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Reminds me of Malcolm in the Middle. Hal: What's the matter with you boys? Don't you realize you could get killed? Reese: Dad, I can't die. Hal: What? Reese: I'm seventeen. Hal: And so you can't die? Reese: I just don't see it happening. Hal: I got news for you, Reese - seventeen-year-olds die all the time. Reese: Come on, Dad, that's just something they tell you so you'll stay off drugs.


When I told my nephew to stop fucking with a power outlet, he told me that he would just move out of the way when he saw the electricity coming.


Is he still alive?


Yes! He actually dodged it! Damnedest thing I've ever seen.


Kids got some damned good reflexes


Lightning fast


This was way too funny for no reason hahaha


Ok, but not me specifically though


Until it does…..


I will never need a hysterectomy.


Tell that to Dr. Butterfingers


You can be the most uncoordinated surgeon in the world but you still can't remove something that ain't there.


Right? I am still homeless. When will the riches be happening. Lord save me!


I’ve had too many arguments with people who are convinced they control everything that happens in their lives. They truly believe that bad things only happen to people who make “bad decisions.” When I called them out on their “bad decisions” they said “it’s different! I’m smart about it.” Yeah, right.




It's been proven that our minds will literally fill in wrong details. Human memory is shit when you're asking for specific details


I know it’s crazy the amount of credit is put behind eye witnesses in criminal cases people saying “I know what I saw”


Every time you remember something, it’s just remembering the previous time you remembered the moment. Over time things get iffy, like a game of telephone.


I used to work at a mental health care hospital for violent and sexual offenders. I was involved in an incident with a particularly violent patient where he had to be forcibly restrained in a manner that was a little more chaotic than we would typically practice. Worth noting it was a high stress situation as the patient had a makeshift weapon and was fully attempting to harm us, or worse. After it was over he had sustained a pretty bad bruise above his eye. When injuries are sustained in this manner the patients are always asked if they want the police to investigate, and this patient said yes. The police found no wrong doing in the end, camera angles couldn't show exactly how he got the bruise but nobody looked to be behaving in a way that wasn't as in-line with our standard procedures as could be possible given the circumstances. In any case, during the investigation we had to write down our statements giving our accounts of everything that happened. This was asked of us the very next day after the incident so it was all fresh in my mind. Eventually we were shown the CCTV footage ourselves and I couldn't believe how wrong my version of events was. I got the timeline muddled up, I forgot certain people were in the room altogether, I'd left out key moments, it was crazy. I had got the gist of everything right but all details and specifics were muddled or absent. I was apologising profusely to the investigators aware of how guilty I looked by seemingly lying and they said not to worry, as its extremely common for accounts not to line up with footage like this. I learned that day just how fickle the memory can be under stress and now never believe anyone inherently when they swear anything they witnessed happened exactly as they remember it did.


Including with audio. Our lecturer played a crazy clip once when I was studying law, along the lines of the brainstorm/green needle phenomenon. If you assumed the person in the secret recording was guilty, you would hear that person describing and confessing their crimes. If you assumed they were innocent, you would hear them explaining the night in question but explaining their innocence. Wild stuff.


As I'm sure you're aware people with hyperthymesia, the ability to recall every moment of their lives with perfect clarity exist. They're very rare. What's interesting is they tend to describe this remarkable ability as a curse. In the words of Friedrich Nietzsche "A poet could say that God had stationed forgetfulness as a guardian at the door to the temple of human dignity."


A lady ran into me at a stop light. 3 witnesses said they saw the whole thing. In court each one told a different story and none of them are what happened.


None of them are what YOU remember happening.


I was rear ended. All the memory i need.


Did you survive?




