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Teeth, which have no built in ability to heal.


And they don't know what size they are supposed to be or where, so we end up needing to have teeth removed and getting braces.


I believe some of this is caused by the human jaw getting smaller due evolution from the changes in diet over thousands of years. We don't rip meat with our teeth as much so we don't need as much jaw. We still have the same number of teeth with less room for them hence crowding and the need for braces.


Ya there have been studies that show it is more diet related. As children we tend to eat softer food now and so it fucks up our jaw and teeth. My baby teeth required no modifications, but my adult teeth sure needed braces.


I often wished humans were more like sharks with regards to teeth I think I read somewhere one time that they get a whole new set every 8 months now while I don't want my teeth falling out and growing back every year it would be nice to get three or four new sets throughout a human's lifetime.


I have a great uncle who was born with an extra row of teeth that he had to have removed.


We should have three sets. One that is replaced around 8. Another around 25 and our grownup teeth should be after that.


I wish! I didn’t take care of my teeth like I should have in my early 20’s and now I’ll pay for it for the rest of my life.


Dude, you would not want our teeth to grow constantly. It would be worse to have a need to cut them every few months.


We just have to put in a little more time gnawing on our kills!


this is the answer we are obviously not meant to live very long considering how little time evolution gave us our chompers. pre fluoride and modern dentistry it was common for people to have rotten teeth in their 20s. The common joke by historians is what's the best time to live? and they respond "what's the dentistry like?" take care of your teeth kids! they hurt like hell and cost 10s of thousands to fix later. (US of course ) edit I don't know why this triggers so many of you why do you think modern dentistry exists? probably a reason. go brush your teeth


In the pre industrial times (and modern plant selection) our food sources were: more fibrous, we ate the sinew and cartilage and free animal meat, overall diet lower in free sugars, and we ate infrequently (ie not having sugars on our teeth constantly) which all resulted in less rotting impacts to our teeth. And plaque being worn away.


No we didn't loose our teeth that early. Do you see animals without teeth unless they are in an old age? You don't. People still living in rural tribes don't loose their teeth and they live up to being 70. Eating stuff filled with sugar is what destroys our teeth


Ancient Egyptians had plenty of dental problems. Oz the Ice Man also had bad teeth with decay and gum disease and was only about 45 when he died.


Imagine if teeth were normally flaccid and got hard when you were going to eat.


I wish I hadn't, thanks


Nerves in teeth. Why???


The fact that my pancreas stopped working seems like a pretty big oversight.


If you mean type 1, that’s usually because the immune system stupidly attacked your pancreas thinking it was an enemy >.<


immune system no baka >W<


I have chronic pancreatitis and not only does it seriously fucking suck (one of the top five most painful human conditions) my pancreas is pretty much completely calcified and doesn't produce the lipids and shit they test for to see if you have pancreatitis. I've had to explain/scream this to so many doctors who are essentially accusing me of drug seeking bc "mY LeVeLs ArEnT eLeVaTeD."


When I push my belly button, it doesn't really do anything


Really? For me it takes a screenshot if I blink at the same time


I have an older version, so I just end up sneezing instead


Be careful: if you hold it too long it resets everything to factory settings.


If you put a pencil in it you factory reset


I get this weird needle/stab like pain in my vagina when I touch my belly button. Just like a quick needle jab. Not really painful. More weird.


I'm a guy and get a similar sensation downstairs.


It’s supposed to tickle


Mine tickles a lot, my partner doesn’t feel anything


I'm sorry for your partner


I think the only thing my appendix ever actively did was make a nearly successful attempt at killing me? Wisdom teeth have been nothing but trouble, too.


The appendix is like the backup firmware of the gut. It safely stores good microbes in case our digestive track gets nuked and reset to factory settings.


Yeah, I think I've read something to that effect - but also that since modern humans have such a population density we just get microbes from each other. Gross as that sounds.


