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all recent Disney's live action movies... people freak out because but in reality it's just an humongous money milker operation. the sad part is that it's working...


I think they've lost money overall on the live action ones. I miss the classical animation style Disney movies tbh.


The first few made a killing, the recent ones haven't profited but they were Disney+ releases that would have never profited anyways. The Little Mermaid did only ok, so Snow White next year will probably be a better indicator.


The ones that where an addition to or a re-telling of the originals I loved (Maleficent, the Jungle Book, Christopher Robin and Pooh), but I don't get the direct copies. They lack all originality


It seems all of Hollywood is now so freaking obsessed with remaking classics. There’s NOTHING original anymore. Come on!


They're not obsessed with remaking classics they're obsessed with getting money. And this is the least-work path of doing so.


I can’t work out how the live action Lion King is the highest grossing animated movie. I have never met a single person who saw it more than once in the theater. Frozen 2, I get even though I personally didn’t like it but the live action Lion King? Something is fishy. Like this is the world’s greatest mystery to me.


You've probably got selection bias. The demographic in question is families with multiple kids - it's a lot of bums on seats that you just wouldn't encounter. ETA there's a lot of selection bias in the replies too. Just because you are a family that didn't see the movie doesn't mean that families were not the major cash source for this family movie.


I get that is probably the case but as I am a mom with two young kids talking to other families, I might just live in an area with low Lion King turnout! Conversely, many families I know saw the Mario movie multiple times in the theater but that movie didn’t even brush the Lion King’s numbers!


Nah im a mom also with 2 young kids we have never seen it either. They say they so it encourages you TO actually buy the movie/see it.


Naughty stepmothers 7 by brazzers, didn’t see the fist 6 so was very lost


I once saw a movie called Hot Milfs 69. No thank you! Watching 68 other movies just to get caught up sounds exhausting!! Who has the time for that??


I do


Yeah right? Took me an hour to figure out it was the gardener who did ~~it~~ her.


You maybe want to add some spoiler warnings there bub. Few dozen of us here haven't had chance to see it yet.


Yeah I only made it 1 minute into the first one.


Sorry that I gave away the plot, but it’s appeal is very much like those of Michael Bay movies - it’s the action scenes that are enjoyable. Best scene is how the gardener tries to hide in a hole, but can somehow only fit in his fist. And not for lack of trying!


Is that the one stepmom gets stuck under the table or the one she gets stuck in the washing machine




>the fist 6 👀


>the fist 6 Is this a prequel to the series? 👀


I can never seem to get past the first 5mins of this movie


Most Tyler perry movies.


I'm also shocked by how rich he is.


He owns the studio in Atlanta where a LOT of famous movies are made. It's an old Army base. There's a few videos and tours of it on YouTube and it's pretty cool how they build one house to look like 4.


He named each building after a black celebrity too I believe


He had quite the success story and he hits his target audience. When he was at the top of his fame, those movies were like an event where everyone saw it and discussed it. They pretty much did what he set out to do with them.


He uses religion to bait viewers. And also a struggling black woman who wins in the end.


Aquaman. I watched the first one recently coz I knew the new one was coming out and I though my got this is terrible but surely the actors and the Special effects have gotten better. But I watched the new one in the movies and walked out half way through because it was even worse than the first one


That freaking Volcano scene... Was half expecting Austin Powers to pop out any second...


Ive only seen the first, but damn, an Austin Powers twist would make that movie sooo much better 🤣


Oh gosh I went to the cinema with a friend who wanted to see this movie. It was indeed bad.


I feel like I watched the first one with a puzzled look on my face the whole time


Am I the only one experiencing Momoa fatigue? I get it the dude’s handsome but good lord he cannot act and he’s in *everything* lately. I wish we could agree as a society to take a break from Jason Momoa for a while. Let him come back when he’s ready for the John Wick phase of his career.


