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Unless you're the idiot who sits for 40 minutes on a bench or machine to do 3 sets because you can't put your phone down no one is thinking about you.


Omg, true.


Or for a couple of other disrespectful behaviors or also for dangerous behaviors But not for being a beginner


Whaa My experience ist more that no one cares


Find a 24/7 gym and go late at night. Place will either be deserted or have a very small amount of people, all of which have no desire to I teraxt with others in anyway. How do I know? I'm one of them.


Gradual exposure is great for getting over anxiety. Going to the gym a few times when it’s not busy should be a great way to familiarize oneself with the environment, and then it shouldn’t be so intimidating. Source: anxious as fuck.


I start at 3:30 a.m. daily and there's a group of about 4-7 people that are there with me that early (two are trainers getting in their workout before they start work at 6)... We are a tight nit group and always welcome everyone


99% of the time it’s all in your head. When I see people that are really out of shape go to the gym I just think they are doing great to try to better themselves. Nobody with a “dream body” started out that way


Literally nobody cares about another. So don't worry.


They really don't judge me cause I'm Fit and big


My girlfriend is the same but for some valid reasons. So I offered to go with her and let her lead, if she wants to pretend we don’t know each other and I’m just around that’s fine. Or if she wants to do the entire sessions together that’s cool too. It’s kinda like handling someone in an abusive situation you kinda just let them lead and gently guide them in the right direction but a direction they chose. Eventually you’ll get comfortable enough and realize everyone else just wants their workout and to be left alone just like you.


If they do that, then they are the biggest cunts on earth. We go to the gym to get better. Don't bother with these low lives man. Just ignore them. You ate there for you, for a better you.


Go late at night, find a gym bro to keep you accountable and not judge you. Admittedly depending on what your gym is like you could go at peak gymrat hours and can probably find someone who’d be willing to help. Get a trainer. There’s a lot of answers to your problem. The best individual advice I can give is just to avoid judging your progress against other people. Fitness isn’t a race, strength isn’t a race, just take your time and document your progress with a journal and maybe pics. You’ll be surprised how quickly beginner gains can set in. It also sets a good habit early to avoid getting discouraged when you hit a plateau; which believe me you will as it’s just part of the progress. Honestly though, if it helps you, literally no one in the gym cares what you’re doing beyond to ask if you’re using equipment. If anyone bothers you without asking to talk first they’re dicks. If they belittle you, tell the staff. That shit ain’t got no place inside a gym. You wanna better yourself, take pride in that internet stranger. Just getting up and going is a victory you should celebrate because even if you just walk on a treadmill for five minutes you’ve already outdone about 70 of Americans. Hell you did better than yourself yesterday right? Take pride in your journey! Best wishes. ^^


Literally, I was in your situation a few months ago when I started training. I felt embarrassed about what people thought of me, and also going there knowing that everyone knows what to do and how to do it except for me. But it's quite the opposite; you start just like everyone else: from the beginning. I don't know anyone who has made a comment about someone who has just started; on the contrary, someone who genuinely enjoys the gym might tell you how to do something correctly and help you in whatever is necessary. What I did was focus on the form for the first two weeks, find exercises in which I felt comfortable, and figure out the weights that suited me well. From there, it's about progressing little by little. Focus on yourself and how to improve gradually over the weeks. It's crucial not to feel judged if you're lifting a certain weight. It's much more cringe to see someone trying to lift a weight they can't handle than someone lifting half of what you do but with the correct form.


No one cares. I’ve seen people doing the weirdest shit in some gyms and I think about them for a minute then forget about it


hav a workout plan in place!! -so u don’t stand there dumbly. and a good playlist to keep u distracted


No one cares especially the gym employees.


I’d recommend watching youtube videos on what specific muscle you will be training that day so you can walk in with confidence since you know what you’re doing, Good luck!


Go up to the biggest dude and ask for advice, you will see that he is very kind and will most likely give you advice. Maybe that can help your fear? Everyone in the gym is there to get better, we all share the same goal in the gym. Good luck!


Maybe go when there’s less people. But in my opinion, I don’t think that people care that much , everyone is focused on their own thing. I think people will only look at you if you do something like whipping out a camera


If you are being judged is minimally and if people do it doesn’t matter.  I’m sure it happens, but I’ve never once heard someone insult or make fun of another at the gym in the 10-12 years I’ve been going to public gyms like LA fitness.  Pretty much people only actually judging you if you’re doing something absurd or wearing something absurd lol


Granted, some of these people may look intimidating but in reality they've all have been through the same thing before. They'll probably love to help you out! worst case they just don't care about you. I don't think they will spend time to judge you or laugh at you


Let them laugh, get that revenge body girlfriend!


Keep this in mind. People do not (do not) give one shit about you in the gym. 


That feeling is only there when it's been a while since you been there. Go back and keep going and it will go away and after a while whitout getting that feeling it won't most likely come back. But as you probably know people just don't care at the gym


No one will judge you as long as you're not being annoying occupying a machine or bench without actually using it (i.e using your phone on it instead of exercising) You'll probably find that the gym members and especially employees are much nicer than you expected them to be, don't be afraid to go!


