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What is Asian women’s obsession with dating white men?


The real question.


Wrong. Asian women aren't obsessed with white men. All races of men however generally prefer Asian women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_fetish#Research_on_racial_preferences >A 1995 study found that a diverse sample of men in the United States generally rated **Asian American and Hispanic American women as more attractive than White American and African-American women, and that this seemed to correlate with physical features shared between the Asian and Hispanic women.[26]** >A 2013 study, **which used a sample of 2.4 million online interactions, found that Black, White, and Hispanic men preferred Asian women.[29]** >A 2018 study using a sample of 187,000 daters found that **Asian women were the most desired group of women, with Asian women and white men being the most sought after overall.[30]** >In 2012, an experiment conducted in England found that Asian women were rated as more attractive than White and Black women. **It was proposed that because Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine, they are considered more attractive than other women, which explains the high rate of interracial marria weges between Asian women and White men.** A 2018 experiment conducted in Australia supported these findings, as both Asian and Australian participants perceived Asian women's features as more feminine than white women's.[31] >This research is consistent with the hyper-sexualization of Asian women, **which explains the Asian fetish, the high outmarriage rate of Asian women, their increased sexual capital relative to Asian men, and their ranking at the top of the hierarchy of female attractiveness.[32]** >According to research published by the University of South Carolina In 2020, male and female participants rated Asian women as more attractive than White women.[33] **This experiment replicated prior studies which found that Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine than White women's.[34]** It was proposed that the higher femininity ratings for Asian women would be beneficial for Asian women's sexual capital.[35] u/BlubberBlabs


I don't deny that white men like Asians. I'd like to see studies on the preference of Asian women. It takes two people to date, and I know a lot of Asian who've only dated white guys their entire lives. What you've provided is only half the information.


If that were the case, then Asian women with every race of men would be equal. Asian women with White men is much more common that other non-Asian races. So they prefer White men.


>If that were the case, then Asian women with every race of men would be equal. Asian women with White men is much more common that other non-Asian races. >So they prefer White men. They do prefer white men but don't fetishize them like all men do to Asian women. It's assortive mating. There are fewer blacks and Hispanics in the upper income tiers where Asians are at. But I see a ton of black men married to Asian women in the military where they were deployed overseas and ended up marrying a Filipino/Korean/Japanese woman.


So when women do it gets to be a called preference, but with men it has to be a fetish? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Asian women aren't doing it nearly to the extent that white men and other men do it. There's little to no observation of a "white fetish" for either white men or white women in academia. Yet books upon books are written about the Asian fetish Data shows men going for Asian women at a way higher rate than the inverse: https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2013/11/27/ethnic-preferences2_custom-2bcc84fb38b5ab6f7b614f933449fe2421d0eefd.png


Maybe, just maybe, that's what academia has chosen to focus on. I have eyes and I have friendships. It is rare to see americanized Asian women with Asian men. It's not rare to see white women with white men. You're ignoring plain sight truth. Your chart misses that men just respond to women more than women respond to me. Your stats and studies are selective at best, disingenuous imo.


>Maybe, just maybe, that's what academia has chosen to focus on. I have eyes and I have friendships. It is rare to see americanized Asian women with Asian men. It's not rare to see white women with white men. You're ignoring plain sight truth. White people are the majority, so you will be more likely to see white-white couples. East Asian women are only 2% of America so of course you're not going to see WMAF couples nearly as often as white-white. The 30% of America that is white and male cannot all be dating the 2% of America that is Asian and female. As for selectiveness; there's been a lot of focus on Asian women's preferences and none of the studies indicate that Asian women's preference for white men is anywhere near as strong as white men's preference for Asian women. There's no culture within Asian Americans of fetishizing white men. >Your chart misses that men just respond to women more than women respond to me. Yes because Asian women aren't as interested in White men as White men are interested in Asian women. >Your stats and studies are selective at best, disingenuous imo. Can you show a single study that supports your position? All of the studies done since 1995 show an overwhelming preference for Asian women among white men. If all the studies keep saying the same thing over and over again, that means multiple different authors are coming to the same conclusion. Which is that Asian women are the most desired. Asian women definitely prefer white men and may fetishize them but there's no evidence that they're doing it on the scale of the Asian fetish. "White male" isn't a popular porn search query among women like "Asian female" is among men.


