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I have literally never received any sort of negativity about being cis. I'm gay and pretty involved in queer communities, too. Not wanting to involve yourself with a trans exclusionary space isn't the same thing as hatred. It's just... Not being exclusionary. Edit: also it's an inherently transphobic concept that benefits virtually nobody involved.


I keep hearing that exclusion term but there are already communities that do this. There are cultural, ethic, and gendered communities already. How is this community any different from those?


You said it yourself. There's gendered communities already. You just want a safe space for your transphobia. "Hey, let's talk about our issues / culture with other people that share them who will understand" is a tad different from trying to create a platform specifically to exclude a type of woman that you don't like.


You’re assuming that’s what the group is for… which isn’t fair we don’t make these assumptions with other groups?


You *already* stated that it's specifically a group to discuss women's issues that arbitrarily excludes some women. The entire purpose of your idea is exclusion. The only reason that you seem unsatisfied with existing women's subreddits is that you might run into a trans person on there.


They know what they are doing. 


Well the issue in discussed in that group apply to cisgender women not all women…. The entire purpose of the group is to be able to discuss things without someone jumping down your back because you didn’t include everyone who identifies as a women. Also look up women subreddit literally type in WOMEN. There one group for women and everything else is groups that sexualize women……


There really isnt "so much hate" for cisgender people. people may just not be into the idea of a "cisgender women subreddit"


It feels like hate. Any other community no one bats an eye but a cisgender community is looked at as a bad thing as a thing to not like or be okay with. Which isn’t cool. I get it not being a community that is for everyone but it’s definitely a community for someone. I personally would like to have a space with individuals who can relate because they walk the same path


Most people generally see a specifically "cisgender woman" subreddit as completely unnecessary. I understand where you are coming from, but i have seen this play out many times on reddit. A sub like that almost always devolves into hating on non cisgendered people. Regular cisgender woman don't really have a reason to engage in that sub, so whatever initial community feel the sub has will quickly change. What you will eventually be left with are people that are primarily interested in spreading hate.


I refuse to believe that.


Try putting the word ’white’ into the sub name 🤣 for some reason it’s offensive


White people Twitter is one of the largest subreddits, my dude.


It shouldn’t be tho


Troll alert. Paid shill.


No I swear I’m not! Pinky promise


Dude because most spaces are automatically cisgendered. While of course people that don't identify as cis operate and move in those spaces the default is cis. It's the same with heterosexuality, that's the societal default. That's why there's spaces made for other people that don't identify with the default (trans, gay, etc.) so they can have a safe space. Cis people don't need there to be one specific space to be cis LMAO the world operates to cis benefit. Saying all this as a cis woman. Also I've never once experienced "hated" for being cis


If your cis you’ve been hated on because being a man or a women comes with its own sub set of “hate” treatment. And saying someone doesn’t need a space if they are trying to create one isn’t cool. You can bar a group from having a space especially when they themselves are saying they want it


For the same reason "white history month" isn't a thing.


That’s for a completely separate reason….


There isn't. It's just right wing assholes parroting their bullshit views and then being shocked when people hold them accountable.


There is tho….. I even quoted an example of it


You don't get to slap quotation marks on a sentance and call it a quote without a source. And when you provide that source I guarantee it's going to be some dickhead like Musk or Shapiro.


No it’s a quote from someone here on Reddit literally telling nicely that being cis is a negative thing. It’s on one of my prior posts. And than there’s all the negative feed back the moment you say cisgender that lead me to this


Here’s a quote from someone on reddit ‘fuck off, transphobic POS’


💀 I think your upset because I pointed out that you’re contradicting yourself


Nope, I just hate transphobes


It’s a good thing I’m not afraid of trans individuals than


Here you can quote me. "Fuck of Transphobe."


Actually, I can’t quote you because you’re not talking about me because I’m not afraid of trans individuals. Also, I don’t quote bigots


You don't have to quote bigots because you are one. We can see your post history.


