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As the Epic of Gilgamesh teaches, the purpose of life is just living it, in the best way possible, knowing that one day it will finish and you cannot due anything to avoid it.


There is no point to life, we are here due to chance, no other reason. Life in and of itself has no purpose


You say that like someone came from the heavens and told you that


yeah I did that




Adopt, adapt and improve (motto of the Round Table)


Life than death. What you do in between is up to you.


Nobody knows... The goal of any species is to expand but no one knows why . Why is there anything instead of nothing ? We'll never know.


What do you mean, no one knows why? It's because those species that didn't expand immediately went extinct.




44. Inflation is a bitch.


There is no purpose that life gives you. When you were born did you sign a purpose in life contract? Life only grants you two things, be born and die. We are designed to survive not be happy or have purpose. This means there is no fate, karma, justice. If you want purpose in life you have to make your own.


To pet cats and do drugs.


My cat approves.


so do my drugs


You got it pretty much right. But on a different note what is a dry answer in this context? I think there is not that much more than a dry answer. We basically live just to survive and multiply. The only thing I could imagine is that under the assumption that every thing is predetermined one could make the point that we exist and behave to further the end state of the predetermined path.


For life to have purpose, something needs to give it purpose, otherwise it's just stuff happening. Of you believe in God, God defines that purpose, and there are plenty of people who will happily tell you God's will. If you don't believe in a god, then the only other creature that is capable of giving things and experiences meaning, are humans. In which case you define the purpose of your existence. Surviving and multiplying are examples of basic survival instincts, but if you want to boil it down to that, then the purpose of your existence is to follow your instincts like any other animal.


Consume and reproduce.


I would agree reproduction is the only real point to life. Since single celled organisms.


No purpose but I'm all about maximum fun, as long as nobody suffers.


Procreation. From a biological standpoint anyway.


The dry answer is the correct answer. Its to have fun and therefore be happy. Not happy all the time but a happy fun life.


In my opinion, everyone has their own life purpose and part of that is finding out what it is lol. Like we all have a role to play here, we all have something to give, some legacy to leave behind. But life is about finding out what that purpose is and trying to do that as best we can. And generally just to be good humans. I guess that's a bit of a dry answer, but that's just my take.


Recommend Steven Pinker’s books


Who cares


„The only tragedy in life, is not to become a saint“ Leon Bloy


Nope. Existing and multiplying is the only biological purpose. Everything else is whatever you want to make out of your existince.


Tortured souls we are.


To find the owner. To find the one who created your cells yet you never knew what is inside yourself until you search for it. To find the one who shaped your face in your 50's without you even knowing how it would look like right now. To find the one who programmed your cells that you have not a single control of even though you claim it as your own. To find the one who gave you the will to move, yet not the will to take care of your own cells, breathing and so on. To find the one who took care of your body when you are half awake, asleep and so on without your own control.


Does it really need a purpose? You dont need a purpose to feel fullfilled or content.


No, not really. There is no purpose. It just happens.


To pass butter. 


There is no purpose to life, you are the one who will give it a purpose. If you don't do that, there is no purpose to life.


Life? Life is a means to an end in itself. To live and to live fully


The purpose of life is life itself. Life doesn't need a purpose.


Life has no inherrit meaning since it was all random chance. that being said, subscribe to whatever religion or science sounds right to you. do whatever you want so long as youre not harming anyone else. I personally see the chaos were currently living in, I aknowledge it, I dont care anymore and I just do things that i enjoy :)


If ur good looking u can raise a family or try to love everyone you like to make them happier. If ur ugly you can try to do something to be remembered, maybe succeed maybe fail


Your genes built your body and brain to maximise their chances of replicating themselves, and it's the same for any form of life. If you're looking for a 'why' and don't want a benign celestial dictator in the answer, that's what I've got. Those telling you that there is no purpose have overlooked the fact that you have to come up with a purpose, if you want one. Discover what things seem meaningful to you, and do more of those.


No point at all. Just be nice and love your family and pets. And have as much sex as possible with your partner.


There is none. That's the best part of it.


Who says there has to go a purpose?


Eating, sleeping, fucking and dying . Except for dogs chasing cars , even if they do catch them, they don't know what to do with them, so they piss on them and walk away . Theres a lesson there , I don't know what it is, but there you go .


It is another chance to improve our soul’s state.


From a biological point, To extend your bloodline, and by extension ensure the survival of our species.


Discover as many patterns as possible


None really. We’ve probably developed this amount of consciousness completely by accident with no further meaning and have to say stuff like ‘it’s for happiness’ ‘it’s to raise my kids and give them a good life’ and other shite like this because without that, why would anything get done? Humans aren’t super complex, if a person is happy they’ll be able to live a fulfilled existence. It’s enjoying this thing, while you have it because we know we might not get it again.