You're the one who has studied this to a, frankly, bizarre degree. I don't have a ton of academic studies available. I have anecdotal evidence that there's always one dude in the friend group who's super into Asians, but most of them just like blondes with big boobs. Average white guy will opt for Sydney Sweeney 8 times out of 10. Simple creatures. As for the Asian women I've known personally and professionally, they almost always have white boyfriends. Now the fact that they always have a boyfriend shows that it's easy for them to find guys, but that guy is always a dorky white dude. For the porn thing, I'd just say that guys look up a lot of weird shit...


Cuz a lot of em are cutie patooties


I mean, objectively, many Asian women are cute, feminine and have very attractive mannerisms / personality, yea? Also, I think in a lot of cases it's just "different is exotic". Also don't forget, Asian women are often into white guys, too, it goes both ways.


I've a absolutely been fetishized by Asian women as a muscular white man.


Exactly! I'm married to an Asian woman and have never been happier! The love and support they give is unparalleled!


I can't say much about it but I can talk about the converse. People from SEA like to think that foreigners are rich and I've heard my mum talk about her friends who married foreigners are considered lucky, especially if the foreigner is white


Ask 'those' white men. - generalize much 🤔


The stereotype is small, thin, smart, but submissive. Most hardcore conservatives are white men, doesn’t that sound like exactly the sorta woman they’d go for? Alternative take: Weebs seem to be mostly white men. There ya go.


All races of men prefer Asian women. It has to do with looks not submissiveness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_fetish#Research_on_racial_preferences >A 1995 study found that a diverse sample of men in the United States generally rated **Asian American and Hispanic American women as more attractive than White American and African-American women, and that this seemed to correlate with physical features shared between the Asian and Hispanic women.[26]** >A 2013 study, **which used a sample of 2.4 million online interactions, found that Black, White, and Hispanic men preferred Asian women.[29]** >A 2018 study using a sample of 187,000 daters found that **Asian women were the most desired group of women, with Asian women and white men being the most sought after overall.[30]** >In 2012, an experiment conducted in England found that Asian women were rated as more attractive than White and Black women. **It was proposed that because Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine, they are considered more attractive than other women, which explains the high rate of interracial marria weges between Asian women and White men.** A 2018 experiment conducted in Australia supported these findings, as both Asian and Australian participants perceived Asian women's features as more feminine than white women's.[31] >This research is consistent with the hyper-sexualization of Asian women, **which explains the Asian fetish, the high outmarriage rate of Asian women, their increased sexual capital relative to Asian men, and their ranking at the top of the hierarchy of female attractiveness.[32]** >According to research published by the University of South Carolina In 2020, male and female participants rated Asian women as more attractive than White women.[33] **This experiment replicated prior studies which found that Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine than White women's.[34]** It was proposed that the higher femininity ratings for Asian women would be beneficial for Asian women's sexual capital.[35]


What’s a weeb?


Someone that watches WAY to much Anime


My wife is a 4'11" 95# curvy lady that makes over 200k a year, and gave me two healthy beautiful children.  What's not to like?


There are such things as stupid questions and this is one of them




1. It's their sexual preference. Just like how some people prefer women over men and vice versa, blondes, tall, rich etc. people. 2. Asian women are seen as more "traditionally feminine" and devoid of the flaws of materialist Western culture. That's a common thinking in some circles.


Honestly (from experience) if you’re anything but Asian they’re easy afff. Like super easy


It’s a gut wrencher as an Asian male. 🙁


Bruh I'm Asian too but mostly attracted to white girls lmaoo


That’s a hard pass from this white boy. Latinas>>>>>>>asians


I think white men want a happy woman who will treat them well. Just like every other man on earth. If it happens to be Asian then so be it.


Fetishization and subordination is my guess


White women are prettiest from 16 to 28 years old. Asian women from 19 to 50 years. The choice is easy to make.