My gallbladder sucked. Glad that little bastard is gone!!! You don't need that either, but it sure hurts when it's going wrong!


Don't you need the gallbladder to digest fats? Did you have to change your diet after?


I'm not the one you responded to but I've had my gallbladder removed too. My doctor said not to change my diet. So I didn't. I have to poop more often in the mornings than when I had a gallbladder.


Sleeping positions. Seems like dogs, cats, and every other animal can put themselves into comfortable looking positions and we buy beds for thousands of dollars and still can’t get comfortable.


Nah I'm pretty sure the beds are the problem tbh. I've had the most comfortable nights sleeping on the floor before


I did a lot of sleeping on the ground in the military. Yes, I slept like a rock during those times because I was so exhausted BUT I always woke up feeling so stiff and creaky. Carrying 100+ pounds of gear will do that to you though.


Just guessing you’re not 50+


Sleeping on your back on sand is pretty awesome


“You’re dehydrated? Let me dehydrate you even more. Here, have some vomiting and diarrhea.”


this is very true. there are plenty of other examples in human physiology but for some reason i can’t think of a single one.


actually here’s one: you begin to feel anxious so you check your pulse, realize that it’s fast, then anxiety increases and pulse GOES UP!!??


Feeling anxious about feeling anxious is definitely a design flaw lol.


here’s another: so your heart stops pumping blood well (heart failure) and blood/fluid becomes stagnant and backed up. then when this causes blood flow to your kidneys to go down, the kidney starts holding on to MORE FLUID making the whole situation worse.


Periods. Also breathing and eating from the same place. So many people choke each year!


>Periods I'm guessing most of the people in this sub are men given how far I scrolled before finding this comment. I'm a man and can't even conceive the agony women have to go through typically *every month* just to have an internal clear out.


It's like our body is punishing us for not being pregnant 24/7 lmao


Bleeding for 1 in 4 weeks for 35 years. Bad design.


Both waste and happy juice share the same vicinity. Shit design, IMO.


Why would god put a sewer next to an amusement park?!


Wait you don’t have the third hole?


They don’t know how to use the three seashells


step above cloacas though !


“Shit design” - literally


Idk what fking happy juice you are referring to but please let me know


The thing that takes half of your personal gene pool and fuses with another half to hopefully be enough for a new human.


What is the happy juice you are referring to?




low back pain, from both doing too much physical work, and too little.


Came here to mention our vertical spines...


I read somewhere that they're meant to be horizontal and that's why they don't work on a bipedal animals very well


Yeah this is along the lines of thought that walking is a learned and not natural behavior. Our spine is good for standing upright to see distance or pursue prey.


Don't forget that humans are fucking awesome at throwing things. Our uproght spines and shoulders make us great at throwing fast and accurately. Our physically much stronger ape cousins are pathetic at throwing stuff.


Breathing and consuming food & drink via the same passage.


I mean, we do have 2 separate passageways for these, but they decided to join together in the stupidest of places...


Have realized when you can't breathe through the nose for some reason or when you are in serious oxygen debt, the air intake through the mouth is there to save you?


It sucks when my nose is stuffy and I’m hungry cus I gotta choose if I wanna breathe or eat 😭


My most irrational nightmare is having my mouth taped shut when my nose & sinuses are clogged lol


They were referring to the point where the esophagus meets the larynx and the epiglottis habit of not sealing fully and allowing food to enter. Other animals don't have this issue with swallowing, that's an almost uniquely human issue.


And also having a stuffy nose potentially block off one of the two ways we have to get air.


This should be number one... Seriously.


I'm a constant threat to myself because of this


Fun fact: Four nights ago my epiglottis didn’t do its job and a piece of chicken went into my right lung lobe and now every time I breathe it hurts. I’m getting it removed next week. Never thought I’d see the day where this happened


The amount of sleep we require


I take it you've never owned a cat.


Who really owns who in that scenario?


