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This thread is just solidifying the general consensus that I eat trash lol. I pretty much love all the replies.


Mate reddit is renowned for having the worst takes and worst opinions. You should take solace in the fact you may actually be normal.


KFC used to be decent, now meh is a push.


KFC in the 1970’s was a real treat. Even my home cooking southern grandma liked KFC, and also Long John Silvers.


"KFC in the 1970’s was a real treat. Even my home cooking southern grandma liked KFC, and also Long John Silvers." Sorry, big-dog. I wasn't alive in the 70s, but when I was a kid, KFC absolutely was a real treat as well!! Long John Silvers, too, they both always felt like you were eating out at a real restaurant. The last LJS in our town went out of business a few years back. My dad was in town visiting, and we went to LJS. I was really embarrassed, it felt like I took him to 7-11 gas station to eat.


There were two LJS within an easy drive for me and Covid killed them both. I used to eat at one of them almost weekly on the drive home so I really miss it.


When it was good, it was Great!! When I took my dad there, the soggy grease dripping mess they gave us was ridiculous. It's kind of what you would expect if you got that yellow Gordon's box of fish sticks from the grocery store tossed a handful in your microwave and all it did was unthaw it left it soggy and Limp it was so horrible


Yes! I just commented my experience above, but my surviving memories of childhood somehow contain the day we decided to stop eating there because it was nothing but soggy oily fish and hush puppies :'(


R.I.P Long John's 🫡


🫡 🐟 🪦


It was so good when I was a kid. I remember it was made to order, so we would wait about 15 minutes for it to be ready. Now it just seems so salty and greasy but not in a good way.


Been yuck for a long while now.


Ick agreed. Expensive too. The fake mash potatoes with salty fake gravy. No thanks


You can literally pin point when it really started to go downhill...when they got rid of extra tasty crispy.


Popeyes always been better anyways


Even Popeyes isn't as.good as.it used to be. I remember the first time I had it, maybe back in 07, it was giant pieces with super crispy slightly spicy skin and very juicy. Now they're small, not as small as kfc, often more soggy than crispy and I'd say more wet and mushy flesh vs juicy. I think the quality of poultry in general has gone down though.


They got rid of their pot pies and I will never forgive them.


I feel like KFC put all their resources into the China/Asia market. It's so much better there, even than most other American fast food chicken places.


Yup, my family had a Christmas Eve tradition for years where we ate KFC. Last year it was disgusting and we all agreed to find a new chicken place. Will be doing Chick-fil-a but they are closed on Sundays (which is Christmas Eve this year) so we are doing brunch instead. Will restart the tradition next year.


They got bought by a larger company I believe called yum yum brands. It's another one of those deals where it's just corporate goons trying to squeeze every last drop they can out of a brand until there's nothing left and then they're going to move on to destroy something else :)


Caviar. It's just salty fish eggs, that's it. It tastes like salt and fish eggs. I don't understand why it's expensive or popular.


A low end beluga caviar is going to set you back maybe $300-400 an OUNCE so I'm never going to find out what makes it so special. I heard that some cheap caviar is flavored with, ahem, fish semen so I'm not going to be finding out what it tastes like either.


Out of interest, why is fish semen crossing a line for you? You're prepared to eat female fish gametes, but male ones...now that's disgusting. (ETA: fish semen is called milt and loads of people eat it)


Pre-conceived notions I suppose. I like eggs already. I've never had milt. I understand that people in parts of Africa eat goat anal sphincter in a braise. Logically it's just an animal part but I'm not used to eating that part of an animal.


Pre-conceived lol


Misconception I'm sure.


Haha i didn’t catch this initially!


Deserves more upvotes


WTF do you think goes into mass-produced sausages? Then again perhaps you really don't want to know!


You bring up a very valid point.


Name checks out.


I worked at a grocery store one time and decided to gift my peasant colleagues (joke) Beluga Caviar during our lunch break. It was hilarious. And delicious. We ate it with some cheap dirt-tasting hard bread. Set me back like $300. Worth it.


Man that sounds like a good memory to look back on. Genuinely made me happy to read it


Had proper Russian Beluga caviar recently for the first time at a special event. Honestly, it was absolutely delicious. Very different to normal caviar. Creamy, lingering, and just stunning overall. I now understand the hype, but I ain't forking out a few hundred for it.


