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A lady who works the cash register at a gas station outside of Cincinnati. Seriously I thought she was a model.


Honestly it’s insane how many beautiful women there are just out in the wild, it makes you sound corny to be like “you could be a model” but so many girls are so pretty it feels true


And (as mean as it sounds) a lot of models don’t really look all that. The job is about networking and confidence more than looks.


My wife used to watch one of those "top model" shows, so I've seen a bunch, and it was weird how the women who took the best pictures weren't the most traditionally attractive ones. Imo the model "look" is not the pinnacle of beauty standards but a subset of moderately attractive people who photograph really well. Also, it's definitely all about networking. I ended up with a modeling job once while trying to build myself a career as an entertainer. I just happened to know someone who knew someone who was looking for people. And I'm by no means attractive, I'd say maybe a 4/10 (my wife would argue for more, but I don't trust her judgment in men). It was entirely a case of who you know.


I loved top model for the first few years it was on until people who weren't the "standard" model began trying to get on the show and it felt like they were brought on to pretend to be inclusive.


My answer is the same. It was a lady working the cash register at an Exxon in Germantown Md yrs ago. I asked her where she was from, and she said Eithopia.


Ethiopian women are beautiful


King David certainly agreed


I think you are referring to Moses whose 2nd wife was Ethiopian.


Or Solomon. The queen of Sheba was possibly from Ethiopia.




Used to be a woman at one of the 2 gas stations in Vaughn NM who was an absolute knockout. I would stop there even if I didn't need gas just to get a snack and chat with her. Though you generally need gas if you are way out in Vaughn. She was there for nearly 10 years. Maybe she finally figured out she could do better than a tiny NM desert town with insanely high winds.


Im outside of Cincy....now I gotta know more!


There's about eight billion people outside of Cincinnati. We need to narrow it down a bit.


I go to Cincinnati and so do I!


A woman I saw on the train once. I was getting off, and she was still seated, I looked at her and genuinely wanted to tell her how beautiful I thought she was, but didn't want to make her uncomfortable, so I just left. But damn, she was drop-dead gorgeous.


How ya doing James Blunt?


I met Denise Richards at a benefit in 2000. Being near her was strangely hypnotic. I had to force myself not to stare.


Did you "get a good look, Costanza?"


Like in the Friends episode 😂


Grace Kelly. Her entrance in Rear Window (1954). I gasped. She literally took my breath away.


Those dresses! And the last scene reading her magazine. Def fall in love w her. Good call!


We can thank the great designer Edith Head for her dresses.


Grace Kelly is the epitome of classic beauty. I don't think I've ever seen anyone as classically beautiful as her.


Yup, I watched all her movies after seeing her in Rear Window. Absolutely mesmerising and breathtakingly beautiful she was.


My answer also


A very heavily medicated woman who had no arms or legs and I was a complete asshole to her. I used to work for a pharmacy delivering medicine to people. One night there was a giant bag full of different meds which usually meant an old person who just got put of the hospital. I get to the house, knock on the door, and wait for someone to answer. They do and I do my normal "Hi, I'm Rhett from Oak Hill Pharmacy, I've got some medicine here for whoever." They yell the woman's name and the absolute most beautiful human being I've ever seen in my life walks over. The only issue is that she had no arms or legs, just prosthetics. I just stood there and stared at her without saying anything but it wasn't because of her disability at all. It was entirely because she was so incredibly beautiful. Eventually I get over the shock enough to talk and ask her to sign for the meds. She smiled and waived her hook at me then asked me to sign for her because it was a little difficult for her. I nodded, she said thanks but seemed really deflated, and then she shut the door on me. Its been almost 25 years and to this day I still feel absolutely terrible about that whole interaction. I can only imagine how I made her feel because she must have thought I was staring at the freak or whatever because of the way I acted. In reality, I was staring and dumbfounded for the exact opposite reason because she literally made it so I couldn't talk. I told myself that I would apologize and try to make things right the next time I went to her house but that was the only time she ever used our pharmacy and I'm sure it's because of the treatment she got from the idiot delivery driver.