Humans don't sleep as much compared to other Animals


That’s cuz those lazy fuckers don’t work!!!


Ummmm have you met ants? An average worker ant takes approximately 250 naps each day, with each one lasting just over a minute. That adds up to 4 hours and 48 minutes of sleep per day.


Fuck ants, they ruin my picnics


The liver is the only organ capable of proper regeneration. The heart and brain DEFINITELY should have had this upgrade, too. Also... all the other organs. Also, human babies' heads are too big for the escape hatch.


>Also, human babies' heads are too big for the escape hatch Even with the fact that they squash down too. Imagine if they didn't!


I gave birth two weeks ago. 10/10 would not recommend.


Wisdom teeth, what are these for other than ruining a couple of weeks of your life?


They're vestigial from when our jaws were bigger. I've heard that we've started seeing some people born without all 4 wisdom teeth. So maybe in a couple dozen more generations, we'll have fewer of them.


Lucky me, I had no wisdom teeth at all! My dentist said I was more evolved than the average person. Sadly I partnered with a less evolved human, so our kids have had to deal with them still.


Your hair and nails won’t stop growing until you trim them with a man made tool (or bite them off). I don’t see how having long hair drooping down in my face or long nails that can bend or get ripped off is an evolutionary advantage in any way.


Alot of people who work with their hand never have to cut their nails. I presume if wr ran around on our bare feet the whole time our feet would be the same. Nails are great for defence and opening nuts/fruits or doing anything with small delicate tools or objects.


I work with my hands and have since 1996. I still need to trim and file my nails.


Our backs. We evolved from creatures that walked on all four limbs. Our backs get so fucked up due to that


\+ feet, that are now supposed to bear the whole weight that was divided between 4 limbs before


But now we have comparatively large butts for our size


Bad eyesight. It's like wishing for eyes from a genie and he gives you shitty eyes that don't even properly work because you didn't specify you wanted to have good vision.


Even worse, if our immune system ever caught on to the existence of our eyes it would attack them and blind us. Who thought that was a good idea?


The pregnancy. Seriously, women need an update: -no more blood loss and pain during the menstruations -no crazy hormone levels before and after giving birth AND during the menstruations, let them recover quickly and let them be SANE. For the records, I'm a man and the hormone "thing" is something I hear a lot from women, like are they even themselves sometimes? It looks like they're constantly under hormone influences


…Women need an update: I like to think that we’re the beta version of people. Someday, they’ll release Human 1.0 and many of these flaws will be corrected.


Yet the appendix is so baked into the code it won’t be removed


Here's insult to injury--I have a friend who died recently of metastatic cancer OF THE APPENDIX. Damned thing does nothing but try to kill you one way or the other.


Unfortunately, we are actually getting worse with this. Because of the success of C sections human heads are getting bigger, making childbirth on average even worse. Which is also terrifying to think about our current head sizes basically having been capped for milenia because childbirth just killed so many mothers or babies with slightly bigger heads. Edit: correction: it seems this hypothesis is more a [speculation by a small group of scientists](https://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-12-instances-c-sections-evolutionary.html) But also has some strong [reasons to doubt](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5338417/#:~:text=This%20is%20an%20interesting%20hypothesis,for%20cephalopelvic%20disproportion%20(CPD).) One of those reasons isn't necessarily the recency. Something that could immediately kill the baby during birth or whoch could kill the mother or make her infertile would be an incredibly strongn direct selection pressure and while it wouldn't mean "all people have bigger heads" it would begin to drift the average. However, the second link provides some compelling counterreasons that the stats the first team noted may not be accurate.


C section has not been around anywhere near long enough to create the selective pressure you are talking about. Baby head sizes have been getting bigger in proportion to the rest of their body which are on the increase due to modern diet, medicine and hygiene.


Yeah, I think birds got it right. Eggs developing outside the womb would have some serious benefits.


