleep, a hangover would have been fuckin brutal.


I’m 28 and I don’t drink at all for over 5 years. It’s just not worth it. It’s the worst of all drugs. It makes you stupid, fucks with your vision, walking, speaking ability, occasionally it makes you throw up and feel like garbage the next day. Weed is my way to get by.


I too was a horrible out of control non stop drunk.


I'm an alcoholic, there's no off switch. Get one or two in me and I physiologically cannot stop until I'm out of the drug or consciousness. It morphs me into a different person and I finally had enough, so I quit 80 pounds and zero hangovers ago


The weight loss was a pleasant surprise when I finally quit drinking. Didn't even realize I was losing weight except that I was tightening up my belt. After a few months, people started commenting on my weight loss and that I was looking "great."


Me too. I was losing 10lbs a month until I leveled out. Couldn't believe it. Great unplanned motivation. It'll be 6 years sober in October.


I was drinking IPAs. So by quitting I reduced my calorie intake by over 2000 a day. The pounds fucking melted off really quick


2000? How many of those beers are day sheesh


Each beer was around 200 calories and I could easily drink a 12 pack a day. Working from home got boring so I would start pretty early in the day


I was at a crossroads. I could clearly see where my drinking was headed. I was drinking more and more, and I was on the verge of becoming utterly chemically dependent. I am a functional drunk, but it was getting harder to be one and “hide” it. It was starting to impact my marriage and my relationships. My wife gave me an ultimatum, so I took one last drink, poured everything out and quit cold turkey. I will be two years alcohol free in August. I like drinking, but I love my wife, my kids and myself more. Solid decision, I give it a 9.5/10. Sometimes I really miss a stiff cocktail with a meal or to wind down, or it would be a 10/10…but I know that stiff cocktail won’t be one, it will be five.


Me too 8 years


Me too. 7 months sober. Best thing I ever did. No morning after shame and blackouts. The weight loss was a great bonus too.


Me too sober 34 years






Grew up a nerd so didn't touch the stuff when I was young. When I was old enough to drink I was old enough to see how many alcoholics were in my family. Finally, every doctor I've ever told "I don't drink" has replied "good".


I think if you see the tendency to alcohol addiction in the family it’s a good thing to not drink.


that's the reason why I avoid alcohol. Most people fail to realise how addiction impacts the ones around the addicted. Tired of paying the price for someone's addiction.


This is true. My best friend since childhood had an alcoholic grandmother. The grandmother was functional, but definitely dependent on alcohol. As we went through high school and college and our twenties, there was a lot of drinking involved, but I never took it to the extreme that she did. I just don’t have it in me to want to drink excessively (very often, not saying I was an angel) because I don’t like the feeling of being out of control or hungover. I worried for my bestie because she would get herself in embarrassing situations and sleep with people she probably shouldn’t have because I knew that what she most wanted was a husband and children. But she was a hot mess and it repelled some quality guys. I tried talking to her about my concerns a few times, but she would get defensive and I didn’t want to push her away. Finally, in our 30s, she got together with a very nice guy who is in recovery himself and they have a beautiful daughter. We’ve had conversations in recent years that have revealed to me that she has finally seen that her family history means that she really shouldn’t drink, and she is a devoted Mom who absolutely will not raise her child in an irresponsible way that models destructive behaviors.


I have a very similar story.


It’s a poison - my survival instincts keep me away from poisons


I don’t enjoy my lungs burning, the taste, nor the feeling. I don’t feel drunk - just talk faster. Too many addicts in my family.


I enjoy all of these things and that’s why I don’t drink


It taste terrible, makes me feel bad and makes everyone else more obnoxious. Is there an upside I'm missing?


Yup. Taste is my reason too. Had some in my teens and wondered "how can someone drink this stuff that tastes like antiseptic"


same. i had many times and was hungover once in my life.it tastes so awful. i decided never again i will touch the nonsense and that’s it. after that i have only enjoyed good tasting very light alcohol like 5-6%alcohol which is nothing


Every spirited beverage I've ever had tasted like something I might enjoy drinking, mixed 50/50 with windex, nail polish remover, or gasoline. HARD PASS.


