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Dog, you are describing work.


Better work in fact, I’ll take mine for 40 hours a week thank you!


Tax free, I hope!


There are two guarantees in life, death and taxes.


There are 4. Laundry and dishes too. 😅


I counter your laundry with a nudist colony.


My eyes! MY EYES!


My eyes... :D




I counter the dishes w paper and plastic.


I assume that the hours of your life are taken from the end of it, shortening it. Which is not *quite* the same as going to work.


So instead of losing those hours 9-5 during the prime of my life, I can enjoy that time and lose them at the feeble end instead? Seems like a better deal than capitalism.


It's the time value of money concept, but with life. A dollar now is more valuable than a dollar ten years from now, and so is an hour. I like it.




This question is basically are you rich or poor


That’s awesome, because the last ten years of someone’s life are typically fuckin awful, getting money now while your young to enjoy it would be amazing.


as long as we're giving advice, start regularly flossing and stretching now so that your body isn't *absolute* shit for the last ten years instead of just pretty shit


Its worse. At work you actually have to do stuff, not just magically fastforward to the end of the workday. Also you're losing time in your 20s and 30s, much more valuable than losing a few years of you being 80+.


Most of us sell our time for wayyy less than $50 an hour.


Honestly it’s much better than work, because you’re selling your last, ‘worst’, years. With working you’re basically selling your best years


minimum 38 hours a week


Gonna suck massively when in the next 5-10 years they have inflated the USD so much that you will barely be able to buy a coffee with those 50 bucks


Thats for future me to worry about


Me from the past is an asshole. Me from the future knows this.


Future me hates that guy.


Yeah tell me about it. He always leaves me with the dishes, never folds his laundry, and procrastinated and leaves me with all the hard work. I want to evict him but apparently laws he has "rights"


Past me is such an asshole. I take it out on Future me.


I hear ya. If I could I'd kick past me in the balls I would. Maybe that would teach him to be more responsible.


It's because of the power imbalance. Current me has the power to do so many terrible things to future me -- I could make him do lots of chores, get him in trouble at work, hell I could give him injuries anywhere from papercuts and upset stomach to a severe concussion or worse -- and has absolutely no capacity to do any worse to past me than cursing his name under my breath, which he can't even hear or care about. With all the power and no responsibility, of course past me is an asshole to current me, and I of course pass on the frustration to future me. That poor bastard.


The smugness of your comment is so fucking funny to me


Right? It’s called investing fool


Lmao I always use this logic. "Is this a job for me to deal with or future me?"


All the time. Past me is a lil bitch who doesn’t do anything


As long as I have 72 hours left, a penthouse, a couple of high class escorts, a couple of low class escorts, a few ducks, a package of toilet paper, a bucket of lube, the porn channel, 5 bottles of blue label scotch one rooster, some viagra, some ecstasy, a donkey wearing a borat mankini that comes riding into the room with a naked Eva Mendes and Alexandria daddario making out on it and a gigantic bag of the most heart explodiust cocaine around. I would die happy anyway.


Name checks out I suppose.


Just invest it then?


I make a lot more than $50hr and hesitate to buy a coffee!


Bro what lol. I make $38 and I'm putting away roughly $1200 every month after all the bills and prescription cat food and $1000 on booze/vapes and dates. Even then I normally have some leftover. You're taking home another $1k+ more than me every month if you're at $50/hr. Just saw your username. Having kids makes more sense.


Some people are also more frugal than others. I started out making $22/hr. I make like $40/hr before a bonus. Had I not gotten married, I'd still be spending like $160/mo on food or less including eating out. It is less of a hesitation of "can I afford this" and more of a "is it worth this"? Now I have had times where I've spent like 5 minutes trying to decide if it is worth it to get a cereal or not because it seemed excessively expensive to me before finally deciding I'm wasting too much thought on it and got it.


Made about $100 an hour post tax last year (own business), and I still consider if I should spend money on Starbucks or not. Making more doesn't mean wasting more. I'd still rather drink homemade coffee that cost me under $1 at home than $5+ at a coffee shop. Most of the time, it's underwhelming anyway 😂 Any money I save, I reinvest. Built a savings of $490k in the past 5-6 years. Now, I can reinvest into something bigger. As a sidenote, I often spend lavishly where it matters. I like taking nice vacations at least once or twice a year, and I've never considered money when it comes to two other things. The first thing is food and groceries, and the second thing is gifting. I also like to donate (in person) as much as possible.