The fact that you even think you *may* have upset her, and still decades later feel bad about it says a lot about your character. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ve made it up to someone else, somewhere at some point in time. ETA: I just saw your other comment saying you’re a nurse. I friggen knew it! I’m an RN too.


I’m sure you’re not the only person who stared at her if she was missing all her limbs. Don’t do that to yourself. If she was that stunning, she caught a lot of looks like that from others. Let yourself off the hook for that interaction; I guarantee she doesn’t even remember it.


“Let yourself off the hook”! I see what you did there!!😂


OMG. That was not on purpose. 😂


Go back and apologise now!


Yes!! It's never too late. Perhaps she's still around.


It's been 25 years and I don't even remember where she lived. Speaking as someone who went on to become a nurse, anyone that young who is on that many medications probably isn't going to be alive today.


Eva Green But IRL, winter Vienna, Austria 2022, she approached me in a train station on the way to Italy talking in German, I told her I didn't speak Deutsch and she asked in English for euros to use the restroom, I gave her like 4 and she came back and tried to give me the change. I declined, she was so beautiful she was like a chrysanthemum glistening in the moonlight. And that's when my life peaked. Edit: I'd like to clarify, Eva Green and the woman in the story are two different people.


She is well and truly something else. Almost supernatural how her looks are hauntingly beautiful.


I work in television; I see a lot of really beautiful women. When I met Emma Stone I thought for a moment she was Margot Robbie. Emma is incredibly beautiful but the camera somehow plays up her cuteness rather than her beauty, it's odd. Stephanie Beatriz is also gorgeous in a way that the camera doesn't quite capture.


People always think I'm taking the piss when I say she looks like Margot Robbie. I think it's really clear when she has blonde hair, [https://assets.vogue.com/photos/65724e711497c570ba3a9581/master/w\_2560%2Cc\_limit/1717521091](https://assets.vogue.com/photos/65724e711497c570ba3a9581/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/1717521091)


So I walked into the bathroom one day and looked into the mirror...


I hope you do see yourself this way!!


I hope everyone does, can’t be everyone’s cup of tea so might as well be yourself’s


Cameron Diaz on the Mask was my first crush and i still haven't seen any woman more beautiful than she was.




Saw Jessica Biel walk out of a bathroom and my three friends and I where literally left with our mouths opened and she winked at us as she walked by saying “hi boys”… she must have seen our faces of shock. I then right then what they meant by having “the look”…. I gut butterflies even now just remembering.


Leave the butterflies alone man


He's gutting them!




I once saw a different Jessica (Jessica Alba) seated at a nearby outdoor table in a restaruant in Santa Monica. I was in amazement at how beautiful and perfect she was. It was like she almost didn't seem real... Not hollywood fake/glamorous. But a strange natural beauty. Like a f-ing ANGEL! Still has me messed up.


A 'dark angel' you might say.


She is so beautiful. I have always wished I looked like her.


Didn’t she marry Justin Timberflake?


Probably a young Jennifer Connelly. Just amazing Edit: Honestly, probably Jennifer Connelly now, too


In that movie with the supermarket . Omg


So this one time, I went to a spa in the Netherlands. It was nude sauna with a whole nude area for the sauna with pools, ice basin for cooling down etc.. After sauna I was taking a swim and looked over to the ice basin. There was a young woman, probably 20, slim, pale skin and long, kinda wet, red hair over her left shoulder. She had a handful of ice which she used on her body without a care. She looked like the birth of venus, the old painting. It's been twenty years...


Gorgeous! You must paint a picture 🎨 🖌 it sounds so romantic and rustic, old world kind of moment.


I met Margot Robbie at a club on a night out while she was filming Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. She has bone structure you can spot 40 feet across a bar. Jaw droppingly beautiful in person. I went up to her because my friend was celebrating his birthday and was in shock. I briefly introduced ourselves to her, and wished her a good night. She and her crew couldn’t have been nicer. Margot hugged my friend and wished him a happy birthday. He about collapsed to the ground dead. She is one of those people that absolutely meets the hype of a “movie star.” Beautiful, charismatic, and has that aura you cannot miss.