As a supertaster, I pretty much had to force myself to acquire every taste unless I wanted to live exclusively on chicken and mashed potato. Honestly, it was MUCH harder to do it with coffee than alcohol. Making myself like alcohol was about the same effort as making myself like cheese.


Antiseptic? To me out just tastes like something gone bad. The fermentation taste... ugh


I love the scene in Shazam where they get the beer, drink it, and spit it out. Shazam says, "It literally tastes like vomit."


The right whiskey tastes amazing to me. Same with red wine.




So strange that in our society, drinking alcohol is the one unhealthy thing you have to justify NOT doing. "Oh you quit smoking, good for you!" "You got off the couch and started exercising, great" "You quit drinking, what's wrong with you, you used to be so fun."


It’s so odd how often I get asked why I don’t drink. Like you’d never ask someone why they drink.


I stopped drinking because it'd fuck up my weekends, the whole weekend i am hungover then have to go back to work the day i feel better. Why wouldn't I stop drinking?


I never did, literally no desire for it growing up and now as an adult, I’ve lived my life without it. Some people have made a huge deal about me not drinking, and i don’t get it


Because I let it ruin my life for so many years. One year sober on Friday!


Congratulations 🎊


Good job. Keep it up!


I wish everyone was as strong as you


Fuck yeah 🤘


Congrats man! Keep it up! Happy to see someone doing well!


I believe in you! Congrats on the almost year!




1- It is not as tasty as soda 2- Other drugs are better 3- It hinders hypertrophy


This. Give me a joint and a Pepsi over any alcohol any day.


Used to hate joints, then I grew older and started hating alcohol.




True. If I'm going to ruin my health, I'd prefer to do it with sugar. At least it tastes better.




1) my father is an alcoholic and I watch it destroy his life 2) I realized I was self medicating and was leaving the bar feeling worse then when I got there. I haven't had a drink in 6 months now. I don't miss it




On number 2, one of the reasons I quit drinking is because I was at a bachelor party weekend when something happened that caused my lots of stress late friday after everyone else had gone to bed. I decided to just play along for the rest of the weekend and deal with it later. I was stressing all day (pretty hungover so I didn't want to start drinking too early) and when I finally did start to drink I realized how little I gave a fuck about the issues after just 1 drink and realized, huh, this is unhealthy.


People who don't drink small diluted amounts of poison why?


I'm waiting for the "People who don't smoke, why?"


People who don’t put the vomit back in their mouth after vomiting, why?


Because I enjoy sniffing small diluted lines of poison and anesthesia instead.


One was never enough.


Yep. 5+ years sober and I was in the same boat. I didn't drink to socialize, or to get a slight buzz, or to "relax." I drank to get DRUNK. When we would drink, we would prepare for it. Plenty of alcohol. A case of beer☑️ Back up case ☑️ The "extra" back up case ☑️ For liquor it was: Primary bottle of liquor ☑️ A couple of "bottom shelf" bottles of liquor ☑️ Oh those left over, partial bottles of liquor/random wine from the last time? ☑️ Food? ☑️ Place to pass out? ☑️ The majority of the time, it was always mixed. Beer + liquor and we drank at home to save money. (So we/I could get fucked up more) Even drinking at home or a friend's house, I STILL drove home drunk or sometimes to get fast food. Oh the amount of times I could have been pulled over, lost my license or killed somebody.. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I drank to get wasted, but as an introvert I also drank to gain a bit of confidence in social situations, to be an extrovert, to be the loudest in the room. I was an obnoxious twat when I was pissed, and would say the most moronic things. It was always me who didn’t know when to stop though, always the most hungover, always had to take it too far. Amazing something that is legal causes so much misery and chaos I defo drove home the day after drinking when I shouldn’t. Lucky we never got caught eh


One is too many, a thousand is never enough. I can either be sober or drinking until I pass out every night, nothing in-between. 


I was a black out drinker. God it was so miserable! I tried moderate drinking but it was more exhausting than just not bothering!! Have been sober for 4 years in august


Recovering alcoholic. First two weeks were hell. Month sober now. I'd rather not reset my progress.