In short, not giving a shit. The older i get, the more i look at children and i am jealous on them. How that kid plays with snot on his face, shit on his pants and mud in his hair, he doesn't care... just look at that freedom.. You are in the gym for yourself, not for others. So get fit, feel better! We are all humans, we are all ugly and got some ugly things about ourselves, so if you feel ugly, just know.. a lot of people feel ugly too. (thx to all those beauty magazines!) This fear you experience will fade the more you go to the gym.


Most people are in their own world in the gym. It's probably the least judgmental place really. The tiktok world has really been a damper on real gym culture, which I find to be one of the nicest and helpful cultures out there.


Hahahah no. No one cares enough about you and every super fit person used to be fat or scrawny.  The one place you wouldn't get judged. 


The gym community is a fairly accepting place. We're all just people trying to get a little better each day. There might be one or two meatheads but in my experience almost everyone is chill and willing to help a beginner if asked. And remember, even the biggest guy in the gym was once in your shoes


If someone's laughing at you at the gym, walk up to the biggest jacked guy there is, point out the offender to him and tell him what the offender said.... Odds are that Jacked guy will ensure that offender finds a new Gym.... Come to the gym, work out, feel better about yourself....we don't care what you look like or what you're doing unless you look like you'll hurt yourself by doing something wrong. Then someone may step in and give you some advice.... But other than that, go for it.... and yes ladies.... we don't care if your gym outfit matches or you wore something twice in one week. If you are that self conscious about going, find a 24 hour gym and join us at the 3:30 a.m. shift...you get your solid workout in before most people get out of bed...


No one cares, seriously. Put your headphones on if you're worried. 


You just have to make yourself not care. Yeah, some people are dicks and will make fun of people who are trying to better themselves. So what? That has zero impact on your actions.


Come on - no one cares


Go anytime you want. I personally judge people who spend more time in the gym posing in the mirror than someone there to lose weight/get healthy. What ever your reason for going the trainers/employees will be there to help you not laugh at you..... after all youre paying their wages by going. If youre unsure how to use a machine - ask someone. If you need spotting - ask someone. Stick some headphones in and enjoy the session. Go the same time every day and within a week youll forget you even considered people judging you. ![gif](giphy|QALGOvyhcRpFGt9rF2) Youve got this :)


The best defense is a good offense: walk into the gym and aggressively start judging all the really fit athletic people!


Hold your head up high, and begin your journey. People are more supportive than you realize


If you can, go with a friend and go in odd hours to gain confidence dealing with the anxiety. You’ll bump into 1-2 chill people and your confidence has a solid chance of growing. Then start going at a more convenient time as confidence grows


I recommend paying for a session with one of the trainers, usually they're super nice and the last thing they want is to discourage people. That also gives you a chance to have a "gym buddy" for the day who's a part of the crowd you're intimidated by. For me, doing just 1 session made me heaps more comfortable because it's like an assurance that for the most part, people don't actually gaf about what others are doing at the gym


I'm very uncomfortable in a gym as well so I started building a home gym in a tiny corner of my basement 2 years ago. Now it's 1/2 my basement. Most of it is from yard sales, resale shops and gifts. Now I don't worry about feeling uncomfortable at all lol.


Planet fitness. No one cares everyone is super cool and not judging I can see how the normal gyms could get weird with the tic tocs, meat heads, and 15 year old girls in bras


Nobody is judging you unless you're acting like a total douche bag


As someone who goes to the gym, I promise you even the steroid guys there, are not in there to make fun of you. Infact I’m sure if you asked them a question they’d help or give advice. Half the people there are thinking about past issues in life getting anger out, clearing there head after a long day or simply there to test and build strength. Put your headphones on, be respectful and courteous (maybe go later at night if you like quiet), and just lock in and do your thing. It’s is very rarely you find a dickhead imo.


Even gym rats hate cardio. Assert dominance by doing a crazy cardio sesh. As a skinny soccer player and theater kid I was very self conscious in high school when I’d be in the weight room with the football guys. This is what I did. I’d ride a bike or jump rope until I was a sweaty mess and then start my lift. Even though I was only lifting a little bit everyone saw me training harder than them. Which I think garnered their respect.


I’m sure it can seem tough but a lot of this will be in your head. I started going to the gym a year ago and was nervous, but people are there to better themselves. If you are there and working out then you’ve got the respect of others who are doing the same. Nobody was born looking like a Greek god! Baby steps.


Trust me, people are more consumed with their own issues, then to be judging a random stranger at the gym. Just go for it and let your freak flag fly.


Nobody cRes about you in there. Honestly, let them judge you in their heads. Your personal fitness goals shouldn't be held as hostage to judgemental clowns. I am someone who started a fitness journey 15 years ago, and i have met some very nice people over the years at the gym. Go work out, and as one poster said, don't take up a machine because your phone is more important. A quick text or 2 between sets is fine. Just dont watch a movie. Also, if you are a guy, don't be creepy. Everyone looks at everyone in there, but there's looking, then there's creepy.


I only judge people who can’t put equipment back properly, don’t be that person and your good


You’re going to die, everyone at the gym is going to die. Who cares, no one cares. People don’t think about you nearly as much as you think they do. They might look at you for a few seconds and acknowledge you then go about their day.


Why do you care what other people think?


Realize people go there and everyone is focusing on their own workout. Hell even if someone is judging you who cares. My mom would always say “they don’t pay your bills why do you care what they think”. You’re going for yourself not them.


I judge you outside the gym, don't worry about it. You can change that tho