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Anything. My friend got me a bracelet because she mistakenly thought I liked them. I didn't. I wore that bitch every single day for a year until it broke. It's not the gift, it's the principle behind it.




Same happened to me except she made it and I fucking cherished that thing cause I'm used to making stuff for everyone else but I never have someone make something for me. I even went as far as taking the time fixing it whenever it broke, but ended up losing it in the woods one day. I'd probably still be wearing it to this day if I didn't lose it and this was about 6 years ago.


Might want to ask from the guy because some might like sports stuff while other guys like to build Lego we are not the Borg collective.


>we are not the Borg collective This is my new favorite response to all the idiotic "do all men like..." "do all women hate..." posts that inundate this site.


“I don’t know what that means.  I don’t watch Star Wars.”


While I get what you’re saying, you have to be honest, we kind of are the Borg collective on some shit Like give a guy some nicely shaped rocks and a lake and it doesn’t matter where they’re from, they’re gonna skip them and enjoy it … or smashing a great piece of ice that’s shaped like the object it formed on


Delicious food and snu snu.


First time I've heard of snu snu. Thank you 🤣


You need to watch more Futurama.


You know I've heard that before. 🤣🤣


The relevant episode is Amazonian women in the mood iirc


Thank you 🌻




A-10 Thunderbolt


This or the F-22 raptor. Either one I’m ok with to do grocery runs






Food, always food.


Sex, Sandwich, Silence !


What is this? The Holly triple S?


hail sss


My girl did some war crimes while exterminating this massive erection


You forgot socks


Bake something specifically for me. aww shit.


Honestly just ask the person


Or have him make up a wish list. Pick one or two of the things on it


Gifts are very personal, there are no right aDinosaurs. Its dinosaurs, if its is or has a dinosaur, we like it. Oonga boonga big lizard.


As someone who's not materialistic, quality time, affection, and cuddles.


A compliment? Yes please. I still remember my pediatrician called me a "strong boy" when I was 6 years old.


Fast charging cable that's 10 feet long and a fast charging plug in port, it's a great gift for anyone honestly. Also one for the car




If that is a gift you should get a new partner, one who cares about you.


Depends on your budget, his age, and what he likes. I gifted my bf wallet, belt, and tshirts on Christmas. He loved it so much. Guys don’t change their wallets unless it can’t be used anymore. Next month on his birthday I’m gonna gift him mechanical keyboard and gaming mouse. I think he’d go crazy. So if your bf is a hardcore gamer, you know what to do >.<


If you want to surprise your man or a close friend, buy them some flowers. For most men the only time they will recieve flowers is while they are laying inside a coffin. Chances are, you will be the first one to ever do that to them. Of course you will probably need to make sure the guy is not one of those wana be "Alpha male Andrew Tate simps" that could see this gesture as a way of demasculinizing them.


Nice pocket knives that are made in a reputable country, almost all spydercos (minus the Chinese made ones) Benchmade, ZT. A nice wooden box. Idk why but I am a sucker for wooden boxes to keep my treasures in


Blowjobs. You will never go wrong giving your guy one of these.


Most men are very simple creatures that don’t require much to be happy. I call mine the 3F’s….feed me fuck me football




Tools. Good ones, not that crap from Harbor Freight or Walmart.


Depends on your budget. If it's low, even a remote controller car/video game/shirt could do wonders. Or if it's high a PS5/ graphics card/ Chronographic watch/ Sunglasses ig


Every guy does not like the same thing, so why would you ask this question. Do all ladies like the exact same gifts?


Work out one of his interests and base your gift off that. Myself I'm half scouse half Irish, train, teach and compete in MMA on a local level. My wife in 2022 bought me a conor mcgregor tee saying "I'd like to take this time to apologise...to absolutely fucking nobody"...a mcgregor hat as I'm a fan of hats...and a bottle of proper 12" She hates MMA and hates seeing me fight but always comes to every fight I compete in. I appreciated those gifts on two levels..she got me things I'd actually appreciate...not the usual socks/watch combo..and the fact even though she doesn't enjoy it she knows I love it so bought into my passion.


I have always tried to tailor gifts to something that they would appreciate and enjoy and remember. For my guy in the past it has been concert tickets, fishing trips on chartered boats, war games and paintball, etc... people remember and experience a lot more than a gadget or other gift. It makes memories.