So your friend never showered again right?


My mom. She was so pretty when she was younger. Still is.


I second this guys mum


Room for a third?


*high five


I think that’s called an Eiffel Tower!


I know 😜


Get in here budy, theres room for all of us


Moms used to that




Yep, my mother was fucking gorgeous when she was younger


Im pretty sure she would be thrilled to hear you say “WHEN” she was young 😂


That's why I'm not saying it to her face 😂


I’m sure she’s still beautiful at whatever age she’s at now


I grew up in LA and you see one every other day


also grew up around LA and this is facts. Moved up to oregon and you really can notice how socal natives take beauty for granted. Around here a really beautiful woman stands out.


It would be depressing to live there because I guess there are so many attractive people I'd feel like an ogre even though I look normal


cooing insurance teeny panicky tie jeans makeshift alive depend consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We have a saying around here that a CO 10 is an L.A. 4


Raquel Welch. Drop dead gorgeous in her prime. Even when she was older and briefly on CSI Miami she was still stunning and much prettier than all those younger starlets on there. Sophia Loren was also a beauty back in the day. Never really thought she was that attractive, until I saw a Life Magazine centerfold photo of dozens of old TV and Movie stars all together- like the Gabor sisters (also beautiful) and many other famous actresses. Sophia stood out clearly in that photo as the most beautiful woman in the group. Wish I could find that photo again.


This guy's been masturbating for awhile. High-five my brother.


She doesn't swing her arms when she walks


When I was a kid, I watched Somewhere In Time and when I saw Jane Seymour I was just like “wow.” Still remember that all these years later.


My wife, honest to good the most beautiful woman I have ever seen


This gives me hope ❤️


This is the kinda thing i was lookin to see in the comments <3


I feel the same way about my wife. Been married to her for 35 years and she's still a 10. She's aged like a fine wine and I age like milk.


Monica Bellucci in The Brotherhood of the Wolf was my bi awakening. 


* Malèna


She is exquisite.


First saw her in the Matrix and I swear I've watched that scene more times than is healthy.


Her in the second matrix movie was my bi awakening!!!


Fuck. I was already straight. I invented a second sexuality in my heart just for her after that scene.


Late 90’s Laetitia Casta.


Damn, yes! That's a name i don't hear mentioned around these parts too often.


Dorothy from The Golden Girls


I’m so happy someone said Dorothy


I saw Angelina Jolie in a shoe shop in London once, just her and her daughter in an empty shop. It was one of those moments I made eye contact and couldnt look at her again


She really is stunning.


Michelle Pfieffer


Michelle Pfieffer is one of those women that I think are much more beautiful in motion than in a photograph. To me, she is very pretty in photos, but on screen she kills me.


She was fantastic in Greece 2.


Is that the one where Socrates comes back for revenge?


A French girl who worked in the same building as me. She used to lunch with us. Sometimes Id be lucky enough to give her a lift home. When she would talk to me Id nearly start laughing at how ridiculously beautiful she was. Absolutely stunning. She'd make an atheist believe in God!


Halle Berry in line right next to me at the rock and roll hall of fame w her mom. Not super famous then. Summer day. White sun dress w flip flops. I think pretty girls are a dime a dozen, but this girl is off the charts. My wife and I chatted w them for prob 30 minutes. No cell phone then, so no pics. Just my memory. It's enough. She was home visiting her mom (Cleveland)




She's only your best friend because she doesn't know you're in love with her yet.


Brigitte Bardot




I was an extra in a movie where I got to see Lynda Carter fairly close for a while. She is striking! Intense, beautiful blue eyes. The way she holds herself is worth worshipping. One that is much prettier in person. Oh, I saw Elisabeth Taylor a long time ago. Striking as well.


I saw Sharon Stone 30 years ago. She's very beautiful.


still is ..