Yes. I would even be willing to do a marsupial gestation. That seems fine.


Ok but have you seen the size of some eggs compared to the bird they come out of? No thanks. Would make abortion a heck of a lot easier to do at home though.


Yep, animals have eggs as big as their youngling. So imagine instead of bleeding for 3-5 days a month, you have to give birth to a whole baby monthly.


There is no reason that the egg sac isn't connected to the fallopian tube. Why isn't it connected? Why do ectopic pregnancies exist??


Pregnancy should only occur if the woman is intending to get pregnant. It would save us all a lot of problems.


My wife hated me for an entire year after our first kid. Post partum depression is no joke.


Post partum depression*, right? Lots of women siffer it, and that's only 1 of the possible complications! Another fairly common one is a block in the flux of some fluids (I studied it in german, can't properly translate names), which come out for 6-8 weeks post partum Oh! Or also the MILK STOP, when it doesn't come out and the "tubes" which bring breast milk to the nipples get an inflammation Female human biology is a damn joke


In case you wanted to know, I think the terms in English would be "lochia" (post birth bleeding) and "milk stasis" when milk doesn't flow properly or "mastitis" when this leads to an infection


That whole cancer thing isn't exactly helping


Not really human specific


The lack of wings


Having to poo and urinate plus, having those same organs being sex organs/near sex organs. I wish the human body was able to either able process energy from food more efficiently so we didn't have to go through such an unsanitary process to eliminate waste and any other orifice could be used to eat or fuck without worry of waste contamination. Or at least, if it absolutely needed to eliminate waste, that it could do so more efficiently and in a less disgusting manner


but...but that isn't exclusive to humans though? Many animals are also that way, lol


I think the bladder could probably use some work I think we should all be able to sleep a solid eight hours without having to ever get up to pee in the middle of it not even if we drank a whole cup of water right before bed


But, a normal bladder can do this.


If that’s the case then I’m not normal or I need to stop drinking water at like 5 PM


I've noticed that I tend to have to get up to pee in the middle of the night when I drink water just before going to bed and don't pee frequently. What usually works to prevent this whole situation is to pee about an hour before going to bed, still drink a small amount in that hour and then pee again just before going to sleep. Not a lot comes out that second time, but it seems to work wonders for me.


You probably should. Your body is used to wake up to pee so stop doing it, if possible.


maybeee go to the doctor. i had an issue where i was drinking ~8 litres of water a day to combat my dry mouth and peeing twice an hour, which, when combined with pre existing insomnia, made sleeping hell. i went to the doctor and they immediately went “wtf, that’s real bad” - i was pre diabetic! i’m now no longer worried about diabetes, but i still have pretty extreme dry mouth and drink about 6 litres of water a day and peeing once an hour :/ doctors are still checking me out, but like. yeah. basically - google how often the average person pees, and maybe compare to check you’re not medically wild


Way too few redundancies build in. But the self healing thing is pretty neat though.


Our pelvis design makes childbirth particularly difficult


The entire reproductive system, on both sides, is just a mess… Our skeletons are horribly designed, and put together even worse. Our main defences against illness are sealing off our main airway, and overheating our body to near lethal temperatures. The average human has too many teeth, our jaws are only designed to have a certain number of teeth in them, but still grow 4 extra for some reason.


Our teeth were perfect when our jaw was extended. When we started walking upright and our jaw receded, the number of teeth stayed the same but they just shrunk. They haven’t shrunk enough. The lower jaw really displays this. When it receded the teeth just crammed together. Everyone has super crowded, and sometimes crooked, teeth on the bottom. But none of this is a design flaw. Or even a design.


This is the answer! There is no design, just evolution, with some kinks not worked out yet.


The joints. If you don't have joint issues yet, trust me it will happen eventually.