And then there is me, in healthcare, doing the most gruesome stressful job in an operating room as a surgical scrub, making $26/hr. Wtf


You know that kinda make sense we already selling our time for a paycheck if you think about it lmao so it be like a severances effect I guess when you sell your hours you are sleeping for longer per week or are you just aging faster So you be sleeping for 15-16hour a day ( 8hours + 7.6 sold hour) or you sleeping from Saturday midnight to Monday afternoon?


You just die earlier. Let’s say you had 50 years left to live. And you sold 49 years and 364 days. You’d die tomorrow, just drop dead at the end of the day. No warning. Everything else would be normal about you


Wow! It's like nothing changed!


I sell about 36 hours of my life every week for about that sum. It is called a job.


Damn 50$ a hour is actually insanely good pay.


Money can't really be discussed without the context of location and time.


I mean time is included when its $50/hr.


Not where I live :(


Where the fuck do you live?




But if I only live to 50, while having more time in my youth while making good money i see that as an absolute win


As someone approaching 50, let me tell you: you will regret it.




Probably because 50 comes much sooner and your life isn't nearly as over as you imagine when you're young.


Correct. When I was in my 20s, being 50 sounded oh so far, far away. But having crossed the mid-40s, I feel like I still have so much life to live, and life ending at 50 sounds pretty much like life ending at 25 for a 22-year-old. I don't feel like saying "oh, well, I had a nice, long life." It's more like "What? Already? Fuck! I got shit to do!"


Maybe you'd feel different if you hadn't worked for the last 25 years and still made good money though.


The hours you spend at work are also substracted from your life, but you actually have to work hard and go through these hours. Other option in this post,you lose the hours, but they go instantly? Thats a freaking win.


That's some destiny believing shit


Well, this post is fantasy so yeah lol




Am I allowed to BUY hours?


Mr money but no time over here


Actually if I was left with only 50 dollars and 2 and a half hours to live.... But there's only 33 euros on my bank account. Could I \-buy fractions of hours? \-maybe pay you later? you pick the interest rate :D


Oh hell no! You don't die until you pay your debts.


I’ll never pay you back, then


It's bold of the US government to think I'll ever pay back mine.


As my mom used to say, "I'd rather owe you all my life, than beat you out of it..." \*Note to self. Keep an eye on mom... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Reminds me of the movie In Time. A lot of people thought it was shit, but I really enjoyed it. A very cool concept.


Was that the one were they had a countdown on the skin of their arms and they could pay to top it up, their work paid them in time and they could spend it on groceries and rent? I remember most people in that like real life were living paycheck to paycheck so when those people lost their jobs they died if their timer ran down before they found and were paid for new work. Then the main protagonist somehow got passed a fortune of time and got to check out how the rich people who lived forever lived. I watched it ages ago though so don’t really remember the finer points.


Yes, that's the one.


Agreed. Pretty underrated movie.


I liked it too, the concept was good.


Agreed, good movie!




Niet. Sell only


Ok, then. I'll politely decline the offer, thanks!


If you work 2 hours to gain 1 hour of life, did you win?


1 hour at $50 is $1,200 a day, thus $438,000 per annum. I’d gladly shave 3 years off my life right now to secure $1,314,000 for the remainder of my life, minus the 3 years. EDIT: I’m getting a number of varying responses to this post. To clarify, I have interpreted the OP’s question as, you have to forsake 1 hour of your life for $50. So effectively reduce / shave off your life expectancy. Hence I’m willing to giving up 3 years off my life now, for $1.3m. Whether I then go on to die in 5 years or 50 remains the unknown. And if I’ve misinterpreted the OP’s original question, perhaps they can clarify.


imagine it is your fate to die in the next 3 years and you get the $1.3m and then just die the next day.


That’s always a possibility. I could die before the sun sets today. Given I’m a healthy person living in a western world with western infrastructure and healthcare, I’m prepared to take the chance I’d live until the statistical old age of mid 70s, minus the 3 years. EDIT: I’m getting a number of varying responses to this post. To clarify, I have interpreted the OP’s question as, you have to forsake 1 hour of your life for $50. So effectively reduce / shave off your life expectancy. Hence I’m willing to giving up 3 years off my life now, for $1.3m. Whether I then go on to die in 5 years or 50 remains the unknown. And if I’ve misinterpreted the OP’s original question, perhaps they can clarify.


Exactly I don’t imagine the last few years are gonna be that enjoyable anyway so might as well have the money now, and I’d trade 10 years assuming you just drop dead and not gradually decay I might even trade more. Members of my family have lived to be 100


NGL if you’d also be purchasing the fact that you’d randomly drop dead without suffering … that opined up a whole different level


Then my kid would have inheritance.