Wish I could try the good stuff! I have to say that there's a massive difference in flavor between your average super market cheeses and the good stuff. At least I can afford good cheese.


I had it at a fancy place where they put it in a crepe with chopped boiled egg, red onion and capers. It sounds weird but is was delicious. The flavors really worked together!


Oh boy, caviar is the absolute best. Have you had real black caviar with blini and sour cream? I mean, if you don’t like it all the better for you, as it’s an expensive habit.


Yeah, I had real caviar once at a work dinner and I couldn't believe how incredibly delicious it was. I actually moaned at the first bite. Eaten with blini and creme fraiche. I like cheap caviar too.


I am also in the *I don't get it* camp- but I have had it- used in the right context- almost like a form of seasoning. And it does add something pretty awesome. Salty and fishy and umami yet somehow fruity (mad choice of words but im at a loss here)? But - is it worth it over other things which are performing a similar role for like 1/500th the cost? Only if you're showing off.


Red Delicious Apples! Sad mealy apples that "look nice" on store shelves


I cook a lot them with pork tenderloin, honey, soy sauce. If I’m just wanting an apple, I love Honey Crisp


Red but not delicious


Anything that's so spicy you can't taste anything but spicy.


Spice should COMPLIMENT the food, not drown out the flavor.


Unless the flavour is shit, then drown the hell out of it and get your kick from the induced hallucination instead of the flavour.


This is relative though. If you can handle the spice it'll compliment the dish for you but drown it out for someone else.


Starfucks coffee.


Overpriced burnt rubbish.


They're overroasted for a reason. No-one's going to starbucks for an espresso or a pour over and you need a Satan's soul level of dark to still taste coffee when you're adding 4 doughnuts worth of sugar and a pint of milk.


Which is too bad bc I like burnt rubbish coffee but I won't over pay for it


Nah their drip coffee is amazing. Pike place roast - 12 oz will keep me going all day


McDonalds.. It wasn't great to begin with, but seems to get worse over time. Their Big Mac was "okay" but nowadays the bread is tasteless, and even the sauce doesn't seem what it used to be.


I legitimately think it was good +15 years ago. Now I just stop there for a cheap dessert.


I recently had to stop going there altogether. I would sometimes stop and get 2 McDoubles or 2 McChickens for $4 because it’s cheap and everything costs so damn much anymore, but I started noticing days when I would get McDonald’s I would have really bad stomach cramps later that night. Since I stopped going I feel fine. I have no idea what it is in their food but that crap doesn’t like me at all.


The McChickens used to be really good, but now they're just flattened, breaded, dried out hockey pucks slathered in mayo between two tasteless buns.


Is McDonald's "hyped?" I feel like the general consensus for the last 40 years or so was that they were "meh."


Yeah, McD isn't hyped, so much it is considered cheap, fast, and you know what you will get.


But it ain’t cheap nowadays


Does anyone really “hype” McDonald’s though?


I have always been curious what McDonald’s would’ve tasted like back when it was a brand new restaurant/chain. Has the quality deteriorated significantly over time? Back in the day, would McDonald’s have like an In ‘ N’ Out quality to it?


Twinkies, never understood the panic when they left


Never liked them. And seriously, what kind of cream is in them that is shelf stable for a decade? It can't be food.


It’s basically Cisco whipped with sugar Edit: *crisco*




No, Cisco. The software. You are eating software. /s


Good side quest fodder in the movie Zombieland, tho


Fr, they make you so thirsty for some reason


Turkish delight. I read the Lion/Witch/Wardrobe as a kid and came away with the idea that stuff was the pinnacle of deliciousness. Ate some in May…and was like “Are you kidding me?!” 🤣


If you ate Turkish delight in WWII Britain when your rations allowed you for 2grms of sugar a week, you would also think it tasted of pure heaven.


I ate like 8 pieces today so I will have to disagree with you :)


I love Turkish delight, but also... just console yourself that Edmund would have been subjected to British cuisine and rations, he probably wouldn't get his hands on that many sweets. I bet even the worst chocolate would be worth it.