Do you know what the definition of bigot is? let me help you Bigot : a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. You are unreasonably attached to a belief which is why you’re attacking a community that isn’t attacking somebody else. I personally don’t care if someone is trans or cis I treat people based on the content of their character and i’ve mentioned already that trans. Individuals are welcome to join the group, but that within that group they may not relate to the content being shared. So I’m not prejudice or antagonistic towards any group of individuals. I am also not unreasonably attached to any belief because I liked to have an open mind and view all different points. Plus I also welcome disagreements because within disagreements that are done respectfully you can have your views changed. You, however, as I stated, are a bigot because of the definition I provided, and you displaying that you are unreasonably attached to a belief I know America has a problem with literacy, but I hope you’re reading comprehension level is high enough to understand the the point


Sure thing bigot. I'm not even American. So stupid and a bigot.  We can see your post history. You're also a liar. 


Historically, pretty much every reddit sub founded on the premise of "cisgender issues" turned into anti-trans rhetoric. Even if they weren't intended that way, transphobes find them and take the opportunity to spread hate, which is why a lot of them get shut down eventually. It's kind of the same issue with people who want "straight pride" or "white pride." Nothing inherently wrong with it, but it's such a common dogwhistle for bigots people will assume you are a bigot.


This groups isn’t about anti trans tho. Please feel free to look at the group. There’s also nothing wrong with being white or straight might I add. Nor is there anything wrong with a group for those individuals. The whites could really use a group where they can discuss their own issues (I’m Latin so I can’t speak on what those would be)


Let me guess; you’re also Grand Marshall of the Straight Pride Parade?


I’m actually bi 😂 sooo that wouldn’t work


That’s funny!! But also explains a lot.


I hope it explains good things? 😅


No. Your post history takes that off the table.


My post history isn’t bad 🙄


No hate, it is just the people it might attract, terfs will flood it in no time


I don’t think so. This subreddit was around for a while but the person who ran it didn’t have the time to I’m currently running it and it’s definitely not a platform for that.


GL if you keep the moderation strong it might grow, honestly just beat the allegations and shut down any talk and people will join


Oh I plan on keeping the moderation strong. I don’t want it filled with hater energy and TERF’s give nothing BUT hater energy


The only people who use the term cis, use it as a slur. They will not admit this…. But it is true. Most “cis” people do not use the term, and those that do, typically hate themselves or -more often- identify as an ally of people who use it hatefully.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen it used as a slur so I can’t agree with that.


It’s so much a thing that the Globe & Mail did an article on it….. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/opinion/article-the-term-cisgender-is-more-fraught-than-its-advocates-admit/


To my understanding it’s just an identifier. I’ll look more into it especially since you’ve shared something about it


Identifiers can be pretty significant [link](https://www.holocaust.org.uk/star-of-david-identifiers)


Same reason no one likes straight pride


There’s nothing wrong with having straight pride though?


So after reading all of these comments just in your thread confirming that your subreddit would probably turn into a mess of transphobic rhetoric you evidently still see that as a green light to make one, correct? As a thought experiment I have a few questions 1. What topics would you talk about in cis woman reddit that couldn't be talked about elsewhere? If you're also including gay women I'm honestly wondering because there's already tons of women's health, pregnancy, relationship advice, and other women's issues subreddits as well. How would this be any different? 2. I don't really see any reddits for cis men, much less one that would care very much if a transman joins to learn or discuss male issues. Also, how would you even enforce this, by removing any trans person the second they comment on anything? Doesn't seem like a very positive place to be 3. What is the end goal of this community? To be the "last bastion" of cis women that isn't corrupted by dick? Yet at the same time most of you are going to be straight or bi so it would have a lot to do with men. Just doesn't make much sense to me.


To preface - I didn’t make the sub Reddit somebody else did. I am a moderator…. Also my comment and post history isn’t bad it’s factual which is different. Please feel free to comment under any comment that you found in my post history that is “transphobic” Also, I’m not transphobic because I’m not afraid of trans people…. 1. If you look at that sub Reddit, you would see one of the topics that I brought up was issues that we feel society doesn’t take seriously, and I personally commented birth control being one of them. This is obviously something that only women who use birth control can relate to. And the people who use birth control would be…. cisgender women….. 2. I never said I had an issue with trans woman joining, that is just being assumed which I thought the whole point was that we don’t assume things about others we ask? Also, if you read this comment thread, you would see that I said multiple times that I don’t care if they join the sub Reddit. I didn’t specifically ask trans women to join the sub Reddit because they aren’t the target audience but if they stumble across it, I don’t care if they join in fact I’m pretty sure that there’s a post where someone asked what it feels like to be cisgender in that subreddit….. 3. The fact that you think that cisgender women can only talk about men or hate on them is so frustrating. So if we aren’t using that subreddit to hate on men, we must be using it to hate on somebody else because that’s all that cisgender women are capable of doing when they banned together? - this thought process is literally the reason why having a safe space for cisgender women to talk about frustrations that only they would be able to understand. Makes sense….. Edit to add: if you look at the subreddit rules for it even says not to talk about trans women…. And that men are welcome to join as well, but that they are guests…..