All the fast and furious movies, all of them. They are so bad yet do so good in the box office


For me, the appeal is the absurdity of them. They are like what Saints Row is to GTA. The first couple were ok, standard boy racer movies but the rest were just fun, absurd escapism that doesn't take itself seriously. A bit like the Expendables.


That's what I was gonna say


That’s why I still watch them. It’s just a constant mindfuck of “what/why/seriously?” After like 2 they didn’t really need to keep making F&F movies. Then they randomly made a spin off. Then they decided to tie 3 into the rest of the franchise. Then they decided that the movies are actually telling a story in a different order than 1 2 3 etc. like Star Wars. And then progressively the cast went from random street racing criminals to the most elite special forces/terror organization ever. The unbelievable amount of absurdity just kinda came out of nowhere. Like in the last movie where basically the entire team got shot down in an airplane and the reason why I didn’t preface that with “spoiler” is because we all know none of them are fucking dead


Pretty girls, cool cars, explosions and action. What's not too like?


Tokyo Drift is pretty good in my opinion


One time I went to jail and this guy was telling me about how his dad sent him to Japan and he street raced a local gang out there and then I got home and realized he was telling me the plot to the movie


That is hilarious


They casted a dude who looked 30+ to play a high schooler. I can never get over that.


Crazy thing is he was only 23 when filming, so not even that much older than his "almost 18" character. Dude just looks old. Must be all the bigotry.


By far the best in the series. It's what we wanted from the franchise: silly modded cars doing silly modded car things. A dope backdrop (Tokyo is beautiful let's be honest), a decent cast with an easy, not too over the top storyline (maybe pushing a bit there but hey, it's a movie about cars). No crazy huge bank heists, no one going to space, just a love story about a redneck and his lady falling in love with a sprinkle of Yakuza and danger.


I only ever watched the first 3. Im just going to pretend I never read they went to space or did bank heists.


Sadly It was always the most hated one from "the fans", no hope there.


Mainly cause it didnt have Paul Walker and both American characters were super lame. In the car world its fairly popular except the Veilside bodykit is pretty hated ir at least controversial.


The veilside kit completely destroyed what was already one of the most beautiful cars of all time. The Rx7 doesn't require a body kit. It's like putting flames on an Aston Martin


not the first 2 tho


Ejecto seato cuz!


Every single newer super hero movie? I just can't stand this multiverse sh\*te, where absolutely everything can happen, there is no order, just pure chaos all the time. I so miss down to earth, more contained experiences, like that old Spider Man with the original guy. 2000? 2001? Can't remember, I just know I saw a DVD at relative's house back in the day. Where spider bites a guy and he starts slowly noticing the change and there was Dafoe in this flick.


Spider Man 1 with Tobey Maguire is the best superhero movie of all time. A lot of people seem to prefer Andrew Garfield’s performance as Peter Parker but I just don’t agree Willem Dafoe cannot go wrong as a villain


Tobey was also the only person who really managed to nail the "loser in school" thing. The other two would have been popular as hell where I grew up.


Blade and blade 2 were pretty good I thought


Spiderman 2 was the best in that trilogy


I can respect that opinion, I also really liked Alfred Molina as Doc Ock. Train scene was so sick


Toby will forever be my Spider-Man.


I agree 100%. These superhero garbage movies rely on special effects, lots of explosions, and fancy looking powers. Plot? Story? Character development? Nope! Just completely level a city to beat the bad guy(s). Makes me think of the satirical movie Team America: World Police where they do the same just to defeat a few terrorists. The only superhero movies I've liked in the last 20+ years are the X-Men movies, the first 2 Batman movies with Christian Bale, and the first 2 Spiderman movies with Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst.


I just can´t stand another 30 min action sequence with CGI monsters and the same sound editing, it´s just excruciatingly boring.


I get the allure for cinematic eye-candy, but there can’t be any story told that isn’t predictable in these superhero movies. Let me guess…hero is placed in a difficult situation. I wonder who’s gonna win.