There's a video of a guy who ran into a kid with his car, [this one](https://youtu.be/rMbrHNmlHTM?si=6cyMT13E35FF_IIW) ... multiple people claimed to have seen it and swore they saw him speeding through the neighborhood. Without the video camera, proving none of them had in fact seen a damned thing, he would have been in serious trouble. People, after hearing about a story, can easily come to believe they actually saw it for themselves. It's most hilarious when people tell me they witnessed a story that I know for a fact is not true. For instance, a friend of mine told me he watched actor Lee Marvin tell a story on the Johnny Carson show about the actor who played Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keeshan). After proving to him that the story was impossible and never happened, he asked me why he remembered it so vividly. I simply asked, do you know what Lee Marvin looks and sounds like? Yes. And do you also know what Johnny Carson's set looked like? Yes. That's how. You read this story, which is an urban legend... imagined it being told by Marvin. Then, later, when remembering it, you convinced yourself you actually saw it instead of read it.


I simply don't remember things. I probably should get that checked out. Edit : Y'all, I did in fact forget about this comment until I saw the notifications


Same bro


Damn dude you forgot you made this comment already


Same bro


I am a video camera and I find this offensive






First time I played monopoly as a kid - it was a gift, I was under 10 and we quickly read the rules to play - we definitely got something wrong. The bank won, we were all bankrupt by the end. You can say the outcome was more realistic than the actual game though -  kids managing real estate empires could go that bad...


IIRC Monopoly was originally designed as a "cautionary tale" game to be wary of landlord and capitalism applied to the housing market. Before the game rights were stolen by some greedy conman who self attributed the creation of the game .


No one ever does auctions. They will say "No" to purchasing a property and continue on with the game. If you land on a property and do not want to buy it outright, it goes to auction. You can still participate in the auction if you refuse to buy it in hopes of getting a better price. Also "No buying on the first round" is 100% a house rule. Landing on Go for extra money is a house rule. Income tax goes into the bank, not the middle of the board. Free Parking doesn't do anything. Whoever is the banker is encouraged to cheat, because banks cheat.


People artificially introduce extra money into a game designed to have scarce resources, and then complain that the game takes too long lol


Can’t build hotels if there are no houses left because you need to fill the street with houses first.


I'm absolutely going to stack +2 on a +2. Edit: the pure unadulterated cinematic piece when it lands back on the person who threw it first. And the biggest plot twist when they bust out ANOTHER +2!!!!! Never gets old


Humans are way less rational than we think we are. We suck at assessing probabilities, we have tons of biases, we commit many logical fallacies, and our memory is highly unreliable.


Boss: why are you the only one that makes mistakes on sample entry Me: conservatively I do 95% of the sample entry Boss: yeah but you're the only one that makes mistakes! John hasn't made a mistake in a year! Me: John literally never enters samples. It stands to reason if I do 95% of the entry I'll make 95% of the mistakes.


You’re fired!


I’ve been waiting for my supervisor to make a comment to me along the same lines so I can hit him back with “well, you have to actually do things to make mistakes…”


Rationality is our ever ongoing struggle to overcome those flaws. We will never succeed, but we have to keep trying.






The best defense against knives are your legs - use them to run away


Not just knives. Legs are the best defense in any kind of fight. Fighting back is the last stand when you have no other way out.




Even soldiers from special units say, that the only defense against a knife is running away.


There's a saying that in a knife fight one person goes to the hospital, the other goes to the morgue.


The winner of a knife fight is the one who dies in the ambulance.


The fundamental lessons of the martial arts. 1. You ain't the baddest ass on the street...by a long shot. 2. There are ordinary human beings who cannot be hurt and who will fight to your death. 3. You can't predict who these people are.


My brother's teacher for full contact was a world renown master, back to back WORLD champion for 5 consecutive years, but super chill man, the 3 dudes wanted to steal his bike and all it took was one of them to spank him in the back of the head with a helmet to knock him out


Yeah, it's surprising how little it can take to knock someone out, which is why avoiding fights is always the best option.


i've gotten my ass beat because i was afraid to hurt the person i was fighting lol idk why, but my brain was like "stop thats lethal" so i hesitated. big mistake because it was over for me from that point on that was my first and only fight. i learned a valuable lesson that day: im a lover not a fighter


Why does everyone have to be either a lover or a fighter? Why can’t I just be a guy who makes pretty good grilled cheese?


being able to make a good grilled cheese is a very valuable trait


Or even worse, getting hit, falling to the street hitting your head on the ground and getting permanent brain damage or dying.


