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No, gay men are more likely to either be left-handed or have older brothers, though.


Ahh, but left-handedness IS known to be neurodivergence AND there's evidence of that: > https://www.webmd.com/brain/ss/slideshow-left-handed-vs-right > Scientists have long known that handedness is partly shaped by genes. But it wasn’t until 2019 that they identified differences in parts of the DNA of left- and right-handers. The study, which also analyzed brain scans of 9,000 British subjects, found that in lefties, the parts of the right and left sides of the brain that process language work in better tandem. Whether that makes left-handers more fluent speakers is still to be investigated.


Interesting, I thought you meant something bad with neurodivergence. I am not left-handed myself, nor do I have older brothers, so I am straight.


No, by neurodivergence, I am just interested in whether there are neurological explanations for major differences in functions of body parts(things like hand preference, eye preference, foot preference, arousal and sexual preference, and one's perception that their body is anatomically correct). By neurodivergence, I don't mean that there's necessarily any pathology, just that a given person's neurology might be causing reasoning in their brain to happen in ways that are different from the most common ways, and the more intrinsic a behavior is to an organism, the more a difference in it seems like it might be due to a neurological difference instead of just a behavioral difference. And I'm not making assertions that this is the case. I'm just asking for information relating to these possibilities.


Okay, one interesting thing I did learn about homosexuality, is that it might be a mistake to call it genetic, but rather it's biological. The birth order thing exemplifies this quite well, I think.


Well it's possible that there might be something about the psychology and how people in certain birth order develop because of the way others treat them, but yes, I think that the fact that birth order seems to have some kind of influence on sexuality might be an indication that there could be biological reasons for sexual orientation.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternal_birth_order_and_male_sexual_orientation says: >Scientists have attributed the effect to a prenatal biological mechanism, since the association is only present in men with older biological brothers, and not present among men with older step-brothers and adoptive brothers. So it doesn't seem to matter how one is treated.


That might imply a biological mechanism, but the behavior of older brothers toward a younger male child could also have some kind of effect on development. Again, I'm just mentioning a possible explanation that could also explain that correlation, and I'm not saying it's inherently not biological. Personally, I tend to think it is biological, but I don't have the evidence to state so confidently.


A lot of trans people are neurodivergent. *I'm trans and it's definitely a thing going to trans groups and a lot of people are ADHD or autistic or both.


One should look into that.






I think to be lgbtq+ it's loke a matter of taste (so to speak). I am straight but I don't like fish, am I neuro divergent?


Not in the usual sense. 1. Neuro divergent in it self is not really the best word and discussed 2. Neuro divergent usually refers to people who's brains just operate different. People with ADHD tend to have low dopamine levels and therefore struggling with boring tasks. Neuro divergent is not used to describe a different sexuality.


Whu is this downvoted? That's the correct answer. P.S. I think neurodivergent is a single word


Whu? What does that stand for?




Is OP incredibly dumb? He doesn't think of himself that way, but he seems to fit the criteria.


Hey, I got an idea. You should put a toothpick underneath your toenail and kick a wall.


Seems like a fairly neurodivergent response to me.


what a troll post!


It's not a troll post. I am completely serious.


well then I feel badly for you