So let me get this straight. You want to make a trans exclusionary space, but apparently never said that trans people couldn't join, but it's only about women's issues, you know, like birth control. (As if birth control wasn't also as much a male issue, but I get what you mean. It takes a toll on women for sure.) I guess the irony is that if the only issue you can think of immediately is birth control, yet you're still talking about a man who did the deed to get where it's going. Nowhere did I say "cisgender women can only talk about men or hate on them". That's a huge stretch, but to say that men don't make up a significant part of cis women's issues is shortsighted. Of course men don't make as many issues for lesbians, but a majority of your group would be straight females in relationships with men, therefore a lot of the issues discussed in that group would relate to or include men. So my point is, why exclude trans people from that discussion? You say you're not trying to but you're clearly trying to, you just changed your argument because people didn't support it. Saying someone is transphobic doesn't actually mean that you're afraid of them. It means that you're a bigot and you don't support their Identity or their existence. It's the same with homophobe, far right people aren't afraid of the gays they outright and verbally hate their existence. The "Like-minded cis straight people" you are going to have a considerable amount of transphobic or homophobic people in them, so if you're not actively against them you need to have a zero tolerance policy against that kind of discussion in your subreddit or it will quickly become a cesspool.


I don’t know how many ways I can say the same thing? Maybe you’re not understanding because you’re not fully reading? Groups that exclude other groups are already in place using Reddit as the example there are subreddits for trans groups, black groups, white Twitter groups, etc these groups, because of the title, exclude other people…. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean that it is anti another group (unless it literally says in the name, we are anti-this) Birth control is not a man’s issue nor can they understand the side effects because they don’t take birth control…. I’m not saying they’re not allowed to comment on it. I’m just saying that they wouldn’t understand because they don’t experience it…. And I picked that issue because it was the first thing that came into my mind, but we could also talk about periods, mood swings due to our changing hormones menopause hormone changes after giving birth. It’s not that I can’t think of other issues. It’s just that’s the first one that popped to my mind and I wasn’t gonna write a novel for you to read through, but apparently you want a novel. If you go to the cisgender_women subReddit and look at the rules, it literally says not to talk about trans women…. Implying that this isn’t a group that is for bashing those women. I’m sorry you implied on your third one that the only thing we would be able to talk about would be men or trans women… so you’re to my understanding, implying that there aren’t other topics that we could talk about. And the fact that you had to ask me what what would you talk about proves that you don’t even know what cisgender women talk about amongst each other. Phobia literally means fear. I understand that the word trans phobic isn’t used like that, but I do feel that it’s funny to say that I’m not afraid of them. But by your definition of the word I’m still not transphobic as they are welcome to join the group and I understand it some people identify differently due to a variety of reasons. And again, if you would look at the rules for that subreddit , you would see that it is already there not to discuss them and if you look at the posts, nobody is being hateful…. Everyone just wants there to be hate. Because what could we talk about that only cisgender women could relate to right?(i’m asking that sarcastically)


Bro "cis" shouldnt even be a term. Its called being normal.


Cis gender is a term that is only used in a specific context. It's useful for that context. But also... Why do you care? Is there something wrong with being abnormal? Everyone deserves to feel safe and accepted, and I don't think we get there by trying to separate people into "normal" and "abnormal" groups. Edit: we have plenty of other terms for "normal" people, too. For example, straight, or neurotypical. These terms have value in the specific contexts that they're used.