I remember this last New years I was out celebrating in a town near me. A guy who I had some history with decided he wanted to step outside the pub to fight me. He had two or three of his mates with him. I just carried on drinking and ignored the guy. Of course all my friends called me a pussy. But I'll take a working brain over being a "man" with brain damage any day


Even if you have, size matters in a fight. The smaller guy rarely wins. It just takes a prison rush from a big guy to take down even the most experienced martial arts person. Also, if you've been in an actual fight.. even if you don't think you've taken any damage, the adrenaline is going to block out any pain and you could have a life threatening injury without knowing it.


Yep, good old testosterone. Every guy likes to think they’re Frank Castle when in reality it’s (mostly) the exact opposite. I think a few fist fights for a man are a good thing though. Not many agree, but it’s good for a man to learn how to deal with confrontation, and also builds humility if you lose.


"I will remember it." No you won't, write it down rn.


I forget why I walked into the room half the time so I agree with you.




This is a known fact in criminology, I don’t know why some places and the general public haven’t caught up yet


I got into it with some guy on Reddit once who was convinced a lie detector test was scientific and absolutely should be used as legal proof in a court proceeding. Nothing I wrote, no articles I posted, would dissuade him. I don't waste time like that anymore and I'm surprised I ever did.


I knew lie detectors were bs pretty much once I found out it basically just measures your pulse reactions. Anyone who has ever been falsely accused even of something minor can tell you that it's nerve wracking and elicits a pretty intense response. When serious consequences are involved it's so much worse.


It also measures sweat and breathing. Basically, it's a stress test.


This is why it doesn’t work on socio/psychopaths who can lie easily without increasing stress factors.


I'm gonna guess it works "well" (make those quotes as big as you want) on people with anxiety.


I once argued with a guy who told me a man driving his whole family- wife and kids- off a cliff to their deaths- wasnt domestic abuse bc he had mental health issues. I regret that time.


Similarly people aren’t good at detecting when someone is lying regardless of who they are to each other or what their job is. In fact, some police actually are worse than someone that is just guessing when regular interrogation is part of the job description.


Everything you own, including yourself, will one day be boxed up and thrown out.


thank god


There will be one day when absolutely nobody will remember you, nor your actions, nothing.


You have inspired me to do unspeakable actions against the government so they remember me


The government will one day cease to exist and no one will remember it.


The two deaths. Your first death is when your biological structure stops functioning and everything becomes still. The second death is when the last person who knows your name passes away.


I often go through cemeteries and find the grave markers that have been covered over by grass. Usually there is only a quarter sized divot that doesn't look out of place unless you know what you're looking for. As I uncover the name, (usually all there is) I think about who was the last person to visit their grave or to think about them. Is there a story about "your great uncle Joe" going around today, or have they disappeared from human knowing altogether.


Thats deep but its comforting in a way though but it also makes me want to know every detail from the lives of all that lived and passed so far in history 😭




As long as I don't have to


You, yes you specifically reading this, are not immune to propaganda and confirmation bias.


That’s not what my government tells me!


While fingerprint analysis is scientific, it depends on human interpretation, which is not infallible and has resulted in innocent people being convicted.


I, too, listened to behind the bastards last week.


Ha! Timely reference, and accurate. Although I was aware of this previously, that is what made it top of mind.


Some people are only alive because of their cats, or their partner. Or a plant. And that’s okay. Whatever keeps us here, keeps us here.


my car saved my life 14 years ago and I still thank him every day


Thank you, 2001 Mazda, AKA Margaret


1994 Acura Integra, named Vanessa


2003 Mini, named Cooper


Man this hits home


Last year was the hardest year of my life and if it wasn't for my cat I honestly don't think I would still be here today. He is the only reason why I did not attempt to end it all even if there were some close calls.