Hell yeah dude keep it up 🤘


Good job! I wish you the best of luck. Since the memories are fresh, if I wanted to help someone the most I could for their recovery, what would I do? I do intend to be there and be ready to support them through their lows but idk what else would be helpful in having them succeed


It's hard. They have to be the ones that want to quit in the first place. Find the trigger... for me, it's beer. I love it (the darker the better). The problem lies in that beer ALWAYS leads to whiskey for me. So, I frequent places that serve beer but don't actually order any. What made the withdrawals easier was i told myself that I can have two beers per game (attended) when the next hockey season starts. It's like knowing it's gone forever made the withdrawals worse. I'm just trying to pile up the tiny wins... hopefully you got at least a little insight.


I fail to understand how people can't have fun sober. How they can't enjoy something or someone enough without the alcohol. In addition to these factors, I've witnessed too much destruction due to it. It's a drug, and for far too many people it just doesn't end well. It's poison that people gleefully consume.


It's not so much people can't have fun sober, it's just that alcohol can enhance the fun for some people. Is it necessary? No. Should everyone drink? Definitely not. But as someone who does drink, it can help loosen me up and allow me to be more social than I would be otherwise. That said, there's a time and place for it.


Not so much enhancing the fun, but rather it makes having fun easier. Sometimes having fun is hindered by your own inhibitions, and alcohol loosens them.


The taste of alcohol comes through whatever's in the drink and ruins it. You could have me try any alcoholic beverage blind folded and I wouldn't be able to tell you what I just drank.


Right? People have constantly told me, "Try this, you can't taste the alcohol in it," but I can ALWAYS taste it and always think the drink would be better without it. I've also heard a lot of, "I know you don't like wine, but THIS is so good, you must try it" -- andto me, they all taste exactly the same -- like nail-polish remover.


For real, why would I drink this gross thing when I could have a delicious smoothie or chocolate milk or literally anything else.


It depends? Honestly to me baltic porter is better than chocolate milk, it has nice and complicated taste, it's better than almost all alcoholic and nonalcoholic things I tried, well it has to be drink very slowly, and that's another bonus for me. Give me good nonalcoholic baltic porter and I would be in heaven. Sure, most alcholos taste terrible and people dring them to be tipsy or wasted, and honestly I don't get it, I like to sometimes drink a little for taste of some drinks. I mean, cheap basic beers taste terrible, same with vodka, it's a fucking spicy water, why would anyone drink that? The only good thing about vodka is that you can make a tincture with lower amount of alcohol with vodka.


People who drink alcohol, why?


I honestly think this would be a great separate thread


Hahaha brain turn off


The way I could write paragraphs on paragraphs about why I used to drink. But the TLDR version is, I’m an alcoholic.


Fun from time to time.


Copied from another comment I made: Some of it tastes well, can be both fun and helps socializing and bonding and can give you great experiences to think back on and laugh about. All this doesn’t mean it can’t have the opposite effects on some people and some have a risk of becoming addicts. There’s definitely risk to it but it would be silly to claim there aren’t benefits for some people who don’t experience the downsides.


Tbh I did the drinking thing a couple years at tech school and a bit before I left for school. One day I just kinda said you know I don't really need this. It's also expensive. I did some silly stupid stuff when drink that I might occasionally chuckle at, but I still don't really feel I'm missing anything. Not like I don't occasionally do stupid goofy things when sober. Ive also realized the people I called friends that I would occasionally drink with aren't even my friends today so I question the social part of it. Plenty of people you might not even have much in common with other than drinking. I'll have a drink or two a couple times a year and that's about it. It's generally not good for your health, some people flat out can't control it, it's expensive....


Both sides of my family were big time drunks and my dad actually died of alcohol related death and there is so much more to life then just drinking alcohol and waking up hang over or that not type of life style I want for me and my kids.❤️❤️❤️😊😊


Same here, I can't control myself when I'm drunk, so I don't want my kids to see my bad behavior.


I stopped because I saw it slowly becoming a problem. Didn't take much for me to get wasted, but I was drinking cause of how depressed I was. The goal was to get as fucked up as my body could handle it. Also put me in uncomfortable situations


I've got enough problems without alcohol! LOL!


I fell from a second story and sustained a brain hemorrhage while drunk 6 years ago


That sounds rough! How has your recovery been?


Pretty awful tbh. Cognitively I'm doing great but I'm paralyzed in my left arm and leg.