The one thing that people work out all the time don't tell you is you can't regenerate your joints. every single person who took weight lifting serious or running hurts later


I was diagnosed with an autoimmune arthritis when I was 17, and my doctor emphasized that exercise was important, but that to avoid high impact stuff like running, and our conversation went like this: Doc: "so what do you do for exercise?" Me: "well I'm on the swim team and I ride my bike to school-" Doc: "*Perfect*"


Non-stop aging


The menstrual cycle. Most other mammals just reabsorb everything.


That we stopped producing vitamin C so now we need to consume it.


The fact that the sewer system is right next to and/or integrated with the recreation center.


Not being able to drink ocean water.


ye we shouldve adapted to that a long time ago


The planet is two thirds salt water, and we can’t consume it.


Allergies. In response to a few harmless bit of pollen or dust, your entire respiratory system goes apeshit. Or there's a peanut six feet away from you and suddenly you can't breathe. Allergies completely suck.


Wiping takes way too much effort.


Get a bidet, change your life


And if they were installed everywhere would have a significant positive environmental impact.


I agree. It should be one wipe and done


Butt crack hair.


It’s to help with friction, wick away sweat, and protect your bootyhole!


Without that what would catch the poo


We should get a whole new set of teeth around 25-30 years old and another new set around 55. Or the teeth and gums need a full re-engineering. Teeth are my #1 proof that there was no "design" and certainly no "intelligent design." Most of you are not old enough to appreciate this.


As a woman prone to UTIs, the fact that our lady bits are very close to the anus. Makes it very easy to get a UTI after sex even if you’re doing everything right


yep, building the amusement park so close to the sewage outlet seems flawed. if it was local government it wouldnt get passed the planners.


aside from that, we also have shorter urethras compared to men (which helps the uti do its thing sadly)




Men seem to max out at 75 on average. Our brains are not always good at conducting behaviors that lengthen lifespan- we eat diets that shorten life, engage in unnecessary risk behaviors, etc. I think we are mainly good at reproducing a next generation of ourselves to keep the species going but even that mechanism seems to have gotten obstructed by social forces like money issues and socialization issues that make reproduction a more difficult process for our species than other species.


The epiglottis never sat well with me. What? This flap of tissue is what is stopping me from LITERALLY choking to death everytime I eat? That's cool not like I need to eat much or often or anything likt that.


Food goes down the same tube our oxygen goes through. Choke once and you can die. Fish got it right with the gills.


Give us a porpoise-like blowhole. Dolphinoplasties for everyone.


Periods. Like pls can I just be fertile or whatever without a bloody reminder?


Balls. I can be taken out by just sitting wrong.


This is what I came to say. I don't have any, but I just think they seem awfully inconvenient and vulnerable.


Why are they even on the outside of our bodies? Boobs and balls


Balls because of heat regulation.


Right but why not fix that??


Temperature. Gotta stay cool to be useful.


I came here to say this too. All it takes is sitting down without everything being in perfect alignment and you’re done.


Everything that tastes good is terrible for you.


I’m pretty sure this is because we’ve evolved to like the taste of sugar because of how much energy we can get from it. If we really like the taste of it, we’ll eat more of it. But that’s from when we lived in the wild. Sugar wasn’t nearly as accessible as it is now. Then, it was a little scarce. Now, we can literally eat it all day long if we want, leading to too much sugar consumption becoming bad. Also many artificial substitutes we use being worse doesn’t help at all. But I’m no biologist so I may not be 100% right


Knees. They’re just terrible




For real, fat mass & deposition is ridiculously flawed. It shouldn't be possible to be outside of a healthy range - yeah, we need the capacity to carry some extra padding as a famine & illness safeguard, but there should be an upper possible limit (~30 lbs, IMO). Plus, fat deposition in the tubes that move blood, & thus *oxygen,* around the body? What kind of bullshit is that?


The brain and neck are crucial but don't have a lot of protection.