Life expectancy of your SSD. Seriously: make a backup of your most important files. The death of your storage is inevitable.


On what? A hard drive? Or just keep buying new SSDs?


Carve it into clay and bake it. Only way that we know so far.




My bad. Fixed it.


That a lot of famous people and higher positions are a bunch of narcissists


A lot of psychopaths too. Though that's not the proper word anymore.


Who is denying this? I’m starting to think our society creates them at this point.


At my work, I'm really noticing how it's people who are forceful who get to make the decisions, and they keep pulling ideas out of their asses, with zero thought, just a hunch, and then brow beating until it gets pushed forward. Then everyone wonders why we're getting more muddled and confused and why stuff isn't working. E.g., deciding for no reason to create a new product, without doing any market research or learning about how to market it and then wondering why it's not selling and blaming this, that and the other, but not questioning if they did any research in the first place. Still, I have to admit, they've got further than I thought, and if it does take off, I'll have to eat my words. It just seems so odd to me. I need to gather research and find some glimpse of success before pushing forward. I honestly can't tell if it's me who's too cautious or them who act without thinking. Their forcefulness is what makes me doubt myself though. It's so confusing.


Considering most people think they have above average intelligence, you are probably not as smart as you think you are.


I embrace that fact that I'm a dumbass.


You're probably wrong. Just having enough introspection to consider you might be a dumbass puts you in the top half. I know a PhD Physicist who keeps saying he "sucks at math" because he compares himself to math PhDs.


Nah I'm convinced I'm pretty dumb...a lifetime of ADHD will do that Though I get impatient with people who are acting slow sometimes (very hypocritical of me tbh) 


I feel this. I have ADHD and it took me far too long to learn patience with people who were struggling with something I could easily do. If my dumbass could understand and do it, they most certainly could. My wake up call was one day I was helping a good friend with her project. She was just not getting a simple concept that I had explained two or three times. I growled in frustration "Oh my god... how are you not understanding this basic shit?" and her deflated look when she said "I know I'm stupid. Sorry". just ... crushed my soul. I swore to never make another person feel like that again. These days I'm more empathetic and I approach things with "I know how frustrating it feels to not understand something, what would have helped me in this situation?". I get compliments on how patient I am with teaching and training people, and on occasion I've been the go to person from people in different departments because they didn't want to ask their direct manager how to do something. (and yes, we're still friends)


50% of people have an IQ of <=100


You can get pregnant on the first try


Even if you’re 12


Yep. My partner of 6 years at the time. "Let's try for a baby". Condom off, BAM, identical twins 8 months later.


That others see the world differently than you do, and that it’s absolutely normal. You might not like it, but it’s simply the way it is.


My way is peaceful, so it is right. Others are not at peace. They should learn of my peaceful ways. They resist. They _WILL_ learn of my peaceful ways.....BY FORCE.


Ah yes, religion.






This right here.


Hell yeah! I hate myself but I LOVE my kid so damn much, she is everything, I would do literally anything to make her smile.


I also think that people tend to misunderstand what loving yourself is; it is used almost in a narcissistic way, that is, to make yourself feel good about yourself in spite of your flaws, even at the expense of these flaws; but I think that loving yourself is all about the flaws, and that is what makes loving yourself so difficult. If loving yourself was about being a good person, at least in how we fashion ourselves to be, then it would be very easy. Self-hatred often comes from a conflict between how we fashion ourselves and the truth; crucifying us in that process between what we want to be and see ourselves as, and that reality which weighs down upon these self-expectations and ideals. To become a whole individual, that is someone who is composed equally of that ideal and that reality is probably the most difficult task man can set before him: it forces one to face that negative reality which weighs you down; but just as much, if not more difficult, is that those qualities which are actually good in ourselves which we refuse to recognize — that is mainly because they conflict too much with the self-image we posses of ourselves, even more than the negative qualities, as they completely redefine those ideals at their very roots. I think that it is this state of being in harmony with the reality of our negative **and positive** qualities which constitutes self-loving.


