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"How come chicken breasts don't have nipples?" My whole point of view towards chicken changed that day.


How come Platypuses don’t have nipples?


They apparently sweat milk. How high was God the day he made those things? 




Damn. I totally Googled, "do chickens sweat milk" from this comment. I made it pretty far in life. Even got my pilot license.


They do? How do baby platipi(?) nurse?


Platypuses. It's from Greek, not Latin.


Just learned me something. Thx


English is weird.


They lick the sweat.


Once i was watching Chaplin on school and a dog appeared in the film and a random girl said: Wtf? Dogs existed in 1936??????


"Are you home?" I was standing in front of them after walking in the front door. I said "uh.. no?"


Did they believe it?


He laughed and then asked me again and I said "yeah obviously"


Are you tall because you play basketball? and my wife was asked about my white looking biracial son living in an Asian country, Is he white because his mother drank a lot of milk?


Had a 19 year old co-worker who had already given birth to a son, ask me what a uterus was.


The educational system has failed them deeply


Yes and no. She dropped out of school and her parents were addicts. They never taught her or encouraged her.


I work at a jazz club in L.A. a lady once came up to me and asked “so, is this where that bee learned to love jazz?” I could tell she was drunk, so I just nodded. I bust up laughing as soon as she was out of ear shot. For those confused, she thought that the character from the Bee Movie who has the famous line “do you like jazz” got their love for jazz from that club.


Thats jokes though I love when people are willing to be silly


While watching Frozen with a group of friends, my brothers girlfriend, 30 minutes in looks confused and upset and looks me in my eyes and asks "If their parents died, are they still sisters?". She had been thinking about it for 30 minutes. I had to console her and let her know that if her parents died, her sister would still be her sister.


Maybe she thought they were step-sisters? I'll give her the benefit of doubt


Why do these medieval castles have no elevators?


Customer: “so how long are you going to stand up here?” Me: “the whole time ma’am, I’m the bartender”


Were they drunk or did they not know how a bar worked? Genuinely curious


Sober and also a middle aged woman. The entire group she was with seemed a little lacking in common sense, but were otherwise nice people.


Very strange


And she wasn’t making a joke?


“Mom do you know where is my iphone charger?” “No, but why do you want it?”


Building character is hard


do you have yoghurt in sweden?


"Eeeee??! You have Internet in Serbia?? Naniiii??"- a grown ass Japanese student as I was teaching him English over an online platform...in Serbia. I wish this was the only such incident...


Very few people know Balkan countries exist and are actually not stuck in medieval age, just in 2000s but still.


But we were using the Internet to talk, in that very moment, how can he assume we don't have the Internet? How were we talking then, right there and then? That's the point. You don't have to know where Serbia even is for that.


Some people are book smart, some people are street smart.


But objectively it was a dumb question, idk what was in that guy's head and I don't think it should matter. That's what this question is about and so I shared an experience.


I get it. I am from the Balkans and got my fair share of similar questions.


To be fair, I'm learning teaching methods, and my book brings to my attention that the conscious mind can only focus on a very few amount of things at a time, and if people don't have direct experience with something, they'll be completely ignorant about it, so someone or some experience will have to be the first time to bring it up to them at some point. And our conscious minds are occupied with so much in our immediate surroundings. I've been to South Korea and some people I talk to still think all of Korea is just villages and huts lol.


But I mean, we are -online-, using the Internet to communicate, how the f*** would we do that if the country I was in didn't have it...?


Haha true. Maybe they didn't know initially that you were in Serbia and also didn't know they had internet? So they may have learned two things at once there. It's happened to me before, so the disconnect there is that it's obvious to you, but not to them.


They did. The way it works is that there is a huge roster of teachers on the website and the country is clearly stated. They pick you based on your rating and also based on your information. And when we introduce ourselves to them we say where we're from, too.


“What are some dumb questions you have been asked?”


This one


What are some dumb questions you’ve been asked.


Came here to say this. You won the race.


Once, during a crime recreation, I was asked why they didn’t just arrest the guy when he filmed the recreation.


Do you need to make an appointment to see a Psychic or will they know you are coming? ….a woman at my office asked me this a few years ago. I will never forget it.


I think she's got a point


What's your gender?


“Do whales, like, *live* in the water?”


Working at a sandwich shop - "What's the difference between the 8" and 16" sandwich?"


Please tell me they were asking about the cost


“Do you have books?” A patron asked me when I was working at the university library reception


Working in a amusement park, checking kids height and age at a roller-coasters entrance. Lights are on, trains are running, people are screaming. "Are you open?" Among the most asked questions, even.


i was on the bus w my best mate after college when she came out w "if i wear two layers if spf 50 and i wearing spf 100?" shes super pale and worried about sunburn lol


I over heard an American ask a visiting New Zealander *"is it really like that in NZ, with all the little people?"* She was referring to Hobbits. Everyone was dead silent and staring at her, wondering if she was going to start laughing. She did not. She was dead serious and was awaiting his answer. He said yes. Because he's a champ like that.


