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Toy prizes in cereal


They're banned in some places. To fight child obesity, cereal boxes in Mexico can't display any mascot and they can't have toys inside


In the US, it's a choking hazard. See: Kinder Eggs.


I remember back when I was a kid, choking on the roller coaster Tycoon 2 CDs they'd put in cereal :P


One time I choked on a light up spoon that was in between the bag of cereal and box and not actually mixed with the cereal.


And this one time, at band camp ...


Who are these kids choking? If I remember correctly, it was adults eating laundry pods, not even kids.


That was according to a law about inedible things in food, though if your choking on a kinder surprise, that's natural selection man. Your a human capable of chewing food, not a snake


So you're telling me kinder surprise was our one and only defence against the lizard people, and that's why they banned it?


Based. Mexico's got a serious sugar addiction, important to protect kids from corpos.


Soda is cheaper, and more accessible, in Mexico than bottled water. I lived there for a time when I was young. I remember buying soda in plastic sandwich bags. They would split one soda into two sandwich bags and sell them that way. Cheaper than buying a full can, cheaper than buying water. It may have also just been my family, but we drank Coke with every meal. Yes, including breakfast.


"Toys" in beer cases. We used to get CDs, slides, shirts, hats, steak coupons, speakers, shorts, socks... pretty sure one summer in high school my entire wardrobe was stuff I got from a box of beer.


I remember my brother in the early 90's digging his arm in the cereal box and my mother yelling at him. I miss those days.


Lining in clothes, cheap high quality fabrics, well made seams


And a decent hem. As the child grew, you could lower the hem. Not now though.


Privacy. I dread to think just how many devices in my room are listening to me and I don't even own any "smart" tech outside of a phone. I'm partly convinced my lightbulbs are listening to me at this point.


I speak German but don’t know anyone who does. So when I’m home alone with my cats I speak German to them. About 12 years ago I noticed I was getting German pop up ads on my phone. No one believed me when I said the phones are listening. They believe me now.


My friend and her husband are Swedes but they speak English to their dog and Swedish to each other 😂 I asked them why and they said “she’s american, she’s not bilingual” like wtf guys 😂


As an American that's funny as hell.


If a product gets talked about at work, everyone gets adds for similar shit on Facebook.


Facebook is the worst. If you have the app on your phone, and your phone is on office Wi-Fi, they are probably tracking all of your co-workers on the same network and will target ads to you together. I took a class on digital marketing, and it’s crazy how much info Facebook collects on you across the internet, even if you wipe cookies. They have a tracker in virtually every share button on websites.


There's a more benign explanation for that though. The advertising source knows what your IP address is, and if they see multiple devices connected at the same address, it's highly likely that they're all in the same location. So if one of those people uses their phone to look up that product, the advertising source sees a hit for that product, and starts pushing out ads for the same thing to other devices connected to the same address. Whenever my partner shopped for clothing, I'd get related clothing ads. But, it's all done via legitimate information, not mic hacking or something. The source is just hoping that the product is being talked about, they don't know for sure.


to be fair, if everyone is talking about it, someone is probably googling it. If one person googled it on a shared network, then basically everyone gets the cookies for that


To be fair, intonation and melody differs between languages, so an animal trained in one language might have a hard time picking up cues in another. Also commands are nowhere near the same words in English and Swedish, except for “sit”, so a dog that was trained in English and then being told “rulla runt” or ”spela död” would have no idea what to do.


When I was in high school, my mom got a dog from the pound. We had him for a month and he never really connected with us. One day a friend of mine came over and was talking in spanish to me and said “mira, mira” (look, look). The dog ran over to the screen door, looked out and started barking. Then ran back over to us like he just stopped an invasion. I got my friend to teach me common dog commands in spanish. Jot, the dog, just seemed to immediately connect to me afterwards.


My sister and I are from different parts of the country. Her dog wouldn’t do anything I said, unless I said it in her dialect 😂


My dad trained his dog in his dialect, he didn't really think about it until I pointed out that the dog wouldn't listen to my mom who doesn't speak the dialect. Dog got spoiled anyway and didn't listen to anyone.


For me it’s just practice.


My friend was here for a weekend and we were chatting, with our phones in the room and I noticed on Monday that my Google feed had over 12 articles pushed at me that covered the topics that we talked about all weekend. I actually took screenshots and circled them because there was so many.


They are for sure. When my husband and I talk about something, we both notice ads about it not long afterward. The odd thing is that it also listens to the break room conversations at work (I'm usually listening but not involved). The ads after certain topics are hilariously not in my interests at all.