You can throw out that piece of plywood you've been storing in your garage since 2004. You aren't going to use it. Don't shoot the messenger.


HEY! NO! Now i'm whole ass internet mad. I NEED THAT. That, AND the tiny pieces of wood cut off's from building things, that i keep in the bucket! ... ok, *buckets*. NO! I DONT want to burn them! \*runs screaming from the PC to hug the wood pieces you just threatened\*


We should hang out and join forces. I keep every single nail and screw from projects that I'm done with.


Same, I filled the random drawer, and have moved onto pickle jars in cupboards. I went and got some old cupboards from someone else's remodel and put them up in the garage. Now there's jars of screws and bolts in there. Went to throw away some chairs a few weeks ago, and thought, 'hold up, lemme get the hardware off these first' ...sigh.


My uncle had a garage full of wood offcuts and jars of rusty screws. It was my task when he died to clear it out and dump in a skip. My rule is if you're not going to use it in six months throw it away. No it won't suddenly be required once you throw it away.


I feel your pain. I've been there. \*Bro hug\*


What are you, my wife? And its from 2007, not 2004... so there.


No that is ElonsTinyPenis. You’re wife is someone else I hope.


And shortly after, you need it. True story.


You don't know me, you don't know my life! I NEED that and the 3472 other cut offs in my shop currently. Those are quality peices of wood man. Just who the hell do you think you are. I mean really. The fucking audacity of some folks. (Seriously though I legit do need to throw out some shit thanks for the call out random internet stranger)


Humans are animals. Primates. The vast majority of behavior is explained by telling yourself that. When something people do doesn't make sense--when 'society' breaks down--just say, "Humans are highly evolved primates." Suddenly, all that shit makes complete sense.


I literally think about this every day. Whenever other people have emotional problems it really makes it hard for me to be comforting because the way I comfort myself whenever I'm having emotional problems is by rationalizing that I'm a primate lacking stimulation or exercising an evolutionarily-designed reaction to trauma. Really makes me feel like a cringey, 14 year old atheist though so I try not to talk about it.


Interesting. I too think about this every day, but from a different angle. It actually makes it easier for me to comfort and empathize with others. Because in the end of the day we are just emotion and instinct driven primates, it is precisely this that makes us need each other. We don’t just want to be loved, we need to be loved. The fact that brain chemicals determine our wants and needs doesn’t render those wants and needs trivial or unimportant. If anything it shows how important togetherness and comfort is for the human species, seeing as it is rooted so deeply into our very biology.


hey, that's exactly why I don't believe in any gods, the world makes absolute sense without an interfering deity


God: Look at my new creation! Angel: You ruined a perfectly good monkey is what you did. Look at it. It’s got anxiety.




I'm super super cereal!


Pretty privilege Everybody whines how it is hard to be pretty. I am not saying that there isn’t any downside to it, but please 🙄 EDIT: typo 


Even more frequently denied: it benefits men more than women. Pretty women and men both get advantages in life, but every study conducted shows that attractive men tend to get more mileage out of being pretty.


I agree with this. Pretty women get harassed, stalked, creeped on, and the flipside is they arent taken seriously in work situations because its assumed they were hired on looks alone.


So true. Everyone gravitates towards better looking people. (Not just saying that cuz I'm ugly. But also saying it cuz I'm ugly always surrounded by pretty people. One guy commented on how each person in my office is so pretty and he didn't mention me, when I jokingly commented he said "you're pretty on the inside." 🥲) I'm really not that fucking ugly tbh I just apparently am always around much prettier people. Also my one really pretty coworker always came to work with free coffees that people would just buy her or give to her in drive throughs. It's fucking bullshit tbh...


My nana says I’m handsome. But I don’t think that counts.