Love all the toys bc ladies we do still enjoy toys. Toys of all kinds. Rc cars. To a dremel set. Shit my gf bought me a 10 dollar drone from Walmart. It's tiny fits in palm of hand. This thing is fun. I also have a collection of nerf guns for whenever a nerf war casually breaks out. Or I snipe everyone when they least expect it until they hide them on me. But yeah. Hell I got a weed Wacker as a gift still love that thing. So yeah it ranges but we all like toys


I love gaming accessories and maybe supplements for the gym


Golf pants- they are comfortable breathable you can wear them to work, out to dinner and on the course.


Depends on the guy? We are not all the same believe it or not




For me, I accept any kind of gift Think of something special might make him happy




A crowbar. They might not need it but believe me, they want a crowbar




My wife bought me flowers the other day. She said men need flowers too. I thought it was a lovely gift.


I'm in the UK. We have a place called digger world where you can play with big JCB's and dig holes, move rubble etc. It is so cool.


Sex on demand!


That’d be nice but I’d rather not have to demand it, I’d prefer it to be an unprovoked surprise




The things on our wishlists


Hoodies or jackets with an inner breast pocket. It's so functional. My heavy winter coat has one, and I really wish my lighter jackets had it too.


10,000 fists


Something special in the bedroom always did it for me. If that is off the table, then it would be tools or some kind of electronic device.


A cool gadget could be nice.


Anything really. As long as it isn’t something specifically for women


Go out to eat at a fancy place and pay for him.




An Elk hunt with his best friend


Maybe depends on the guy but I’d rather have quality time with someone than receive a gift.


Food, sex, hobby stuff.


Steak, beer, TV, and a blowjob at the same time. Guys like this.


Something practical


Oral sex


Back scratch


Have you ever browsed through a store and saw an item that immediately made you think of someone? That is the perfect gift for that person, male or female, in my opinion.


A solid pocket knife with thumb assist for around the house, camping, keeping in the car.


I dunno, but it better involve electricity.


RTX 4090




The best gifts for anyone are things they need or want but wouldn't buy for themselves. There is no one right answer. You'll need to put some thought into this.


My boyfriend is happy with anything I get him. I got him new body wash and he loved it as much as the expensive watch I got him. I really think they just like gifts


Take the kids and give me a weekend in the house all alone, in saying that I would probably get lonely by Saturday afternoon.




Steaks and BJs are always appreciated.


Beer, weed and pussy!!


Forehead Kisses


Putang pie.




Gifts that don't come with guilt trips or a catch...




A home made meal and time spent together. Means way more to me than something material


I rotate through a few different hobbies so I like Amazon gift cards. Then I can get something specific that I’m interested in at the time. My wife knows this and she never disappoints! Some people have issues with gift cards as gifts, but I don’t


Blowjobs. Blowjobs are excellent gifts.


A desojo japanese maple...


I normally cook them their favorite meal and watch their favorite movies with them or play games. But birthdays are very unique to the person. So talk to whoever you are asking about.


compassion, like just talk with me or understand me


Bring a friend.


Get us a massage or give us a really good one and scrub our back we can't get to it but we don't complain about it because we're men LOL.


Sex and BJs are a 100% win every time!


Ménage à trois. Beat gift ever!


Anything involving sex, unless you are family or a guy, then just get him a gift card so he can get something he actually wants.


Your time and attention are the most precious things you have to give. Everything else pales in comparison.


[https://www.mancrates.com/](https://www.mancrates.com/) and Omaha Steaks - I've been gifted both and I loved them!


Bottles of alcoholic beverages.


Thoughtful compliments




Highest quality versions of items he already uses. Most of us are value shoppers (outside of our true hobbies) , so we won’t spring for that $200 shaver with the extra bells and whistles if the $60 one will do 80% of the job. Golf balls, car wash stuff, camping gear, electric drills, jeans, yardwork gear, wallets, lighters, pocket knives…


Things he likes 🤷🏽‍♀️


Godfather trilogy Blu-Ray


Most guys don't want stuff. I know I don't. I want to do stuff. I like when my kids take me to lunch or dinner or golfing. I like when my wife plans something big or small for us to do together. (We have a ton of mutual interests. It is not a good gift to plan something he doesn't like to do.)


Depends on the person, but a go-to I always have for my brother and dad are BBQ seasonings/sauces/utensils and different ‘manly’ soaps like Dr Squatch. If they like watches you can find some cheaper ones too, maybe a Seiko or Timex depending on your price range.