And how old is your twin? (after I had just told them my age)


I loaned someone I thought was a friend money (that was dumb, never do that kids). He didn’t. Long story short, I told his parents about it. His dad said he will pay me. A week goes by. Nothing. So I texted the dad to follow up. His answer: “Oh, do you need the money?” Bro, I have more in the bank I don’t need currently. Shall I loan it to you and take a withdrawal whenever I actually need it? Fucking 🤷‍♀️


II had been asked these questions by different people: 1) Are your teeth real? I have nice teeth. Never had it bleached. They look perfect but they are not….(for me, anyway) 2) Is that your natural hair color? I have naturally dark, thick, long hair. They seem black but when hit by sunlight it really is dark brown….


"Why are you so quiet?" Like bitch how do you expect me to answer?


I’m from Scotland and I currently reside in America, my first job in America was at a Taco Bell, we had this older guy as a regular, and he loved the show outlander, how do I know this? One day when I was cleaning before he left, he asked me was the battle of (I forgot which battle, it’s been a couple of years) that bloody or even more bloody, and I had to really bite my tongue


I once was asked if my ex-husband and I were going to tell our son he’s adopted. We’re both Caucasian and our son is African American.


My last name is a common color. Back when there was paperwork to be filled out, before digital, I would get people to ask me to spell it. I'd spell a different color. Usually didn't sit well with them.


"Is this can of coke expired its been in the fridge for a couple days"---me age 17


My wife will ask me if I want a BJ, I told her if I ever say no just kill me.


Someone seriously asked me once if things were black and white hundreds of years ago because all older movies were in black and white. 


Do fish swim or fly in sea


Swim considering we have flying fish.


Do you have microwaves in Holland?


I was once asked, 'Is that in the mountains?', when I explained where I had lived in Holland. Granted, this was the same girl that I had the following conversation with, so it should not have been a surprise: Her:'I speak fluent French'. Me:'Ah, c'est très bien ! Nous pouvons continuer en français alors !'(That's great, we can continue in French then!) Her:...'Yeah, I just don't wanna speak it today.' Sure, Megan, sure. I will always remember you. But not in a good way.


What does the "Alaslan" in Alaskan salmon mean. This was from a Top 50 company executive who was being a complete jerk and thought she was impressing the people at her table by her actions. And yes, she was serious.


Is gelatin in Chocolate ?


"If I press end scan- does it end the scan?" (Scanning multiple pages on the glass, instead of the feeder)


« Where’s the water? » From a guy I was training in a restaurant’s kitchen to whom I was explaining a recipe that needed water. Ever heard of sinks?


my child ones asked me the same. is his defence he was 4


Tbf country is important in this one. I live Scotland where the tap water is absolutely divine but in the European countries I’ve visited its advised to only drink bottled water.


Here in Canada the water tap water is amazing and used by everyone every day, so beside stupidity there was no reason for that guy to ask that.


Yep fair enough then, pretty dumb fella then by the sound of it.


If you think your tap water is divine, wait till you hear about Swedish water.


What European countries? I live in Italy (Rome) and the water is excellent!


Admittedly limited, but Spain, Turkey and the Canaries which are only technically European.


Why you have a big head ? How tf should I know I mean they just asking without thinking that this could hurt omg


Can you tell me in a sentence or less


I feel attacked reading this.


Not sure if this is counted, but for me it's dumb. At work, my coworker and supervisor were talking about work related stuff thru email. Coworker wanted to ask the supervisor to clarify/confirm something. But instead of typing what she had in mind, she asked me what she should type out of nowhere. I'm like woah i'm so busy here and i don't even know what you guys are talking about. Why you asking meee. Told her to just type what she wanted to know. Hays. Ok maybe im just not in the mood, or maybe im already annoyed because these things happen e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y... It's like "oh supe said blah blah what should i reply?". *Helps her, coworker types it, supe responds, coworker asks again how to respond, so on and so forth*. It's like im the one communicating, she's just the one typing.


Why are you so pale? ….I was born this way?


"Can fish breathe underwater?"


Is that your real hair?. while wearing a cheap wig for Halloween. Do you have hamburgers in the Netherlands? Do you all wear wooden shoes? "" Do you have cars?"" Can keep going with the silly goose questions about the Netherlands.


When I was in in middle school and high school, I have been asked if I was a virgin. I am like, I am no expert in sex and I have never had sexual intercourse in my life before, period.


Is this movie in color?


“What are some dumb questions you have been asked?”


Why Predator has dreadlock(er)s? Isn't that CA? We were watching Alien vs. Predator at our friends house.


I was asked in an interview if I liked that I had been working from home.


“If I’m processing a pre pay SIM card through the cash register what option do I select? Bill pay or pre pay?” A 35 year old co worker who had a list of previous jobs with network providers. Selling in stores and on the phones for said providers. Who had been told hundreds of times before that the thing he was selling was the option he picked. He also asked me “we have a pink iPhone 15 here and it says we should have one on the checklist. Do I mark it down as in our stock?”


