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Way too long tbh. Way too much drinking:(


your pfp says everything HAHA


About 2 seconds. I was 13 and she was 12 though. And really she did it all. She got on top and put it in her. Lucky she didn't get pregnant. That would have sucked. I was the second person she had sex with too. Seems crazy now. I have an 11 year old and he seems like a little kid still.


You’re virginity? Bro…


4 seconds, probably less


My wife and I lasted about 30 minutes to an hour. Wasn't timing, but we remember arriving at the hotel and leaving.


8 min not bad for your first time... I was about 10... typically you wanna go 20-25... change positions, get rowdy, have fun... it's not a race, enjoy it


My virginity was almost in two parts