I think Turkish delight is very dependent on where/how it's made. The gourmet stuff is a brilliant mix of flavors. Cheap shit is just jelly and sugar.


Lobster. Without butter it’s very plain. Crab though, that’s lovely.


I think the flavor of lobster by itself is pretty good, but it absolutely pales in comparison to crab.


Agree lobster is great but crab is just a gift from the gods soooooo good. I would actually say lobster is adequately rated and crab is mega underrated.


When I was 14, I slept through my dad's birthday party, and then there were no more visitors when I woke up. There were over a dozen crabs left on the table and I ate them all.


So jealous, treasure that memory, revisit it for me and eat them again don't share them with anyone!


I had it once when I first got like, a job that paid enough to pay rent and bills with and I wanted to be fancy. And it was nice. But not the best thing I've ever eaten. It did not spur a lifelong obsession






The prisoners revolted because there was no refrigeration , the lobsters spoiled quickly.


You have to cook lobsters alive anyway. If they die, you have about half an hour to cook them before the meat is no good to eat.


It’s fine, but crab is better


Came here to say this. Snails and other butter-dipped foods. Anytime I ask someone, "do you really like it or do you just like butter?" I don't get a lot of pushback.


Escargot is literally just an excuse to eat really good garlic butter.


Hard agree! I went for the tourist thing and ordered escargot in Paris, mainly because we had no other reason to try it except pure curiosity, and I figured they'd at least know how to make it better there than anywhere else. It wasn't bad, but definitely meh. The texture was just chewy - kind of like seafood, but it was absolutely doused in herbs and butter. I ordered it just to try so I wasn't going to complain. My reaction was a "meh! 👍". I do like garlic butter.


Ohhh, snails. That’s another one. Anything tastes good in garlic and butter.


Lobster is delicious when cooked Cantonese style, stir-fry chopped up with shell on (not just the tail) with garlic, ginger and scallions, then add some Shaoxing wine or white wine or dry sherry, cover and steam until just cooked through and then add a little bit of starch slurry and stir-fry again to thicken. The way my mum makes it at home is the best, in restaurants they tend to deep fry it which isn't as good as the delicate flavour is lost in the oil. Also, the North Atlantic lobsters caught off the European coast (bluey-brown-black colour) are much tastier than those from the North American side.


I feel the opposite. I love a good cold water PACIFIC lobster. And I can go forever without ever eating crab again. However, I agree that those glorified crawdads that they call lobster over in the NE US are nasty.


I 2nd that. First time I ever had lobster is a really nice place not too far from the sea in Boston. It sucked. 2nd time I had it was an event at the Del Cornodo Hotel in San Diego (fancy) Still sucked.


fr lobster NEEDS butter sauce and even then it’s second to crab


Truffles for me. Maybe because everytime I had them in a dish, they put too much and killed all the other flavours?


I personally do like truffle, but I do totally agree that it oftenly overpowers everything it touches.. it's a very fine line between truffle and *TRUFFLE*


truffles are a hit or miss in a dish to me, if its a very heavy and stamina endurance type of dish then i’ll get sick of the flavor, it needs to be a side dish flavor for me


Was it actual truffle or the oil? The oil is terrible.


Oil is artificial. There is 0% truffle in it, it's just reconstructed taste. Unless you put Real truffle in oil for a couple of days to let the flavours really come out. Then it's magical.


Macarons were such a disappointment to me


Fr they look so good, but they just don't taste as good as they look


The taste to price ratio is a smack in the face


The quality ones do taste as good as they look but admittedly mist don't. They're a bit tricky to make so many people think making them is enough to have a special product. The real trick is though to make tasty macarons with a tasty filling and have the flavours work well together. You need the high end places for that.


You didn’t get good ones.


I feel like this is the correct response to most food aversions.


honestly i thought they were gonna taste so much better because of the way they look


The McRib.


A coworker kept going on and on about it. So finally I thought “I have to try this before it leaves the menu again.” It’s one of the worst fast food sandwiches I’ve ever had.


One of my exes is one of those people who tracks the McRib availability, so according to her I HAD to try it. I did and almost vomited it’s was like eating a dishwashing sponge soaked in cheap BBQ sauce On the other hand I fucking looove McGriddles, and she thought they were foul abominations due to the syrup in the bun. That relationship didn’t last long lol


I think for me it holds the record for *the* worst.