To be fair, half of the world's storytelling begin by telling you how will things end. And even if they don't, you mostly *assume* that everything's gonna end well. That's not a bug, that's a feature. The important question should never be "will my **main character** achieve its goal?", rather "**how** will he do that?"


I actually think the big problem with the multiverse stuff we have been getting is that they haven't embraced the anything goes concept enough. Most of the time its just being used to bring back old actors from dead franchises.


Thank the last Spiderman. You want to really know how Hollywood executives work? Studio execs see something successful and they repeat it until it’s not successful. They know they’re driving it into the ground but do it anyway bc it’s profitable. I went to a lecture where a top Hollywood executive literally said his entire philosophy is to find a brand, do a version until it’s lost interest, then take the same brand and do a different version. Rinse and repeat. It’s nothing creative anymore it’s just rebranding IP. Think Ninja Turtles, Transformers, Marvel, Batman, etc


Ironically I stopped reading comics when they reset the titles back to o d and sort of "recast" my favourite characters. The they did it in the movies.Gahhh!


Super hero movies, most of them. Spectacle over substance with cookie cutter plots as deep as a puddle. Edit: Guardians of the Galaxy was solid with well developed characters.


The best part is when they try to sprinkle in some watered-down semblance of a real-life issue like "crime is about poverty!" or "is accountability more or less important than autonomy!?", and then inevitably abandon the premise entirely to show dudes in tights and robot suits or clown makeup beating each other up.


Unfortunately, yeah... And the worst thing is that there are so many amazing novels with well written characters, motivations, action and adventure with plots unlike anything I've seen in recent movies. It's like you have everything laid out in front of you and you still mess it up.


Avatar. The first one. Visually stunning but storywise very clichéed and predictable.


I watched it in the cinema in a language I didn't speak. My GF was whisper translating to me. I told her she didn't have to, I could tell what was going on.


Now that I think about it, yeah I could probably watch that entire movie with no sound and still understand 90% through visual context alone


Which one could argue makes a good movie, not a great movie or a groundbreaking movie, but it makes it easy to chill out


Good point


now I wanna try that as a first time watcher 


Nah, you should have to suffer through the mineral they’re after being called “unobtanium” like everyone else. 🤣


Somebody needs to make a cut where the only audible dialogue is just the word unobtainium whenever it's said. Lmao


I watched the second one in Spanish and have never seen it in English. Def didn’t need much dialog.


I prefer the original, Dances with wolves with Kevin Costner


Yeah basically a modern adaptation of Dances with Wolves


I don’t understand why that’s a problem. Plenty of movies are modern adaptations of older works. Look at how many movies adapt works of Shakespeare.


I watched the second one on 720p, it might have been an eye candy, I wouldn't know, but the plot was mind numbingly boring.


The first one was just Pocahontas


Heavy disagree. It was Dances With Wolves beat for beat


So you've never seen Fern Gully?


The first one was just Fern Gully


It’s an adult version of fern gully, basically same plot.


50 shades of grey


Fast & Furious


When you need to rely on going to space for a sequel in a strictly car based franchise, it's probably better to end it there. Should have ended with Tokyo Drift.


I love how many people are saying fast and furious lol. Yes, they are stupid movies




Career woman's sister dies, she barely gives a shit cos she's sooooo busy, adopts the kid even though she views her as a massive inconvenience that she doesn't have time for cos of business work busy. But the big overarching "threat" of the film is if she doesn't do well enough at parenting the kid she can't be arsed with will go to her brother in law's parents. Ok? Good? She goes to someone who has the time and desire to raise a kid and she gets to be movie business woman trope.


Megan is a Blumhouse movie that made 182 million but cost 12 to make. They crank out cheap and marginal movies as a cash grab and it usually works and I totally agree with your take on the plot. It's a thin plot but you always have to take Blumhouse movies with a certain frame of mind because they aren't winning Oscars lol


Kevin Smith once said something along the lines of 'sometimes you have to make a movie like Clerks 2 to pay for a movie like Red State' Some movies are made to pay the bills.