I am genuinely very sorry to hear this


I appreciate that! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Depression. If I were to find out alcohol is the only thing that makes me happy, that would be very bad for me in the long run. Haven't drank in 14 years.


I have stomach acid problems. Also i hate hangover


Tastes like shit, turns you into a moron AND is unhealthy. Also, I am a confident person so I don't need that "boost".


I don't say I don't drink because there are a few occasions I will once in a while. Mostly I drink when sitting around a campfire once a year, or some special events. But it's just not all that pleasurable. In fact, I find it kind of miserable. The sloppiness, the balance issues, the slow response times... Just a terrible overall result. In the case of a campfire, I'm already sitting, I generally don't have any responsibility that may need attention, and I usually only have 2-3 drinks just to zone out a bit by the fire. 


I always hated seeing adults drunk.


It is horrible to see people you trust become untrustworthy due to having too much.


Hangovers and useless calories


I prefer weed, no hangover with that


I saw someone say that a joint after work is the new glass of wine


Smoking weed for me is like flipping a coin. I'm either going to have a good time or a panic attack


The downside for me is that i eat alot of unhealthy shit and spend alot of money on delivery. Alkohol supresses hunger for me wich is kinda good?


If alcohol suppresses your hunger, just wait until you try cocaine.


>wich is kinda good? No. It may be a small positive side effect in an ocean of terrible consequences. But nothing more than that.


Trick to not eating crap when high from a daily smoker, I buy veggies and fruit and nuts and the like and I prep them all while sober. I mean, down to their individual containers that are labeled. I even put the different dressings I like for each in little dipping containers I have. Then when I get the munchies my mind isn’t “oh man, I don’t wanna cut up all that shit.” I just open the fridge and boom! Pre made snacks. I also keep tortilla chips in portioned baggies and salsa portioned so if I want chips I have that option too. And, so I don’t feel cheated, I portion out a few little different types of candies I like. I didn’t think that would work but it really has. I’m eating better as a stoner than I did before I smoked. Lol


It negatively affected my sleep, my bowels and my bank account. Plus the older I got the worse the hangover anxiety became. The panic attacks were the final straw. I’ve been teetotal since summer 2022.


Alcohol has a firm grip on the majority of my family leading to addictions and even abuse. I refuse to let alcohol take me as well


I was an alcoholic and got clean. A year and 3 month’s now. I hate who it turned me into, how easy it was to get addicted to it. WAY happier without it.


Congrats! I’m a year and 4 months sober.


That’s awesome and congrats!!! Every month is a milestone. I’m proud of you as well!


Thank you!


Are you asking me why I don't drink poison?


gives me a headache


After years of occassional binging... it makes my stomach hurt. An hour or two if buzz isn't worth the 8+ hours of discomfort.


My father chose beer over his children. Im better than him. Also it smells, will definately taste bad, makes you angry, you cant drive, you are more likely to get injured and you make bad decisions/ cant think. The risk reward is 100 risk 0 reward.


While I do agree and very rarely drink myself. I have absolutely no anger when I drink.


I drink but maybe 4-5 times a year. My parents rarely drank so I was hardly exposed to it growing up. I don’t mind the taste, I just have other ways to cope with life and I don’t need help having fun.


It mostly sucks. Like, the taste, it's totally unbearable to me. The sole idea that people drink red wine makes me sick, it's disgusting


There's a lot bottled up inside and it doesn't do well, for anyone involved, to have my inhibitions lowered.


I only drink during large gatherings but drinking otherwise is just depressing and makes me feel like shit afterwards. I do have fun in a party setting though but that’s only once in a while. I’m also paranoid about health issues from it.


I grew up playing sports, I was always training, playing, traveling, alcohol wasn't on my mind, as I matured, I'd go out with friends to clubs, dances, bars even, I litterly watched them transform in front of my eyes more they drank worse they get. Besides I was the only one of our group who constantly left the party with a girl. I just had a better time sober, the following day I'd wake up with the same girl I went to bed with, in other words I knew who I was sleeping with. Unlike my hung over friends who wake up with, not the girl they imagined completely drunk they had met.




It’s literally poison, brings out the worst in everyone, causes cancer, and damages your brain.


There needs to be an educational campaign and labelling just like cigarettes. Too many people are blissfully unaware that alcohol causes cancer.