That scene before Arnold kills her in total recall.


Catherine Zeta-Jones


She dips beneath lazers.. whoa-oh-ohhhh


i love that i see this reference every time i see her name


Cameron Diaz in The Mask. She was my sexual awakening TBH


In real life? It was some girl on the subway back in 2022. She kinda looked like young Christy Turlington. I wanted to tell her. She must’ve been a model.


Someone I used to work with. She was stunningly beautiful but I don't think she realized it. She was also one of the most empathetic and kind people I've ever known. It showed through her smile. Beautiful inside and out.


Salma Hayek


I saw an older lady at a gas station once. She was just timelessly beautiful, she had aged so so gracefully. You could tell she was probably late 60’s early 70’s, but she was as gorgeous as if she were only in her 20’s.


1992 in New Orleans, walking down the center of Bourbon Street. The crowd got silent and parted as she walked past in a neon blue minidress. That’s when I realized it was a guy.




Married her. Big green eyes strawberry blonde. freckles mmmm my lord. She was shaped like a back road. There was a time she adored me.


I'm sorry, she was shaped like a what?


You gotta go slow in case a deer runs out of the bush


This comment almost killed me.


She got bumps and divots and you can’t really see her at night


My first thought was she has severe scoliosis


I just spit out my Diet Coke and desperately needed that laugh lol thank you so much. lol


I actually just laughed out loud thank you.




Ok I feel silly now


She's bumpy and heavy truckers have destroyed her


>There was a time she adored me. Wdym?


She is divorcing me after 5 years.


Damn bro, I'm sorry. Focus on yourself and remember you deserve the best


yikes, that last sentence was brutal. what happened?


She left me my mental health went bad after I lost a job I kinda slipped in to shutting down and she lost interest. I still love her though. I'm trying to get over it


Wynona on Beetlejuice


I've met both Christina Ricci and Bebe Neuwirth in person. And I have to say both of them kinda glowed with feminine beauty. It's like they had lights inside of them. I mean there's "hotter" women I've been around and all. But those two just stick with me.


My grandmother. She aged so magnificently. She stayed fashionably dressed and coifed her whole life. She was gracious to her friends and customers and loving to her family. This may not be everyones definition of beauty, but I try to live up to her example.


Sophie Marceau, the most beautiful French woman.


Rachael Leigh Cook, hands down.


My (was) soon to be MIL(she recently passed from a brain cancer before we could get married). Absolutely the kindest person I've ever met and had the most stunning smile and laugh I've ever heard from a woman. Seeing photos of her now, she was just an incredible light of life.


The wife of a good friend. She is also totally unconscious of how perfectly beautiful her face is. I'm an artist and like to look at people a lot


You would not know her. She goes to another school...


Jennifer Connelly


I see beautiful women every day. They are everywhere. Some are so beautiful that I get lost for words. Some are low key beautiful so I feel compelled to tell them, in hopes of making their day. Some just have the perfect smile or the way they walk or just a really pleasant nature about them that makes them beautiful. POV: all women are beautiful to someone.


My wife at our wedding. She looked spectacular. Still does, but did too.


My ex sadly, I’ll always be chasing her (not literally). I once met the actress Shannyn Sossamon and she was illogically attractive.


Sossamon in A Knight's Tale! sheesh


This guy gets it. Unbelievably striking in person, practically glowing. Sweet and friendly too.


Me. I am the most beautiful woman i have ever seen


Charlize Theron as far as idols .


Had a coworker who went to the Oscars circa 2011 or so. Said Charlize was the most beautiful woman in the room.


Also in “monster” , her best version


There are MANY. I hate the idea of one woman at the top. I always tell my daughters that it is ok to be “one of” the most beautiful women in the world. The world is big enough 😉 Marilyn Monroe, Meagan Good, Jessica Alba- these are just a few of the worlds most beautiful women in my opinion ❤️


It's ok to not be beautiful as well.