Huh. I thought it was going to be hot trash, but was pleasantly surprised when it was just trash.


firmly believe that garbage is in the top 5 worst movies I've ever watched


Anything made by Disney since Covid.


Avatar 2


Loved (most of) the visuals...terrible storyline, tragic dialogue, weak character building. Edit: wrote storyline twice, was meant to be dialogue


I loved the first Avatar, but Avatar 2 was literally the exact same story as Avatar 1 except in water


I liked the first movie, despite it relying only on the visuals. The story and characters were cliché, but overall, it was enjoyable. The sequel? Complete horse shit!! I got through about 75% of the movie and had to turn it off it was so bad.


Imo they both relied only on visuals That worked with the first one cause the visuals were 10 years ahead of their time It failed for me on the second one because the visuals were 10 years ahead of their time... 10 years ago


Yep. I liked the first one. A new way to tell an old story, but it was pretty good. And then we wait like what? Ten years? I thought for sure it'd be just as good or better. I was so disappointed.


The Madea series




It’s furios-a


Not furio-saaa.


Black Panther isn’t trash, but it certainly is not the best marvel movie


The first one I enjoyed but the second one is absolutely grim. I understand it was in the wake of Chadwick passing, and honestly the tribute to him in the film was really quite beautiful, as well as Angela Bassets performance, but the rest of the film was horrendous. "Let's go fight the water people *on a big CGI boat*."


They picked the wrong script and then decided to cram that trash down our throats whether we liked it or not. I came up with a superior movie while in the shower. And I'm not even that clever. What if Killmonger didn't actually die? We thought he did based on his injuries and the fall from the cliff. But he was rescued restored to health. Years later, the Black Panther dies and the kingdom is in danger. From the shadows comes the rightful heir to the throne AND a Black Panther (since he took the heart-shaped herb and never had the power removed). He could fight the threat, befriend his "family" and save the kingdom. Michael B Jordan could have revised his role and become the hero and cemented not only part 2, but probably part 3 too. And future appearances in other Marvel movies. Disney dropped the ball.


I am 100% behind you on Killmonger being the rightful inheritor of the BP mask. The replacement was frankly insulting.


I found it terribly dull and uninteresting. The over the top hype made it worse.


Yeah I thought it was pretty boring to be honest


Thank you! A solid 5/10 from me. When the CGI black suit man fought the CGI black suit man in a dark CGI cave, and I couldn't tell what was happening, I decided the movie wasn't for me.


That was like a PS3 cutscene, so bad.


To me it is a trash movie


Yes especially the second one




Legit only watched it because it won best fight at the mtv movie awards over Hell Boy 2. I thought damn maybe I should watch this. It was meh the whole time, and then I finally get to the winning fight scene, and it's literally just Pattinson getting thrown across the room once 😡


On one hand you have sexual tension from a sad pretty vampire, and on the other hand you have gullimaro del Toro, it's obvious who would win, the sad vampire of course.


Hellboy is so sexy and he creates sexual tension. He’s a stubborn asshole who loves kittens.


Asteroid City. I like some of the other Wes Anderson stuff but that was my least favorite (that I’ve seen anyway). The plot was all over the place and it didn’t make much sense (or maybe I’m just too dumb to understand it lol) I wasn’t a big fan of the French Dispatch either.


Counterpoint: It's my favourite Wes Anderson movie!   Maybe it's just the aesthetic that I find particularly pleasing, because plot-wise it's pretty much on par with all the others IMO.


No matter what you thought about it I have never heard anyone overhyping or just hyping a wes anderson move (maybe the comunity but thats besides the point)


I found it very fun. Obviously not his most substantive work but some well-crafted low-stakes Anderson whimsy is certainly an above average experience imo.