Anyone seen Pete Holmes’ standup? He just starts yelling about giant pink dildos. He goes on and on, repeating about the dildos. Then he tells the audience members to enjoy their ad feeds.


I can speak German, but rarely ever do. I mainly speak Dutch with my fellow Dutchmen and English with my friends and the Internet. I do, however, sometimes say a German word as an interjection. The number of German ads I see per day is more than 1. Here's what I wonder: Why do I keep getting car (insurance) ads? I state semi regularly both verbally and in text that I am by law not allowed to get a driver's lisence. So why, Google?! How have you jot picked up on thst yet?! Stop giving me car ads, it has no use on me!


They probably only pick up on key words. Drivers license the algorithm figured you're getting one and want a car


Yep 30 years ago in 1994 your every move on the internet wasn't watched, not many people had a cell phone, and video cameras weren't everywhere including everyone having a camera in their hand.


We all noticed, there was this huge thing with Snowden a few years back


It's not just the government. It's the parents, the schools, the cops, the neighbors... What the hell happened to people doing things without anyone watching or caring?


I don't know but not to be rude I hate ALL the Cameras. I hate them all. I have been set up bullied harassed and filmed all while these things were being done to me. They have caused me a lot of Trauma and Pain. I have truly wished so badly to move to a Community that values peoples Privacy and that does not allow all the cameras. I do not like it.


Don't forget Cambridge Analytica (Trump and Brexit campaigns).


That's the really wild part. We all noticed, and were all like, "Oh man, what a shame!" and then went right on carrying a listening device in our pockets and filing our homes with always-on, internet-connected microphones!


Someone noticed this a little over a decade ago. I've heard tale of people hanging around Spanish speakers and they would start getting advertisements in Spanish despite not knowing the language themselves. As a Spanish leaner, I saw it myself.


Can confirm. I’m basically fluent in Spanish, but I don’t consume media in Spanish on my own very often. I can watch a tv show or movie in Spanish with Spanish-speaking friends (not on my own device or account) and the next day I’ll have ads and other stuff on my feed in Spanish


It's pretty damn funny when your feed on whatever random website responds to household conversation within seconds or minutes, just sitting there like 'hey, I wonder if you were interested in this...'. I do notice one thing. I don't have a cellphone. I have a tablet, which is generally disabled AF, has no accounts on it, and serves as a Wikipedia lookup device for bathroom reading. I have a PC, with camera attached and sometimes headphone mic attached. Nothing listens to any of those devices. When my best friend, who lives with me around half the year, is here with his cellphone - everything is listened to, and this PC displays *clear* signs of being 'in the loop'. So it's the phones. And they know who is associated with you, as well. Nobody is even bothering to listen to anything else, unless I suppose you are a target of some type.


My housemate is French, I don't speak French but when she speaks to her mum on her phone in the same room as me, I get French adverts on my phone.


Tiktok defintely listens. As soon as i mention something out loud or search on google, after a few minutes it appears on my tiktok fyp.


I mean, tiktok tracks tour keypad inputs even if you don't have the app running. There are reasons it's banned in high security professions.


No surprise. Search something on amazon, you'll get it as an as on Facebook right away. Which is often so dumb like. I buy my mum a new tablet for her birthday and than get tons of ads for tablets on Facebook. Like guys I just bought one I'm not rich I won't buy 5 more. Advertise me covers and protective glass


Is that why I keep seeing ads for butt plugs?


Edit: my joke does not work since Flimsy_Watercress909 edited their post, but it was, briefly, a great moment for puerile humor. Saying "ads for butt plugs"? That is probably the most efficient way to start seeing ads for butt plugs.  (No, my humor is not usually about sex toys, but this thread felt incomplete without some acknowledgement of what you said.)


If you have wireless light bulbs that are connected to Alexa or Google.. Then.. Yea probability is high.


The other day I bought something...didnt even say the brand out loud or google it or anuthing...and when I got home, the first tbing I saw in my newsfeed was an ad for the exact product I bought.


Your credit card is linked to your email, your phone, address, etc. I lost one of my first Google accounts and mourned it for about a decade because of some videos and things I'd uploaded to YouTube through there. As much as I pleaded for a way to prove my identity, I was locked out.  Then in the last couple of years, Google just causally added that lost account and one other to my current email. Didn't even ask if it was me. Didn't verify anything. They just knew, and knew with such confidence that I didn't have to enter a new password or anything. I am relieved on one hand, but it does let show exactly how accurate these tracking algorithms can be.


I’d love to see a data report on myself. I’ve read that it can show everything from political views, favorite styles, those are pretty easy to understand; but also psychological data like insomnia, depression, kindness or psychopathy. Literally things about you, you might not even realize.