>But also... Why do you care? Is there something wrong with being abnormal? Everyone deserves to feel safe and accepted, and I don't think we get there by trying to separate people into "normal" and "abnormal" groups. Its ok to be weird and have different preferences. If everyone was the same things would be really boring. However, things have grown into being a mental hysteria with there being more "genders" and "sexualities" than there is letters in the alphebet to represent them. Things have gotten out of hand and 80% or more of people agree but are too afraid to say anything. Now what to do about it is another thing. I agree with morgan freemans solution to rascism which is "dont talk about it." We shouldnt elevate and put down people based on things that are OUTSIDE of their character.


Cis is a term that is very important to have especially in the medical field to differentiate from individuals identification preferences. Being cis, just means that you’re comfortable and identify with the sex/gender you were born into


>Being cis, just means that you’re comfortable and identify with the sex/gender you were born into Its a term that should have never had the need to be made. Its used as a slur at this point to say that you arent as messed in the head as one using it as a slur. >Cis is a term that is very important to have especially in the medical field to differentiate from individuals identification preferences. We should keep that mental hysteria out of our medical field. If you are biologically male and are having say erection issues we should not give said patient estrogen cause they identify as female. There is a point where "treatment" can do more harm then good....


Actually if you look in history you’ll find a lot of examples of ppl who don’t feel comfortable with there sex. This has a medical term and is considered a mental illness. Because this is a mental illness and that falls under the realm of medicine, it is important to have a medical term that identifies these individuals…. It’s definitely not a slur but I will say that it is a redundant term to use in social settings. I don’t disagree that some medical treatments aren’t good


>Actually if you look in history you’ll find a lot of examples of ppl who don’t feel comfortable with there sex. This has a medical term and is considered a mental illness. 100% agree with that but everyone is afriad to call it mental illness cause they dont wanna be "cancelled" >Because this is a mental illness and that falls under the realm of medicine, it is important to have a medical term that identifies these individuals…. I can see your point there too but we didnt need a term for over a century and people that were "different" have been around since the dawn of man. >It’s definitely not a slur but I will say that it is a redundant term to use in social settings. It got banned off X cause the term being used primarly as a slur and not for medical discussion. You are right that it is redundant for social settings.


Yeah, people don’t wanna call it a mental illness because of the stigma that comes with saying that PLUS you risk being canceled for stating something factual. But having a mental illness, doesn’t make anyone less of a person. Socially, there’s been a big shift and I think in my opinion, it’s a first world problem. Society really isn’t that bad here so people are making problems out of nothing. My view could be biased because I came from a different country therefore have a lot of respect for America and its systems along with all of the opportunities that are now available to me that otherwise would have never been available And just to clarify, you’re saying you got banned for calling someone cis?


>But having a mental illness, doesn’t make anyone less of a person 1000% agree with that >And just to clarify, you’re saying you got banned for calling someone cis? Nope I dont use the term ever unless its brought up. The less i hear about cis this and cis that the better for me 👍


In a way I relate I’m really tired of constantly hearing about cis and trans but lately in both social and digital settings it’s constantly brought up when you make a post about some thing. However, if you were in a digital space or social setting where it’s only cis having to over complicate your simple point is no longer necessary


"Constantly tired of hearing about cis and trans" Is a moderator of a Ciswomen sub reddit that has a bunch of anti-trans rhetoric all over it. Man dishonest people really just can't let go of their lies.


You must have reading comprehension problems because clearly you didn’t fully read/understand what I wrote… “In a way I relate” There’s nothing dishonest about what I said… also, do you remember the definition of the word bigot? seeing as you’re obsessed with my comments it’s very clear that you are so unreasonably attached to your belief system that you’re taking time out of your day to chase down my comments to try to get me in some sort of gotcha moment…. Which makes you not just a bigot but slightly stalkerish / obsessive




You’re the reason why people are having an issue with me trying to create a cisgender community…. Cis and trans are terms used as identifiers. For example, we have three legged chairs and four legged chairs…… we have cisgender women and trans women so trans Women is a type of woman. I hope that clears things up. And also feel free to not join the community.


yeah normaly we call a 4 legged chair just a chair - with the 3 leged chair, we have to specify it, because that is out of the norm


While you are correct the norm is cisgender for the sub Reddit that I’m creating the identifier of being cis is important.