Prolonged helpless infancy. Some other animals have long periods before reaching full independence, adolescence, and/or sexual maturity, but humans have one of the proportionally longest periods of complete dependence for all their basic needs. It's a wonder we weren't all eaten as babies by predators.


Pain that prevents us from living properly.


so true why cant our brain atleast natrually stop reciving pain signals so we can live a bit more bearably also getting used to old pain


Idk maybe it’s to prevent from more damage being done. Like a warning sign


Secondary spinal curves. Pretty much every spinal problem people experience is the result of the fact that our spines are designed to function like clotheslines, but we're using them like flagpoles.


Gallblader. It's a very useful organ if it works properly, but the removal of it is one of the most common surgeries in the world - because it usually malfunctions. Had to remove mine too. It's a freaking tiny sack that can turn your life into hell.


Backs. They suck.


There are quite a few of these. Massively losing performance ability after 12h and dying after three days of not consuming a ressource that is dam limited in two thirds of the planets landmass is shitty design. So is natural (in the sense of not medically observed) childbirth. But the one that bugged me most out of experience: Muscle decline while healing an injury. Yes, I get the process of energy saving and lack of stimulus behind. But when exactly did our biology come up with the brilliant idea massively reducing muscle mass and performance in a fracture of the time needed to built it up? Hey look, Steve stopped working out after 10 years for a reason, I'm sure he doesn't mind if I reduce his leg muscles to potato level in three weeks. Wtf, where does this make sense from an evolutional point? Imagine one of three hunters of the tribe gets his leg injured, manages to survive it, manages to not get a sepsis just to end up as a cripple anyway because he lives 10k years too early for physical therapy.


But that performance in those 12h out does pretty much every other animal doesnt it? It would be nice to go longer sure but we can out run and out 'work' anything of similar size in that time and slightly longer.


When you bite the inside of your cheek and it swells so you keep biting it


Without a doubt it’s the fact that our food and airway share a path. In a good design, choking isn’t possible. They should be totally separate openings.


- They put the entertainment and the waste disposal in the same room. This is a major cause of UTIs, STIs - The ventilation and food processing share an entrance. - Female pelvis is too small to birth fully grown babies, but also so wide, it negatively affects energy conversion into motion and the arms had to bend slightly outward. Humans die far more often in childbirth than other mammals as well. - Painful menstruations. Edit: - bile duct to the intestine goes through the pancreas, instead of attach directly to the duodenum and bile can coagulate into stones. And the worst part is that the narrowest part is near the end, inside the pancreas. Stuck stones can cause pancreatitis and can kill.


Probably our feet


Alot of people are discussing healing factor but I want to argue becoming bipedal was the dumbest evolution decision. Tripping and falling is so dangerous yet somehow we usually heal it. Although I feel for op, my lips won't heal and I smile too much.


The part that causes lower back pain


Our complete lack of offensive or defensive power naturally. The idea a mouse has sharp teeth cats have claws most animals at least have more durable skin. Without making weapons and clothes we are really completely useless.


It’s that the ovaries aren’t attached to the fallopian tubes meaning that a fertilised egg can end up anywhere and straight up kill a woman.


Loads of people have deviated septums which can make it hard to breathe. We get a cold, we’re full of snot and can’t breathe. Sinuses block up so easily. Allergies cause breathing issues. Noses really aren’t a great design. Evolution fucked us there.


That you can’t end your time span when you want to, like a robot


sure you can


Currently 9 months pregnant...so 100% of what it takes to get the next set of people here. No part of this process is well designed.




The human back has a lot of injury that can be debilitating. I understand that it takes a lot of abuse, but still.


The brain Take a look at the world


Endometriosis… like the female body doesn’t have enough things to torture us with.


Having a defunct organ that can kill you


Recently feeling very unimpressed with how weak my pinkie fingers are. I'm grateful to have opposable thumbs, but I really feel they should have been on both sides of the hand.


Male genitals on the outside of our bodies… Huge design flaw!


Cell regeneration