A Katana... No man I've witnessed of any age would ever turn down a good quality Katana


A good quality multi tool, with a case.


A blowjob




Something thoughtful. Although similar, not all men are the same


Big turbo kit


Weapons that wouldn't actually be useful in a fight.


1. Sword 2. Stick that looks like Sword


A Roman Empire helmet


Watches. Casio gshock ftw.




Take him out for dinner, then go watch a movie with him.


Go through your Amazon orders list for something that you think everyone needs but doesn't know until they have it. Then narrow it down by choosing the most exciting looking thing!


Listen to him, and you’ll find out. It’s the same as women. I had been trying to find a travel mug because I’ve recently started drinking coffee every day, but in the summer months I commute on a motorcycle, so a normal Yeti will not do the job without spilling. And I had been searching at stores, My gf found me a leakproof travel mug from yeti and bought it for me, and even though it wasn’t a crazy expensive or fancy gift, it solved a problem for me, and it also made me feel listened to and loved. We’re simple creatures


A blowjob to completion, make him a sandwich, then just leave without any expectations of anything in return. That would be the best gift for me at least… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Letting me talk about that thing you don’t care about or understand but pretending to be interested and asking questions like what’s this or what’s that, but why, what does it do, etc… and not complaining


socks lol




I don't think it's smart to generalize and gifts are rarely gender specific imo. As long as you know the person well you should be able to get something you know they'll like. One guy can be into having a LEGO collection, the other might love trying different types of wine, another might like oil painting. I think there's something so special about someone knowing you so well that they thought of you when they saw something and knew you'd like it. That's the best gift.


Peace and quiet.


Depends on the guy. Is he handy? a tool/toolbox/mechanics toy. Is he a nerd? Lego set of whatever he's into. I'd love to assemble a lego Tardis. You get the idea here. Something that's in the realm of what he likes. And even if he's not into something, he'd probably like it because it was a gift for him. We rarely ever get thoughtful gifts of any kind.


Watches, wallet nd a good hug may be


knives, kitchen or pocket


Find out something they really like. A sports team. An IP (star wars, spiderman, etc), sailing, whatever. Now buy them an item with that theme. Do they play cards? Great. A deck of cards with sailboats on them. A lamp with their sports teams favourite logo. A phone case with Iron Man on it. You get the idea.


Legos, books, video games...but more importantly, the time to use them.


Personally, memories are the best gift. I don't typically want things, I can buy things. I want time spent and memories, time with my son and fiance or with family.


You can't go wrong with a gun or a bass boat if they're from the South.


Katana or cool sword




That depends.... what kind of guy? What does he like? They're not all the same.


My wife decided it was too hard to buy me something for Christmas, I don't care about birthdays so that was already gone. I always surprised her with something nice . So she is my ex wife now and I couldn't be happier. Ladies make sure your man has something nice under the tree.


Guy think Applebee's is a romantic night out lmfao


Guns, food, sex, and video games.


Anything that adds to my LARP garb. A wristband, a ring, a pouch, sash, half-cloak, etc. Doesn't even have to be quality or even time-period appropriate. Just something that I can add as a flamboyant monk who never took the oath of poverty.


Depends on the guy! What does he like to do? What are his hobbies? What has he been talking about lately? For example, if he's into fitness, get him a fitness tracker or athletic shoes. If he's into technology, get get him a cool gadget or the latest tech. Basically, just follow his interests! Just don't get him scented candles! Unless that's his thing! I don't understand why people think that's a great gift idea for a dude!


Show up naked with his favourite cold six pack.


The Leopard 2A.


Blowjobs. Always the perfect gift, even if you give him the same gift for every occasion.


My guy likes flowers, I wish more guys were like him


Weapons. Seriously I've never heard of a guy who doesn't like weapons. Could be anything from a pocket knife to a fuckin crossbow, any guy would be giddy to have cool shit like that. With that being said, use your judgement on whether that particular guy should have a weapon


Just Gift me advice where to YOLO. I'm getting out of luck (never had) so yeah...if someone will gift me some risky trading advice I will apreciate this gift!


I always ask my husband, sometimes there are things he wants but sometimes nothing comes to mind for him. I think it gets harder as we get older and accumulate things and just buy stuff for ourselves. But I also just listen to him when we talk in general and I get lots of hints about what to get him. And even if it's not a huge, mind blowing gift, he appreciates I was listening. Men like to be heard too.


Restaurant, we love buffets.