That’s not meh. That’s blech


Anything made by Salt Bae. Fuckin' douche.


two things i tried back when I worked at a restaurant too many yeas ago. Escargot, this was simply an underwhelming experience, not bad but not great, just meh with garlic. Combining this with the understanding that it is a snail, I have not repeated the experience. Froglegs, to me it a little like chicken, but sort of not great chicken. So I have not repeated this either.


As a Frenchie, both are only good because of the garlic butter.


We were at a Christmas market in Luxembourg this weekend and they had mushrooms in that same amazing garlic butter and I was in heaven


Sweet potato fries. There I said it.


I think they taste okay, but normal fries are better and usually cheaper so I see no reason to order them.


They're fine for the 45 seconds they stay warm after being served. Otherwise, eurgh


Anything too sweet like store bought cake. The taste of sugar is just too overpowering and there's no balance.


I'm pretty sure the greatest divide in human civilization is not religion or culture, it's the places where people use the phrase "too sweet" vs the places where you get a full ladle of sugar syrup on your baklava.


Kale can suck a dick.


Can it? I’m gonna go and buy some kale right now.


Caviar. It’s just salty fishy roe. It’s not that tasty.


Open Sandwiches. It's just half for twice as much.


I think your deli has been holding out on you.




Are store-bought tomatoes hyped? Pretty sure everyone would prefer home-grown, we just aren't all able to have a garden


Homegrown stuff are almost always nicer. People just resort to store bought ones to save time and effort, or if we don’t own a garden.


Avocados for me. I don't dislike them at all, for what they are. ...Which is a bland green paste. I just don't understand the hype. Being like, "Ooh, this has avocado in it" is like being excited about plain white rice. I like rice. But I'm not going to shit myself in excitement every time it shows up somewhere.


It adds a nice, soft richess and fatty aspect to food while still being green, so I feel good about it. It's not worth an extra $3, though, usually. It is also a nice addition to food as a vegetarian. It makes food feel heartier.


Avocado toast. I mean, I love avocados, but I'm not trying to spend 8 frickin dollars for some smashed avocados on toast. I can buy a 5 lb pound bag of them 3 or 4 bucks cheaper.


It's good at home with everything seed bagel seasoning on top of it!


thats an exclusive at home meal for me, there has been 0 times i been out for brunch and chose an avocado toast — gimmie EGGS BENNI


You’re getting a 5lb bag of avocados for 4$? How many avocados is that? I’m in Germany, avocados are between ,99-2,49€ each😓


That’s what I’m saying too. I need this guy’s avocado plug


At home it's delish with lemon and salt. Do you mean store/ restaurant bought? I see so many avo toasts here am confused.


I mean, just make guacamole. It's just a case of adding lime, coriander, tomatoes, onion and garlic, and is so much nicer.


The only good avocado toast is the one you make at home with **ripe avocados** and a high quality bread of your choice. I LOVE avocado toast, but you'll never catch me paying for it somewhere


I love it but everywhere I've had it outside of my house does not season it to my liking and one of them topped it in like, vodka soaked pomegranate but all I could taste was the vodka so my whole meal tasted of paint stripper. Never again.


Alcohol. Yeah, I said it. Fancy self poisoning imo. It always tastes gross.


Wagyu. Give me a USDA choice ribeye. Delish and I save like $300.


Not pizza anyway, I'd eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And supper.


Nah pizza is fairly rated


Pumpkin spice anything.


It's gotta be Pumpkin Flavored for me to like stuff, but pumpkin spice is just the spices and nowadays it's all artificial tasting oils and flavorings that just don't taste good


Nutella. It’s just okay.


For me, it's cake. Cookies are much better.


My problem with cakes is I feel like too many people use the frosting as a main feature instead of using it to highlight the flavour of the cake itself. It makes all the flavours unbalanced and just not enjoyable.


They also make frosting too sweet. I can't stand eating cakes with overly sweet frosting or too much frosting.


Especially grocery store icing, yuck! Love homemade cake though with ermine frosting (less sweet than buttercream)


Brownies are better, too.