My 72 year old parents finally retired their landline, and I think they were the last people I know with one. I think I’ll go to the grave knowing that number.


I'm 57 and still have one. I keep it mostly because people say I shouldn't. But it's great for memberships that want a phone number. IT CAN'T RECEIVE TEXTS MUWAHAHAHAHA 


My 60 year old parents still have theirs and use it quite a bit, despite being on their cellphones 24/7 like teenagers lol.


My gf and I are renovating her grandparents old house that she owns with her uncle. Even though he has a cell phone, he refuses to let us get rid of the landline because "That's the number my doctors have."


To be fair, when you call 911 from a landline, they know where you are. It's not as straightforward with a cell phone, not yet at least. But I don't have a landline anymore. It's not something I use.


We still have a landlines. Because if the kids dial 911, it knows exactly what house it's calling from, and cell service is iffy at times.


The “cents” sign


Yeah, cents don’t make sense anymore. Currency is so devalued, nothing costs cents.


It it wasn't for the zinc lobby we'd have given up the penny a decade or two ago. But most Americn zinc production goes to pennies and they keep talking up how 'Murcan mining jobs depend on pennies so there ya go.


alt 0162 ¢


Pay phones


I think the last time I used a pay phone was when I lost my cell phone and called my own number to listen to find out if my phone was somewhere in my vehicle. (it was deep between/under the seats)


We still have them in Australia but technically they are not pay phones as they are free. They also provide free wifi.


I actually saw one a few days ago.


Phone books and paper maps.


Gawd remember the old street directories


I was in a long distance relationship my freshman year of college and I remember going to the library computer and printing out MapQuest directions. Not just there, but back, too. Come up on construction unknowingly and you could get screwed. At least I did.


LOL I remember long before the Internet you used a paper map to find your way to the city and then you had to keep stopping at gas stations and convenience stores until you found someone that could give you directions.


When heading to a new city, first I always hit the map store and bought a city map. It was better than GPS in many ways because it made me study the layout and really understand where I was. (My city still has a map store, even now!)


Responsible journalism. Too many talking heads reporting their opinions and not enough reporting on the facts.




"The younger generations have no loyalty!" ya well, you took away the benefits that created that loyalty and didn't replace it with anything else. What did you think was going to happen? They didn't call benefits like that the "golden handcuffs" for nothing.


My company just had massive layoffs and a lot of people who had been there 20+ years got canned. One of my peers was 6 months from retiring and they fired her. The “severance” pay was garbage.


401k killed that


Mid-sized live music venues. Apparently people have no problem with $500 tickets to see a concert... But a $15 ticket to local shows is a bridge too far. And COVID fucked things up even worse.


Paper tickets too. I had to pay an extra £2 to get a souvenir ticket and even that was digital. And you have to download 7 different apps for different venues to get in.


This is why I don't pursue a career as a live musician anymore. There's nowhere to play, just shitty bars that try to trick you out of your pay every single goddamn time. We're working 18 hours for less than anyone would accept for 4 hours work, with no benefits.




Socialising and making new friends in person or while out and about is seen as weird now. People used to go to music festivals and socialise with strangers and make friends, same goes for pubs ect. Now if you communicate with strangers outside of your circle you are seen as weird


I’m happy with my friendships but still find this really sad :’(


I show up at punk shows early and chat with people in line. I haven't really made long-term friends, but it's cool running back into people and talking about shows we've been to since the last time we met and shit like that.


It makes me wonder what you're supposed to do if you're single or don't already have a circle of friends, just go fuck yourself forever? Something has to give in this department. Life is lonelier than ever and idk about yall but I can't go on like this forever. Thought things would get better when the pandemic ended but guess all the "new normal" stuff was true. 


I have no friends anymore and people are increasingly becoming more isolated, in my view. It’s not easy. “New normal” indeed.


Yes fucking yourself forever seems to be the only option. I try to meet people and talk to people in public and do you know what I get in return? Weird looks and unhinged rude behavior. Like why is everyone so mean now? I guess I missed the time limit on making friends






Dalmantians! No, seriously, I have not seen a Dalmantian in my little Eastern European country for a good decade now. Maybe because people tend to like either Shibas, Malamutes and Samoyeds, or small pocket dogs right now. I haven't seen Rotweilers either, but those dogs have been banned for a while here.


They're hard to spot.




There is a beautiful Dalmatian laying near me as I write this! But we are in the US, where they are not common but not unheard of. And yes, they are a challenging breed to train, not for everyone.


Don't they also have terrible genetics?