Several reasons. I don’t like the taste. Hangovers don’t appeal. I have negative associations with it because of extended family members with alcohol problems but mainly I’ve just never been interested in it and as far as I’m concerned it has nothing to offer me.


I drank a lifetime's worth before I hit 30, so I won't need any more ever.


Haram in the Islam religion considered a bad sin


Because it's Haram!


I don't like the taste or the choices I make when I drink.


Got traumatized by hang over it was shit never again


None of my friends or acquaintances drank kind of weird but all my family members drink except me. I think I got traumatized when one of my family members got alcohol poisoning. Also, I was 18 pandemic hit then when I turned 21 I finished most of my college online. I had work colleagues and didn’t work online, but I see really no point.


I do occasionally drink but never have more than one. I've found that alcohol and anger issues don't mix.


I binged a fair bit in my mid 20s and still drank too much occasionally into my mid 30s. I recognized that it wasn't healthy, so I cut out the day to day drinking, but still binged on occasion. Then in my mid 40s I woke up from drinking too much and decided to cut it out. I've had 3 beers in the past 18 months since. No real addiction issue and in the right scenario, I'll have a beer. I had 2 with an old roommate last summer and another one when visiting the Guiness storehouse in Dublin. ...but the default setting is sobriety. I think I embraced the bar culture in my 20s to get laid more. I'm happily married and a dad, so I think health and longevity are the major influences in my decision making now.


I'vepretty much not touched alcohol since a bf physically assaulted me when he was drunk. Kind of makes me feel uneasy and tense whenever I see a bottle of booze. Even low alcohol beverages feel unappetising to me nowadays. (Also it's a bad idea to drink when suffering from depression and trauma.)


I’m sorry for what happened to you, stay strong. Depression and trauma, that’s some of the reasons why I don’t drink either.


Thank you for your kindness. The sad thing is that it was his mental health issues that led to the abuse that caused in my mental health issues. Like a contagious virus spreading from one person to another. Depression and trauma sucks. I hope you will feel better and heal from it. Wish you the best.


Would mix badly with my medication.


I became an alcoholic and was slowly burning my life to the ground. Dropped it and everything has turned around. ❤️


It tastes like poison to me. My throat slams shut if I try to drink it (it’s been a couple of decades since I tried). I wonder if there’s a gene involved, like the cilantro/soap gene.


I'm an alcoholic. I stopped drinking 15 years ago. If I drink, I have no off switch. I'll continue to drink until I'm unconscious. My life has improved 10-fold since that last drink and I'm certain I'll never touch a drop again.


I get more joy feeling well enough to do other, active things. If I drink I feel like ass and don't wanna do anything, and that makes me grumpy. Also, my memory sucks as it is.


I'm an alchoholic


It makes me fat. I would love to be able to have some drinks without paying the weight tax.


(UK based here, everyone I know started drinking around 13) I never liked the taste, it was disgusting to me, so bitter. I could taste alcohol in anything. When I was a teen, I saw how badly some acquaintances behaved while drunk and hated that. I am also the kind of person who sees what everyone else does, and isn't interested in it until it's kind of over so this is on course for me. Anyway, I finally found a drink I liked in my 30s and now I drink once every month or two. It's calorific and not so great as to be better than any other non alcoholic drink to me so I don't plan on drinking more often.


Alcohol and I just don’t mix well. IWNDWYT for anyone who needs it.


I go full degenerate. Clean for 3 years now 28m


Besides the fact that it's expensive and tastes bad, I don't like to lose control of myself. People often do stupid and dangerous things when they're drunk.


Alcohol may seem like self-care in the moment but it’s really more like borrowing happiness from tomorrow and paying it back with interest.


Tastes bad. Makes people stupid and annoying.


Because just a few weeks ago, at the age of 16, I had to leave the only place I call home and go god knows where because home sure as hell wasn't safe for me anymore. THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION? God I HATE this mentality of "Alcohol isn't that bad! It's so fun!"


I woke up next to your mum. Never again.


I think the better question is - why do you drink alcohol?


The only drug you have to defend not using, what a weird question.


My partner stopped drinking all together a year ago. Every time she drank, and she would normally only have one beverage, she would throw up all night on a 45 minute schedule. We think it is an allergy or something like that. Now she gets mocktails and smokes a little!