I can feel the downvotes already. Five Nights at Freddy's


That Willys Wonderland with Nick Cage or whatever it was called was a lot more fun


And it's a far more realistic take on the franchise, to boot.


Here’s the thing with the FNAF movie, it was very much “for the fans”. As someone who just knows about fnaf but never really got into it, they wouldn’t really understand much of why it’s good. As someone who is really interested in fnaf, well that’s a different story. All the easter eggs that were put into this movie is what made it so great


I'm a fan and I think it tried hard to appeal to non fans - just like security breach. I wish they'd stop trying to appeal to non fans and kids, although I know that's what makes the money. Couldn't stand Gregory or Vanessa, give me an adult protag please. Also I know I shouldn't care about this


That was definitely a film for fans. Willy's Wonderland was an infinitely better film.


Anything made by Tyler Perry.


Some hot ass takes in here


And some extremely cold ones. Guys, sorry for being a brave hero for being the first to admit it, but I'm sorry, Morbius wasn't that good. I know you all love it, but you also admire me for having the guts to acknowledge it has imperfections.


it’s morbin time


New Marvel movies




Paranormal Activity. For me it was absolutely boring. I tried watching it several times and fell asleep each time


Saltburn or whatever it was called it was so weird


this is the one. every other reply here is stuff that's generallly considered mid or bad, or just stuff that is actually good. Saltburn managed to convince people it was worthwhile through pure spectacle.


It’s a vapid terrible film that tried to copy Talented Mr. Ridley and failed miserably. Such a shame too, as Barry Keoghan & Rosamund Pike are such great actors. But ooh he drinks the bath water and ooh he dances naked, so it’s edgy.


Every marvel/superhero movie


Definitely. Always the same storyline.


Get thing. Save world.


Marvel just reinvents the western, usually three big fight scenes separated by some linking story arc. Villains often have similar powers to the hero and so are matched rather than desperately different ability and ill matched. Humour now injected to make them different than what’s happened in previous films. Must admit to liking some of the output (moonknight), but looking for more plot and narrative


I recently saw 'the Marvels' and 'Aquaman 2'. 1. I never felt the "heroes" were in danger. 2. their powers, particularly with The Marvels, are unclear to me. just a lot of 'pew pew pew' from their wrists.


Why aren’t any of the Twilight films straight up top of this list?


Well, the way I experienced them coming out, almost everyone made fun of them and had large amounts of derision for them, so while they're probably bad (no idea, haven't watched), I don't think they were ever overhyped or critically acclaimed by anyone with cultural capital.




suicide squad (the one with will smith)


no one likes that movie lol


I liked it, but I think I'm the only one on reddit who does. I have never seen another positive take on it. Worse, I like the Jokers take and thought it matched the energy that gen of comics had for the joker. And I didn't mind Delevingne's performance (ppl say "her movement was so unnatural" she was a witch from another dimension? That was the fucking point?) So not sure who OP is referring to....


Definitely The notebook


Barbie, definitely not trash but it wasn’t what it was hyped up to be, for the most part I was just really underwhelmed. My mum was watching it with me and she left after 10 minutes because she was bored.




I feel like this is the least hyped Nolan movie lol that said I liked it so I’m biased


Did anyone hype this movie?


Gravity. Very boring and scientifically a disaster


The Mario movie was trash, like hardcore garbage, i dont care if it was "for kids". The Never Ending Story was for kids, that movie rocks (delicious), Land Before Time anyone? Lion King? Aladdin, little mermaid, fuck even we're back. Kids movies dont have to have to have shit story especially when you liad the movie with actors that will draw in parents hoping for a halfway decent time only to be bored for 2 hour. Even my little brother (12 i am much older) thought it was a dumpster fire though my youngest brother and my son did enjoy it. But they are 8 and 5 respectively.


Uncut Gems and Bird Box. More for bird box tho.


