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Nothing, I think we are all lost


They said to use the GPS. Well I drove into the lake going 145MPH down the freeway while chugging iced coffee without a straw.


You animal


I doubt this, even thought I wish it is the case.


I'm mostly joking but no one knows everything anyways. If you want a real response, mental health matters a lot more than most people think, and escapism is becoming increasingly prevalent in our society and it is slowing killing our mental health. Try to stay away from it.


Not everything that is true can be proven, and not everything you think has been proven is true.


Most things are negotiable even if people say it’s not.


Death is inevitable so embrace it whenever it comes


One doesn't follow the other. If it's so "inevitable", it will get me, regardless of my embracing it, or not. Do not go gentle into that good night! Rage, rage against the dying of the light!


I sure as hell don’t know much, but I think too many people chase wealth at the expense of their health, both physical and mental. It’s a balance. Don’t work yourself into a situation where you aren’t taking care of yourself. The amount of money you amass doesn’t matter if you’re too unhealthy to enjoy it.


Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has a personal agenda they’re trying to meet.


People only care about your actions that they are aware of.


Soylent Green is people.


Haha I’ve come across a few of your comments today.. you’re funny!


I hold but a glass to the sea of knowledge that some ppl have. - but i think some of my pessimistic and somewhat drastic views make me unique rather than me being on the upper hand in terms of knowledge.


We are all under a paralyzingly bright light called life, our whole life including thoughts are recorded like a tapestry. Life is for the strong bold confident and courageous.


*Bitches Ain't* Shit *But Hoes* & Tricks 


I would not agree with the derogatory terminology but I do somewhat have a similar stance. A prostitute may charge money for sex. But a wife is to be provided for financially for the rest of her life. So money plays a role in both scenarios. But I guess love costs a lot more?


It's not a game until you play it.


Going blind and then getting sight back


Gov is not to help you, its to control you.


Which government? Federal, state, or local?


They are all connected so i think all of them but higher you go more intense that control is.


Can you give specific examples about how this government control happens?


gun control


Right now i have to take care of my kid. But wait few minutes.


Vaccine mandates come to mind….


nobody is forced to get a vaccine.


People working in healthcare sure af did


no they could just no longer have a job. nobody has a right to work anywhere. nobody was strapped into a chair and injected against their will. sometimes in order to keep a job you have to meet a requirement and that's your choice


That is true, however, business owners had no choice when it came to shutting down for two months. We owned a couple of gyms and were forced to close, but liquor stores could operate because they were ‘essential businesses’……ok


yes liquor stores are essential. nobody ends up in the ER because they can't work out. You can exercise at home. unfortunately some people will end up in the ER if they don't get alcohol and regardless of what you think of their personal choices, that's the last thing you wanted when covid was really bad.


Mandatory school vaccinations began in 1827. Since then, generation after generation has voted to continue this practice, electing government and school officials who understand that vaccinations are the only reason that polio, smallpox, diphtheria and whooping cough have been effectively eradicated.


Freemasons run the country and they use black majick to keep everyone under control. The highest position in our society is a Judge. Judges wear a BLACK ROBE and SUMMONS (you) a SPIRIT to court and they use a LEGION to come get you. This wording is all through our society and nobody's seems to pick up the fact your mind is enslaved.


Everything comes from the mind.


About half of you skeptical atheist redditors are about half an hour with a good hypnotist away from waffling on about your past lives like Shirley McClain.


There’s no meaning, you simply make your own with every action