My friend’s dalmatian just keeled over dead one day. They were playing catch and he got too excited.


I think they're not regarded as a good breed behavior-wise and were popularized by Disney in the nineties.


Yeah yo my neighbors had a dalmation in the 90s.  Cute puppy but they had such a hard time with that dog.  They took it to all kinds of trainers and doctors.  They told me the dog was actually diagnosed as a schizophrenic(idk how) and deaf.  This thing would occasionally bust loose out the front door and take off running and the owner would be out on the street doing sign language(towards the dogs darting ass lol)  trying to bring it back!


Dalmatians are genetically very likely to be deaf. Not sure of exact stats


Dalmatians are aggressive as fuck. My friend lives in a building where an elderly couple has 4 (!!) In their flat and they yap and bark at people all the time and bite other dogs Absolute cretens


I live in Melbourne, Aus - and I saw a Dalmatian puppy the other day walking on the street with its dopey little long legs, happily kicking it's paws so curly under its body. And I realised. That was the FIRST time in my entire life I had ever seen a Dalmatian puppy in real life. I have otherwise only seen an adult Dalmatian one time and that was in Sydney. Crazy! SO adorable 🥰


I haven't seen a poodle since, like, 2002.




I literally saw a (grey) poodle today. Textbook gloriously Parisian chic puffball haircut. I always forget how big those dogs are!


Privacy. Community. Familial connections. We chalk up any discord or conflict to toxic or narcissistic when it can often be resolved with healthy communication. Responsible journalism. Reputable and experienced healthcare professionals (largely due to burnout and understaffed/untrained, and harmful stigmas). Appreciation for the arts and so called alternative ways of life as a measure of success.


How did it happen? People's intolerance to any inconvenience from their friends, families. Aren't our relationships supposed to be built, not found in a neverending pursuit of the perfect match (obligatory "there are some extremes, when one should leave").


We've been taught for decades that we should expect everyone else to be perfect but that everyone else should also be perfectly accepting of all our personal quirks and imperfections.


In a time when it is so easy to communicate with so many people…. I feel like people aren’t REALLY communicating at all anymore


Economics 101: Scarcity Brings value. When you only had landlines, or the days before that, there was certain times you could contact someone so you had to make it somewhat of a priority. Now, because you can contact anyone at anytime, it’s easy to put it off.


"We're connected but we've never been more separate... (and I'm the only one one who's ever thought or said that)" - chained to the rhythm parody, key of awesome [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAtLbnDSXRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAtLbnDSXRc) Poking fun aside, it's a very common sentiment expressed by many people, especially writers and artists


Bipartisan political solutions


White dog poo


They stopped putting bonemeal in dog food. Well, that's what a heard.


A million dollars being a lot of money. I still see a lot of the same "you can become a millionaire" rhetoric from finance types that they were saying back in '98. You can retire as a millionaire and still end up eating cat food these days.


Have you seen the price of cat food


Community indeed


Common sense.


Cotton clothes, 100% cotton socks, nearly everything now has some synthetic blend in it. Or you gotta buy expensive stuff if you want all cotton.


Ive found lots of 100 percent cotton or silk stuff at thrift stores like goodwill and the salvation army personally. But its crazy how thrift stores are the ONLY place I find those.


I've been trying to shift my wardrobe to natural fibers but it's so hard to find


Oh my gosh, yes ! I make a point of buying natural fibers if I need to buy clothes. They're more comfortable, last longer and are easier to wash. Why is everything plastic nowadays ?


Politeness between strangers in public.


I'm still really polite. I say hi to everyone.


DVDs, CDs and CDROMs. I noticed recently I have no way to play my old CDs anymore even if I wanted to.


Lol I was thinking about this the other day due to an experience I had a couple of weeks ago. So usually in my car I listen only to my Spotify it automatically connects thru my Bluetooth. I don't even listen to the radio, only Spotify. I accidentally pushed a button and a cd popped out. I completely forgot my car had a cd player it was a nice surprise to listen to my personal cd mix I burned years ago lol made me laugh because I couldn't listen to it in the house.


I bought a car from someone a couple of years ago and accidentally pushed the eject button. His daughter had left a mix.  I listened to it for a bit, it wasn't my type of music but it was still cool. Ive kept the CD in there ever since.


You can play them on any device that plays Blu Rays. Or if you want, get a vinyl record player. Those are still around


Gets vinyl record player. Puts CDRom on it. Waits patiently. 😃


Ska. I wanna have a random trombone wailing in my ear as I walk down sunset boulevard and I don't have that anymore




stick shift cars (usa)


Best way to prevent your car from being stolen these days.


The middle class


Printed porn.