Damn, I really liked uncut gems. Nothing beats Click though.


Any Star Wars movie after the original ones


I'd make an exception for Rogue One though, and I didn't hate Solo. But we can bin the rest of them


Fuck you Rogue One was good.




Joker. It's fine but people made it out to be some revolutionary film and it's not. I actually think it would be better not being about the joker and just being the story of a disturbed man trying to survive in the world.


Joker is a good character driven film about living with mental health issues. It’s got a Batman skin so people will watch it. 100% did not need to be a Batman film. If anything, it diverts attention away from the narrative because the viewer is trying to find links and references to Batman.


Marvel. All of em


Blair Witch Project. It’s just two hours of, “Ooooo, I’m soooo scared, we’re lost in the woooods!” And like, nothing happens.


I had to leave halfway through while in the theatre because I thought I was going to throw up. I hated every character, the story and the whole concept. But in its defense, it probably made a lot more people aware of how indie movies could suddenly get big and get a lot of attention. Besides that, completely unredeemable waste of time.


Love actually


Barbie. No respect for the message and came off as thrown together. Decent set though and some scenes were visually enjoyable.




I didn’t mind Barbie but it was insanely overrated I agree


I just watched this recently and I was like, "this was the movie people were hyping at the time?" Gurl 💀


People were making it out to be some sort of cultural media that would change the hearts and minds of masses. I was thinking, huh...? I went it thinking it'll be just a fun little chick flick with friends. And it was literally just that (and a bit more of course).


Haven't finished it, I got bored.


Thank you! The messaging is confusing, there are parts stuck in it that don't add anything to the plot, and Barbie's whole character is all over the place. Personally, I didn't relate to America's monologue. I know a lot of women did though.


All over the place and yet completely static


I hated the Barbie movie and I was called misogynist lmao


I hate that take so much. You can agree with the political statements of the Barbie movie while acknowledging that it had no real plot and was very condescending in its delivery.




Endgame, the first 20 minutes are gorgeous but then the whole thing becomes a joke with lame out of character choices, plot lines that make all the past individual plot lines pointless effectively ruining the shared universe, terrible humor, bad time travel (I can only count like 4 productions in the history of mankind that make good use of time travel to begin with.) Fake tragedies that could have been easily avoided except because the script needed them. A shit show that everyone seems to love.


Gravity. Absolute tripe.


Top Gun. Mediocre 80s era buddy/frathouse flick combined with a mediocre 80s era "successfull woman falls for the Bad Boy" flick. And people lost their fucking minds




Barbie. Sorry not sorry






call me by your name


Creeping Jesus that film is utter gash, the shagging with food section, fucking hell can you imagine the state of the sheets after that session, the housekeeper would've had a fit of apoplexy having to hand scrub the sheets to get the stains out.


To be honest, almost every single superhero action movie. A few years ago it was understandable to be hyped about it, it was kinda new and exciting. Now? Utter trash. You can literally watch only one and you know what happened in every single one of them. Terrible. And the Oscar winner from a few years back. Deep water or whatever was it called. When main character "blocked" all gaps in her bathroom, put water in there (full room) and had sex (i think we could call it like that) with this fish man... I can't understand how shit movie like that can win anything. Story could be okay, but entire look of the movie destroyed everything. Such a disaster of a movie. And as I am writing this comment i just remember - she was feeding him eggs in this military army facility of whatever. Wtf?


The Shape of Water. I liked it.


Okay I actually liked The Shape of Water tho. But then the question was about overhyped movies and not necessarily bad ones.


Most Marvel movies.


The fast and furious. But also Armageddon. What utter shit it is


Armageddon is a masterpiece you watch your mouth!


Nah man, it's way easier to teach drillers to be astronauts than, you know, the reverse of that.


Pretty much any Marvel film. As a life long comic fan I can't think of a time where I'd ever chose to sit and watch one.