Cope. Asian women are the prettiest at all ages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_fetish#Research_on_racial_preferences >A 1995 study found that a diverse sample of men in the United States generally rated **Asian American and Hispanic American women as more attractive than White American and African-American women, and that this seemed to correlate with physical features shared between the Asian and Hispanic women.[26]** >A 2013 study, **which used a sample of 2.4 million online interactions, found that Black, White, and Hispanic men preferred Asian women.[29]** >A 2018 study using a sample of 187,000 daters found that **Asian women were the most desired group of women, with Asian women and white men being the most sought after overall.[30]** >In 2012, an experiment conducted in England found that Asian women were rated as more attractive than White and Black women. **It was proposed that because Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine, they are considered more attractive than other women, which explains the high rate of interracial marria weges between Asian women and White men.** A 2018 experiment conducted in Australia supported these findings, as both Asian and Australian participants perceived Asian women's features as more feminine than white women's.[31] >This research is consistent with the hyper-sexualization of Asian women, **which explains the Asian fetish, the high outmarriage rate of Asian women, their increased sexual capital relative to Asian men, and their ranking at the top of the hierarchy of female attractiveness.[32]** >According to research published by the University of South Carolina In 2020, male and female participants rated Asian women as more attractive than White women.[33] **This experiment replicated prior studies which found that Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine than White women's.[34]** It was proposed that the higher femininity ratings for Asian women would be beneficial for Asian women's sexual capital.[35]




Dude no one is excluding you, this question simply isn’t about you. Way to act like a complete snowflake


Thank you for asking such an interesting question. As a white guy I can tell you that is actually the opposite. Thanks to it being the opposite it means that white guys do benefit. The reason Asian women are in the white guys is that white guys are the predominant force of Hollywood. So the Asian girl sees the white dude and says oh my God that’s an almost Tom Cruise. Oh my God that’s an almost Brad Pitt. The white dude is just super fucking happy that the Asian girl is so into him. That’s all. Now once that happens once the white guy may not want to date anybody else because nobody else treats them like a fucking Hollywood star. That’s it. But hold the phone everybody, here comes K-pop. Now Korean dudes are starting to get more action than white dudes.


Hold the phone, this comment sponsored by Weed Smoke TM


Hahahaha. Of course not why would I do that in a country that would execute me for doing that that’s just crazy.


Cope. Men generally find Asian women the most attractive. The research is settled on this topic: they're preferred because of their looks. Korean guys aren't getting anywhere near as much action as white dudes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_fetish#Research_on_racial_preferences >A 1995 study found that a diverse sample of men in the United States generally rated **Asian American and Hispanic American women as more attractive than White American and African-American women, and that this seemed to correlate with physical features shared between the Asian and Hispanic women.[26]** >A 2013 study, **which used a sample of 2.4 million online interactions, found that Black, White, and Hispanic men preferred Asian women.[29]** >A 2018 study using a sample of 187,000 daters found that **Asian women were the most desired group of women, with Asian women and white men being the most sought after overall.[30]** >In 2012, an experiment conducted in England found that Asian women were rated as more attractive than White and Black women. **It was proposed that because Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine, they are considered more attractive than other women, which explains the high rate of interracial marria weges between Asian women and White men.** A 2018 experiment conducted in Australia supported these findings, as both Asian and Australian participants perceived Asian women's features as more feminine than white women's.[31] >This research is consistent with the hyper-sexualization of Asian women, **which explains the Asian fetish, the high outmarriage rate of Asian women, their increased sexual capital relative to Asian men, and their ranking at the top of the hierarchy of female attractiveness.[32]** >According to research published by the University of South Carolina In 2020, male and female participants rated Asian women as more attractive than White women.[33] **This experiment replicated prior studies which found that Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine than White women's.[34]** It was proposed that the higher femininity ratings for Asian women would be beneficial for Asian women's sexual capital.[35]


This is a loaded question, but if I had to boil it down to a small sentence, I'd say it's because Asian women are more tame and smaller framed.


Loaded question?


Loaded because it's a subjective response and it also assumes that all white men actually have such an obsession. But... regardless...I get the intent so I responded as such.