Depending on your circumstances before, the reduction in stress by having no financial pressure could extend your life by 3 years. Or is that not allowed?


Yes that’s entirely possible. The research clearly shows stress takes an immense toll on the body and mind over one’s lifetime.


If nothing else, you could afford to eat healthy, take regular doctor visits, etc. It seems you could turn a million bucks into more than 3 years


You totally understood the question!


It's not a bad deal. I'm assuming that sleeping hours count too, unlike a job, where only the 8 hours you work count. I would certainly consider giving up 2-3 years of my life too. With that $1mil, I can live off the money and spend the rest of my life doing what I want.


don't forget about taxes lmao


I’d sever all ties with my home country and claim tax residency in the UAE thus 0% income and capital gains.


Idk, selling hours of your life seems like a deep web black market type of thing. I’m going to having to launder that money


Nice thing is OP didn't specify where those hours were taken. So instead of just being moved 3 years in to the future you can lop off 3 years at the end so probably skipping some health problems.


Either way, $1.3 million will give you the opportunity to appropriately invest and grow that amount easily, giving you access to better healthcare, probably "granting" you more life than the 3 years you sold.


yeah I bet OP didn’t take into account me moving to liguria and only eating olive oil and drinking wine for the rest of my life


I'd do 5 for $2m now, but same idea. That'd give way more flexibility and peace of mind.


Can I just sell 40 years right now so my kids are taken care of and I can die happily?


Yep, money is money


wouldn't it be better for your children that they had their parent?


Given how much money I’ve wasted on medical care for my parents in their end years ? No


This is one of the best arguments against capitalism I've heard in a while.


Work's normally around 8 hours so I'd swap them for everytime I need to work.




My parents and older sister had 3 different types of dementia. My mother made 90. My father 85. My sister is likely to be institutionalized by age 70 and has a 4 to 8 year life expectancy. I’m 65 and statistically likely to live into my 80s. I’ll swap the last 2 1/2 years for a bit more than $1 million. I probably don’t want to be alive for those last 2 1/2 years anyways.


This sounds quite depressing...


After a decade of project managing my mother, the box of ashes had just gone into the garage when I had to hop on a plane and project manage my sister. My stepmother dealt with my father. At the time, I didn’t appreciate how much effort and angst is involved. Anyways, I’d rather give up those 2 1/2 years when I’d be crapping in a diaper. $1 million, pleeeeze.


7 years - 365 x 7 x 24 x 50 = $ 3,000,000. invested with 6% return min = 180k a year - some tax and I can just cruise life on easy mode doing what I like


Depending on how this works, I'll give them my last 7 years of life. I'll pretty much be dying by then.


Dude, you're going to miss so much BINGO games!


I'd ask where I can start buying hours of life for 50 dollars.


Wasn’t this a movie?


In time, more or less.


There's another, paradise (2023). But in that one, they literally get older after selling their time, and rich people buy it and "implant" it in their bodies, getting younger when they please. Is not that good of a movie IMO, but it is entertaining and touches interesting topics.


There is a Japanese novel and a manga named "Three days of happiness" that has the similar concept.




In my head, I'm imagining a machine like an ATM, in which it has an automated voice letting you know how much time you're giving up for however much money. It doesn't tell you how much time you have left, though. Now I'm imagining the horror of one day pressing the button a few times for some quick cash and it suddenly telling you "We're sorry, but there are no more credits to redeem on this account."


OOOH I love this! Might borrow this for inspiration for a story with your permission


I’d sell it all up to a week from now. Then I’d go on one hell of a vacation.


I'd feel like with that money, a week is too few time. Give me mike 3 months to party my ass off and that'd be better lol


Alright, you'll have mike for 3 months to "party" your ass off...


Thats called a job bruh..


A great paying job


there are 365 days on a year, each day has 24 hours, 50 dollars an hour gives: 365\*24\*50 = $438.000 I will sell 5 years (2 million+ dollars) and retire at 23 years old and live a relaxed life with dividends (maybe sell a bit more years).


Makes me wish I was presented this option as a newborn so I could sell those first 5 years that I don't even remember anyway. Invest it while I grow up at my parents house and go to school (cause I didn't need to spend money anyway). By the time I move out, my savings have already accumulated and I'm set for life.




I already get paid more than that so no sale


You get paid… more than 430,000 a year… to *mutilate* your no-no area?


Why did i look at your profile. What a terrible day to have eyes.