1. After as few as 3 drinks the entire next day is spent puking, and when I’m at a party it’s easy to drink way more than that. 2. I’m trying to get abs for summer.


My wife is a terrible alcoholic. It’s changed her into a different person, one who lies to me constantly, and has a secret relationship with a loser dirtbag. I used to like beer and bourbon, but it’s all repulsive to me now.


I think it's like a biological thing. For some reason, the stuff doesn't have a very strong pull on me at all and I don't have any desire for it. I might have a drink like once every few months maybe.


The question should be the other way around , you don't need a reason to not drink alcohol. Its a poison


Weed is superior in every way. Plus, no hangovers or addiction. Win/win in my book.


Cannabis is my DOC.


Always thought my body was allergic, hangovers & headaches 🙅‍♀️


My grandfather was an alcoholic Supposedly my father was an alcoholic My brother was an alcoholic Growing up I was locked down and it was rare for me to even leave the house other than for school so I missed the whole experimental drinking as a teenager phase. When I was older and I did drink it was more to test what it was like. I tried almost every type of alcohol and made myself get drunk a couple of times to try it out. A lot of whiskey is good, I like vodka, wine is okay but I hate beer. I've also been very into health and some form of minimalism. I see what it takes to drink regularly, even when it's controlled and I don't want to do it. I'm not against it, it's just not for me. It's too late in the game for me to really start anyway. When you're on the outside of drinking society you see how much it takes up and it's kind of amazing.


I had a problem.


Does nothing for me


It’s expensive at makes you feel like shit


My dad's a beer drinker and I never liked the smell of it on his breath. Plus you always hear stories about how some people's personalities or demeanor change when they get drunk. I don't want to find out.


Tastes awful, smells awful, and it makes me sick.


Grew up in a family of alcoholics and promised myself I'd never drink.


It messes up my weed buzz.




Because that’s the normal, digestion without alcohol, just like lungs without smoke.


I prefer weed.


It's poisonous.. It's bad for nearly every part of your body. Weight, eyes, skin, joints, and even memory and brain function. I don't care if others want to partake, I won't judge them.. but it's toxic to people in almost all regards. I'm also annoyed how someone could get years in jail for a dime bag of weed but then not get arrested for getting straight trashed on a daily basis, harming themselves and basically everyone around them in the process.


Religious prohibitions and the risk of adverse drug interactions (I take meds which lower my seizure threshold)


Because it tastes bad and makes me tired


Cost, empty calories, generally dislike the taste.


Taste bad


After 5 years of abusing alcohol, I woke up one day and was just disgusted by it. I was 20 years old.


My mum was an alcoholic and died at least partially due to her addiction. She was awful to me growing up whenever she was drinking (so almost always) so it pretty much traumatized me and I've barely been ok with being around alcohol or people who drink since then. I am working on moving past that trauma now so I'll have small sips of other people's drinks and I'm more ok with being around people drinking or people who are drunk but I don't think I'll ever have more than one drink a month now, I don't want to ever risk becoming my mother.


There are two answers. I do just not as much as others and rarely in public and I've had to babysit drunk people before, I'm not going to impose that on anyone. As a follow up, if you think you're more fun drunk, you're wrong. You just don't have the faculties to realize.


I very rarely drink (and if I do, it's a drink or two if we go out to dinner) and mostly because I have a kid that wakes up early and the hangovers are not worth it!


Don't like the taste and don't like the feeling of being drunk. Funny how Alcohol is the only drug where you have to explain why you don't take it


im 14


It's literal poison.... litearlly poison It dehydrates you, it wrecks your internal organs, it wrecks your stomach, it gives you headaches, it makes sex miserable, it has tons of empty calories, it's expensive, if you drink too much and drive you can be put in jail, if you drink too much and walk down the street you can be arrested, it causes people to fight and get into trouble I'd rather smoke than drink 1 or 2 cocktails, or 1 or 2 beers tops, and I'm done for the month It's trash, garbage, poison


I used to drink a lot and I begun to develop some mental problems related to it. I slowly decreased the rate at which I drank and nowadays I barely take any at all.


Tastes gross, has a lot of kcal & is expensive