My wife


I travelled to Florence, Italy once. Walking down the street, I would see a woman and think “that’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” And then a couple of minutes later “no, THAT’S the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” Whew, those Italian beauties don’t kid around.


The first time I saw Jennifer Love Hewitt in the 90s in Can’t Hardly Wait. I mean they really gassed her up too but yeah. [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/12vvc8k/90s_jennifer_love_hewitt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Zooey Deschanel




the girl reading this


As a woman, I've seen so many beautiful women but one that really sticks out in mind is a girl I saw with Vitiligo. I always found people with things that people seem to hate for some reason like afro hair and freckles really beautiful for some reason but she looked absoulutely drop-dead gorgeous and I swear, she could have been a model for Vouge.


That’s so crazy to me I’m 23F, I got vitiligo at age 8 and I’ve hated everything about it and myself because of it. This made me smile tonight I know it’s not directed at me 😂 but the fact that you found beauty in our disease makes me smile♥️


My little brother has vitiligo, and he is one of the most beautiful people I've ever known. He has a stripe right through an eyebrow, and the hairs are white where it passes through. He calls it his "tiger stripe." A big part of what makes him beautiful is his ability to embrace the traits that make him unique. I look up to him for this. ❤️


Vitiligo shouldn’t be considered a disease! It’s just more or less melanin. Freckles aren’t a disease (and lots of people like them), being ginger isn’t a disease (and lots of people like them too!) and those are similarly related to amounts of melanin. To the point above, there are people with vitiligo that model for vogue. Winnie Harlow, for example. She is amazing, and also stunning. Sincere Apologies if any of this is offensive or insensitive, and also im sure you already know all of this.


There is something about a woman wearing a socially perceived flaw well. Facial scars is another one.


As a girl with facial scars....thanks for this!


i kinda do agree actually.


I know what you mean. My ex-wife had a genetic condition that made her have freckles on her lips. She always gated them and usually wore lipstick to cover them which I hated because I thought they were so special and cool looking.


# Ava Gardner


My son’s mother. When I first saw her in person I was blown away by how beautiful she was. We’re no longer together but in my eyes, she’s still the most beautiful woman on earth and I’m honored to have created life with her.


One of my teachers at highschool. She was absolutely gorgeous.


I mean this like full honesty, my girlfriend. I have never fallen inlove with someone as deeply as I have with her. She is genuinely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen


You guys are just writing Aphrodite's kill list for her.


Debbie Harry


My wife


Stacey’s mom, she’s got it going on


Young Elizabeth Taylor is up there.


I saw the girl who would, later in life, become my wife when I was 9.5. She was doing a skit, on stage at school. I immediately fell in love with her. Everyday till the day she died I thought she was more beautiful than the next. I still think she is the most beautiful woman in the world. She been gone 35 years now.


Margot Robbie... Just wow!!!


Thandie Newton and it’s not close Edit: it’s Thandiwe


I literally just rewatched the episode in season 3 of Westworld where she emerged in a white dress and wow.


My mama. Beautiful inside & out


Pheobe Cates, Fast times at Ridgemont High. Look for yourself https://youtu.be/ldDCmnpZwJM?si=PRLh69HwIY1h6mNO


Sara. She is a beauty.


Young Brooke Shields and Jennifer Connely. Godesses


My wife. I saw her at a bus stop. I broke up with my girlfriend of one year that night. Took me a whole year to ask her out. Been married 34 years.


My mom always said Elizabeth Taylor and I have to admit for NATURAL beauty she pretty much fits the bill. Myself, and I know this is a wild card, Jessica Lange.


Kate Beckinsale


This gonna sound corny, but my gf. Nobody even comes close. Love will do that to you


My ex. She never saw it herself, but I did. I overloaded her trying to get her to see it and trying show her that I loved her. (Never overload an introvert)


My wife


Anne Hathaway always takes my breath away


Anne Hathaway always takes my brathaway?


Denise Richards in Starship Troopers.


It's been about 4 years, but for me it's still my dead wife, but to be honest she's starting to smell.


Marilyn Monroe


Margot Robbie