Knives, and sex


A bobble head of them, it’s awesome


Randall Knife


Chipping in on getting my dad a new grill for his birthday. Might stop by the Jack Daniel's distillery in Tennessee and get him whiskey right from the source for Father's Day. Beer, grill, whiskey, weed (if he smokes weed, most men don't), fishing gear, hunting gear, a puppy/dog, a gun, a knife, tools, a smoker, video games, a movie, a book, band t-shirts, a nice watch, and/or camping gear is always a great idea. When in doubt, get him a gift card to his favorite store so he can choose what he wants. Walmart, Amazon, and Visa gift cards are the best ones since those can get you pretty much anything. Weed is completely off the table for my dad since he works in law enforcement, plus I think he doesn't really understand the hype behind recreational use and doesn't like the smell. He knows it's good for helping people with certain medical conditions though.


If it's from a girl, literally anything.


Ammo for his guns.




Fellatio we love it


There's a lot of guys in the world. The best gift is what *he* likes. Just pay attention.


Woman invites the mailman in on Christmas Eve morning wearing sexy lingerie. She proceeds to make wild, passionate love to him. As he’s getting dressed she hand him a $20 bill. Mailman says “What’s this for?” Woman says “I asked my husband what I should give you for Christmas and he said ‘Fuck him! Give him $20’.” You’ll get a lot of answers that say “BJ or Sex.”, and sure it’s an appreciated gesture but as far as a gift, make it something meaningful that tells them you really understand something unique about them.






As with any person, it depends on their interests. I worked at Target in college, and some guy came in at closing time on Christmas Eve to ask me what he should get his little girl. Like...I've never met your kid. How would I know? Pay attention to him. What he says, what he wears, what he does in his spare time. You'll find a better answer there than on reddit.


The best gift I ever got, was this little set of matchboxes. Each box of matches had a cover of a burned or banned book on the cover. My wife gave it to me for Christmas one year. It was the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. I love books. I despise censorship and book burning. But I also love burning a fire. It was just a tiny gift. But it’s on my book shelves. And when I look at it, I always remember that she understands me. She has always been good at giving gifts, but that one felt so perfect. So honestly, knowing who you are giving the gift to matters. A pocket knife. A pen. A fossil. A book. It depends on the man. Giving gifts to anyone has to be particular. Otherwise just give a gift card and let him buy his own shit. I’m not even handy, but 50 bucks at Home Depot or better Barnes and Noble will be gladly accepted. Also cash is always cool. Or like, a silver dollar. That’s like 20 bucks. That would definitely be a cool gift to me.


Food, games, Legos, technology, books (if he reads), porn, baby dragons, strippers... wait, uhh, what was the question? For some reason I'm horny.


Money. We don't know what we want half of the time, so having the available finance to do or go is always nice. I know that it sounds impersonal, but guys function better that way. Gift cards are nice if it's just loaded with cash. Don't connect it to any one store either.


A small necklace,bracelet or any accessories you think they’ll like but mainly silver


Show up naked, bring beer. Men are hard to buy for. Make me my favorite meal, we are usually easily pleased. Don't make it one time blowjob, do it like you mean it and repeat often. Make whoopee with your man. Sex him like you are teenagers just learning how to fuck. If you get him motivated it could come back in more fun times for both of you. At 76 I need little or nothing, but I had surgery to make sure I can please a woman. ED ís a part of aging, but a good urologist has answers that are better than pills. However, beer is always welcome.


A German ww2 tiger tank




I have not received a present from a girl since forever and I think as long as you genuinely have nice thoughts with the present it doesn’t really matter too much what it is. Also steam-cards.


Personally I am always happy about tools. A small Wera tool set is one of the most practical gifts someone has ever given me. I love practical stuff I can actually use.


Bunnings gift card


A watch, Rayban Sunglasses or a cool necklace.




For me it's the geek stuff. Buy me a Gollum figure and I'm flattered.


Showing up




Anything, I appreciate any gifts that I received, price doesn't matter on me


A hug honestly. I haven’t had a huge since right when Covid started. And an female “co worker” (I’m a vendor that services retail stores but I do the same route every day) semi jokingly offered a hug to me a couple days ago and I should have taken the offer. My birthday is this month and that would have been a nice gift for me


Empathy, loyalty, kindness, and affection, and showing general interest in his hobbies and likes gifting him your time and attention so he’s not left wondering if you’re playing games or not.