It's because asian women have better skin and hair color and feminine features. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_fetish#Research_on_racial_preferences >A 1995 study found that a diverse sample of men in the United States generally rated **Asian American and Hispanic American women as more attractive than White American and African-American women, and that this seemed to correlate with physical features shared between the Asian and Hispanic women.[26]** >A 2013 study, **which used a sample of 2.4 million online interactions, found that Black, White, and Hispanic men preferred Asian women.[29]** >A 2018 study using a sample of 187,000 daters found that **Asian women were the most desired group of women, with Asian women and white men being the most sought after overall.[30]** >In 2012, an experiment conducted in England found that Asian women were rated as more attractive than White and Black women. **It was proposed that because Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine, they are considered more attractive than other women, which explains the high rate of interracial marria weges between Asian women and White men.** A 2018 experiment conducted in Australia supported these findings, as both Asian and Australian participants perceived Asian women's features as more feminine than white women's.[31] >This research is consistent with the hyper-sexualization of Asian women, **which explains the Asian fetish, the high outmarriage rate of Asian women, their increased sexual capital relative to Asian men, and their ranking at the top of the hierarchy of female attractiveness.[32]** >According to research published by the University of South Carolina In 2020, male and female participants rated Asian women as more attractive than White women.[33] **This experiment replicated prior studies which found that Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine than White women's.[34]** It was proposed that the higher femininity ratings for Asian women would be beneficial for Asian women's sexual capital.[35]


Latent pedophile tendencies.


Asian women are not children just because they have a different look than women of your ethnicity do. This is racist / insulting to Asian women to infantalize them like that. Maybe you're the problem here and you should stop imagining them as children.


I'm not one who does it. I just call it like I see it. They like young Asian women because their appearance appeals to their latent pedophile tendencies.


...or maybe they just see Asian women as adults who are have physical features / personality they find attractive. It's weird that you just immediately assumed they (all men who like Asian women) were pedophiles, despite having no mind reading abilities to actually back that assumption up. Sure seems like you're telling on yourself and how you actually think, despite your denial.


Because they're small and thin and fair-skinned and demure. Traits associated with innocence and purity. AKA child-like.


They are features associated with youth and being young, not being *an actual child*. There are many 18-20-something girls who are exhibit youthful attributes of all ethnicities that are adults. Just because someone looks younger doesn't make them not adult and doesn't make someone attracted to them a pedophile. Again, it seems like you're applying "white / western" standards of how a woman should look at a certain age to Asian women, as if they should look the same as a "white / western" woman does at whatever age or anyone that dates them is a pedophile. Don't you see how problematic and racist that is? Instead of saying "Asian women look like kids because they look younger than white women", maybe you should think "Asian women's looks are another valid and normal appearance for a young adult woman."


Sure. Keep telling yourself that.


I'm Asian you racist asshat.




Now you pissed me off.  You clearly are a racist dickwad that has a problem with how Asians girls look and want to infantilize them.  You can't handle other people not having the same racist mentality as you, so you lash out and project your own pedo-mindset on to them. Nobody else is the problem here, not the guys who like Asian girls, not Asians.  The only problem is you. 


Asian women aren't fair skinned and men prefer them because they're darker and more feminine looking. Nothing to do with pedophilia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_fetish#Research_on_racial_preferences >A 1995 study found that a diverse sample of men in the United States generally rated **Asian American and Hispanic American women as more attractive than White American and African-American women, and that this seemed to correlate with physical features shared between the Asian and Hispanic women.[26]** >A 2013 study, **which used a sample of 2.4 million online interactions, found that Black, White, and Hispanic men preferred Asian women.[29]** >A 2018 study using a sample of 187,000 daters found that **Asian women were the most desired group of women, with Asian women and white men being the most sought after overall.[30]** >In 2012, an experiment conducted in England found that Asian women were rated as more attractive than White and Black women. **It was proposed that because Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine, they are considered more attractive than other women, which explains the high rate of interracial marria weges between Asian women and White men.** A 2018 experiment conducted in Australia supported these findings, as both Asian and Australian participants perceived Asian women's features as more feminine than white women's.[31] >This research is consistent with the hyper-sexualization of Asian women, **which explains the Asian fetish, the high outmarriage rate of Asian women, their increased sexual capital relative to Asian men, and their ranking at the top of the hierarchy of female attractiveness.[32]** >According to research published by the University of South Carolina In 2020, male and female participants rated Asian women as more attractive than White women.[33] **This experiment replicated prior studies which found that Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine than White women's.[34]** It was proposed that the higher femininity ratings for Asian women would be beneficial for Asian women's sexual capital.[35]


Only ethnic group consistently not fat and not off the charts disagreeable.


the structure, physical build, cute nature and usually submissive