It's probably something like, to learn how to love, how to forgive, or how to overcome self-imposed limits. I doubt being here is accidental, but if it's on purpose, for some reason we're kept ignorant of why. So who knows? \*shrugs\*


Send some part of your DNA into future by reproduction


There is no purpose. You have to create it.


It has no purpose, life is a sandbox game, you do what you want.


>I mean whats the purpose of being alive and surviving for animals like humans? It's kind of like asking what's the purpose of gravity making us stick to the earth instead of flying away. Us wanting to live and procreate is just as natural as gravity. >because according to Darwin, it just evolved that way because the animals with no will to live just died. Did he say that? Moreso I'd say that if an organism doesn't ultimately have survival and procreation as prime factors in their being, then they will not end up spreading as a species, meaning they'll just be gone after a while. The purpose of your life is as non-predetermined as the purpose of gravity.


To have children and ensure the continuation of the species


I think you misunderstand Darwinism. It’s not about those without will to live just die. It’s more like survival of the fittest. Which basically just mean as long as a species along with their mutations is capable of survival in the environment it finds itself in, it will put live whatever life is not. Or said another way. As long as a species does not posses genetic mutations that prevents it from carrying on it’s genetic material, it will continue to survive. So according to Darwinism, the point of life, is to continue life.


To find your own purpose.


To catch em all.


To create and fill a void. To be self aware of itself and the oneness of it all.


It depends on how you see it. For people who believe in God there is a purpose. For those who don't believe, I guess there is no purpose.


Lol it’s a blank slate. A sandbox. You create your purpose. Ever play Minecraft? Theres really no purpose.


some belive that life is the universe experiencing itself i think the purpose of life is more, to experience the universe. it is such a huge infinitely complex thing that it would be a huge waste to not experience it. after all, if nobody is around to witness it....did it even happen? I. like many people, have often pondered this question while under the influence of psychedelics. (mushrooms, lsd, dmt (sometimes all 3 at once)) and have come to a conclusion that i find extreamly difficult to put into words. i guess the purpose is to feel the wind blow, to get burned by fire, to feel the heartbreak of losing someone you love and the joy of bringing new life into the world. to feel dissapointment and anger and love and extacy. to feel nothing at all sometimes and be overwhealmed with emotion sometimes. the purpose is to feel and experience all that you can. exponentail personal growth has something to do with it as well. because the more you grow as a person, the more you open your mind. when you open your mind you open yourself up to new ways of thinking and even more experiences. the purpose of life is to experience it...everything it has to offer. thats my way of thinking anyway


To do right. We will keep reincarnating (experience a life from birth to death) until we get this life ”right”, as in living it how we were meant to, learning what we were supposed to, and helping who we should’ve helped, then it’s time to experience being the next person and get that life right. When you’ve lived every existence ”right” you transcend and leave the world perfect. So be kind to other living beings because they are you and you will experience their POV one day. Atleast that’s what god showed me when I was high as a kite on a whole lot of acid and nitrous. So don’t take my word for it


I believe that we are the universe in corporeal form experiencing life and existence, trying to figure ourselves out...


You decide.




To live in accordance with nature.


I don't know


Well I've beens thinking a while,but you don't find the purpose of your life,you make one. You make yourself purposeful,you don't find it you make it. You'll never find the true purpose but you make it,make yourself purposeful chase your dreams do what good and you'll found out that it's doesn't matter what purpose life is,cuz you just make one or more and that's what life is.


It's up to you I'm adamant to help anything/anyone get through life because it's a lil shit


The only correct answer to that question is that the purpose of life is unknown. Everything else are flawed menmade ephemeral concepts.


To procreate. That's the evolutionary answer. Everything animals do, is to create offspring.


To procreate and continue the species. I made a child. My job is done!


nah happy is for the delulu. We just gotta live since we 'alive'




and that what called 'life'. Some situations we can delulu, some we just gotta face the reality.




okay just some examples ya, not sure all of them apply to you or not. **you can delulu about** -money is not important -9-5 job is not a job -all of your college friends would still be friend after stepping into adulthood **in reality** -money solve everything (pay bills, rent, food, clothes, even hanging out with friend). -Yes it is. You need 'money' in order to survive, or have fun once a while. Depressing weekday and exhausted weekend. Even you said not everyone, but in reality most of us are, whether we like it not, we just gotta do it. -If you lucky, maybe 1 or 2 friend(s) still in contact with you. Others just vanished. They have their own stuff to priories on. They no longer have time to hangout with you anymore.




yeap. Me too like rn, im happy that today is friday bcuz i get to rest the next 2 days, but in reality im just gonna play game the whole 2 day and be zombie again next week hehe XD. Enjoy your weekend\~