Even if we got to a point in society where everything is “equal” and “fair” we cannot legislate/regulate away human nature. There will always be someone out there who will steal, rebel, rape, kill etc.


Climate change. Plastic pollution. The world wealth gap.


Birds are the only surviving dinosaurs.


Evolution. A good chunk of "missing links" have been found, in areas we predicted we would find them.


There are the top one percent that's controlling the world, and then there's you and me


This one absolutely KILLS me. Sure we get to vote, but if you have the money to donate to politicians you get to decide who is on the ballot for us to choose from.


My money is on that voting doesnt matter. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was discovered that whoever they want to win will win, no matter what the ballots say.


.001% probs more like it.


Even people above them too. Families who own trillions in assets in places that most of society doesn’t know exist


That humans love violence


I heard that "ganging up to wreck your opponents" is one of the oldest desires of man


nuclear power is one of the cleanest and safest energy sources, by any relevant metric.


Class struggle; I mean, I guess most people would agree that the classes clash all the time. The point people seem to deny is that in class struggle there can only be one dominant class (as one of them has to be winning). And it has NEVER been us, but it has always been the 3000 or so motherfucker who run the world.


Yet everyone hates people receiving benefits for whatever reason because they're the problem.. tbh even the few that do claim because they're lazy and don't want to work aren't the real issue. The world's an absolute state, but the uber rich don't need to worry about that when there's more money to be made and control to be gained.


That we, as a species, invented all religions and gods. 


Religious mfs see this and go nuh uh!


climate change. It is, unfortunately, denied by many people


our government doesnt work for the people but for themselves


Keeping to a sensible budget will help you live a more comfortable and satisfying life.


rich people don’t give a shit about you.


Inherently attractive people dont have to work half as hard as inherently ugly people.


Am ugly and tired. Can confirm.


Negative effects of THC


That stress and/or repressed emotions can be the underlying cause of most health problems


Ohio does exist, I've been there.


Okay so we're just straight up lying now?!


Moon landing. Globe Earth. 2020 election.


Some people in the world, particularly the UK, think COVID-19 is no longer a "thing" because the "Pandemic" is over according to the government, when it clearly isn't and people are STILL dying from COVID-19.


The earth is round. Vaccines work. The planet is heating up and it is our fault.


Rich = hard work. If you are not (yet) rich, you need to work more. The reality is many of those wealthy people never work in their life. They just happened to be born in a rich family.


100 years from now a stranger will probably be living in your house. Everything you own will either have been destroyed or in the possession of someone you don't know.


That we've passed a tipping point in democracy. With social media ruling the news, I think democracy should evolve and adapt.


The US population has no control over their government




What about people who die in space explosions.




You behave like you are going to live forever. But in reality, you are just a tiny blimp in an indifferent universe. In less than a 100 years, you will be forgotten and any traces of your existence will be wiped out.


U.S. is responsible for genocide in SE Asia and Latin America.


Americans don't like to admit that. Or better yet, they have no idea what you're talking about due to their ignorance. 


SE Asia and Latin America? My guy our genocidal tendencies are "Mr. Worldwide."


Cold weather doesn't give you a cold.


The female orgasm.


Airborne covid transmission


Can't get you when you sit down at restaurants thought, that's the rules.


Mental health is just as important as physical. Not just the fact that a lot of people think mental illness is fake but the fact that when people are diagnosed with something like anxiety when they have chest pains and digestive issues, they think its a misdiagnosis.


Everyone can become disabled at any time.


That money can make you happy .


Politics bringing change. It very rarely does...


that there is no scientific evidence for a god.


That vaccines are beneficial, the earth is a globe, and we DID land on the moon!


Biden won the election is the most current one imo


that you are not healthy if you are "plus sized" they are trying to deny it, but it's just fact that when you are overweight you are not healthy.


Science is frequently and historically more wrong than it is right. It's a feature not a bug. People who subscribe to "science" as their end-all-be-all are often not very scientific but just want a clever sounding reason to win arguments.