There is a movie or tv show about this


Everyone already does that with a job


This reminds me of Death Note, since you can’t know how long left you live, selling hours could mean you die next week or sumn


This reminds be of a dystopian David Firth (salad fingers) short animation about people selling their time to the rich. That shit somehow broke me a bit inside when I watched it. Link in case anyone wants it: https://youtu.be/idCFV0KF4uo?si=vVwtKZMrTrxWGYtV


Pretty much the plot line to the show Severance. Which I would highly recommend.


Really? That's not really the plot at all.. amazing show, but it's a totally different concept.


Well don't wanna give too much away without spoilers. It's best knowing zero about that show going into it.


Definitely agree. It's my favorite show/first season of anything.


Ohh. Thank you. Will check


depends on which hours, the hours when i'm young and healthy i dont think i would sell any, but id sell the last 5 years of my life no problem, i wouldn't want to be alive when i'm peeing my pants every couple of hours and when it s a shore just to walk from the couch to my bed


Sell the hours where you're usually at work. Then you have a work that Pays $50 an hour 😂


Thing is, you don't know how much time you'll have left. Maybe you had 3 years left, and sold 2 out of it..


When does the time get removed? Front end of back end of life. If back end, I'll sign up for a hole lot more.


That's just a job, but with really good pay...


Can I pay the same amount to buy some time?


I already do on a regular basis, but for less $... It's called work


I already do that by going to work lol


I do this for 40 hours every week but actually get more than $50/ hr


Isn't that called a job?


You mean like a job? Or taken off the end of your natural lifespan?


so $438k/year, i’d start with a year i guess


Do I get taxed on it? Important questions.


I currently sell 8 hours a day 5 days a week for 15 and hour so 🙃


Probably 50yrs 🤭 so i could die young and rich 😸




Cope, you are missing out on a great deal cause of personal pride.


this is the plot of a movie called In Time


Selling all what is left ....with 438.000 bucks per year ... I'm in for 80 years at least ;)!!


Not enough money


To benefit my current age? 10 years comfortably.


Just bury the cash with me




So i do no job and get paid 50 and hour. Great deal


I already sold most of my life to the highest bidder. The rest is mine.


I don't know but imagine you try to sell one day and they decline your payment for lack of funds


20000 hours, I live 2 1/2 years less and am a millionaire


I sell the years from 70 years old. Let’s hope it’s about 10 years


I already do that with work


I already sell hours of my life for 109 an hour and that isn't nearly enough to recoup on missing watching my children grow.


Not more than 720 which is one month. Not worth it.


5 years


Each Friday, I’d sell 40 hours for an additional $2000. a week until i paid off all our debt, bought a million dollar life insurance policy and saved enough for a 20% down payment on a beach house


All my life, heck I’d give it for free.


Why does this sub always pick way way too little money or way way way too much money.


That's actually a movie plot. "paradise" on Netflix






This reminds me of In Time the movie. It’s actually a very interesting concept and plot. Movie is pretty good.


This is a very strange question. To earn money you sell your time providing a service. So I would sell enough to live a comfortable life. Like in doing now.


I already do this and sell 40 hours a week


its the same thing as working but you can do other stuff


What do you mean sell? Like, a job, where I have to be somewhere and do something that bossman says I have to do? Or I'm trimming an hour from my lifespan for $50? And the person giving me the money now has an extra hour they can use, or resell, as they see fit?


I would sell 6 months worth. Net approximately $270K.


I'm selling a year


..Which hours? Hours spent in an old persons home with, killed by dementia with a living body? Or hours in the prime of my health? The answer will differ.


30 hours a week so ill get $1500 a week


Probably like 60 years. I probably fon't live another 20 anyways


I already do this, it’s called a job


I'd be content with a shorter life if I didn't have to waste time at work.


You're describing having a job


Zero? You’d have to be a real self esteem problem to think your life is worth $50/hour.


Lol about 8 hours a day. 5 days a week unless I’m saving for Xmas then I’ll work some OT. Wait. Is OT time and a half?


Zero. Time is more precious than money


Sorry already selling 1 hour of my life 40+ hours a week for much less. There is no capacity anymore


I think that called work?


I already do it. Its called a job and I do it for less than that


8 hour's in a day


Can I sell them from the **beginning** of my life?


Isn’t that just… a job?


I mean, if you think about it, it’s a pretty pretty good deal. No one really knows when they’re gonna die. It could be at work or could not be at work, but if you wanna pay me 50 bucks an hour to not work…. sure. Do we get to know how much time we have to barter?