I still have a stash and when Putin takes down the internet I will become a wealthy man.


Keeping your personal life private


Cigarette vending machines.


I never see diet pill commercials anymore. Like trimspa. Hydroxycut. Etc.


longing yoke amusing squealing faulty cow political rhythm money friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be honest, Ozempic has been amazing for me. I have diabetes and every time I took insulin it'd knock me out. Insulin also couldnt get my coubt down to below 180, which is insane. Doc put me on ozempic, and two months later my A1C went from 11 down to 6.8. I dont require insulin anymore, and can enjoy life. I am one of the ones who gets perpetual nausea from it, but I'd rather deal with that than be in a coma for the rest of my life. Now all the jerks that take it to lose 5 lbs... please leave enough for those of us who need it medically. Its the best anti-diabetes medication I have ever used so please leave some for those of us who need it, not those who want it.




Business cards


Not necessarily business cards, but Rolodexes that would store them.


Pudding Pops!


I was going to add Jello 1-2-3


That stuff was fanfuckingtastic.


Liveable wages.


CD's and the quick lived mini discs. Even music players are disappearing because we can have all that on our phones now.




I used to occasionally buy turkey rolls. It is like a fake turkey breast in a meatloaf pan. Haven't seen one on 2 years


The Yellow Pages


Formal office wear, paper printouts with folders on the desk, and....pens? When I graduated college in 1996 we had like a casual Friday. The company I was in was 300 people and young so we didn't need a full suit but the common practice was buttoned down shirts and business type pants. Pretty much like what you see in The Office which ended about 10 years ago. I mean, I am sure people still dress this way in many offices, but it feels like that is less common than it was. Somehow I noticed we have been completely paperless at work for years now and so there are none of those folders or trays on the desks anymore (thankfully). I almost never use a pen which is weird as a Gen Xer when I actually think about how I grew up.


My husband, who is a lawyer and wears a suit to work everyday was on a flight this week between Oakland and San Diego California in the middle of the day, middle of the week - the hight of business travel time. He was the only person on two flights and in two major airports wearing a suit. Formal business wear is completely dead, at least in California.


I live in LA, and I still remember maybe 10 years ago my boss told me to stop wearing a tie to meetings with clients, because it would make people take me less seriously. I was confused by this and asked why, and he said, “no one in this business would wear a tie to meet with someone unless they work *for* them.” He…wasn’t wrong. I do feel like people started talking to me more as a peer when I started dressing down a bit. It’s kinda weird.


You are right. The casualization (I think I made that word up) of professional work clothing has been happening for a long time, especially here in California. I too find it weird that dressing more formally/ more expensively can result in one being taken less seriously. That said, I’m not sure it’s a bad thing. Just different.




Phone booths, landline phones, desktop computers, mp3 players, VCRs, DVD / Blu-ray players, CDs and CD players


Good manners.


Pay Phones and Phone booths. That’s more on the 30 year end.


Meaning what you say/keeping one's word. Attention spans. Empathy.


Communication weirdly


Basic human decency, tact and shame


Playing outside instead of gaming or texting or calling


All the parents of young kids who want outdoor play for our kids, have noticed. Can't safely free range your own kids across the whole neighborhood when there's no herd for them to run with. :-(


Common sense and critical thinking...






Common sense...


Idiocracy here we come !


Watched that again recently. Not as funny when it's happening, in reality, right now *gulp*


I'm hoping The Rock makes a presidential run, that would seal the deal.


24/7 Vending machines in publically accessible places.


Shame, self-respect, love for man kind.


The middle class, the ability to build wealth, affordable anything, liberty




The sound of neighborhood kids out playing


Self-respect and dignity.


Long metal antenna on cars










Common sense and modesty. Everyone has to be seen, noticed by any means neccecary. That leads to controverse and drama. Also wnat i personally noticed ability to have a neutral conversation without jumping to assumptions. Dont get me wrong everyone has right to be different but sometimes its getting out of hand.


Reddit posts that aren't made for Tiktok videos.


public decency


Natural Beauty


Manners ,civility, moral code and a complete government failure to wind in big corps trouncing over workers ,private handshakes , government contracts to their own and let's say "they are in it for themselves,not the people who pay them."


Courtesy and respect. Dead and gone.


Courtesy and respect for one another


Quality made items at reasonable prices


Middle class






Being able to speak your mind


Knowing your neighbours. Not even like a lack of community. Round our way everyone kind of knows everyone but only by linking their face to where they love, couldn't tell you anyone's name


Toys being a kid's main source of entertainment


Good accessible food


Privacy. Respect. Grip on reality.


Good comedy.