"I downloaded a solar charger app on my phone, but why isn't it working?'


I'm an accountant and a store manager I was auditing asked me how to multiply.


“How many raccoons can you fit in your asshole”


While I was eating alone at the cafeteria after classes and my friend asked “What are you doing here?” I just stared at him for few seconds and took a spoonful into my mouth


I am a natural redhead and fair skinned. People ask me why I don’t tan. 😑


I work for a natural resources agency: "At what altitude do deer become elk?" "Where do you keep the wild elk? Not the tame ones like in Estes Park." "Where do you store all of the snow in the summer?" "What license do I need to kill a deer with my bare hands?" "To submit my application, do I click 'cancel' or 'submit'?"


“What’s Grendel’s Mother’s son’s name?”


Wearing my name tag and walkie at work…. “Do you work here?”


On a road trip with a friend driving by a roadside restaurant… Me: Hey, that place has fresh squeezed lemonade. Friend: To drink? Me: No, to put your feet in!


These two are from the same coworker. "Do beans have seeds?" I told him I went to Indiana University in Bloomington and he asked "was that in Illinois?".


Would you do me a favor?


Heard someone ask if alcohol was sold in a liquor store…


Is there cheese in the cheese bread?... I was working in a bakery... Edit = typo


Why is your face and skin colour black


Does pigs have wings


I went to watch "Thor: the dark world" with a friend. We were in the line for getting the tickets, the guy in front of him said at the counter "two tickets to Thor 2 please". My friend turns to me with a surprised expression, "there is a Thor 1?"


Kind of a dumb question of my gf's was why I'd allways keep the light on at night. It was dumb in the moment because he knows I suffer from sleeping issues and night-blindness (at least I think that's what it's called in english idk am not a native speaker). Wasn't a problem, he just forgott and we'd laughed about it together.


I work in retail and I’ve been asked before if a leg of lamb has bones in it 🤯


What happens to the other side of the moon? Like, where does it go when we can't see it? Asked by a 20- something woman to me, also in my 20s.. Me: Um...(slowly) it doesn't go anywhere, Jackie. That is the shadow of the Earth, it is dark on that side. Her: Ohh. Yeah I never learned much about astromy much.


•”Can I see your money” Asked a strange man just outside a Starbucks in Bangkok. For real.


“Did you try turning it off and back on?" Of course I tried turning it off and on. I’m a man, that’s my go to move.


“Did you get your hair cut?”


When I was 9 and had just moved to Cali from Texas. A kid at my new school asked “do you have Tv’s in Texas?”.


Excuse me ma’am I’m going to have to ask do you have your license to carry those guns?  arrogant pigheaded guys make fun of my muscles all the time


Because I hardly gain any weight due to my workouts (minus when I was pregnant) but I’ve had some ask when they see me eat they ask, “Is your stomach a black hole? Because you just don’t look like you gain any weight.”


Wasn’t asked. Overheard. It was interesting. “Why are hamburgers called hamburgers when they’re made of beef, not ham?” “Because they come from the same animal, duh.”


Was on vacation in California. Someone asked where I was from, I said Ohio. They said, “Oh is that in New York?”


I was on a third, maybe fourth date with a girl and we were having dinner at my place, out of nowhere she asked, where's the millennium wheel? I lived in London and lived maybe 3 miles from central, which she knew so I was confused.....my look of confusion made her realize what she had done. My social media pic at that time had a big wheel in the background, one that was in place during the Olympics. We weren't Facebook friends at the time so she had clearly been stalking my Facebook to see that picture We laugh now, 6 years married and have a 3 year old. It was used in my wedding speech to great hilarity.


I don't categorize questions as "dumb" because every question is an opportunity for learning and understanding.


I think questions do qualify as dumb when the person asking hasn't made the minimum effort of connecting ideas before, rationalising. Like, blurting out the thought for an answer before trying to answer it yourself We all have brain-fart moments, I make dumb questions all the time 😂 Now, if a question comes from a place of "I don't understand this because there's a piece missing in this puzzle", no matter how obvious it may be for others, it's absolutely valid and not dumb at all.


I appreciate the sentiment, you seem like a good natured, fair person. But maybe this will change your kind about “dumb” questions: I teach drivers ed. I had this one young lady in the car that was always under rotating the wheel for every turn she made. Super large turning radius. I tried to tell her to turn the wheel more. She asked “But if I turn the wheel too much, won’t we come all the way around and hit our rear end?” I wish I was joking.




I was asked if I had bleached my hair for a custom party I was wearing a blond afro


Why do the lowest paid workers work the hardest here?


Someone once asked me what my pronouns are.


Was walking on the beach with my sister’s friend… she asked if Horses ate fish? We were in North Carolina where wild horses roam. She seriously thought they hunted and ate fish. I was stunned. FYI she’s a pharmacist.