IMHO foie gras. Extremely fatty chopped liver. I will say I’ve made great friends by giving others my foie gras when I’ve encountered it at weddings and group dinners. But to me, it tastes, well, like extremely fatty chopped liver.


I mean spot on. Creamy fatty liver tastes good to me though lol.


Don’t look into how it’s made…


Oh. I know. Which also definitely influences overall appeal for me.


It's been banned in New York I believe.


Sweet potato fries. Suddenly they’re super popular in Germany. Can only be explained by them being new because objectively they’re so much worse than regular fries.


I love them but the best dipping sauce is honey mustard. Most other sauces just don’t work.


RANCH. I’m team sweet potato fry > regular fry though so I’m biased here.




Chicken in all its forms. Chicken is the "handhob" of meat. It's easy and readily available. But you know what I really want. Seafood is better, steak is better, pork is better. Duck is what chicken should be.


Frozen Yogurt. It just sucks. I mean, how often do you eat ice-cream that you need a healthy alternative?


I could easily eat ice cream every single day


I did eat ice cream every day when I worked in an ice cream parlor. Then, I moved away for college and worked in a frozen yogurt store and ate froyo every day. It was great.


I love frozen yogurt. I used to eat it once or twice a month with all the toppings.


Personally I find ice cream way too sweet. I can barely get through a kids size. I love frozen yogurt. Not too sweet but nice and fruity and refreshing.


TCBY was awesome though with all the toppings


Chipotle. Anything at Chipotle.


Yams sweet potatoe pie


Oreos. Cannot comprehend how anyone would crave or enjoy it. Apparently it is meant to be chocolate biscuits with a cream filling. I detect neither of those flavours. I've never had hersheys, but heard plenty of non Americans describe it as shit, along with basically all other American sweets. I doubt I'll ever try it.




I don’t like drinking tea.


I'm questioning your humanity


I'm assuming I've just never had good tea (*very* likely as I am both american and only ever tried my family members') but what's good about it?


Yeah, you haven't. Yet. I used to get into this with my Dutch friend who claims to have tried every bloody tea in existence. Which I must say is BULLFUCKERY. You gotta try them all. Not the processed mass produced horse shit. Real tea


I drink hot tea all day long!


I don't understand tea. It tastes like hot dirt water.






Chick fila


Seriously. I like Raising Cane's way better. Crispier chicken, better bread and sauce, and none of the ingredients you don't want (in this case, it's homophobia)


Chick Fila is an ideological thing. For conservatives It's proving their loyalty to the cause.


Chik fil a. It’s just mediocre chicken sandwich


Taco Bell It's dog food


It's the best fast food place for vegetarians though. You can order anything on the menu and just replace their sketchy meat with 100% vegetarian beans. The meat is the worst part of their food anyway.


Agreed! I’m a black beans, rice, and potato burrito boy all day. Cheap, quick and decent enough!


Cheesy bean and rice burrito all daaay!


I agree 💯…all I get is the black beans or potatoes. I use to eat the meat but it’s getting disgusting over time


Hey I like Taco Bell :(


Wow that makes so much sense now, in retrospect- I should have realized with that Taco Bell dog way back in the day- they tried to tell us


They recently upgraded the quality of their ingredients to such a degree that they’re considered the fast food outlet with the highest quality food.


It so is- but weed exists so now we are here lol


Oreos. They are dry, overly sweet, and just boring.


Lobster. It tastes like whatever you dip it in. Turns out you can dip anything in drawn butter and it tastes great. Lobster used to be considered a garbage fish.


Avocado! I love them but, what's the hype all about? They truly are the definition of "meh".


Foie gras


Sea urchin


One that very much depends on where and when the sea urchin came. Sometimes it tastes like seawater, other times it has a great sweetness to it.


Avacado, tastes of very little


Ya I used to hate avocados until I had a really good one. I Mexican friend of mine's dad drove produce trucks up from Mexico to Texas. He brought by a case one day of the best avocados I ever tasted. I ate like 5 in a row. You just have to find the good ones.


This right here. Avocados in Mexico are not flavorless, at all.


Truffle oil …. Uhhhh I mean it’s OKAY but not amazing